Monday, February 29, 2016


Today our guest on "We the People" was Hartford's newly appointed Fire Chief. Reggie Freeman. Less than a month on the job as the Chief, we talked about his vision and the leadership he is providing to the HFD, the future and his goals .

One of Chief Freeman's first steps after taking office was to restore some of the tradition to a proud Fire Department. He visited all firehouse and tried to meet and listen to firefighter's as their Chief. I think that was appreciated  as indicated by the text below, that I received after his first day here, from one of his firefighters.
Another move was to highlight the proud history of HFD by taking the pictures of all the past Chief's out of storage so they could be hung on the hallways in Fire Headquarters.

And finally, one of the little things that is very symbolic, was the return of the 1-HFD license plate to the Chief's City vehicle. I could never understand the need for previous Chief's to operate undercover with regular plates. The Chief should be proud of his position and not be ashamed to be identified (unless the vehicle is somewhere it shouldn't be)
Click on the program below to watch our interview with Chief Freeman, feel free to comment.


  1. I wasn't sure about this pick at first, but it seems pretty clear that Mayor Bronin has made the right choice on this one, Articulate, strong command presence and a vision for where he wants to see the Fire Department headed. Great interview and well worth the time to watch. Very impressive, professional look for the program also

  2. Kevin this was the first watch for me of your TV show and all I can say is. What's up with Yennie. Is she on the show so your guest doesn't get a chance to answer real questions? Tell her to stop talking and let the guest speak.Though she did throw that real zinger at him. "who cleans the firehouses?" Boy he really sweat through that question. She talked over you several times. The only real question you asked was the third assistant chief or third deputy chief question and she just blew you right off. That answer was the only one any firefighter wanted to hear.

  3. You didn't get anything else out of that entire hour?

  4. Wow, what a breath of fresh air!
    Compared to what we've had for Chief's for the past 18 years this guy knows his stuff. He knew dates and costs and never got caught up in a question. Bronin, good choice you made for us, I hope Freeman sticks around for a long time, god knows this place can use someone like him.
    I am by no means an ass kisser, but after the shit leadership we have been under for so long, Freeman deserves these comments. Can you imagine Crazy Charlie having an interview like that? He'd be stammering and stuttering, wouldn't know what costs what or when it happened, then get mad and tell everyone he's the Chief and how powerful he is and all his other psychobabble bullshit.
    Thanks for posting this Kevin, makes us want to work for a guy like this, he is EARNING his respect, not DEMANDING it like previous Chiefs! Keep up the good work Chief.

  5. Not anything not already said at his visit to firehouse. By the way I am behind him 100%. He is a smart, articulate person with, I think, the business background this place needs right now. If he can stay upright and not kneel to the mighty fire union he may do some good.Time will tell.

  6. It's easy to answer questions right when you know them ahead of time. We'll see what everyone thinks of him when our broke city starts saying no. All the catch phrases and numbers won't mean anything without money to back it up. Most of the thing that are being done are things that were already known about. The scene lights on the Rescue have been out for more than a year, but purchasing wouldn't appropriate the money to pay for a new generator. I wonder where having to ask purchasing for every penny before a part can be ordered came from. I think that would be our new Chief on his first visit. That's why running a Fire Dept. like a business doesn't work.

  7. What should it be run like then? The circus it has been for the last several years? Do you understand the concept of fiscal responsibility?

  8. Kevin, I'm sure you know that Hudson was one of the main acts of that circus. If Chief Freeman was serious about you referenced, actually the lead clown. If Chief Freeman was serious about straightening out the fire department he wouldn't have brought Hudson back in. Hudson and people like him is the reason why the HFD got screwed up in the first place. It will be difficult to take Chief Freeman seriously when he makes asinine moves like that.

  9. All I know is the name, I actually met Chief Hudson for the first time last Thursday night. Other than that , I know nothing about him. As I have said many times here already, I am keeping an open mind and we will see what Chief Freeman does over the next six months or his first year. So far, I am impressed and Reggie has to have his own team that he is comfortable with. If it came down to personalities and what I think, I am sure most of you know who I would have picked for A/C, but it is not my choice. Let's defer to the actual Chief of the Department and see what he does.

  10. Mr. Brookman I like to keep an open mind too, but he chose Hudson really? It's hard to respect someone who makes that terrible of a decision. He might have as well made Terry Waller A/C he's just as incompetent.

  11. I don't know anything about Chief Hudson, I guess I will have to evaluate as we go along. Educate me.

  12. could anyone be as incompetent as Terry Waller and still be breathing?

  13. Hudson was in with the corrupt politically connected scum that ran Hartford. He used his scum connections of Teale, Dobson and dumb ass Billy Smith to jump over well respected and deserving men for promotions.He never earned the right to be an officer on the department not alone an interim Assistant Chief. I agree with the previous commented, Freeman messed up bringing in Hudson, he should have known better, I'm sure anyone with a brain would advised him against it.

    1. He was advised against by many people but he decided to take him anyway.

  14. This can go one of two ways. In six months you can say "I told you so" or hopefully admit you were wrong and Reggie made the right choice. Time will tell

  15. Everyone knows that Reggie made the wrong choice bringing back Hudson. Now that Hudson has been there for 2 weeks, it has to be obvious to Reggie how useless Hudson actually is.

