Friday, January 22, 2016


We don't need any more politicians inside City Hall. I have said for a while now we need people with common sense and business experience from the private sector to get Hartford back on track. We also need people that don't require a learning curve to get  up to speed when they move to Hartford from another State. We need people that have a realistic understanding of sound business concepts. Realistic expectations of Customer Service goals. Someone that can look at overinflated salaries that are so far out of whack with the private sector.

I think Mayor Bronin has found that person right here in our midst.



(Jan 22, 2016) Today, Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin announced his intention to nominate Bonnie J. Malley as Chief Operating Officer for the City of Hartford.

Ms. Malley currently serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Phoenix Companies, Inc., where she is responsible for all financial management and oversight as well as investor relations.  

“I am thrilled to nominate Bonnie to serve as Chief Operating Officer,” Mayor Bronin said.  “Bonnie’s extensive leadership experience, including as Chief Financial Officer for a major Hartford-based public company, will be a huge asset to the City of Hartford.  As chair of my transition’s Financial Review and Audit Committee and as a member of the Personnel Committee, Bonnie has already been a critical member of my team.  She is a dedicated resident of Hartford, and she will be a tremendous addition to the team we’re building at City Hall.”

"I am honored to be nominated to serve in Mayor Bronin's Administration at such a critical time for Hartford,” Malley said. “If confirmed by Council, I will work tirelessly to help our city address the current challenges and realize our potential."

Before becoming Phoenix’s Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Malley served as the company’s Chief Administrative Officer and was responsible for Human Resources, IT and other administrative functions.  A proud resident of Hartford, Ms. Malley is a member of the Bushnell Center for Performing Arts’ board of trustees, and serves on the board of directors for the MetroHartford Alliance, the Connecticut Forum and the iQuilt Partnership, among others. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Western New England College.

Ms. Malley’s nomination is subject to approval by the City Council. She intends to leave Phoenix once the company’s previously announced merger with Nassau Reinsurance Group Holdings is complete. 


  1. Good luck. She's gonna need it.

  2. It's business as usual at city hall. This mayor's wife has her own parking spot across the street at the library. A person parked in it and was asked to move as to not cause an inconvenience for the city's first lady. Same stuff different administration.

  3. Why single her out, if it is in fact true. It is almost as close for her to walk from her house as it is to park in the library. What about all of the Council aides that park in that lot instead of where City employees are supposed to park on Sheldon Street? What about the Registrar of Voters Staff? What about the Councilwoman's mother that regularly parks there? And I am pretty sure if the Mayor really wanted to give his wife a parking spot he could locate a spot directly behind City Hall, I don't think Charlie is using his anymore.

  4. Don't insult Charlie Ortiz, after all he didn't use his parking at city hall too many times. He didn't need to. Charlie O. controled city hall employees and manipulated heads of departments from a distance with his dedicated helper, Pedro Maria Segarra.

  5. Never mind everyone else Kevin, that's a cop out. The example needs to be set from the top, regardless of what everyone is doing.

  6. KB - Agree that the example starts at the top. If you disagree I might suggest you're a sell out. No doubt that there are always examples of impropriety, but the mayor has to be so clean he squeaks, and his wife having a parking spot that the highest employees don't get is a travesty.

  7. 1044pm do you know for a fact she has an assigned space? What type of vehicle? License plate?

  8. Bonnie is a terrific appointment and we are lucky to have her.

  9. Bonnie is an excellent choice, but why are we still stuck with that cockroach Linda Bayer running around. Linda must go!

  10. Now she needs a CFO. I know one.

  11. Look, Sara Bronin has an official position with the City of Hartford long before her husband took office. Stop with this ridiculous fuss over one parking space. If she was not a chair of a commission, I might agree with the parking issue.

    Isn't this supposed to be about the new appointment? I hope that the new administration recognizes that slashing costs should be their more important objective because there is NO extra MONEY to spend on anything. Taxes cannot be raised. And this will likely be a mess because the stadium costs will never be a cost even project. If anyone dares to suggest a raise in taxes, they will find themselves out of office in the next election cycle.

    May I suggest that we shut down 5 grade schools and 1 high school?

  12. Linda Bayer is a good person. Stop beating on her.

  13. I agree with 7,26am Linda is nothing but a burden on the city, she acts like a sweet old lady but in reality she is a stubborn nasty person. I wouldn't keep her in city hall even if she was a volunteer.

  14. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Phoenix Companies

    Chief Administrative Officer and was responsible for Human Resources, IT and other administrative functions
    I don't think Bronin has the same appreciation of the problems the City faces as did Judge Killian, but he does seem to have an appreciation of good management. He gives every indication of being the most grown-up strong Mayor in the history of our new Charter. I don't know a thing about her, but Ms. Malley's resume inspires hope for change.

  15. I applaud the new mayors balls. However, an appointment is the easy part with these corporate folks. People used to boardrooms and corporate suites and educated, civilized conversations, are in for the steepest learning curve of their careers. I hope these business types can fight for real because the resistance to change will be mighty from the entrenched Hartford crony capitalist, family based, multi-generational control that has existed here for decades. The corporate types will be horrified by the types of attacks which will come from many different directions. I just wanted to give them a heads up and wish them good luck.

  16. Like "a cockroach running around" is the best description of Linda B.

    1. Linda cockroach? That's a compliment to her.

  17. @2:30 You are a cockroach, fool.

    1. Linda @4:59 Look at the mirror, Linda, it's time to admit your manipulation and lies, fool. You, Linda, are a cockroach.

  18. Kevin - Why approve of comments that are simply mean spirited attacks on an individual?

  19. 5:39 Because a comment is mean spirited, it doesn't mean they aren't true. Maybe the subject of those comments needs to re-evaluiate her "community service". As someone that has experienced her level of "dis-service" personally, I think many of the comments are warranted. Ask her about her altercation with a resident last month at the Hartford High library.

  20. KB, I will. Maybe the person spit on her. There are a few instances that could compell me to strike someone. Just saying. Is that all you got on her?

  21. Linda in her "Anonymous at 5:39 PM" is only half right, "Why approve a mean spirited attack." Problem is Linda herself was an important part of the disfuncional, arrogant and corrupt Segarra Administration. A lot of the mess the current administration inherited is her doings.
    Get rid of her already.

  22. Linda was great licking Pedro's rear end. She always stood up protecting Pedro, his gang and herself. Never for the people of Hartford. Never.

  23. Ask Linda Bayer what was ger position about DD Stadium and Dillon Stadium and how she presented it. She was for it before she was against it, before she was for it and before she was against it.

  24. @7:07 really, I am not Linda. What you exhibit here is the small stature of a coward and a bully too afraid to sign off on your drivel.

  25. @7:07 really, I am not Linda. What you exhibit here is the small stature of a coward and a bully too afraid to sign off on your drivel.
