Thursday, November 12, 2015


If the situation was so bad, why are we just hearing about it now? Did Patterson ever report any of this before his arrest? Interview from You Tube posting


  1. Patterson is complaining about what happened 17 years ago.
    Seventeen years ago. Is he kidding or he is just stupid?

    1. He is really, really, really stupid.

  2. The race card. The race card again and again.

  3. probably more a defense mechanism on his part to deflect attention from his criminal acts by bringing up issues that appear to never have been reported and would be almost impossible to validate now

  4. Patterson is very well spoken. A class act.

    1. A class act? Are you kidding me? More like a class clown or class 1 idiot.

    2. @11:23PM:
      Well spoken or a "well" manipulator?

    3. Mike is a cool dude smooth an debonair that's why he's hated on by the Klan but the truth will all come out eventually

  5. Remember: it's the incident a couple of weeks ago. According toPatterson IT ALL STARTED SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.
    Yeah right.

  6. I agree, "Once Upon A Time," that is 17 years ago. No kidding Patterson.

  7. Sounds like the attack could have been premeditated in that alleged issues have such a long history. Any person might plan several different ways to deal with the issue, including a violent response to what he perceives as a long term threat to his safety or reputation. Mike, by his own admission, had years to figure out his possible responses to those on the job who would question his status. This time Mike chose to initiate a violent attack. He is lucky Huertas is "anti white".

    1. Can you please define what Anti White means I'm from The phillipnes an not familiar with that term?!

  8. Isn't that the way most fairy tails start "once upon a time "?

  9. doesn't look like Lt. Mike knows the difference between Sisson Av and Franklin Av. unless he's on medication or something

  10. Look up reverse racism

  11. I think there will be a lot of truth coming out about HFD very soon

  12. I don't think he knows the difference between responsible adult behavior or street thug behavior also

  13. Lone Wolf, must be on drugs. Patterson has the brains of an empty beer can and he looks like a black Grimis. In fact the only difference between Patterson and the actual Grimis is that Patterson isn't qualified or competent enough to work at McDonald's.

  14. Yea Kevin its everyday again...HFD in the news. This is getting exhausting. I'm going to take a couple of tricks off and come back when the OT rolls around.

  15. I hope the truth that comes out is the uncensored truth, Kevin. It is long overdue.

  16. Hey 12:16 pm,,,your lucky former chief Billy Smith and ff Vinny Graves don't live in the Philippines ! Cause if they did, you would find out real quick the definition of Anti Philippine !!

  17. Welcome to the City of Hartford, where every action and reaction is based on race.

  18. It looks like the Bell family has now turned on Huertas. What happened there?

  19. KEVIN,,,WHY IS WALLER "NOT" BEING SUED ??????????????

  20. 11:43pm What happened, they're all looking for the free, easy money through lawsuits, then settlements. Look beyond the Bell family lawsuit, look beyond the Waller lawsuit, try to get how many lawsuits filed by FF in the past few years.

  21. I will tell you why the Bell family turned on Huertas. Its called money. The Bells see the biggest payday ever for their entrenched North End family. In fact wasn't it money in the first place that brought Kevin to the HFD. Face it, the guy was well over forty, mentally slow, and had no aptitude for the job. Hey, I liked the guy, but lets not pretend he deserved to be on the job. Kevin Bell is almost exactly like most of the other political appointments to the HFD, substandard and entitled. For those of you who don't don't actually have to be part of the recruiting process to get a job on the HFD. If you are ambulatory and have all your limbs any Hartford politician can insert you into an HFD training class. Jobs on the HFD are used for political patronage all the time.

    1. Why aren't any of you mentioning Lt.John Moree ( white guy, out of towner who moved to hartford just to get hired)??? Might be able to retain some reading material but doesn't apply it in the field. " 2 in 2 out " who doesn't know that coming out of academy? Moree calls a mayday which went unanswered, bails out, doesn't stop when he reaches the exterior of the structure to ensure Bell is with him, continues to the fire truck to swap out his bottle and still doesn't bother to confirm if Bell is with him after having called a MAYDAY minutes before, but knew exactly where to find Bell when asked by the R.I.T. after he was asked for PAR... However he still hasn't been disciplined for failing to perform his BASIC duties as an officer???? D/C jimmy mac was suspended for not performing his duties at another incident as he should, why hasn't Moree? Yet everyone wants to speak of racism and minorities get away with murder.... REALLY??? Seems as if the one who got away with murder is far from being a MINORITY. . .

    2. You make very valid points about Moree, the HFD Board of Inquiry was a sham. They had nothing in the report about Moree's actions or lack there of. I know Huertas told the board to stand down but they put out a watered down report anyways. The Bell family should include each member of the Board of Inquiry in their suit for failure to address an officers fatal actions that contributed to Bell's death.

  22. Episode # 103 of the Payton Place Fire Department of Hartford where principals gossip about each other an occasionally take a punch at each other. Only adequate leadership which has been lacking for a very long time can cure the spreading disease.

    Time to start with the top clown. I saw him close-up at the Centennial of city hall and it was hard to believe that he was promoted top dog. He is truly a clown. But that's Hartford.

  23. Hartford Fire Department has a wide spread drug and alcohol abuse problem. When this is addressed, which it will be, they will lose a quarter to half of the department. They're all druggies and drunks.

  24. @1:04PM- What about WALLER? He was the senior officer on the scene. Exactly what was the purpose of him being there other than to collect his overtime?

