Thursday, December 31, 2015


(HARTFORD, CT) – Mayor-Elect Luke Bronin today announced his intention to nominate the following individuals to lead departments in his incoming administration, subject to approval by the City Council:

•  Sean M. Fitzpatrick, JD, Director of Development Services

•  Reginald D. Freeman, MS/CFO/FIFireE, Fire Chief

•  Melissa McCaw, MPA, Director of the Office of Management and Budget

•  Gary Rhule, MD/MPH, Director of Health and Human Services

•  Howard Rifkin, JD, Corporation Counsel

Marilynn Cruz-Aponte, who currently serves as the Acting Deputy Director in the Department of Public Works, will serve as the Acting Director of the Department of Public Works.

Mayor-Elect Bronin intends to renominate Dr. Jose Colón-Rivas, Director of the Department of Families, Children, Youth and Recreation, and Sabina Sitaru, Chief Innovation Officer, Metro Hartford Innovation Services.  Police Chief James Rovella will continue to serve under his existing contract with the City of Hartford.

“I’m proud to have recruited a experienced and diverse group of nominees who are committed to building a stronger Hartford,” said Bronin.  “This is a terrific team, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come to bring leadership, accountability and action to Hartford’s City Hall.”

For a biography of each new appointee announced today, see below.

Marilynn Cruz-Aponte has held public works leadership positions in Hartford and New Britain over the course of her twenty-six year career, specializing in solid waste, fleet and streets operations planning including policy, procedure and program development, review and implementation. Her earlier career was spent working for nearly ten years as an Environmental Aide to Connecticut Governor William A. O’Neill.  She prepared and successfully advocated for the United States’ first mattress recycling law, and she drove the implementation of Hartford’s single-stream recycling program in 2008, which increased recycling by 111% that year and has resulted in waste disposal savings of more than $3.2 million over the past seven years.  She holds an MA in Social Work Administration from the Catholic University of America and a BA in Sociology from Saint Joseph College for Women.

Sean M. Fitzpatrick most recently served as Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, appointed to lead reform efforts at the agency in the wake of the 2013 “Bridgegate” scandal.  Before entering government service in 2014, Mr. Fitzpatrick spent two decades in the insurance industry in Metro Hartford and New York, helping to establish one of the region’s most successful insurance start-ups, Executive Risk Inc., in the 1990s and later serving in senior executive roles with Chubb and The Hartford.  Mr. Fitzpatrick has served as chair of Simsbury’s Economic Development Commission and was named “Business Leader of the Year” by the Simsbury Chamber of Commerce in 2000 in recognition of his work on retail development and zoning reform. Mr. Fitzpatrick has served as a board member of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and as an adjunct professor at UConn Law School.  He is a graduate of Amherst College and Harvard Law School.

Reginald D. Freeman currently serves as Fire Chief for Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth. Prior to this appointment, Chief Freeman served as the Assistant Chief/Deputy Director of Emergency Management for the City of Hartford as well as Fire Chief for Lockheed Martin in Marietta, Georgia, where he was named Professional of the Year in 2009.  Chief Freeman served in Iraq as a civilian Fire Chief for the U.S. Department of Defense and coalition allies from 2004 to 2008, providing all-hazards fire and emergency services to forward and continuing operating bases throughout Iraq.  He received a BA from Bellevue University and earned his masters in Executive Fire Service Leadership from Grand Canyon University.  He is a graduate and Fellow of Harvard University’s Senior Executives for State & Local Government program at the Kennedy School of Government.

Melissa McCaw is a seasoned professional with fourteen years’ experience in budgeting, finance, data analytics and strategic leadership. She currently serves as the Budget Director for the University of Hartford. In this capacity, Ms. McCaw also co-chaired Strategic Planning initiatives to strengthen the University’s financial and business model, maximize the use of assets and technology, and streamline operations.  Previously, Ms. McCaw worked at the State Office of Policy and Management Budget and Financial Management Division for eight years, developing her expertise in government budgeting, policy analysis and legislative affairs. She graduated from Wesleyan University and received a masters in public administration with a certificate in public financial management from the University of Connecticut.

Dr. Gary Rhule is a former emergency room physician who has also worked in community medicine, managed care, and in health care consulting. In addition, he is the author of Sailing on Broken Pieces: Essential Survival Skills for Recovery from Mental Illness, an award-winning literary work depicting the intersection of emergency medicine and mental illness. Currently, Dr. Rhule works as a medical director consultant for Community Health Network of Connecticut. Previously, he has served in several leadership roles, including as Vice President of Health Care Services and Medical Director for Charter Oak Health Care Center in Hartford, CT. Dr. Rhule is a graduate of Weaver High School, Amherst College, and the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He also holds a masters in public health in healthcare policy from the Johns Hopkins University and an MBA in Finance and Healthcare Management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.  He is involved in several non-profit boards, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Connecticut Chapter; the Jacob L. and Lewis Fox Foundation; and the Friends of Keney Park.

Howard Rifkin has spent more than 30 years serving as a policy and legal advisor to several elected officials in the State of Connecticut, including as general counsel to Governor William A. O’Neill.  He has also served as deputy to Secretary of the State Miles Rapoport, and deputy and counsel to Treasurer Denise Nappier.  Most recently, he joined the staff of Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman as legal and policy adviser.  Prior to his role in Lt. Governor Wyman’s office, Mr. Rifkin served a three-year tenure as executive director of the Partnership for Strong Communities, a nonprofit group with a focus on creating affordable housing and ending homelessness.  In this role, he and Mayor-Elect Bronin worked together on Governor Malloy’s initiative to end homelessness among veterans.  Mr. Rifkin has a B.A. from the University of Connecticut in Political Science, a J.D. from Cumberland School of Law, and attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government program on State and Local Government.

