Saturday, November 7, 2015


We covered a variety of topics on the radio today, so take a listen and let me know what you think. Just click on the play button below to hear the audio.


  1. Nice try promoting your boy Dan Nolan Kevin but Bronin will never make him chief. Nolan brought down Bob Dobson, the racist Billy Smith, exposed Charlie Teale for being a lying coward and was the reason SKB wasn't allowed to get her boy-toy Terry Waller to the Asst. Chief position. Bronin had to sell himself to the black community in order to get the votes to become Mayor, they will not allow him to make Nolan Chief or he will lose their support. I do agree that Nolan is the one person who will stand up to the political corruption and union overtaken of the chiefs job to head things in a new direction but the cards are not in his favor. If Bronin is planning on keeping the black community voters happy the HFD will remain in disarray.

  2. Cheeses creepers. Here we go again. Episode 52 of Payton Place of the Hartford Fire Department. I will need to ask my next door neighbor fireman waz goin on here. You guys sound like The Saturday Night Widow's Sewing Circle Of Gossip.

  3. Any reason why Segarra is working overtime these days? Is he hiding something/s? Is he shredding something/s? Wasn't Segarra the "ceremonial mayor" until recently? Did he become now the "full job mayor"?
    What exactly is going on?

  4. It's a shame but its looking like the race card will be pulled again on making the new Fire Chief. Hartford hasn't had a white Fire Chief in over 35 years and Bronin will not get the votes he needs to remain in office if trys to change that.

  5. Who cares what color the new Chief is. As long as we get one that's qualified. You're just whining because your boy Nolan won't get the job. Man up!

  6. The Payton Place of the Old Folks Knitting Circle of the Hartford Fire Department at it again. Gossip away you ole bitties.

  7. 9:26AM How you can you possibly proclaim to know who the next Fire Chief will be as well as the race of that person. And why does the race even matter if they are the most qualified person that can be found? And learn your civics, a new Mayor has already been elected, he won't need any votes for at least four years. Your divicive nature is what will continue to hold our city back.(as well as your ignorant comments)

  8. It's naive to think those that supported Bronin won't be expecting and demanding payback for that support.

  9. @11:12AM- Did Bronin have a Super PAC that we were not aware of?

  10. Anyone who thinks that a $500 donation to the Bronin campaign will buy them a Fire Chief's job is delusional.
