Thursday, January 28, 2016


It appears that the Bronin Administration is serious about tackling the drastic need for Police Officer's in Hartford.

Despite the lack of hiring by the Segarra/ Wooden regime for years, the new Sheriff  in town, Mayor Luke Bronin, apparently has authorized the training of 24 to 28 new officers starting February 8, 2016.(UPDATE 5:00PM , the real number is 15 Hartford Officers, see more detail below) That information was contained in a department e-mail received from sources this afternoon. The e-mail was distributed by Lt. Christine Mertes of the Hartford Police Academy.

Unfortunately, my high hopes for increased numbers of Hartford Police Officers on our streets was a little premature. What Lt. Mertes failed to mention were the real numbers. According to one HPD source familiar with the hiring, only 15 of those recruits will actually be Hartford Officers. The additional numbers will be from other agencies taking advantage of using Hartford's Academy for training purposes.

Despite my disappointment, 15 are much better than done, which is what w saw for most of the Segarra years

HPD's  numbers have been decimated for the last few years as a result of attrition, including retirements. y most estimates, the department is at least 100 officers under where they need to be to properly staff HPD.

Conditions Unit Officers and Faith Based Community Service Officers have all been told they are being returned to the ranks of the Patrol Division as of February 7, 2016. This is required to staff vital patrol positions and account for the attrition and lack of hiring by the City


  1. Not even a dent when you consider the upcoming retires along with officers milking an faking injuries smh!!!

  2. 5:27PM

    I agree, it is like treading water against the tide, but it is a start, Far more than what Pedro Segarra did in six years, Bronin has matched in 3 weeks. Stay optimistic, hopefully another larger class coming in August.It also comes down to properly managing resources and getting the most benefit from them. It should also help to brig Overtime into line.

  3. Lt Mertes wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face. Wasn't she the first female sniper in the State of Connecticut? Another one of her delusional visions

  4. The fact she's a LT goes to show how far from glory that PD has become

  5. Passing a test is about all it takes

  6. Mertes is a total nut job when she was a FTO she actually wrote up an tried to fail Iovanna cause she claimed he didn't stop at the stop in the parking lot of 40 Jennings rd what a joke!!!

  7. The academy Lt position has always been the penalty box for command staff. Just like booking and the serve. Mertes is going to be paying a lot of fines for releasing medical records of former officers, violating several federal laws...
    This is just one more example of her leadership judgement.
    Hey christine, how bout you have someone proof read your emails before sending them out.

  8. Keep maldo downtown !!!!!January 28, 2016 at 8:54 PM

    Mertes is also a highly regarded sniper lawyer in the state of Mass. Lock her away somewhere far away from the troops and any computer or email access.
    And some. Some of the conditions guys do a great job.

  9. Those high speed central guys Newell and logan get just as many burners as the dream team first page STF overtime rangers. They both get the goods and should be kept in a proactive unit instead of being put to shame. STF and the New First Sgt still do a great job, but why not add some top notch guys to share the kool aid ?

    1. Put to shame? Patrol is the back bone of the PD. Since when is patrol such a bad thing? Isn't that why we took the oath of office. I'm a proud patrol officer and happy to do my job.

    2. Page 2......I agree with most of what you said. But do you not realize we're over 100 sworn short? The entire reason conditions and others are being sent to patrol is because of the deficit. I'm sure STF would love to have more guys like before. But before anyone, all these house mice should be sent back.

  10. Mertes has lost her mind long ago. Put Manson or a guy that cares about molding the new guys instead of mertes hiding in her office..

  11. Pull the central guys burner stats. They compare very closely to another unit located at 50 williams st.

    1. Who's at 50 Williams? PAL? I see you probably have worked in booking most of your career. Your really on top of things.