In addition, to the aforementioned nominees, the following individuals will be joining the incoming administration:
  • Kiley Gosselin, Deputy of Development Services.  Kiley Gosselin most recently worked as an analyst at the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.  Prior to that role, she was an associate for 6 years in the low-income housing tax credit syndication group of Holland & Knight and a policy analyst at the Partnership for Strong Communities. She is a graduate of Rice University and UConn Law School.
  • David Tanner, Deputy of Public Works.  David Tanner spent the past seven years as an attorney for the U.S. Green Building Council, helping develop policies and procedures associated with the LEED certification programs and advising on the mission and operation of the organization.  He has experience in construction and transportation policy and is a graduate of the University of Colorado and UConn Law School.

  • Jamie Bratt, Director of Planning and Economic Development.  Jamie Bratt was most recently the Director of Economic & Community Development of Trumbull, CT, and previously worked for a Washington, D.C.-based business improvement district focused on smart growth and for a large private development firm.  She is a graduate of Trinity College and of Virginia Tech, where she received a masters in planning.

  • Donald Chapman, Director of Small Business and Community Development.  Donald Chapman is a management professional with over 30 years of experience.  Currently, Don serves as a Principal Planner with the City of Hartford Planning Division.  He is a graduate of Dartmouth College.

  • Dianne Jones, Director for Re-entry Services and Promise Zone Community Empowerment.  Dianne Jones has most recently helped promote nonviolence as a trainer and community liaison for Connecticut Center for Nonviolence, and she has been very actively involved in local nonprofit community organizations.  She holds a degree from the University of Missouri and is obtaining a masters from Cambridge College.


  1. Reggie Freeman also quit the Hartford Fire Department his last time around. Did Mayor Bronin do the search or did Steve Harris?

  2. 2:48PM

    Chief Freeman resigned after the former Chief he worked under borrowed a large sum of money from Freeman to bail his kid ( the Chief's kid not Freeman's) out of jail and then did not pay the money back which quickly soured the relationship. Be fair at least and put the real facts out there

  3. Anyone replacing Huertas as fire chief will do a better job. Even a dog from the animal shelter. ANYONE.

  4. Are u kidding me ,I'm a city resident and a firefighter and voted for Bronin thinking he could change our department and that is the best he could find for fire chief. I am extremely disappointed .

  5. I guess HFD just keeps recycling the same old trash. You let's us down big time Luke Bronin .Wish I would had never voted for you. We might as well kept Pedrito in office so much for a new beginning for HFD!!!

  6. You think the little man was bad Freeman is 100 times worse. He does not follow through and you can rest assure that the no confidence vote has already started. I love Hartford but I hope and pray that Freeman changes his ethics both off and on work. I worked for the City over twenty years and this is truly a sad day.

  7. how about giving Freeman a chance? if after 6 months nothing changes, then go after it, but anything has to be better than what we have seen the last couple years.

  8. The appointees resumes look good. Are these folks moving to Hartford? There are many rents, condos and houses available throughout Hartford. I did not read anything about Linda Bear keeping her job. I hope not. She bought her home many years ago in Wethersfield. I was never sure what she did other than do the work the Councilpersons aides were suppose to do. And I hope each Councilperson DOSE Not get an aide. Three State Representatives get one aide to share. So why would each City Council member need an aide. Hartford has NO EXTRA MONEY for individuals aids.

    1. Bayer is in violation of the Charter, retired and working past 6 months. You want to get Hartford work, get rid of all the double dippers, all of them!

  9. Come on now Kevin.....this is garbage. After a nationwide search, this is the best Bronin could do? This is unbelievable.

  10. I just read that Maribel LaLuz is being retained, and will work for MECA. Can this be true? I'm astounded!

  11. Kevin ask the question what did he Freeman accomplish when he was in Hartford and then he quit. The mayor has hired a quitter.

  12. "I look forward to leading the organization with accountability, transparency and leadership, first and foremost," he said Thursday. "Those are going to be the priorities and the foundation of everything we're going to do."

  13. Kevin what did I tell you, watch. Right out the gate Bronin is showing his true colors. Freeman was a back door deal, he's tainted because Bronin threw the bone. Eveyone knows what & who this deal is about. Bronin knew nothing of Freeman but what he was told. I like Freeman but if this is how Luke is going perform, same oh same oh. Keeping Colon is he crazy, leading with the lead Segarra Cabinent, really Luke, looking like one term. I revoke my vote.

  14. 7:01PM

    Not to mention her meltdown at a public meeting in the Library at Hartford High recently.

  15. 6:54 PM

    What did Casares and Huertas accomplish? other than running the place into the ground, and unfortunately they both hung around to do more damage. I am willing to see what Freeman does. And anyone else that is not willing to wait and see or intends to be a roadblock to progress should step aside now

  16. 6:42PM,

    I am not sure where you read that,I don't think it was any official statement, but my understanding is that they needed a place to bury her away for a couple weeks and MECA was the spot. I don't think it is permanent, and hopefully it will be over by mid-January

  17. Bronin hires a Chief from a 3 station department, who also quit as an assistant in Hartford. Yeah this guy is going to save Hartford. Who is going to respect the leadership of a man who quit on his people. A nationwide search didn't lead to such an unqualified candidate. A Phoenix Society payback search did.

