Monday, April 11, 2016


I am really not sure why it has taken a week to get to this point.

 Mayor Bronin and Superintendent of Schools Beth Narvaez today issued a joint statement "related to the reporting of any information suggesting that a child may be at risk of harm" Shouldn't this have been automatic on the part of Narvaez? Did it really take strong media attention to get her to admit the obvious?

 Today, Mayor Luke Bronin and Superintendent Beth Schiavino-Narvaez announced that the Board of Education will launch a thorough review of the policies and procedures related to the reporting of any information suggesting that a child may be at risk of harm
. At Mayor Bronin’s request, the Board of Education will also engage the Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate to assist in the review of policies and procedures, and to look into the reporting of a recent situation involving a Hartford Public Schools (HPS) administrator sending inappropriate texts to a minor. “Both as a father and as Mayor, I feel a profound responsibility to do everything possible to ensure that kids are protected from harm,” said Mayor Bronin. "There needs to be a thorough review of what happened in the reporting of this situation, as well as a broader review of the policies and procedures to ensure that officials respond quickly and forcefully whenever there are any warning signs. I believe it’s appropriate to engage the independent Office of the Child Advocate so that the review is as thorough, as impartial, and as effective as possible.”
Led by Sarah Egan, the Office of the Child Advocate is responsible for monitoring and evaluating public and private agencies charged with the protection of children in Connecticut. The Office of the Child Advocate also has the authority to review the policies and procedures of state agencies, or others that provide services to children through state funding, to ensure they are protecting children’s rights and promoting their best interest. “As Superintendent, I believe that there is no greater task at Hartford Public Schools than being vigilant about the safety of all children. We will review our abuse and neglect reporting procedures immediately,” said Superintendent Narvaez
. “I welcome the support and assistance of the Child Advocate in the review of our policies to ensure the district is doing everything within its power to protect every child.” Superintendent Narvaez also noted that anyone who believes a child is at risk should immediately call the Department of Children and Families Careline at 1-800-842-2288, which is open 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
  This announcement comes after a police investigation surfaced against a former Hartford school district staff member, Eduardo Genao, who allegedly sent inappropriate text messages to a minor. The criminal investigation involving Mr. Genao is ongoing, and there are no official charges to date, according to the Hartford Police Department.
  For further inquiries on the investigation, please contact the Hartford Police Department.
Also, Assistant Superintendent Gislaine Ngoudou issued her own statement via e-mail to her colleagues explaining her lack of action when confronted with allegations of inappropriate behavior by her counterpart, Eduardo Genao.
  Dear colleagues,
I am reaching out to you regarding a matter of importance.
I wanted you to hear directly from me for several reasons;
 I believe we share an unwavering commitment to all of our children and I deeply value our collective work and our culture of strong relationships and collaboration. I would like to express my regret for the way I handled an allegation brought to my attention of a potential improper contact between a HPS employee and a minor
 On 3/22 I received a text from Dr. Aron Lewis concerning an allegation of potential inappropriate contact between an unnamed HPS Director and an unnamed minor. I replied to Dr. Lewis’ text and attempted to set up a time to call him twice that day, but was unable to speak with him. In a follow up message,
 Dr. Lewis informed me that he would handle the matter through an alternative way. I incorrectly assumed we would speak the next day, but neither of us followed up on the matter with each other. This was an omission of the mind and not an omission of the heart. I take full responsibility for the failure on my part to aggressively pursue more information. This was a lapse that does not reflect my own professional standards, my commitment to children, or the importance HPS places on the safety of children attending our schools. I am deeply sorry for any breach of trust this may have caused between HPS and the families we serve and pledge to do all I can to rebuild that trust. I also commit to the work of improving our processes and practices to ensure the safety of all of children. I thank you for remaining focused on this work with me.
Sincerely, Gislaine Ngounou, ED.L.D. Chief of Staff Hartford Public Schools
Although it is good to see Ngoudou taking responsibility for her failing to protect a child, it can not just be breushed of by an e-mail confession . Strong action by the Superintendent, up to and including termination, needs to be taken for anyone found to be guilty of not taking appropriate action in this matter .
Oh, and just as a sidenote, Pedro Zayas, the Hartford  Schools  spokesperson  still has not responded to any of my requests or text messages for information. But as you can see, I am still getting the information through "alternative means". and I thank you all for helping to expose this problem even if the highly paid spokespeople want to keep this covered up.
Here is a screen capture of one text message he has ignored. as you can see, it was read Friday, and still no response. All part of the cover up mentality ,I guess. They should realize by now I won't just go away because they ignore me.


  1. This is how they earn their money - by screwing over the constituents and taxpayers who pay their salary. Kevin - stay on them like a dog on a bone. We can change HPS for the better. Let's get rid of the dead weight in HPS.

