Saturday, March 19, 2016


On Saturday, March 19, 2016, at approximately 2:05 am, Hartford Police patrol officers responded to the area of  18 Martin Street in response to a Shot Spotter activation (#76493) followed by several citizen reports of two persons shot while seated in a vehicle. On arrival, two black male victims were located inside a black vehicle suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. The victims were treated on scene by paramedics before being transported to Saint Francis ER by ambulance. Both victims were pronounced deceased at 2:40 am by the attending physician at Saint Francis.

Patrol units established and secured the crime scene in front of 18 Martin Street. Major Crimes Detectives and Crime Scene Detectives responded and assumed control of the investigation.
The investigation is on-going at this time.

Victim#1: Jeffery Vail 07/11/87

Victim#2: William Ward  10/04/82


  1. What better time than now to cut police services. Regionalize??? Do you really think any of the nice surrounding towns want anything to do with Hartford's crime and issues? The answer is a big NO!! That's why you always see surrounding towns police parked at the city lines, to keep Hartford criminals in Hartford and out of their nice towns. Stuff like this only happens in Hartford and other dilapidated cities.

  2. 912a

    "Stuff like this only happens in Hartford", get your head out of the sand. It happens more often in urban areas, but could just as easily happen tonight in your quiet little suburb. And when it does happen, your town might be calling us for assistance. Maybe for our negotiators, maybe for our bomb squad, maybe for our dive team to recover evidence. That is what regionalization is about. Don't think crime stops at the City borders or that you are immune.

  3. Mr. Brookman, you seem to think you know everything. As an officer from a surrounding town, I can unequivocally assure you, your negotiators, bomb squad, dive team, etc etc etc is NOT used by any surrounding towns. Our towns will not be calling HPD for assistance, maybe CSP if needed. Inquire with your connections at HPD and see how many times any HPD specialized unit has been used in any surrounding town. If they have, I'll guarantee you it has at the most been a couple of times. If my recollection is correct, only our ERT teams have been utilized to assist Hartford during the Puerto Rican Day parade disaster. No surrounding town wants or needs any headaches or issues unique to your city, Hartford, the falling star. Regionalization will NEVER EVER happen.

  4. Falling Star,

    Apparently I know more than you. Check your facts. In recent history, when a Newington Police Officer was shot and killed it was Hartford that was there with their negotiators and other services. I think Hartford also patrolled the town while all of Newington's officers attended Officer Lavery's funeral. When a woman was kidnapped and subsequently held in a house in South Windsor by her estranged husband as he set the house on fire and claimed to have rigged bombs in the house, it was Hartford's bomb squad and HPD's robot that was on the scene throughout the event. Last year when New Britain PD was in a staffing crisis, it was Hartford's Traffic Division that was called to help supplement New Britain's depleted numbers for their fireworks display. When a baby was thrown off the Arrigoni bridge in Middletown/Portland last year, it was the HPD Marine Unit and Dive team that scoured the Connecticut River to retrieve the baby's body. The Hartford Fire Department routinely responds to West Hartford and East Hartford for mutual aid when either town has a structure fire now. And going back a little further, Hartford's Department of Public Works was critical in removing and trucking away tons of debris after the Windsor tornado in the Poquonock section in 1979

    Keep your narrow minded thinking going for you, but realize "as goes Hartford, so goes the Region" Hartford is not an island and neither are you

  5. Falling Star,

    I almost forgot. Even though you stated "Our towns will not be calling HPD for assistance" How many certified Police Officer's in your town as well as towns surrounding Hartford have graduated from Hartford's Police Academy, as well as UCONN and other agencies that use HPD's academy?

  6. Kevin let's not forget when Ert went to new Britain hospital for an active shooter, Manchester for both a cop shot and the Hartford distributors shooting and Willimantic for a police officer that was shot. But I totally agree with the small town small minded officer above. Stay out of our city we only want cops here.

  7. 10:23pm,,

    good points, and not to be demeaning to any Police Officers, but for good or bad, Hartford Officers probably see more in their first year on the job than many suburban officers see in their entire careers

  8. Hartford is now broke but wants surrounding towns to pitch in. How about all these post I read supporting the residency clauses for staffing Hartford jobs like DPW and HFD. You lock out me and mine from employment but now you want my money? I don't think so, you want your city for you and yours? Take care of your own problems and finances.As far as being the cspitol maybe we should give that to a town that is more deserving of the title.

  9. @2:17

    As a Hartford resident, I fully agree with you. I was never supportive of the residency requirement to work for the city. As a result, Hartford has hir d a lot of dysfunctional personal and now, because we didn't hired the best but criteria based on being a resident, we have problems on top of problems.