  18. Kevin

    You never complained about Danny being a roadblock to progress.

  19. Did we forget about Mr. Freeman's racial discrimination complaint he filed against the Fire Department. HFD needs a leader and hands on Fire Fighter not a pen pushing administrator that tried to cut spending on fire fighting equipment compromising the lives of Fire Fighters and citizens. HFD needs a proven leader that builds team work and pride and not to divide it for personal accomplishments.

  20. Hey Luke, just saying, but did anyone check out that masters from "Grand Canyon University" on Reggies resume? What a shame, there is no hope for HFD.

  21. Probably because he isn't. He just knows the difference between right and wrong and was raised with values, values that you obviously don't agree with

  22. 8:15PM are you saying that there is no racial discrimination within HFD,or discrimination in general. Ask Capt. Dalton about that one. Or are you just saying j that Freeman is the exemption and shouldn't be allowed to the same process everyone else can use when they feel harmed? And about those cuts to spending and compromising lives, when did Freeman leave? and who was in charge when firefighter Bell died, quite possibly with defective department issued equipment? Tear the guy down all you want, but he is going to be your next Chief, live with it and maybe learn something

  23. I can not believe that they are allowing Freedman back...I thought he quite the last time, you would think that Hartford would learn a lesson hiring outside the department again, never mind the City or State..remember Dobson, what a screw job he gave the department, never mind the City, and in order to get him out, they gave him his retirement, and health benefits. Hiring Freedman back is not going to help the Fire Department, this is so sad of Bornin to do, what a disappointment this is, I also heard the Phonix Society was behind this move to get Reggie back. Shame on them for interfering.

  24. Learn what, the quote of the day from FireHouse Magazine. What will be learned from a non-firefighter about firefighting.

  25. 10:24pm

    The name is Freeman, guess you know him well. And as far as going outside, how did those last 3 Chiefs hired from inside work out? Teale , Casares and Huertas were all gems.

  26. Bronin, Freeman, Jones, Brookman----Guys these clowns have sold the HFD down the road. These hacks don't care about us at all. The are about money, racial power, and political appearances.

  27. Get ready for the daily emails. Good Morning Team, please read this article I copied from the internet. I have no clue what it means because I was never a firefighter anywhere. I have been on a fire engine just once, when Engine 5 took me for a ride. I have never worn an SCBA either. Trust me though, my fake degrees and the Phoenix Society's guidance shall get us through until I quit to move on to greener pastures in a couple years.
    Reggie may be a little better than Huertas, but he is not the best choice for the mess that HFD is. We need an outsider, someone with big city experience, who has not even heard of Hartford. You mean to tell us FDNY, Boston, etc has nobody looking for a Chief's job? No real, seasoned, experienced people who have been in fires and worked their way up the ranks? I guess not, we got a bookworm with no experience who is better qualified to run a grocery store than a FD.
    I know you stand behind him Kevin, but you are not a firefighter either. You do not understand how disturbing it is to have someone guiding us who has ZERO fire experience. Freeman is setting SOP's and Directives that he himself has no clue about. Books do not put out fires, neither does internet articles copied and sent out because Freeman is incapable of writing himself.
    We got him as payback for Bronin getting the north end black votes. Before everybody starts, it's not about Freeman being black. Its about him being not qualified. Poor choice for the problems that have been plaguing the HFD.

  28. I haven't lived in the Hartford area for some time but do have family ties to the area. Bronin sounds like a welcome change, but fighting crime needs to be the highest priority. Hartford has had a serious crime problem since at least the 1970's and if New York City can come back from the dead, so can Hartford. Whether it's the mafia or gangs that sell and trade guns and illegal drugs and run prostitution, someone needs to put a stop to the underground economy that corrupts government and prevents real change.

  29. Oh sorry Kevin, Freeman, Freedman, what's the difference, no I don't know him well, only know him from what others have said and have worked with him, but also maybe the last 3 haven't been the best to go by, but at least they came up from the ranks of Hartford, all I was suggesting is that the City should learn from pass experience of hiring from outside the department, and the State. I personally don't think FREEMAN is going to last,and it's going to cost the City and the taxpayers again.

  30. Kevin you approaching a point where you sre d peaking out of school that is to say you speak like you know Freeman and know the job. You don't. These are very long standing deep issues it is about race and control. Obviously Bronin needed the black vote to get in, we all new he made promises. To buy their support that is politics its been done gorr centuries.
    However, HFD members don't care about that, polticians don't perform the physical acts of the job and are not truly in dangerous situations. Freeman was brought here because he fits a demographic no because he is the best.
    Kevin here is some info for you, you cannot have a white fire chief if you already have a white police chief, its not allowed so right off the bat qualificstions are not the top criteria. Reggie is in , hope he shines but my gut tells me different, on this job it is often your gut that keeps you alive so you learn to trust it.

  31. Happy new year and new beginning to our new mayor. On paper this looks like a qualified team, a rarity since the mayor mike days. Is today one of those unpaid days mr. Mayor and how exactly is that accounting going to work?

  32. New Year starts with Bronin doing same old s++t, Happy New Year Hartford, you voted for change and got the same. Luke have fun with Freeman & Harris, hope they campaign strong for you next time. I want my vote back you are just like the rest of the talking heads. Oh yeah add Colon to that list, real leadership, you kept Pedro's talking head. Have you heard of sleeping with the Enemy? Didn't you have a rich education? No Street smarts or common sense, that's a prerequisite for Hartford.


