Monday, February 1, 2016


It looks like Hartford's new Fire Chief Reginald Freeman and his interim Assistant Chief Frank Costello hit the ground running today.  After being sworn in at City Hall this morning, they both began the work of rebuilding the Hartford Fire Department.

I remain very optimistic after a message I received from a Hartford Firefighter this afternoon.

The message was short, but it said quite a lot;

"Chief Freeman and Chief Costello came around the Firehouse today. It meant a lot to the guys"

Little things can make a big difference. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Continued progress and success Chief Freeman to you and your team


  1. Hey Kevin, thought there were two Interim Assistants.

  2. Good to see the "HFD-1" license plates back on the Chief's car. Another little thing that means a lot.

  3. Little things don't mean anything when you ignore the big problems.

  4. Any examples of the big problems you feel are being ignored?

  5. Kevin Bell, nothing has changed!

  6. I don't think anything is being ignored regarding Bell's death, I am not sure much else ca be done until the outside agencies complete their reviews and reports. I think the recommendations returned by OSHA and the State, such as fit testing, have been completed

  7. What does fit testing accomplish! Equipment didn't kill Kevin. Terrible officers did, and nothing has been done.

  8. Don't get me started on causes of death. And how can you say nothing has been done?
    Huertas is gone replaced by a new Chief, Reggie Freeman, Terry Waller is gone , replaced on an interim basis by a respected veteran Frank Costello, and I believe Scott Brady has one foot out the door for his next exit. Sounds like a good start to me, the rest has to be taken care of by yourselves at the next Union election

  9. Why is Costello so respected. His hands were deep in the problems at training. Your two biggest heroes are the ones who built a division that does nothing.

  10. Kevin you ws nt an example? Sit down now, we have many fire trucks, front line not spares that are using hose that is 33 years old. Not even dupposed to be tested after 25 yrs old. I doubt most people don't even use garden hoses that long.Now look into documented failures of engine 15 to deliver water at fire scenes on 3 ocasions. 1 failure was attributed to the inner liner of the hose collapsing the others were blamed on operator error. That operator is very capable, well trained and very experienced. The hose remains in service and Smith and Brady are aware of it.So what do we know after a LODD, We know we only have to fix what people find out about. Look into for yourself if you don't believe me.

  11. 10:56pm

    Thank you, I will try to confirm your information under the new Chief. The previous Chief would not release information like that

  12. Still no training, letting people promote up and out. Same game, new administration. Nothing changes. We'll see how long until the next death.

  13. Not a very good attitude there. maybe you might want to consider a different career instead of "waiting for the next death"

  14. The truth is the truth!

  15. I know what I'm doing, maybe the people upstairs should find new careers. There are plenty of jobs in Texas.

  16. The little things that kill. Why would a city brought in people to tell them how to fix their deadly problems do the exact opposite. But when people point that out they have a bad attitude. 9;16 pm. is right, same mess, new day.

  17. Kevin, the hose situation is more inportant than the breathing apparatus was and definately the core rescue training and all the cash layed out for trench rescuue equipment. Example of Vin running the show for his tac, Brady on board and Huertas to weak to stop it.
    Reggie, Frank, Please if nothing else get that union in check, only then can you move forward with the department.

  18. What is the problem with the rescue training, please explain?

  19. Since you ask, for years all members of he dept were trained equally across the board, as of late a small group has gotten a lot of specialized training, that is good, however they got a lot of equipment, cloting, boots $300 a copy , gloves and trench rescue equipment while the majority of the dept. couldn't get a shirt or pair of pants. This Core training also got a lot of individuals additional OT another cost to the dept. While we have 33 YEAR OLD HOSE ON OUR TRUCKS. Do you understand priorities. How many high angle rescues are we going to perform in the mountainous terrain of Hartford, CT. Problem with the Core training is it is out of sync with priority.It would be great if we had all the other bases covered, all the money we needed, all other training up to date. It also gives some on the job additional training. That is good. However it also will prevent some from being eligible for certain assignments and OT . Like boat details and TAC assignment. That is a very good tool to keep the little club the tac has become their own Little Club. TAC hater? yeah a little, but because of the reasons stated above and more. Lets face it, you don't get on the tac by being good, you get on the tac by " kissing the ring" you know who wears the ring don't you? Somebody tell him.

  20. 9:50pm

    I am well aware who wears the ring. I am also well aware that you guys put him there an elected him even though you had a chance to change that. I would suggest that you guys clean up your act as well. In the meantime give the new administration and the new chief a chance to make changes .everything you're talking about happened under the previous Chiefs. I think you might be surprised to see the changes coming

  21. The two new Chiefs are doing a great job. Gutting the already useless Training Division will definitely help. When Hudson comes you can assign him to personally keep Milledge out of trouble. That way the Society will be happy. They can also put Mancini in EAP so he can run his business better than he does at 16's.

  22. Kevin, are you aware that a lot Of guys risked a lot by backing Costello in a union election a short time back. That the sitting members take notes on those who would oppose them and retalliate through slander campaigns and even transfers because they controlled Charlie. Well we tried to get Vin out and he eaked out a very narrow win over Ocasio. At the same time Costello was elected but caved the next day and either resigned or refused the position after we went on a limb to back him and take action to remove the cronies that have a strangle hold and remain today. Lots of us lost respect and hope that day.
    Kevin you have some behind the scenes info on HFD and 760 but you only scratch the surface of how dark it can get.

  23. 2:30PM

    When is the next Union election and are there any provisions in your by-laws for forcing a fresh election before then? Or even a recall vote or a vote of no confidence? I think you are going to find quickly that there is a new era of leadership at HFD and merit and qualification are going to weigh much more than Union games or shady deals. Start early and identify qualified candidates and start doing the legwork now to bring about change and to build support for good candidates that are looking out for all of your membership, not just a select group. It can't happen by starting a few weeks before the election

    You know what the problems are, now take on the challenge to fix it

  24. If people wanted change our Union officials wouldn't be running unopposed. People have realized how stupid they almost were in the past. The fact that none of those guys wanted to put any work in to prove themselves shows whom they really are. o'Casio and Costello were willing to let the young men and women get pink slips for their personal dreams. When they made that statement they changed their futures forever. The stupid moves that are being made by Reggie and Frank are already showing that Reggie isn't going to last long.

  25. 3:58PM

    Such as? We already know Chief Costello won't last long, his is only a 6 month commitment. And Chief Freeman seemed to be well received by the community last week, they seemed to like his vision

  26. No they don't, we are only waiting to see what is really up his and the Phoenix Society's sleeve. Everyone knows how he got here. We are just waiting to see how far the Society's agenda is going to hurt us.