  2. There have been issues at the Board of Education Central Office for years. The present Superintendent, Chief of Staff, Media Director and personal in Central Office are singing the same song that has been sung for years. The Board of Education Chairman is out of control. The Chairman and Board of Education members asking for more money is not the answer. Adding more funds for education will return more waste. The state must intervene and set the record straight. In house players will not be able to fix the leaking pipes. An advocate assisting at this point is useless.

  3. This is total crap and part of the overall coverup.The Mayor and Ms Narvaez know dam well that a investigation by the Child Advocate will take months...and by then they are hoping the steam and intensity of the citizens is greatly reduced so that no one can be accountable at the BOE. In the meantime, that letter of apology is not enough, she should be at least suspended if not fired. Ms Narvaez transferred the predator in late 2014 and in order to do that she would have had to review his file,which would have showed those 2 indescretions with teenage girls. Instead of getting rid of Genao,Narvaez transferred him... much like the Catholic Church does with their pedophile priests. For this transgression for not taking action against Genao,she caused him to be in a position to do what he just got caught at.Ms Narvaez should resign or be fired.

  4. These over-priced "civil servants" for education should all be fired! All those huge salaries for what? Our neighborhood schools are crumbling while they feast on the CAVIAR left over from Maria Caviar!!!!! If they are all fired we would save millions and because they are worthless good for nothings. Their empty jobs would not make a difference!!!!!!!!!!FIRE THEM ALL AND WE CAN SAVE MONEY AND ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN EDUCATION!!!!!

  5. The best decision Dr. Ngounou can make to help parents and colleagues build trust again with HPS administrators is simply to resign.

  6. Yolanda, you are correct. But in this country, loosing ones job is usually the last thing that occurs. Money always trumps safety and education of children at least in this city. Teachers in Atlanta who erased wrong answers on test scores were charged, convicted and sent to prison. In Hartford, the issue is quietly swept under the rug and forgotten.

  7. I wish you were wrong Bill, but unfortunately you very well may be right.

  8. We can let our voices be heard - I plan on attending the BOE Meeting Tuesday, April 19 and explain to the members of the Board of Ed why Dr. Ngounou and Mr. Wareing must go. There has to consequences for bad decisions and being incompetent. I read her apology and I don't buy it. This is the very reason Genao was able to stay around HPS and hurt our kids. THat is because no one would do the right thing and fire Genao until now, when it is too late. Let's not make the same mistake with Gnounou and Wareing too many second chances in this school district. Join me and attend the BOE meeting, sign up to speak. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

  9. Kevin- we need your leadership on this one. We need specific instructions on what should be done to make this wrong a right. Kevin, unfortunately it is you will have to take the lead. I am ready to follow. Just give me my marching orders. I want change for my City and the kids who attend our City schools. Please work with us to get rid of Narvaez, Wareing and Ngounou.

  10. @12:56

    Don't you think you are placing too much responsibility on Kevin? That is a lot to ask for. He is just one person. Kevin, I might suggest that you form a kind of task force where a dedicated group can assist with all issues related to improving Hartford. This is clearly too much for one person to shoulder. If you agree, I and I am sure, others are waiting to help out. You could screen us anyways, you probably already know who would help out.

    Seriously, this is too much for one person. You have developed quite a platform to utilize.

  11. 4:27PM

    Thank you for the advice, but I have found that sometimes working in "stealth" mode is best. It keeps records and documents from being destroyed and there already is a committee of sorts consisting of all tyhe good people that have already come forward to help unmask this mess. I do have to be careful and protect my sources 100% and sometimes that means waiting to strike to avoid those who might be tracking things to avoid detection. Eventually it probably would be a good idea of a committee effort if for nothing else than to gather support. and strength in numbers to bring about change. A lot has already been done in a short 7 days-

  12. Kevin, you know where your friends are if and when you need them. I am not an insider but I would help. It is important to carry this mission forward. This mission is important enough for you to be hired by one of the established organizations. But they get you for free as you break a new story.

  13. 6:25PM

    Thank you, I really do appreciate it. I wouldn't be approaching almost 2 million views if it weren't for my loyal readers who have made this all possible

  14. Who do these entitled incompetents think they are? What have they accomplished, besides getting a huge salary for doing NOTHING? What a great accomplishment it is to swindle the poorest among us, children that you need to educate and PROTECT.
    Fire all of them, they are fake educators, just get a degree and they think they are so above everyone else that they keep down by taking our tax paying monies and keeping us ignorant. And they don't even live in Hartford! They live in their big mansions in Hamden etc.. FIRE THEIR GOOD FOR NOTHING POMPOUS BEHINDS. LIKE RIGHT NOW. The residents, parents of Hartford demand it.