  25. I hate to say it, but Huertas and Waller were the absolute worst leadership that the HFD has ever seen. Having those two buffoons put in leadership roles is in fact the quintessential Pedro Segarra downfall. He chose to surround himself with too many zeros (see Jalmar). Let's face it, Huertas and Waller were political promotees. Forget about race for a second because HFD has a lot of white losers too (see Vinny). The lessons learned here should be political promotees and hires never work long term. These types of moves get votes but ultimately drive the entire department downward. We need to Promote and hire based in aptitude and ability, not politics and race. People die when you politically tinker with and compromise our city's public safety (Councilmen Kenedy and Wooden know this all to well)

    But don't assume Bronin won't promote based on political promise. The good money, and all the rumors, are that Bronin made promises to fill his department head positions with people of color to appease his diverse voting base. Careful Luke, HFD needs a great leader, regardless of color.

    HFDs greatest challenges lie ahead- Racial divide, alcohol and drug abuse, poor discipline and work ethic to name a few. The department has been mired in political hires way too long. HFD needs a great leadership team of any colors.

  26. I hope Bronin does not shove that fake fireman Reggie Freeman up our butts. I heard the guy was in town last week. He came and left fast under mysterious circumstances both ways. He is a step back in the wrong direction. Luke, let me make this an easy one for you. There is a world class fire department a couple of hours drive from here called the FDNY. Hire a few excellent retired chiefs from there if your are really serious about restoring the HFD.

  27. 7:47pm is right, make some phone calls to retired, talented, experienced NYFD Commissioners. One of them will do a great job in Hartford.

  28. I have an even better idea......get rid of all you little crying fire mice and make it a volunteer fire department. The city would save huge huge money and let's face it, most of the stuff that burns in the city should burn anyways.

  29. 11;12AM your ignorance is overwhelming. Are you aware of the number of calls for service HFD answers every year? What HFD needs is proper management, which they haven't seen in many, many years. The tradition of a once proud Department can probably be returned quickly with the proper command staff and leadership

  30. It doesnt matter if you hire a 5 star General to run HFD. Nothing will change until somebody takes the Union to Court (Labor Board) and challenges and eliminates those self serving antiquated rules that makes it almost imposible to administer discipline, conduct real surprise drug test, and properly handle problematic employees.

  31. You ask for a surprise drug test? Be careful what you wish for. If this happens, 3/4 of HFD - or more - will have to be removed. The union knows that.

  32. Proud Phoenix said:

    That's a good idea, a five star general, someone like that could really straighten things out. It is my opinion that we should look at Patton. He was great with the brothers in Nam. He did slap that one white boy during the Inchon invasion, but who is perfect. Bring Patton out of retirement!!! George.. the HFD needs you!

  33. I have an idea to save the Hartford Fire Department. Make Tom Deller fire chief. That autta do it.

    1. How about Tom Deller as Chief of........ Anything, but in Providence, RI

  34. HFD has so many problems, gigantic problems, even a 5-star General wouldn't he able to save it.
    But it could be a good start.

  35. Kevin, how come human resources get a free pass in the Hartford fire dept's demise? They're hands have been dirty for decades in relation to hiring(I.e. political contacts),promoting(i.e. scores being manipulated),discipline or lack of (i.e. recent work place violence incident). I'm assuming they affect every dept. Since troubles start there ,maybe bronin should too when "cleaning house"

  36. Listen closely fire mice. I hope you all went to staples or office max while on duty to start those resumes. Once mayor bronin takes over it will be over for a good amount of you. Then he will bring back Chief Terry to head the ship for years to come. Yes, it will be smug on all your faces but in reality you all want to be commanded by a real man. That man is Terry. Charlie will be gone by xmas.
    Vinny is next on the list. No more union. Drug tests for all. Terry will lay the smack down on nolan or anyone who makes a peep.
    No more cooking ribs and steaks on sunday, instead of equipment and training.
    The circus is over ! Done! Finale!

  37. Tic tac toe Terry you are sick, get youself a psychological evaluation, you're a real mental case.
    Are you the one on drugs, you and your SKB?

  38. You want to restore order?? Put Nolan and Shapiro as heads of the HFD. In any order u want to appoint them and vote that loser Fusco out as union leader.

  39. Vinni is a two bit zero.. Yet he sprinkles his magic pixie dust on all of you around election time. I see we vote him out.

  40. Here we go again. The gossipy Payton Place Fire Department whispering behind everyone's back. Be a man and reveal yourself instead of being a coward(s) - the lot of you.

  41. Vinni is not a zero , he sits back every week collecting more than a District Chief, figure the numbers some day.
    Any clothig, tools, PPE you get have to be approved by him. Do you think any of the sales reps take him to lunch maybe more.
    Dr. Schiffty is the sole EAP cause vinni says so
    What's that worth to Old Shiffty?

  42. Anonymous 11/18/15 @ 10:59PM You first.

  43. Dalton would be an amazing chief! He can read and do math.

  44. Hey Guys....

    I have a good idea...Lets take a vote...FREEMAN VS DALTON for chief of department

    1 vote for the actual fireman. DALTON FOR CHIEF

  45. Hey Guys....

    I have a better idea...Lets being back Terry Waller for chief of department. With SKB.

  46. Bring Terry back. Yes, that little rat.

  47. Hey- Why not just make Patterson chief?

  48. Terry W. and Patterson would be great as Chief and the ass of the Chief

  49. Dalton is a very angry man, was he an alter boy as a child?

  50. @3:45pm If Terry becomes HFD Chief, this blog will crash with thousands of comments.

  51. Chief Terry Waller. Why not? Any objections?

  52. Because Patterson was always a bad fireman.
