Tuesday, March 29, 2016


"Ma , you beat her ass".Those are words that must make this Hartford mother proud. Just knowing that she has been such a role model in her daughter's life to teach her the important things in life to make her a good person.

This video capture is from a Hartford girls Facebook page posted last week after an assault that took place in the cargo area of a Greyhound bus at Hartford's Union Station. I figured that as soon as the video is posted it will disappear from Facebook, so I shot the screen capture of it.

This is a case where DCF should be looking into how this wonderful mother is raising her daughter and the values she is instilling upon her. What is next weeks lesson? How to reload a weapon after a shooting when the fists just don't have the desired effect?

And we wonder why our neighborhoods are a mess? And what does it say that people are more interested in getting a video for social media than in breaking up a beating?


  1. And we wonder why Hartford is such a mess? Another fine candidate for "Mother of the Year Award"

  2. Animals...not human

  3. I thought for sure you would have posted the pizza event.

  4. To me, it looks like an early "Mothers of Invention" Frank Zappa fake porno film al la, "Unlimited Freakouts."

    Answer: Babies have babies and do no no to each other.

    Question: What happens when the Salem Witch Syndrome assumes a dominant role in the urban?

  5. 6:28PM

    I prefer original content, besides, I thought this was enough ignorance for one day.

  6. This is what goes on all the time. Babies having babies...Our Federal, State and City governments allows this to happen. Housing, medical and food stamps are given to babies having babies. When will this ever stop? Not sure because no one is accountable.

  7. This why society is so messed up. There needs to be a one on one social worker for mothers who live in poverty or they say they do. Then there would be no more mothers having children with different fathers. Let's spend more USA money on educating these wonderful mothers. They know how to beat the system.

  8. Act like a animal? Get treated like one. We spay and neuter our animals to keep them from running the streets and acting like this! I think we should start doing the same to these sub human fools.

  9. Subhuman ? Was Adam Lanza Subhuman?

  10. All those decent grandmothers raising their children's kids have all passed away. Now we are f&@cked because those girls who mass produce kids to get on social services don't have anyone to pass them off to and now this is what you get and trust me ,IT AINT GONNA GET BETTER! DOES ANYONE ELSE AGREE WITH MY OBSERVATION ?

  11. I had a scene like this some years back with the female participants in prom gowns and shoes. The cops came to break it up, but I ended up in Cap Ave in hand-cuffs. I was merely encouraging the removal of the brawlers, but the cop said I was trying to tell him how to do his job. When the cops left, the fight resumed. It was inconvenient, particularly at that time of night standing in the Ave with bare feet, but it was an entertaining spectacle. You gotta keep on the cloud's silver-lining side of life.

  12. What was it even over ?
    1. Food
    2. Mean look
    3. A man

  13. Yes of course Adam Lanza was sub human! He was a monster!

  14. @4:17

    Not important. If one of my cats looks at the other for too long, a cat fight begins. Same with human cats.

  15. Kevin, you da man. Reminds me of Hartford High School hallway scrimmage back in the day.

  16. Kevin, although the video is revealing exposing the unpleasantly aggressive, may I ask what you are doing perusing Hartford girly Facebook pages? Hum... No fooling.

  17. 1:58pm

    It was forwarded to me, if you really need to know .

  18. A realistic example why Common Core is total shite.


  19. These are the people who feel that they are victims of society, who will turn around and accuse society of being racist

    I can find no viable solution to how to even "correct" a human that thinks like that. You just have to throw away that "trash" before it soils the rest of the the world. Hartford is just the dump where we throw out and keep our "trash".

  20. @1:58. Now, do you feel better?

  21. I'm thinking, there is a white guy trying to play peace maker. Wonder why he wasn't on the bottom of the pile.