  33. 10;13am

    Since I am talking out of school, maybe you can help educatre me. What exactly is the "black vote"? Is that some sort of oath you takle when you register to vote to only be loyal to black candidates and only vote for the black candidates? And how do you monitor that and what are the penalties if you are caught voting for a non black candidate? Are ther certain peole in the black community, the white community, the hispanic community, the gay community , the religious community that are arrogant enough to think they sway voters and can brainwash them to vote a certain way? Absolutely, but I am not sure a lot of people still buy into that.If they did , I would think in a heavily hispanic community, Pedro Segarra would still be Mayor if the sheep blindly followed .

    You may not like all of the selections, neither do I. But until you or I run and get elected as Mayor, it is still a Democracy and majority rules. Maybe when Chief Freeman arrives you might want to call him, introduce yourself and offer him some of your expertise. Instead of playing the racial game that it is all done because of the 'Black vote" and paybacks. If we are ever going to change our society where people are equal and everyone deserves a shot to prove themselves , your thinkng needs to evolve.Or you can continue to whine and be a victim and portray yourself as a martyr for your race.

    Best of luck and success Chief Freeman, if I can help, let me know. And if I am wrong, I will admit that also, and not as "Anonymous"

  34. last time Freeman was here here never came around to the fire houses to introduce himself to anyone. Now that he's the top dog, let's see if he comes around. Bet he doesn't even know how many firehouses, engine and ladder companies Hartford has.
    The "black vote" you question is when the black residents from the north end vote for a certain candidate "Bronin" in exchange for political favors, "Freeman".
    Don't play stupid Kevin, you are much smarter than that. You knew what the black vote meant.

  35. Kevin, you won't post my comment starting with "THANK God your not a Hartford firefighter" WHY NOT?

  36. Kevin don't play STUPID! See,you don't have to worry about exposing your identity, WE DO!,,WE risk being transfered to a firehouse with a INCOMPETENT crew that could get you killed,,jumped over a promotion because of political connections and I know this is hard for you to digest "skin color",,,unfairly punished with unpaid suspensions etc. If anonymous bothers you so much, ELIMINATE IT AS AN OPTION! But you know and I know ,,THAT WOULD BE THE END OF YOUR BLOG!

  37. It's hilarious reading all these comments from White police officers an fire fighters complain about racial injustice in the city of Hartford, hers two ideas if you hate Hartford an it's residents that much then quit your profession an never come or you can move to Hartford become a tax paying citizen Aj resident an join in the political process an make changes crying about it on a blog does what exactly???!!!

  38. 2:18pm, there is no comment that begins like that, did you hit send?

  39. While all of you little fire mice scamper about, i lay on a beach collecting my six figure pension. My multiple income properties and my mansion stands proud in the city.
    I cant wait to watch you all cry and wine. Maybe one day a real man, Terry will come back and lead the dept into glory ........ But until then i will count my sacks of money in my meredes benz fresh off the lot !!

  40. Tic Tac Toe,
    Please have a grown-up check your spelling before you post.

  41. Bronin has already screwed the HFD. His next big idea is to eliminate a whole tour of firefighters in the city, just like Providence. Get ready for war Bronin.

  42. The murder on the night of his swearing in is a bad omen for Bronin.

  43. Oh ok Luke you have been exactly one day and rumor has it that you want to cut HFD to the bone. Guys, this is the big one, we might as well stand and fight for real. Forget this carpetbagger, lets start the process over, he'll be gone in less than two years.

  44. I honestly think, that since the City can go outside the City, and State to hire someone like Freeman, then they should allow not only the Fire Dept, and Police Dept, but allow all departments under the City, to hire employees outside the City limits, maybe, but maybe, each department will finally have some educated and quality people working for the City. For too many years there has been the restriction that you had to live in the City and look what has happened. I for one have said this for years, lift the ban on this restriction !

  45. tic tac toe be careful on the beach. You might be mistaken for whale shit and swept into the garbage.

  46. Kevin: Correction, Dobson did NOT get either a pension or health coverage as stated ! I wish Freeman luck, to bring the Department back into a Proud Department, as he does have to show his 'worth', and if the "Phoenix Society" is involved, he will have much guidance. As they certainly look out for each other ! Lets see in time.
    And, wait for January 16th, 20016, the appointment of the new Assistant Fire Chief.

  47. Kevin, I am extremely disappointed with the addition of Howard Rifkin. He is a liar,manipulater and puppet to the politicians. A small grassroot group of us have for years been trying to better the lives of homeless veterans and veterans living in horrible conditions at the Rocky Hill veterans home. Although Nancy Wyman promised a "sit down" with us to my face,she lied and without our knowledge setup our meeting with Rifkin and his assistant instead.He was untruthful,non commital ,elusive and just plain full of s&@t at that meeting. He is instrumental in Malloy's ultimate public lie and betrayal to CT veterans by stating over and over that. "CT is the first state in the country to end veteran homelessness" . Kevin ,you should know this ,alone The SouthPark Inn shelter in Hartford sets aside 7 beds a night for homeless veterans,never mind the rest of CT's shelters. I want someone to explain how attorney Howard Rifkin can be a participant in manufacturing a horrific lie like that and NOT get in trouble with the Bar association ????? Kevin,if you get a chance to meet him ,ask him why Malloy gave Nancy Wyman $500,000 to "look into" veterans concerns and what she has to show for it. If we are supposed to believe that Rifkin is a good pick because of his fine resume related to veteran issues ,THEN HARTFORD IS SCREWED ! BRONIN IS ALREADY LEADING HIS FRIENDS TO THE BUFFET ! RIFKIN,HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT "USING VETERANS" FOR YOU BENEFIT ? SHAME ON YOU,MALLOY AND WYMAN ! KARMA IS GOING TO BE A BITCH FOR YOU!

