Monday, December 28, 2015


UPDATE:9:00pm, Once again, Councilman Kennedy showed his effectiveness as a Councilperson and his resolution failed to gain the votes to pass. Two of the co-authors abstained from the vote and Councilman Deutsch was a no show for the meeting.


  1. Adam Cloud is being exposed once again. Have the voters had enough of his bad actions? Voters should rally and get Cloud fired.

  2. It is sick what Adam Cloud tried to get away with. He should pay for his dishonesty. Can Hartford trust him? I cannot. Leave Adam if you don't like your pay. Many, many places of employment have taken a lot away from their employees. Go if you are so unhappy with your salary. It is a matter of fact that your name leaves a dark cloud over the capitol city. Be careful Adam your days are limited.

  3. All of the budget hearings are on video, including on you tube. Never once did Cloud mention his self issued raise as he bragged about his office's transparency. He knows full well how a raise for his position happens, because he went through it once before. Kennedy may not be the brightest bulb, but he's correct on this one.

  4. Oh Adam, Oh Adam maybe your brother and daddy can help you out. You have been a dishonest elected official. Go back to the private sector and make a million dollars. You are greedy and a mistake to have been re-elected as City Treasurer.
    You actions leave a very bad taste.....Move on Adam it time for you to resign.

  5. Any idea what was decided by the city council this evening with regards to Adam Cloud salary increase?

  6. I posted an update on the Council's actions

  7. I am just sickened by Cloud's latest self serving trickery. And every time his poor decisions come to light he blames some other city employee for an act that he himself initiated. Alas I have no hope that the new mayor or council will do anything about it, after all, he was part of their slate. Bet you he's still racking up bills on the p-card too because his thirst for the good life on the backs of taxpayers and pensioners knows no bounds. He's laughing at us, all the way to the bank.

  8. at 7:57, of course Bronin as new mayor won't do anything about Cloud's raise. Bronin got the raise done for Cloud. Just ask Burgos. Bronin wanted Cloud's raise to get through before he took office, that way he supports it without being on record and it not being on his watch. He can say when he's the new mayor that it happened before he took office and the council let it be.

  9. Three out of nine members on the Court of Common Council voted against Cloud's pay raise. Disgusting and shame full.

  10. Another dishonest and criminal act by City Treasurer Adam Cloud was permitted. Hartford is divided and has been for many, many years. However, this division was very clear at last nights Council meeting. Cloud's latest episode will be revealed. Who signed off on this increase for Cloud? When it revealed Hartford voters will understand who had the last laugh. Hartford's "Democracy" at it's worst.

  11. Here's how the deal went down: Cloud buries the $ in the OPEB trust never tells anyone it is for his raise. Doesn't take the raise on July 1 because well that wouldn't look good during an election year. No sooner is he elected he prepares the paperwork for payroll (well it was probably prepared by the wife) that requires a bunch of signatures before he gets his greasy hands on the cash. Paperwork hits HR, Burgos questions it, gets fed some BS story by Cloud so to cover his ass Burgos asks for a legal opinion. It is written by Lisa Silvestri who is assigned to pension commission and who was the one to say the city would pay for Clouds personal attorney in the O'Garro debacle. The same attorney who's brother and husband did time as part of the state treasurer scandal during Rowland (another felon) administration. In the end, remember it was all a scheme emanating from one person -Adam Cloud.

  12. Lisa Silvestri assigned to the pension commission? SCARY ! Do the cops know about this?

  13. 12:47 pm and 3:28pm,

    Clearly your crystal ball is working a lot better than mine. How did you come up with these theories? Any documents to back it up? I'll be glad to post anything you have if there is anything. I don't like the whole deal either or the way it was done, but there is a long jump to criminality. And as far as any involvement by Luke Bronin, I don't need to be his spokesperson, he hired someone for that, But I think as bad as Pedro was, we kind of owe it to Luke to see what he does. He hasn't even taken office yet and some of you are portraying him as corrupt, and many of you have probably never even spoke to him yet.

