Monday, January 11, 2016


Today I attended my first Stroke Survivor Support Group at Mt. Sinai Rehab Hospital. The meetings are held every month, and I would encourage all of you to NOT become members. It is a great group of people, but the initiation process is pretty rigorous.

Mt Sinai has some great resources for those of us that have joined the club. Their Doctors and Physical therapists and I probably wouldn't be walking today if wasn't for their efforts.

Today's meeting was facilitated by Doctor Thomas Miller, a Rehabilitation Doctor at Mt. Sinai. He passed out a handout about a program from the American Heart Association about a program called
"Life's Simple 7"

I think it is a program that would be beneficial to everyone and I thought I would share it here. The program details 7 basic steps to reduce death from cardiovascular disease and stroke by hopefully 20% by the year 2020.

Double click on the title below to view the document full size

1 comment:

  1. Great points that we all need reminding of occasionally, Thanks for all you do. Continue to get well
