Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The Hartford Planning &  Zoning Commission will meet tonight, Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 6 PM in the Plaza Level Conference Room at 260 Constitution Plaza.

The agenda is as follows:

Site Plan Review of 641-659 Wethersfield Avenue for proposed construction of Dollar General Retail Store.

Site improvements Public Hearing 167-169 Bond Street: Conversion of a 2-family house to a 3-family home ,

185 West Service Road: Improvements to the Ryder Truck Rental site including addition of new truck fueling and washing facilities Zoning Regulations

Comprehensive revision of zoning regulations and zoning map (see www.hartford.gov/planning/zoning )


  1. Is Luke's wife still on the Commission? Are there still members that don't live in Hartford on the Commission? Go Bronin, your NO different than your predecessors, when it comes to if it walks like a duck, you know the rest; you Bronin at first glance decisions are a Duck, a little one, but a Duck.

  2. Which member doesn't live in Hartford?

  3. It's a conflict of interest that the mayor's wife is on the commission. but this is hartford. adam clouds wife works for him and that's a conflict too that every one seems to turn a blind eye to.

  4. A conflict based on what standard? Because her husband was elected she is still only one member of the body, If you think you have a solid complaint, put your name behind it and make a complaint to the cities Ethics Commission, or is that a conflict also because the Mayor appoints the members? Where we you screaming abut the things Charlie Ortiz was doing when Pedro Segarra was Mayor? And some of those actions were found to be illegal and improper by several bodies, including the State Labor Board, and I think we were forced to pay out on those actions

  5. Mr Brookman, please explain about Charley Ortiz.

  6. Bronins wife is chairman of planning and zoning commission. The mayor has power over that body. If it looks like a conflict it is a conflict, appearances are reality. She already used her state email illegally for non work political purposes during campaign. And at the risk of inciting the wrath of Sara Bronin did anyone else notice the vast amount of her husbands new appointees are Uconn law graduates which is where she teaches and graduated from. She fits right in Hartford!

  7. Finally, an excellent solution to the "Scarborough 11" issue. Now the city must withdraw its lawsuit against this group of fine people. Instead, file a lawsuit against Saundra Kee Borges and Henri Alexandre for allowing this mess to go on and spending our hard earned tax dollars on this nonsense.
    Victory to the People of Hartford!

  8. Please explain your comment "She already used her state email illegally" . What was the e-mail address and why would she have a State e-mail as a Hartford Commissioner. This is the first I have heard of this. Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hillary?

    1. Don't you remember she used it to get votes for Luke, how did you forget it was on the news when Pedro made issue of it. Don't be lead blindly by Bronin, you will be writing about his coruption soon, mark my words.

  9. I'd rather have 100 UConn law graduates than the ignoramuses we've been dealing with so far. Thank you.

  10. 11:42 am

    I Couldn't agree more. And isn't it interesting all of the accusations that are thrown out with no proof, even when I ask for clarification. Who on the Commission is not a Hartford resident? What were the e-mails sent? At least I provide documents when I put my claims out. I guess it is easier to try to doom Hartford to failure than try to make change. Keep up the great work Sarah Bronin. We couldn't afford to pay for the expertise you bring to zoning issues for our City

  11. Sara Bronin is a breath of fresh air. We need more leaders like her. Yes, go after Attorneys Saundra Kee Borges and Henri Alexandre for not taking a stand on the issue. Congratulations neighbors on Scarborough!

  12. Talk about a conflict of interest. City Treasurer Adam Cloud has his wife Nicole working in the treasurer's office. Cloud is a perfect example of conflict of interest.

  13. 7:52 PM

    I believe that matter has already gone before the State Labor Board and been decided as not a conflict. She was employed in that Office before her husband was elected and could be harmed if any action was taken to try to remove her or transfer her. I am not sure what you would want Adam to do? Fire her so she could then sue the City and collect a judgement against us? It does sound good though if you want to create a controversy, almost as terrible as Sara Bronin donating her time and expertise to Chair a volunteer Commission

    1. It has not gone to the Labor Dept., she was suppose to move to Finance and refused, "she's a Cloud" and no one tells a cloud what to do.

    2. And really do you expect anything but blind union support from the department of labor? It's not called dept of management and I remember when they made hartford take back a firefighter who was fired for driving a firetruck while drunk. As for the Clouds anyone with any common sense would offer to move into a comparable job instead but as it becomes increasingly more obvious, they think anything applies to them..... and rub our faces in it to boot!

  14. 10:21pm

    Pedro said it on the news? I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of that mans mouth. Didn't he also say on the news the Yard Goats stadium was a "Done Deal". I suppose you believe that also.

  15. If it has the look of a conflict, it's a conflict.
    Adam Cloud is the Treasurer of the City of Hartford
    Adam Cloud's wife works in the Treasurers' office. The two together are in control of one Billion dollars.
    This is a position that is in charge of all the pension assets for an entire city.
    It looks like a conflict a very troubling one.