  10. I couldn't agree more with 2:17PM....well put. No surrounding town want or needs Hartford's problems.

  11. But I don't think it is going to be your choice. If Hartford can't get back on track, the problem will spread

  12. residency requirement
    The idea of the requirement is generally a bad one.

    However, I will say that it is often possible to detect when a bureaucratic authority, a cop even, isn't a resident. One often gets the impression that some municipal employees figure that those of us who live here are, by that fact itself, not deserving of respect. That was the case when I dealt with HPS teachers and administrators. That's the case presently in my dealings with something called the Hartford Parking Authority. There have been numerous occasions when the reaction of the police to a minor crime (car break-in, for example) is a shrug. What do we expect living in this place?

    Then, of course, City Hall, the State, and the Organs of Communication complain if we acknowledge that Hartford is what it is; not a Rising Star, but more of a Yard Goat.

  13. Thank God my Italian and Irish grandparents weren't as stupid as you people in Hartford and stayed as "problems spread" in their hometowns and country. They had the good sense to bailout ,and while they were alive I COULDN'T THANK THEM ENOUGH !!! I live one town over from your "s$&thole" and I promise you that I won't be a martyr and stick around to smell it much longer. There is no cement in my shoes!

  14. How about for once cops back each other. Stop the town/city cop crap. The truth is Hartford cops will probably see and experience a lot more than most town cops however, they signed up for it. They are not any more of a cop than any other. Jesus i thought blue is family. Get along

  15. how about just blaming the people who commit the crimes, instead trying to avoid the obvious and point fingers in other directions. Hartford is the way it is because of them, them only. being low income doesn't mean you live like slobs or buy drugs or shoot. If you are tired of this happening in your neighborhood....move.

  16. If you are tired of this happening in your neighborhood
    Among the many things the State does to render all of our cities ghettos is to install its released prisoners there. Most of the middle class, i.e., normal families with married parents and an employed member or two, have all taken your advice long ago.
    God Bless the cops.

  17. Too bad all of STFs overtime got cut for not producing like VIN. Im sure if STF had their unlimited OT they would solved these shootings. Right? Glad to see the STF guys earning their money like the rest of us on PJs.

    1. Earning their money like the rest of you? Working a J is the easiest, brainless, laziest way to earn money. I'm pretty sure they'd much rather work a J like everyone else.

    2. Id say its much eaiser to make more money in ot while hiding out in your unmarked car or at 50 Jennings playing on your cell phone waiting for 81s or an 83 call to come in. Rethink your statement after spending 8 to 10 hrs a day on your feet in the street environment. Welcome to the PJ club!

    3. Narcotics producing? Those guys are a joke. They just do trespass arrest lately. Put them to work pj's with the antisocial supervisor they have. That guy is a joke. Very rude. They should get rid of stf and narcotics. Let's see if this gets posted.

  18. 3:43pm

    Not to mention that all of STF and V&N are now back in the loop for PJ's so who did the whining benefit?

    1. Kevin post the yearly earnings from last year. You can see who clearly made out in the OT department while not working any PJs. But hey who cares its not like the city is operating in the black. Gotta throw all the extra OT money at some divison and hope it makes a difference.

  19. Chris Lyons retired HPDMarch 23, 2016 at 2:39 PM

    Anonymous posts are for those who do not have the convictions of the words they write while commenting about all sorts of ills affecting the Hartford Police Department.

    All I see is complaining, character assassination and negative attacks on each other. It is shameful.

    I loved my career at HPD and wouldn't trade those 20+ years for anything. It wasn't all pretty but when we had a problem we actually took care of it face to face and ironed out a lot of garbage.

    Very few persons in the community to include most elected officials care about you guys and gals out there so you all should take a breath and begin to back each other.

    Being a police officer is tough enough without officers having to look in the police department for slings and arrows coming their way from co-workers.

    1. Well put Chris. Unfortunately, most of these guys do not know or understand the awesome street cop you are / were. Not many, besides me, are still here and had the privilege and honor to work beside you.

  20. This is tragic. Where are the "black lives matter" people when you need them most. Oh I forgot...Soros has all his "useful idiots" harassing political campaigns.

  21. Herion is the new alcohol. Instead of accidents being caused by drunk driving, nowadays, drivers a stoned on junk and can't keep awake at the wheel. Police don't like to speculate on accidents but I saw it first hand a short time ago. Kevin, do you have any unofficial info from your contacts on this matter? Cops refuse to say anything on the topic. Their patent line is that DOT has the stats.