  48. I do not approve of Marylin Appointe getting reinstated. This is a mistake. Who made the call on this appointment. She is a Democrat with friends in higher places. Hopefully, she be done and out soon. Adam Cloud is an elected official who has many dark clouds casting over his reputation. He will be removed soon anyway.

  49. Crime in hartford is not going to change as long as you have the current administration. God help hartford if the chief stays past his contract. Meaning gets a new one. Hopefully if the city gets a new chief it's one that is about more pro active policing and addresses quality of life issues, and let's unit commanders run there own units. Let's see what happens.

  50. I have always respected the members of the HFD back in the the day it was a honor to serve on the tac . The old school guys either retired or r becoming officers or just got made. What is the plan vinney no training in the future to fill positions everyone knows your holding the open captain position for mr health and overtime. Really our so called rescue unit is going to be takin king over by hpd soon. There training ,tools and brand new emergency responses unit is coming. This isn't just another bull shit post

  51. Box alarms are soon to be one engine one truck mva's one engine one truck unless entrapment reported. Sounds bad run wise saves money less insurgence members have to pay.

  52. Hartford needs a NBA D League team seriously no one is watching baseball games !!

  53. Anonymous 6:12 - Ditto, hahaha!

  54. Kev,what happened? You struck a cord with listing Bronins picks and then shut down comments related to them! What's up?

  55. Hpd has a grant for a emergency response unit for motor vehicle accidents with entrapment with extrication tools. It will be a dual role of there ERT and there new MVA response unit.. The theory is HFD response time due to calls other than motor vehicle and HPD ability to have it on the road 24 hrs. HFD would assist the ERU and they would be in charge of scene.

  56. Good Firefighters don't necessarily make good administrators. HFD needs a chief (like Freeman) that knows how to run a business, write grants, work within a budget and clean up the mess. Drug testing here we come. He can leave the firefighting operations to his two assistants, Nolan and Ocasio. Is it true that Vinny is cleaning out his office too? Big changes a comin!!!!!

  57. 9:47PM

    Exactly. And your two choices for Assistant would make sense, but I might add the name Shapiro to the list also. He is very low key but also more than competent as well as respected by most members. And the HFD membership should have sent Vinny packing years ago

  58. 6:48pm

    There are apparently no plans for HPD to establish any type of Emergency Response Unit for accidents. Waiting to hear back, but apparently this is an expansion HFD is planning

  59. HPD cry babies, you think you have it soooooo bad! Especially you 2:51PM. Shut your pie hole. I'm sure you one of several that brings nothing to the table. You see all the firemen crying, the same will happen when a new police chief comes in. Be careful what you wish for. Unfortunately, if you haven't paid any attention to current events, policing has drastically changed from what we've known, that's if you have more than a couple years on the job, which I doubt.

    1. Hey James butt kisser Mello out the cheerleading is ridiculous the only way policing in this country will change for the better is if Obama is elected for a third term!!!!

  60. Kevin 9:47PM

    I agree....DC Shapiro would also be an excellent choice!

  61. I told all of you. You were better off with Terry as Chief. Wait till the storm hits on the 16th. No more playing xbox and sleeping all shift. No more grilling burgers on football sundays. .... You all cried and wined for change. Well, now you are geting it. So most of you should run to GNC to get those body clensers before they run out. Big big changes are coming. Vinny cant save you now. Go to newington volunteer fire dept if your feelings get hurt in the coming monthes...
    While you cry and call out sick, i will be sitting on my sacks of money in my mansion ...... Six figures just to wake up and give you five cross the lip fellas !!!

  62. Saw Linda Bayer at the Bronin inauguration. When is Linda be shown the door already? How much did Hartford taxpayers were forced to spend on her at the Mayor's office?

    1. 9:36pm: This annoying Linda Bayer still got a job in city hall? Everybody I talk to assumed she would be out even before Huertas, Deller and their friends.

  63. Freeman needs to break up the Union Express. Transfer Fatsco to 9's where he belongs. Take that useless Tyson chicken with you also. Guy sounds like he is one chromosome away from **** *******. Tac's 10-8.

  64. Will Freeman be collecting a pension plus his chief's salary?

  65. Why would he be collecting a pension ?

  66. Linda Bayer still running around some corridors in city hall? Nooooo.

  67. My wish is that Freeman comes in and hits the entire HFD with a drug test. And I mean all departments, SSU, FMO, FACT, EMD, and Supression. No warnings that it's coming, no coaching how to get out of it, and NO UNION INVOLVEMENT! Suspend the many, many people who fail without pay and let the Union fight to get their jobs back. Then make them sign an undated letter of resignation. Next failed test and it gets dated. That will dispose of many of the discipline problems in the dept. Then Millidge can spend his whole day on Judson St doing his drugs instead of leaving the firehouse to go score. It will make for a much safer job for the guys that are clean. The OT will be flying around while everyone's at rehab too.

