Wednesday, January 13, 2016


On January 12, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., Detectives from the Hartford Police Department's Vice and Narcotics Unit, along with members of the South Conditions Unit conducted an undercover narcotics operation in the area of South Green Park and 33 Park Street.  This operation was conducted in response to numerous citizen complaints regarding open air street level narcotic sales in the Park.  Undercover Detectives conducted surveillance in the area and were able to identify prospective buyers and sellers of narcotics.  A total of (16) individuals, from in and around the Hartford region, were arrested and charged with various narcotics charges.

Two ounces of Marijuana
60 bags of Heroin
15 grams of Crack Cocaine
Nine Suboxone
U.S. currency $441.00

Arrested: Ismael Ramos, 48, of Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of a Controlled Substance
2.      Possession of a Controlled Substance With Intent to Sell
3.      Sale of a Controlled Substance

Arrested: William West, 54, of Meriden, CT
1.      Criminal Trespass 1st
2.      Disorderly Conduct

Arrested: Nathaniel Jefferson, 23, of Hartford, CT
1.      Criminal Trespass 3rd
2.      Possession of Narcotics
3.      Sale of Narcotics
4.      Possession of Narcotics With Intent to Sell within 1500 School

Arrested: Walter Nosek, 45, of East Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      Operation under Suspension
3.      Failure to use turning signal

Arrested: Eric Ortiz, 35, of Hartford, CT
1.      Criminal Trespass 3rd
2.      Possession of Narcotics
3.      Sale of Narcotics

Arrested: Marisol Rivera, 51, of Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics

Arrested: Maria Karabetsos, 48, of Newington, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics

Arrested: Juan Velez, 34, of Winsted, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      Possession of Narcotics Within 1500 Ft of a School
3.      Possession of Narcotics With Intent to Sell

Arrested: Andrew Knapik, 24, of New Britain, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      Possession of Narcotics Within 1500 Ft of a School
3.      Failure to obey a Traffic Control Signal

Arrested: Amor Ahmetbasic, 25, of New Britain, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      Possession of Narcotics Within 1500 Ft of a School

Arrested: Emilio Montalvo, 54, of Hartford, CT
1.      Loitering
2.      Possession of Narcotics
3.      Possession of Narcotics Within 1500 Ft of a School

Arrested: Jon Carlos Gonzalez, 40, of Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics

Arrested: Victor Torres, 40, of Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      Failure to keep narcotics in container

Ticketed: Jadaiah Sneed, 36, of Westfield, MA
1.      Possession of a Controlled Substance

Ticketed: Raymond Guzman, 28, of Hartford, CT
1.      Possession of a Controlled substance

Arrested: Idalina Morale, 53, of Hartford, CT
Charges: Outstanding Prawn Warrant FTA 2nd


  1. That is a shame. The park use to be beautiful. What has happened to Hartford? Not all the listed names were from Hartford but probably were at some point in time. And the new mayor wants business people to have lunch in Hartford.

  2. The amount that was seized was not a lot of loot but better than nothing. The Hartford Police have a mess to deal with in this city morning, noon and night.

  3. Now that Bronin is here the cops are gonna try and make it look like they're justifying all of the wasted money spent on special units. It's been obvious what's been going on in Junkie Park for decades. Get Real. A bunch of police cadets could have cracked that mystery.What are they gonna do next, start asking people why they stand out on street corners all hours of the night in frigid weather. Great Police work!

  4. Kevin, Is this post a joke ? "This operation was conducted because of numerous citizens complaints" ? That park is no different than it was in the 70s! Am I supposed to believe HPD is that naive and blind all these years that they needed "citizens" to act as "informants" to expose this illegal activity ? The only way you could make the drug activity on that little pie wedge more noticible would be to put up a billboard with an arrow pointing down stating "BUY AND SELL DRUGS HERE" For those that don't know this park,it is situated in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in the city,one of the streets being MAIN ST ! It's about 60 yards long and at its widest point about 30 yards,no trees or privacy fence. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me a thousand cars a day pass by there (I guess no cruisers do though) What an embarrassment for HPD ,IN THAT THERE ARE A LOT OF US FAMILIAR WITH THAT SCENARIO FOR "DECADES"! Hey HPD , here's another "hot tip" for you guys,,,,,THOSE PEOPLE HANGING OUT AT SIGOURNEY PARK AREN'T PLAYING DOMINOES ! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you figure it out what their doing!

    1. Simmer down guy. The cops are all well aware of what goes on in this park and that it is a lost cause. Trying to fix that park is like trying to polish a turd. It's situated down the street from a methadone clinic, across the street from a homeless shelter, and around the corner from the revolving doors of the drug corridor that is park street. It will never look like a park in West Hartford, not ever. Arrests will be made, but just like the Hooker problem on Franklin and Wethersfield, there is a certain segment of the population that can't be fixed. Sorry, but this is what you get in sanctuary cities. All our services draw in a less desirable segment of society like a magnet. It's truly sad. Hartford was once a beautiful place many, many, many years ago.