  16. Hudson stands for...


  17. Kevin, A few questions and comments

    Why isn't there a hispanic representative in the administration?

    Why are women that have synthetic hair weaves allowed at an active fireground?

    Yennie suggested a cleaning service be hired to clean the fire houses or getting community volunteers to do it. REALLY!!!!

    Why is it that some FF(s) stand around the active fireground with spit shined helmets and clean turnout gear posing for the cameras while the same few fight the fires?

    WTF! the taxpayers aren't stupid. If the posers don't want to get dity assign them to the proposed medic cars, fire department ambulance or Yennies firehouse cleaning crew.

  18. I retired as a firehouse captain, there is no need to hire any cleaning co.There is sufficient time and more than enough personnel to have the firehouses spotless.but the sad
    Sad truth is most are lazy and do the bare minimum.Many officers are worried about being friends rather than bosses. The ones that try to demand more effort are quickly deemed abusive by 760 and co along with the former admin. And threatened not to make waves. Reggie you want a better dept. And enviroment? Pick your officers carefully and then back them up.
    I left my career early because I couldnt stand the BS, lazyness and incompetence any longer, worst of all was not having any support from above infact I and other officers were viewed as the problem because we made waves.
    I will get pasted here but don't care I served the majority of my career with a major injury but missed minimal time, I had a relatively easy assignment but always did what I was told to do without hesitation, my best achievement? I never got anyone hurt thats what I brag about. Anybody knows me knows I speak my mind and no fear here. So "Anonymous" knock the balls off me if you will. Kolosky

  19. Captain Kolosky, thank you for your honesty. Tell me what are your thoughts on Chief Freeman bringing Hudson and Costello back as interim Assistant Chief's

  20. I think due to the pension rules they
    Are temporary. With any job it takes time to get up to speed. By the time they get a handle on it their cycle will be nearing completion. New players with new ideas will be coming to start another temp. Term. My point Is Hartford should take steps to secure assistants that will be long term to create stability both for the admin and the employees.

  21. who cares what Kolosky thinks he was a lazy turn his back on the drinking issue in Engine 9 and then says the higher ups don't do anything about it, Tell the truth Teddy you turned your back on the LT drinking...

  22. I raised concerns about the drinking to 2 district chiefs. I had allegations and credible concerns from ff's.
    Due to group scheduling I rarely saw that LT. Not an eccuse but knoe this,1 of the DC Instructed me to come in on my off day under the pretense of getting something from my locker and innitiate the process. I told him yea or you could just do yoir job and come down hear as you are the shift commander.I was told by another depuyy that I csnt write up here say from other ffs when I submitted pa per work. I suspect thst csme from above.I ald o hot some hints from people on the 3rd floor to lesve it slone. I did not.What you don't inderstand is as an officrr I didn't make all aware of the lenhth I went to.Now in typical coward fashion you post annonomous.But over the years you get a feel for people and how they speak and words they use , how's that new job going? When I had d irect evidence of drinking I was threatened with discipline when I explained how I got it. Something yoi couldnt understand if you sit in thr bsck uour whole career. Easy to critisize when you don't have to lead or have those little "informal threaten sessions" with the chief. Lot of things lazy ain't 1 of them. By the way you would be my last choice for that job.

  23. I raised concerns about the drinking to 2 district chiefs. I had allegations and credible concerns from ff's.
    Due to group scheduling I rarely saw that LT. Not an eccuse but knoe this,1 of the DC Instructed me to come in on my off day under the pretense of getting something from my locker and innitiate the process. I told him yea or you could just do yoir job and come down hear as you are the shift commander.I was told by another depuyy that I csnt write up here say from other ffs when I submitted pa per work. I suspect thst csme from above.I ald o hot some hints from people on the 3rd floor to lesve it slone. I did not.What you don't inderstand is as an officrr I didn't make all aware of the lenhth I went to.Now in typical coward fashion you post annonomous.But over the years you get a feel for people and how they speak and words they use , how's that new job going? When I had d irect evidence of drinking I was threatened with discipline when I explained how I got it. Something yoi couldnt understand if you sit in thr bsck uour whole career. Easy to critisize when you don't have to lead or have those little "informal threaten sessions" with the chief. Lot of things lazy ain't 1 of them. By the way you would be my last choice for that job.

  24. well after reading this wonderfully written response I would say maybe the Lt and the firefighters were not the only ones drinking>>>>

    Spell check work from down south????

    and I doubt the third floor and the Deputies told you that

    put down your beer and tell the truth

  25. Spell check, beer not problem
    Texting with phone and declining vision is, laugh. But just being honest like I told you. And yes I was told that and a whole lot more ridiculous BS over the years. Under the recent past admins.a co. Officer only had 1 real use, to take the hit when it all goes bad. Not to lead or enforce policy, your the buffer to ta ke the hot if someone is hurt or brings legal action. It sll falls on a co. Officer. You didn't do enough, you went to far, you are investigating, why didn't you? Whatever it all comes back to the officer. Guy is late, "where's your guy"? Anyway I am retired ill shut up now and stay off here you are correct who cares what I think?