  68. @1;21

    Kevin shut my comments down too on one comment about one of the appointments. Unless he just hates my guts. Well, he is the Comandante of his blog. Mr Kevin can do what he wants. It's proprietary. You can begin your own blog, too. I tried to defend Linda Bayer. She is a hard worker and I see no reason that she shouldn't remain. But I am an outsider so I don't have the inside goop.

  69. Kevin,Why not bring Ed Casares back as Assistant Chief?? He was more influential than people gave him credit for ,including YOU! Think about this,BOTH OF HIS ASSISTANT CHIEFS BECAME "THE CHIEF" ! If this was a "fantasy fire dept" league, Ed would have won the pool money ! What do you think Kev?

    If this was a "fantasy fire dept" league ,Ed would have won the pool money !

  70. Casares was complicit in the decay of HFD. And I wouldn't claim it as any great success "that both of his Assistants became Chief" . Would you be proud of Huertas?

    Would Casares agree to random drug testing?

  71. 5:28PM

    Get over you inferiority complex. Since you post as "Anonymous" how do I even know who you are. And if I don't allow a comment to go through it is usually because of offensive commentary.

    And there is no defending Linda Bayer, ask her about her conduct at the budgeting meeting a couple weeks ago in the library of Hartford High where she apparently threatened to punch a resident she didn't agree with.

  72. Linda Bayer was always an arrogant, nasty b---h. If you don't believe me just try to disagree with her on anything.

  73. Kevin there was a video posted on YouTube an it's all over Facebook of a Hartford cop with a Tranny prostitute an she secretly recorded him , he's sniffing cocaine an runnin around the room naked an begging the prostitute to perform oral on her look into it it's juicy!!!!

  74. Never mind Kevin the video was a fake forget the last comment

  75. You dudes are so gullible and will believe everything you see and love to gossip about it. Dummy.

  76. Who is that stupid to let Linda Bayer hang around the mayor's office. She was the biggest manipulator at city hall together with SKB and big-butt Panagore. Now that Pedro, SKB and Panagore are out, make sure that Linda joins them.

  77. Before the inauguration Mayor Luke was worried the most about the unknown and rightly so. A painful portion of the unknown came to light today: Segarra's fantasy ballpark will cost many millions more than budgeted and will be completed months behind schedule.
    The biggest embarrassment of all will be if Mayor Luke saves this ballpark from a total collapse but let Segarra show his stinky face on opening day. Big embarrassment. Big mistake.

    1. Here are more surprises, more unknown, to the new mayor: salary increases and adjustments, whatever these adjustments are, of thousands of dollars to Hill, Alexandre, Sierra, Huertas, La Luz and, of course, Burgos. All approved by Pedro Segarra.
      Shame on you all. Expect many more "surprises" in the near future.

  78. I think the city should charge Centerplan and DoNo Hartford for the overage and if they refuse to pay, litigate. It all depends how airtight the agreements are. Probably not that great since Segarra was a rank fool in a room full of sharks. Better yet, stop construction and take a limited loss since the whole damn development is destined to collapse like a house of cards. To think that this development almost missed being built by just one vote. Cruz could have voted against it. But he loves Hartford so much he wanted to see school children have a place to go to watch a game. Or Cynthia "but we need jobs" Jennings, who wanted to spend 60 mil in order to employ 25 part time minimum wage jobs. Right. Stupid fool. But she won the "Block vote, as Mayor Athanson once said why he lost to Thirman Miller as he lost that vote.

    People don't vote very intelligently in Hartford. They vote based on cultural factors, not vision and intelligence. Too bad. Who do you blame? The voter.

  79. Marilynn Cruz-Aponye was refused double-dipping on the pension. She worked in government for 25 years or so in another position. She wanted to collect a pension from that position while building a new pension through the city. This is one reason we have under-fund assets and this issue, along with the need to reform the pension by pushing out the retirement age, are the reasons reform is of greatest importance. The plans are much too generous and inconsistent with anything offered in private industry.

    1. Marilynn Cruz-Aponte is an arrogant, nasty woman. She should be out of DPW if Bronin wants a change and an improvement with this department.

    2. Is Marilynn Aponte related to former city councilman Alex Aponte?

  80. Thank God none of the competent business owners such as Kurt Cameron from Hooker Brewery commited AND built their businesses around the "unfinished" park! Although "maybe it would have been interesting to watch the stadium being finished while enjoying a "seasonal" (no,not BASEBALL season) draft from The Beer Garden Patio off centerfield. Just wait when they tell visitors that the parking lot is unfinished and they have to use the "always safe and secure city streets" ! Better have great insurance coverage,extra money for parking tix and/or Whitey's phone number after they tow your vehicle. Almost forgot ,don't forget "protection" from the fine people who live in close proximity to the park along Albany Ave(maybe you can score a nicklebag while walking to the stadium) ,hope your a responsible and legal gun owner!

  81. January 5 @ 10:50am, You must be a new guy to be such an A&@HOLE ! The majority of "brothers" DEVELOPE into problematic drug and alcohol abusers. Work here long enough and you will witness this first hand. It's not an excuse but a sad statistic related to the fireservice ,but your either stupid or insensitive (by the way ,awful traits to have as a firefighter) to either comprehend or care! How sad that I can't imagine someone like you reaching out to a "brother" in need. I agree that the Milledge's of the department are dangerous and beyond help,BUT THATS NOT THE NORM ! Since your so "CLEAN" ,why don't you quit the fire service and become a Boy Scout leader ! YOUR STATE OF MIND LEADS ME TO BELIEVE THAT "YOU" NEED EAP !