    I know politics by its nature appears to be corrupt, but at least give Mayor -elect Bronin a couple months to get started and lets see what he does. And it is the Council that can rescind or revise the raise, increase whatever you wish to call it, not the Mayor. Mayor Bronin could probably introduce a resolution for action to override the raise, but the Council would have to vote to approve it

    Kennedy and the current Council don't know how to count votes so last nights effort failed. And the Council showed its cowardice by the "abstentions" cast last night. Take a stand, vote it up or down and let us know where you stand, but don't hide behind an abstention because you have no backbone.

  14. Why would Bronin through Burgos push through a pay raise for Cloud? That dose not make any sense. Bronin is to smart to do a stupid thing like that. It will come out who signed off on this matter and Cloud will pay the price. Adam Cloud reputation is tarnished and he will never be able to recoup.

  15. Newly elected Mayor Luke Bronin will do the right thing to clear up the mess Adam Cloud got himself into. Bronin is going to lead Hartford with integrity. He is a man who thinks before he speaks. He follows through on what he says. Cloud has already dug his hole and it gets deeper and deeper each day. Cloud's days as City Treasurer are limited.

  16. 1:43PM

    "Criminal" is a strong word to throw around. I would suggest if you can back your words up, that you contact the office of the Chief States Attorney in Rocky Hill and present your evidence and request a full investigation. I doubt that call will be made though, because I doubt you have any evidence of criminality.

    I would predict that there is more criminality in the Dillon Stadium deal by those thumping their chests over Cloud's raise than any investigation into Adam Cloud would find. Wait and see who has the last word.

  17. 3:40PM,

    I think she married into the Silvestri family, so it is not genetic. She has acquired her pension skills on her own

  18. I beg to differ about the Adam Cloud mess being criminal. It is on several counts. Hartford statue says one thing Cloud dose the other. What on earth are rules made for? Cloud has his own set of rules and they are dishonest and criminal.

    1. Adam Cloud set of rules is very simple. It is greed, greed and more greed. His entire family is no diffeent.

  19. Adam Cloud has caused the neighborhood division Hartford has to grow. His pals stood by his side at the Court of Common Council meeting. Cloud is getting more nervous and it is beginning to upset more and more voters. Trust is not a word of value. Folks like Cloud have made that very clear.

  20. Kevin, Silvestri did not marry into the family, she is part of the family; her husband's name is Hirsch. She is the sister of Paul Silvester. The family changed its name from Silvestri to Silvester, but she kept the original last name of the family.

  21. 4:42pm,
    Ok, so what statutes were violated? Please specify something. It is easy to throw allegations around, but the burden of proof is much higher than just your say-so

  22. Read the resolution. It is very clear what was violated.

  23. It will all be corrected. Mayor Luke Bronin will set the record straight on the statues. Cloud got his hand dirty once again.

  24. 6:52pm

    I did read the resolution, it is a big leap from Hartford City Charter violations to criminal acts. Please get the terminology and the accusations correct. If Charter violations were criminal acts, half of City Hall would be in jail already

  25. Larry was on the west coast, and Joel and Shawn were also absent. The 12/28 meeting was announced as being canceled at the previous meeting, but--for some reason--Shawn changed his mind and put it back on the schedule. Any ideas as to why that happened, Kevin?

  26. We in Hartford have to be some of the dumbest people on the planet. We have a new Mayor coming in and we are still talking about the same old hacks ripping us off with the same old schemes. It's time for somebody in this town to grow a set of balls. Maybe I will take issue with Adam on a much more personal level. This will be a level he knows nothing about because he has never spent any time there, but I cant let him keep stealing from us. It seems if I am the only one awake. Hartford is a disgusting, toxic cesspool. That's coming from a city employee who was born and resides here.

  27. I'm a retired employee and I feel like he uses our pension funds that we worked hard for as his own personal bank account. Fancy trips on p card charged to us, salaries, expensive meals, his personal lawyer....all on our backs. This treasurer is same cloth as segarrA loves the good life at everyone else's expense.

