Friday, October 9, 2015






(October 9, 2015) Today, Councilman Ken Kennedy has withdrawn the Resolution to develop Dillon stadium.


"While I continue to believe in this project, it's become clear that this proposal with these developers is not in the best interest of the City and its residents. As we continue to dig deeper, we find more issues that cause great concern. Accordingly, I am withdrawing this resolution from Planning & Zoning and Public Hearing. I believe this is the right project and concept for Dillon Stadium but currently not the right team to move it forward.  I know this parcel of land is destined to be a great public space and an asset to the City of Hartford."


MAYOR SEGARRA statement on dillon stadium




(October 9, 2015) Today, Mayor Segarra issued the following statement regarding the current proposal to develop Dillon Stadium:


"I am angered and disappointed to learn that during the course of the City's due diligence for the Dillon Stadium project, disturbing issues and questions have surfaced regarding the project's investors. We are reviewing every payment made to the developer, Premier Sports Management Group, to ensure accurate accounting. They have agreed to work with the City of Hartford to reconcile any issues, if necessary. The Hartford Police Department, Hartford's Corporation Counsel, and the City Council attorney are coordinating efforts to make sure the City's interests are protected."


The big  question for many though is how did Kennedy's deal ever make it this far in the first place? How can community people recognize the letter of credit as a questionable document and Kennedy never did? Where were Tom Deller and the Corporation Counsel in protecting the City's interests and verify information before pushing forward? Who should have been verifying the work being billed before writing checks in excess of a million? And why was Councilman Kennedy so adamant about not being willing to release copies of the letter of credit and related documents when requested by Councilman Deutsch and others?


  1. According to Thomas Deller, "Hartford appears to have been overbilled by Premier Sports Management Group... for the redevelopment of Dillon Stadium.

    Deller would not say how much was "overbilled", but said it appeared to be a "Large number."

    This is unbelievable. Deller, you started suffering from sinile dementia. Get out of Hartford already, you caused enough damage here already.

  2. The fire in his bellyOctober 9, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    I guess the real question is -what ties to Duckett does Kennedy have? Why was Kennedy so adamant about pushing a deal with Duckett through? And especially: What type of post-council job was Kennedy trying to line up with this stadium deal.

    I didn't think it was possible, but this disaster of a stadium deal actually make the Yard Goats think look not so bad. Lol.

  3. Deller, Deller the Seller is the one who rushed theis deal, approved payments, as much as KK did.

  4. 6:01PM, any way you look at the Yard Goats /Yard Rats deal, it's a miserable deal. The cost? $56 millions the city doesn't have.
    The truth is that the $56 millions is more like $6 million short, not to mention $4 over budget at this time.
    Obviously, the stupidity presented for the handling of the Dillon stadium is beyond my wildest imagination.

  5. And what was Pedro Maria Peter Caviar Segarra comment on this gigantic mess?
    "I am angered and disappointed."
    You better be, stupid jerk.

  6. The digging Kennedy is talking about should have been completed BEFORE the city signed ANY agreement, BEFORE issuing ANY payment.
    Where was Segarra? Where was Corp. Counsel? Who was at the wheel, if anyone?

  7. Once again, the Bermuda Triangle of Idiots, Deller-Seggarra-Kennedy, doing great by showing us their stupidity. This is nothing less than a drama-comedy, only problem is we, the taxpayers of Hartford, losing again millions of dollars.

  8. Segarra El Capitan is either on drugs or totally drunk. Someone must wake him up, his ship is sinking.

  9. @8:26 Your remark is on target as the "Bermuda Triangle of Idiots."

    Can we withdraw our votes from 4 years ago and disqualify Kennedy and Maria?

  10. Credt where Credit is DueOctober 9, 2015 at 9:59 PM

    It looks like Jenna Carlesso from the Courant can read your blog . No credit to you for breaking the criminal investigation portion of the Soccer deal even though you posted it 24 hours before she could confirm your info. Good job Jenna.No wonder they are getting rid of more useless reporters, hopefully Jenna is on the list to go

  11. @8:26pm and @9:56pm
    It's unfair to insult the good people of Bermuda with idiots such as Deller, Segarra, Kennedy.
    Why not just call them "The Hartford Triangle of Idiots." After all it's a triangle, they're located in Hartford and all 3 are idiots.

  12. There's no need for investigation. The City was not "overbilled" by "significant amounts", these were only "clerical errors" costing us, the taxpayers, millions of dollars. You know, Thomas Deller and his lieutenants are so incompetent, we should have expected this to happen.

  13. @10:24

    I think we should be a little more circumspect when comparing these three to idiots. You really are casting an unfair light on the mentally challenged when this group is obviously more closely akin to the reptile class of animals. And I know, you will say, "how dare you castigate reptiles in this manner."

    The better description would be to consider their origins from an amebic single-cell creature developed in a diseased petri dish.

  14. Please! Thom (The buck stops here) Deller is trying to lay the blame off on some anonymous member or members of his staff who "made a mistake". What do you want to bet some poor schmuck will have to fall on his sword to take suspicion off of the boss? Keep trying, Deller. You know damn well that you--and others at City Hall--were involved in this debacle up to your ears. You can backpedal furiously in an attempt to save your sorry ass, but there's so much more that will be revealed about this scheme which will effectively destroy what little credibility you have left.

  15. @4:26pm Deller still has ANY credibility left? How? Where?
    He was worthless since he left Providence. Send this schmuck back to RI. Anywhere in RI.

  16. Give Deller the Seller the "credit" he deserve: telling the media that he and Segarra are great negotiators when the ballpark's "done deal" was announced last year.
    With "great negotiators" like this, the Solomon family is getting richer and richer and Hartford is getting closer and closer to bankruptcy.

  17. @4:26. Deller sounds as though f he recognizes the mistake and will take responsibility for it. Regardless, he is out no matter what happens. He's gone. Kaputz.

  18. Of course Deller has to take responsibility. Who else? How many more mistakes did he not take any responsibility for? Now, who's going to reimburse the tax payers for all his mistakes? How many millions of dollars did Deller's mistakes cost Hartford?

  19. @8:26: You are asking the question. So how many millions? How many mistakes? Don't just say it unless you are prepared to answer your rhetorical question. I am serious I want to know.

  20. Tom Deller for COO !!!

  21. Kevin, Who is this guy Hartford I keep hearing about,,,,"Hartford was overbilled",,,,Does Mr Deller represent this Mr Hartford??? So if I understand this right ,everytime one of these idiots like Kennedy or Deller F#%K UP ,THEY BLAME IT ON "HARTFORD" ????

  22. Kennedy and Deller and also Pedro Maria are all perfect. They don"t make no mistakes. Only Hartford resident make mistakes that cost us million and tons of embarrassments.

  23. @6:40 That's not very funny. You can do better than that.