  12. What about twin dung and the other 30 broken teleserve injury prone officers scared to go to a call for service ??

  13. Told you Kevin plenty officers milking injuries

  14. Mertes is a giant loser!!!! I can't even tell you how often on a day to day basis she acts like a giant loser she is always making lewd comments, grabbing guys that don't want to be within ten feet of her and making up constant lies. She killed a suspect as a sniper, she's been shot, she was on ERT, she tells the recruits about all of her "war stories" when she should have been thinking about how to get rid of her fupa! This is where we want the best we can get! Love him or hate him mike Manson is a brilliant tactician. He should be teaching new recruits. Mertes stood at the podium and talked about how hard the recruits worked at running in the rain wind heat and snow, only problem you loser is the recruits were not in the academy in the winter you huge idiot!!! And your terrible Ellen haircut has to go for the love of god!!!! Please somebody think of the children out there!!!!!

    1. Holy Bojangles Batman that was a lot of passion lol

    2. Did Mertes ever do any time on the street?? It's sad someone like that moves up the ranks truly sad

    3. Most officers that have moved up the ranks haven't done any time on the streets.

  15. What the heck is a faith based CIO and why in the name of God do we need them?

  16. Hey January 29th at 3:48 pm. , I'm a firefighter ,but you and I are similar in the fact that if it wasn't for us "little people" who ACTUALLY ARREST BAD PEOPLE AND PUT OUT FIRES ,,,THESE A#%HOLES WOULD'NT HAVE THAT LOFTY POSITION TO LOOK "DOWN" UPON US!!! A "thank you" once in awhile would be more appropriate than their condescending narcissistic bulls#%t power trip their on. DONT THEY REALIZE THAT THEY WOULDNT HAVE AN ARMY WITHOUT SOLDIERS???? I'M PROUD TO BE A "WORKING MAN". HEY "A#%HOLES" TAKE YOUR "FRUIT SALAD" CITATIONS ,BUGLES,STRIPES,BARS ETC. AND STICK THEM UP YOUR ASS !!!!

  17. 7:19PM

    That's not true. Joe Buyak, Neville Brooks,Billy Long,Brandon O'Brien, Rob Allan, Mike Cacciolli, should I keep going? I might also add Jim Rovella to that list

  18. Kevin you forgot to mention Rob Ford.

    1. I'm shocked he didn't name Brian Foley is their dicension in the ranks?

  19. Kevin your on the money! I can't speak for the fire command because I'm a cop but I want all you hose dragers to know I love you like my brother!!! We have a tough job as cops and fireman in the city. The toughest in the state! I know morale sucks but just know that we appreciate you guys. White, black, Hispanic and ladies! Anybody willing to help me gets it returned in spades! Were all in the trenches together! Fight the good fight and stay the course!! Hold the line!

  20. 11:06 pm,That's the nicest complement I've heard in the 20+ years working for HFD. Thanks,I truly appreciate it. Maybe YOU could be our other assistant chief .

  21. 10:06am

    Nope, sorry Chief Foley, you should have been at the top of the list. Thanks for pointing that out

    1. Hmmmmm not too sure about that but when your subordinates go so far as to break into your office an put a live possum in there based on your actions as a supervisor that speaks volumes

    2. Im know J.Tuna did that- they are classmates and very tight. That speaks volumes about both those guys. Get your facts straight.

  22. So perhaps I shouldn't ask this question, but why isn't the City of Hartford charging the municipalities which send their recruits to our Academy for compensation? Does the HPD have to perform the background checks on these recruits? If so, why aren't the jurisdictions which these recruiters are being trained for not charged for that expense? My last question is why isn't the pay for Hartford Police officers in line with those for surrounding jurisdictions? I'm a simple person with a limited perspective but... Just wondering?

    1. That's actually a good question do the city tax payers pay that tab or the other town those officers are going too? An if it's a federal grant for Hartford then it should be fit Hartford recruits only

    2. I never saw Hartford recruits in another towns academy

  23. 5:04pm

    Most other towns (except the larger cities) do not have their own academies. Hartford routinely accepts recruits from other towns and has the option of charging per recruit or "in-kind" payments to cover the costs, such as polygraph services for background checks. If POST doesn't have a class running in Meriden, Hartford can opt to assist other towns and agencies , such as UCONN PD, West Hartford, Bristol, Manchester, Glastonbury and others throughout the area to train new officers for the classroom time required. The FTO (Field Training) programs are still conducted individually by the officer's home department, All requirements are outlined by State Statute and POST

  24. 8:40PM

    I don't get your point.English please
