Thursday, November 5, 2015


I am still shaking my head after reading this "so called" investigation and the conclusions Chief Huertas came to in handing out suspensions..

 The investigation by Acting Assistant Chief  Scott Brady should turn some heads as this proceeds most likely to the Labor Board and possibly Superior Court.  I guess there is a reason we leave investigations to trained investigators who know what they are doing and actually  know how to write a report.

By just about every account detailed, Lt. Michael Patterson was the aggressor. Even by his own admission , he started the incident, jumped out of his apparatus and approached Captain Dalton and used harsh words. Patterson also admits that two other firefighters had to "step in between us".

Another firefighter, Domingo Delgado details his observations claiming that Patterson "charged out of the Ladder 4 towards the Captain in an aggressive manner yelling obscenities" Delgado goes on to say "crew members from ladder 4 attempted to physically  restrain Lt. Patterson, who broke from their grasp". FF Delgado claims he "ran up to Captain Dalton and asked "Please ignore him (Patterson) and walk away".

Patterson was clearly the aggressor, yet Huertas only gave him a 2 week suspension but chose to give Dalton 89 days off. The 89 days is important, because after 90 days, Dalton would lose his health benefit coverage..

Keep the checkbook open, I have a feeling we will be paying on this one


  1. What a joke, I cant wait to see Huertas's kangaroo court decision get before a real Superior Court Judge. Where is their Union on this travesty? Still under Charlie's desk? Dalton may not be an angel, but at least let's be fair

  2. I hope Luke Bronin reads this posting. It should give him a clear picture of the type of leadership that is running the HFD.

  3. In any inter racial dispute you can bet your life that Charlie will always side against the whiter of the two regardless of who initiated the violence. Charlie does this automatically to show his boss the mayor and progressive council members how good he is at diversity(i.e.anti-white). Funny thing is Charlie, there's a new sheriff in town and I hope Mr. Bronin's people read this. This anti-white bias has been going on for years with Charlie.

  4. May I give you some advice Tom?
    Start shopping for your beach house! Get one next to Dan Nolan maybe? You could rename the area Huertas Point, since both properties are courtesy of the City of Hartford due to Charlie being an idiot.
    I know you enjoy the Cape, maybe a nice cottage out there instead?
    Either way, hang tight my friend, you will be victorious.
    Maybe go after the Phoenix Society too, nice new boat will look good in front of your summer home!

  5. Here we go again. The intra fire department squabble continues.


  7. I don't understand why Dalton's suspension was 6 times the length of Patterson's. Having read all the fire services, it is clear that Patterson was the aggressor. I know that they are trying to say that Dalton lied regarding physical contact but even that is murky. Patterson admitted to pointing at Dalton. It is possible that contact was made and the other firefighters didn't see it because they were focused on separating them. Dalton's suspension was excessive. This matter is just going to be another cloud over the HFD.

  8. Monday morning quarter backs. The matter was investigated and a decision was made. Both were wrong. Bottom line if the assault can't be confirmed then it can't be proven and it would lead a reasonable person to suspect that the victim lied. That will come out in the court as well. Both have a right to object to the suspensions. Both seasoned firefighters should have known better. Lets wait and see what the courts decide. My guess the charges will be dropped against Patterson and then Patterson can sue Dalton personally. Stop the bickering and get back to what you are paid to do.

  9. @11:09AM- My guess is that the charges for breach of peace against Patterson will not be dropped. The case against him for that looks pretty solid. I think that Dalton will prevail on his grievance for the 89 day suspension. It was quite excessive since Patterson only got 2 weeks and he was clearly the aggressor.