  5. I have a better idea. Hold a needle exchange and give the dope away in clinics. The crime will stop. The STD infection rate will diminish and the OD rate will end. Cheeses, is that so hard to comprehend?

    1. Bill you're an idiot. There already are needle exchange programs. Great idea, lets give away something that completely incapacitates and sickens people on a daily basis to the point that they are incapable of being productive members of society. Besides there already are clinics that give out the government sanctioned high, methadone. That seems to be working out great. Feel free to go observe the success of the city's clinics on Main Street or on Leibert road. That's not going to stop the overdoses. Also, STDs and heroin aren't closely related. If you want to know about prevalent herion related diseases, it's more along the lines on Mrsa, hep, and AIDS.

  6. Linda Bayer needs to go asap. Mayor Bronin, she will sink your ship if you allow her to stay around !!

  7. Sad state of affairs.....January 13, 2016 at 4:32 PM

    Doesn't matter what they do or how many people they lock up, Gail Hardy will dismiss or nolle, or at the very most give them a little slap on the hand. The one in a hundred that get jail time, our governor will give an early release to. Black lives matter......they don't want drug offenders in jail. Total waste of time.

    1. Black lives matter?? That's the south end you racist POS always a hick from the suburbs with something to say

  8. Go get them HPD...JOB WELL DONE.

  9. 3:13PM
    No pleasing some people I guess. Not doing enough....doing too much, what is the answer?

  10. Didn't Hartford spend thousands of dollars renovating South Green Park just a few years ago ? And what happened to the commitment Los Solidos members made when they promised they were going to "beat down" anyone selling drugs,doing drugs or littering in "their" park?

  11. 2:06 PM

    Yes, as a City we certainly do have our problems but the decay didn't happen overnight and we aren't gong to fix it overnight, but every effort like this drug sweep starts setting a tone. And that tone needs to be consistent. Also keep in mind, we are not an island in Hartford, The guns, the drugs, the related crime does not only occur in a vacuum in Hartford. It does bleed over into your clean little suburbs. Those drug users are probably climbing through windows , burglarizing homes right down the street from you to get the money satisfy their addictions. And as you can see from the report, they are not all Hartford residents.

    So yes, the Mayor's message is right on point. If that means supporting Hartford by having a great meal in any one of our neighborhoods or attending an event in Hartford, give it a try and be part of the change. You might even meet some great people during your attempt and realize we aren't really as bad as you read in the paper.

  12. "This operation was conducted because of numerous citizens complaints" - that's the catchphrase in every warrant or police report that establishes probable cause for illegal searches.

  13. Maybe this post didn't make it to you yesterday,I'll try again. Kevin, Regarding your remark at 2:06 pm on the 13th, the difference between my "clean little suburb" and Hartford is that we take our garbage out once a week. HPD gets a dumpster out once a year and thinks that will suffice,especially when people like you get all giddy when they do their job in a small way.Quite often Hartfrord's garbage (murderers,thieves ,rapists,drug dealers,drug users,unlisenced-uninsured-reckless drivers, etc.) floats over onto our property and we take care of that too. I was born,raised and now work in Hartford. If you offered me a free house on the street I was born on,I WOULD'NT ACCEPT IT! Kevin,your more of an "illusionist" than a "cheerleader" for Hartford. Please don't encourage my neighbors to come into the city and "have a great meal in ANY one of your great neighborhoods" you might put one of my friends in jeopardy by making it seem like things are'nt as "bad as they seem in the paper" Funny,but I can't remember the last time my "clean little suburb" had reported a murder.

  14. @1:48

    I may not be the brightest light bulb in the house, but I do understand when programs do not work and having observed the great war on drugs" as Nixon defined it for many decades, compels one to contemplate other solutions. Also, if you want to insult me, try being creative with your insults instead of an often overused noun. Be more imaginative, coward.

    Hepatitis C and AIDS are STDs. They are blood-born diseases and are transmitted through bodily fluids.

    I stated that current programs such as methadone do not seem to be working and dispensing heroin to confirmed addicts would stop their need to rob and steal to purchase drugs. It would put a major dent in the international and regional drug trade. Indeed, a tax on herion could help subsidize the program. Those who abuse themselves with narcotics will continue whether the drugs are purchased on the street or in a clinic under controlled conditions. If you think my idea is so far fetched, ask all the mothers who have lost a child to overdoses. Or the gas station attendant who experienced staring at the end of a gun. Or the many bank tellers who with increasing frequency, listen to that now familiar refrain, "I have a gun and I want the money."

    Hey Anonymous Coward, if you have a better plan, as the elephant says, "I'm all ears."

  15. Ahhhhh....

    If you have the perspective that ALL LIVES MATTER you don't have to take the time to make a decision you just do what's right!!
