Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Hartford's City Treasurer Adam Cloud today re-appointed Hartford Attorney and resident Bruce Rubenstein  to another four year term on Hartford's Audit Commission.

Rubenstein has been an aggressive member of the commission in his first term, helping to expose and investigate corruption and waste throughout City government. Rubenstein is one of three members on the Commission



    Adam Cloud reappoints an auditor that couldn't figure out how corrupt Cloud is. And you wonder why Hartford is so screwed up. Hey Mayor wonder boy, you don't let someone from the inside hire someone to investigate the inside unless you don't want the truth to be known.

  2. It has nothing to do with the Mayor, appointees are determined by a City Ordinance. And go back and look at the last four years, much of the work that has been done and the dirt that has been exposed has been the result of Rubenstein's efforts on the board. And if Adam Cloud is really worried about any actions you claim, I would think he would have appointed a lapdog rather than a pitbull like Bruce

  3. Kevin, I do not agree with you. Bruce go get them.

  4. I only hope Adam Cloud has stopped smoking cigarettes like past Treasurers were never able to do. . The Grim Reaper comes sooner for those who don't stop.

  5. I have had that conversation with him myself and I think he is trying. We all need to reduce our risk factors for stroke and heart attack. It is not fun when it happens, but thanks for thinking about it ( And I didn't write that first comment Adam, honest)

  6. Kevin, no, I wrote it. I once smoked periodically but got a scare in 2008 after contracting a bad case of bronchitis and I stopped cold and never looked back. Now, I can't stand smelling cigarette smoke. I run for my high these days.

  7. 11:40PM

    Off topic, but I am glad you could quit, many have a tough time until it is too late. Start combining the risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and they combine as a perfect recipe for disaster. Life is too short, we should try to not make it shorter if we have control over it.

  8. Enough about smoking. So Cloud appoints Rubinstein to be the policeman. But of course, he cannot bite the hand that feeds him so Cloud gets a pass. I know how this works. Like being appointed by the mayor to the ethics commission and when a mayor becomes a bad boy, and you show an inclination to investigate him, you are not reappointed. Hey guess what, gossip boy, I was once an Ethics Commissioner. Right, and Perez refused to appoint me since I was not one of his boys.

    The good old boys network lives. You sound as if you don't want to step on too many toes.