  82. Chris Lyons retired HPDJanuary 6, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    I am retired Police officer and not a fire person I still find the commentary about Chief Casaras a little disturbing. To blame him for the "decay" of the fire department was a backhand slap and the drug testing comment was inappropriate.

    No one is perfect but to smack him around on a blog is bad news.

    Not nice

  83. I was ready to say that fame has gone to the head of Kevin Brookman. Especially after accusing me of having an inferiority complex. And even though it at least partially true, that this blog has gone to his head, he seems to be fair-minded - probably after a feeding as what happens to my domestic animals after eating. They calm down.

    Stay calm, Brookman.

  84. MANDATORY DRUG TESTINGJanuary 6, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    @1:42 PM WOW! I think you're having a bit of an overreaction. If you were so concerned about your brothers that have substance abuse problems, you should realize that they rarely get the help they need unless they are forced into a program. Perhaps if they are tested and come up "dirty" they will be forced to deal with their problem before hitting rock bottom and losing their jobs and possibly their life.

    It is a well documented fact that cops and firefighters have more than their share of substance abusers. We all know why that happens. But to reject drug testing out of hand as you did only serves to hurt your brothers and sisters, not help them.

    Personally, I think that the new Mayor should make it city policy to drug test ALL employees before they harm/kill themselves or in our case, their coworkers. Reaching out to a brother in need? You sound like you want to continue the failed policy of covering for these guys until they crash and burn. If you actually take the time to educate yourself on the substance abuse issue, you will see that you are (over) reacting from a position of ignorance.

    And by the way, I didn't make the original comment that you over reacted to, but I have more than 20 years on the job and I agree with mandatory drug testing. Also, substance abuse is and has been a problem with brothers and sisters of all races and ethnicities. To single out anyone by name is not appropriate and gives me pause to wonder if you really do have you brothers best interest at heart. That goes to you too @10:50 AM

  85. Linda Bayer better not be still on the city payroll. Volunteer Miss Bayer....maybe than you'll get the message and go on your merry way. Linda you certainly have made enough money in Hartford's city hall. How much is your pension?

  86. Yes, Marilyn Cruz-Apointe is former Coucilman Alex Apointe former wife. Neither one of them can be trusted. They certainly are not recognized as roll models.

  87. In recent years some misleading attorneys have suffused from the Corporation Councils office including Saundra Kee Borges, Pedro Seggara and Alex Apointe. Hopefully Mayor Luke Bronin will retain honesty back to this office.

  88. Enough back and forth about drug testing, it will never happen. Local 760 will never allow testing to happen without a few months notice for the druggies to get clean beforehand. Then we will be coached what to say at the test time to avoid flunking it. Just like last time.

  89. Drug testing costs money that the city does not have. Reggie better get working on those federal grants!

  90. Hey 2:33, You read 10:50am? YOU SCARE ME IF YOU DID.This guy wants to " CAPATILIZE "ON THE SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR OF FIREFIGHTERS "NOT" HELP THEM! He suggests that the department,,suspend them without pay,sign letters of reisignation,fire them and THEN THE "A$&HOLE" COLLECTS "MORE" OVERTIME! Here's the F$@KED UP PART, I TOTALLY "AGREE" WITH YOUR POSITION ! It would be a BLESSING for us to have random drug testing for both "DIRTY" And. "CLEAN" FIREFIGHTERS ! Some of the "brothers" will FINALLY get the help they need. No disrespect ,BUT I HOPE YOUR NOT "LEADING" firefighters into burning buildings! You sound like more of a "hydrant" or "roof" man to me.

  91. Please can someone explain to me the opposition to drug testing. Test me everyday of the week and I am not worried about the outcome. And what firefighter would want to go into a burning building knowing that the guy coming in behind him might be high? The same guy that might very well have his life in his hands when things go bad. I would want to know that the guy behind me is as alert and as capable as possible.

    Unless of course you are doing drugs and have something to worry about. And my thinking goes for Police, Fire and DPW. I really don't want to know a cop is high or the guy behind the wheel driving a multi ton piece of equipment is stoned or drunk.

    It might be the dirty little secret but anyone opposed to drug testing probably has something to hide. And it is not a Union or workers rights issue. A drug test, if you are not a drug user, is no more intrusive than a police DUI checkpoint

  92. Chris Lyons at 1:51 PM

    I am a little disappointed you took offense with the comments. I thought that throughout your career you were someone that appreciated the truth and worked very hard to get to it. I am probably sure that you know more about the Casares issues, more than most. It is what it is.

    And as far as any potential drug testing, I think that is fair game for any Chief or administrator, Could you ask your employees to do something you wouldn't do yourself? And if you have nothing to hide, what is the damage?

  93. @ 6:19 PM. Yes I did read 10:50 AM. I believe that I made my opinion clear on the issue. I don't feel the need to personally attack him for giving his opinion. Many of us are frustrated about the issues that plague the HFD, but at least he didn't come across as a foul mouthed jerk.

    I would be honored to say that I am a hydrant or roof man. Those jobs are just as equally important to the overall operation as the leaders are. If you don't realize that, you have no business "leading" anyone into anything.

    If you are a "leader", I would be extremely concerned because you come across as a nut job who needs to get back on your meds! Maybe you should call EAP and have a sit down with Dr. Shiffer. Maybe increase the dosage a little?

    Suffice it to say that I am one of you. I'm glad that we agree that the health and well being of our brothers and sisters should be of paramount importance.

