Sunday, October 25, 2015


Most of you that have been reading the blog for a while know the story of my nephew Andrew. Andrew lives with Cerebral Palsy and doesn't let it hold him back. Several years ago he took up adaptive skiing. You can check out his website here  Over the years he has progressed very well and is attempting to ski in the Paralympics in Alpine skiing.

Competing is not inexpensive. Andrew needs to travel throughout the US and Canada to competing ski events and for training. My sister Sheryl, Andrews mother ,is a tireless fundraiser to help accomplish his goal. She has organized everything from Spaghetti suppers to Motorcycle runs to keep the money coming in for airline tickets, ski equipment and everything else needed to get Andrew to the Paralympics.

People have been very generous as well as helpful with Andrew's quest.

Last weekend that changed a little bit. My sister paints pumpkins at a local farm during Halloween season. As a fundraiser she has put out a jar and people can leave donations for Andrew. Customers also leave donations for special requests and additional decorations on their painted pumpkins.

Last weekend someone stole the money from the jar. It was probably only about a $100.00 or so, but the jug is clearly marked as donations for a young man with Cerebral Palsy. How low can someone go to have to steal from an effort like that?
Andrew currently attends college in Utah, which puts him at some great mountains for training


  1. Kevin, It only takes one person to make one very cynical. The lost by on person to always keep doors locked. There is always that one person just waiting for that one chance to take something from you. My defenses are high now and I don't take anything for granted.

  2. It is a sad commentary on people, but the good in some always wins out, and several people have contacted me to help Andrew with his quest. Thank you all