    We have a responsibility to each other and the people we serve to show up clean, sober and ready for duty. Period.

  94. Kevin, what is the opposition to drug testing?!?!
    Do you really not realize or are you that clueless that literally more than 50% of HFD has drug and alcohol problems? Do you not know it's common practice for them to sit around the firehouse and drink, get drunk, and smoke weed and blow lines? That's factual. Other then an occasional working fire, they are not that busy. HFD would be in a crisis if they drug tested, they'd lose half of their man power. Why do you think it's such a sensitive issue with them? Open your eyes

  95. 8:05PM it was a rhetorical question, I am fully aware what goes on, I also know about the practice of using O2 bottles to blow the weed fumes out to clear the bunk room.if we lose half the manpower, so be it, but at least we won't have drug addicts endangering the lives of decent firefighters or residents who rely on them.

    1. Who the hell uses an o2 bottle to clear the bunk room? Don't believe half the crap guys are feeding you Kevin

    2. Been on the HFD 18 yrs and never heard of this practice!!! Sounds funny though!!

    3. O2 does not diccipate an odor. It's a colorless and odorless concentration. It will only increase the oxygen level in a room beyond the normal 21% making the area more flammable. There is no scientific proof that higher concentration levels of oxygen eliminate smoke or odor or in a room.

  96. It's not half. It's not even close to half. Just because 8:05pm has a drug or alcohol problem doesn't mean the rest of us do. So drug test. Once a week if you want. And let the addicts either get the help they need or find other employment. But get them off the schedule.

  97. I don't intend to name the house, but several people told me the same thing . What do you use to clear your weed smoke or do you stick with the powdery substances instead? Ask around though, I am sure it is common knowledge

  98. Hey dude get a grip, THE GREATEST FIREFIGHTERS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AND ALWAYS BE "FOUL MOUTHED JERKS" ! Please grow some thicker skin and don't forget to wear your hood so your ears don't get burnt.

  99. I was surprised to learn that 2 new deputy dept heads (Tanner and Gosselin) are married. Seems odd.

    1. They are Big Bronin supporters, this little guy Bronin is no different, he had to pay them double income to their household, what a joke! Read the Charter Deputies are suppose to live in Hartford also. One term Luke supporters are growing, like weeds. Did you all really expect a true politician from the Lying Malloy camp to be any different than Perez, Segarra, Malloy and the rest of the jokers?

  100. @ 10:37 PM I'm sorry that you feel that way, I do not agree. I would never insult the greatest firefighters that came before me by calling them "foul mouthed jerks." We do need mandatory drug testing at HFD, thanks for proving my point.

  101. Mayor Bronin must eliminate money in the his first budget in April. Aides for each councilperson is crazy. Adjustments to one aide for every three councilperson's is plenty. That is what the State of CT dose for every three State Representatives. Actually the job should be part time. I guess I am dreaming. However, this issue has been talked about forever. Do the right thing and moved forward on this matter. This would be a very successful measure to save the taxpayers money.

    1. 10:39
      Adjustments? What adjustments? Adjustments to what exactly?
      Just call it "corruptments", that's it.

  102. Are all the new appointees going to move to Hartford? There is plenty on the market throughout the city. It would aid the tax role. People get really involved when they live where they work.

  103. 10:39am

    The council aides are basically, for attendance purposes, already part time, except we pay them full time. A time clock would probably cure that problem.

    And yes the Council could function very easily with a third less staff and a large budget savings as well.

    1. Where is Adam Cloud's wife nowadays? What's her title? How about her salary, did she "suffer" from the recent salary raises and adjustments?

  104. The Councilpersons aides get benefits. Don't they. A gigantic time clock should be installed for them. Or maybe City Treasurer Adam Cloud could find money. His Deputy received a pay increase which she could return. Isn't there a staff in Cloud's department. Did his wife get an increase to0?


  106. Politics is politics and a greedy way of life. Any one who thinks differently lives in a daze. Bronin is going to regret becoming a Hartford Mayor. His family life will greatly suffer and will effect his health. His temporary friends will fade quickly as he tries to bring about change. The Court of Common Council will part ways too. Once a tad of power is felt the person starts to become difficult. Good Luck new Hartford mayor.

  107. @5:55

    I would generally agree that politics often attracts the reptile. I think we have an exception here. So stop drinking your drug-laced koolaid.

  108. Ever walk into a firehouse that has the strong smell of "INCENSE", wonder what they are trying to hide, burnt food possibly ? Quite a few firehouses seem to have lousy cooks !! And again DOBSON did Not get a PENSION.

  109. Hey 6pm,Did the weed come from those "greedy little suburbanites coming into our great city with fake addresses,stealing our firefighting jobs and selling their stash to us" ?? I think its a conspiracy to keep us down! HARTFORD NEEDS TO ENFORCE THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR HARTFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE OUTSIDERS DO ANY MORE HARM!!

  110. It was the residency requirement that ruined the HFD, the outsiders are the only reason its able to get by,

    1. You are a racist POS it's a lot of drug users an alcoholics from the suburbs in that department as well

  111. 11:02 am,Can you back that up with facts?I don't think so. Statistically THE "MAJORITY" of alcohol,drug abuse and (the latest disturbing category) gun use/misuse are those native to Hartford. Don't believe me? Go ask a union rep off the record or a respected "old timer". Facts are facts ,this has nothing to do with rascism,that lie is overused and frankly a little too old now!

  112. Residency, big deal. Just rent a apartment. You don't pay taxes on that.
