Thursday, April 14, 2016




On April 4, 2016 the Hartford Police Department was contacted by a concerned citizen regarding potential inappropriate conduct between a (now former) Hartford School administrator, Eduardo Genao 57 of Hamden, and  a 13 year old female from an out of state school.

HPD investigators began an immediate investigation, visiting the victim in her home out of state that afternoon. The corroborated details of the interactions, between the 13 yo and Genao, were included in a search warrant application for a cell phone believed to be possessed by Genao. On April 5th, 2016 the search warrant was approved and served to Genao at the Hartford Board of Ed offices at 960 Main St. Working closely with Hartford Public Schools Administrators and Security, HPD investigators were able to secure the phone from Genao. Shortly thereafter, a second search warrant was obtained and served at the Hamden home of Genao. Electronic evidence was seized. That evidence has been, and continues to be examined.

On April 13, 2016 HPD Investigators submitted an arrest warrant for Eduardo Genao to the Hartford CT States Attorney’s Office (GA14). The warrant was approved. HPD investigators took Genao into custody at his home in Hamden CT without incident. Genao was transported to HPD Booking where he was charged with a single count of Risk of Injury to a Minor and given a $50,000 bond. Genao posted bond and was released. He has a scheduled court date of April 20, 2016.

This investigation is ongoing. The Hartford Police Department is communicating and working closely with the Hartford Connecticut States Attorney’s Office as well as our federal partners.

Former Hartford Assistant Superintendent of Schools Eduardo Genao after his arrest last night on felony Risk of Injury to a Minor charges. The investigation continues.


  1. His wife and daughter must be so proud of him today.

  2. I wonder why a big smile almost never appears during this kind of photo session. I was once lined up but I put the biggest smile on my face and the cop had to tell me to close my mouth. BTW, my charges were nollied. I hope his are not.

  3. Anyone notice the cycle? An administrator gets caught, he/she admits they should have acted differently, apologize and keep their job. It's what happened with Genoa and it will continue as you see with, "Narvaez's chief of staff, Gislaine Ngounou, apologized in a districtwide email Monday for failing to "aggressively pursue more information" after a city resident warned her on March 22 of an "urgent matter concerning one of your directors with regard to inappropriate child contact." As mandated reporters in the school system we have 12 hrs to report possible abuse, but somehow certain people can claim "having a hectic day" as a reason for neglecting the first priority of their six-digit salary job: the safety and well-being of children. If this was a teacher, SPO, or para their apology wouldn't carry much weight. No one will press that issue, though. Too many people downtown worried about their salaries and their friend's salaries, as we saw with Genao.

    1. The predator is Genao. As a mandated reporter, Lewis shouldve reported to DCF or the Police. Not text the COS of the predator's job so they could try to cover it up.

  4. This is was long over due. I hope he gets locked up, we all know what happens to predetors in jail.

  5. someone who sits on a potential report of risk to a minor is complicit in the crime

  6. Don't forget Dick Wareing. If he does not resign before the next BOE meeting,I will be there to look him in his eyes to ask him he hasn't resigned. I am still hopeful that Gnounou will do the honorable thing and resign before her boss has to ask her and if her boss does not ask her, it will be time for us question whether we have the right Superintendent. BtW - I have given up on Mayor Luke asking Wareing to resign, I am wondering if ANY BOE will make a motion to have Wareing removed. We might actually see a really leader on the BOE.

  7. Kevin, just curious, was the phone he used for sexting his personal phone or one issued by the BOE?

  8. Kevin, just curious, was the phone he used for sexting his personal phone or one issued by the BOE?

  9. I am not condoning Eduardo's actions nor exonerating his behaviors, but what I will say is the sad truth of these sort of things happen more than one would want to believe. This man has been blacklisted due to his public spotlight. The media has had a field day with his actions and you people here have fed into what the media has been doing. Behind the stories on TV and the internet, there are networks fighting for the ratings. This is what is wrong with the American people, we hone in on one aspect of the large world going on around us and we miss very important aspects of day to day life that have a direct effect on our lives. I'm not against what some people are writing on this blog but since it is titled "We The People"; I believe that all opinions are welcome. We must remember that behind that man there is a family; a family who is completely innocent, children that may have very well lost a father figure as they wish to have kept. Mind you this is all about children. I know we dont want him to get his pension and we want him to burn in hell or rot in prison, BUT the first one free of all crime and sin cast the first stone. Shame on the shallow minded for believing everything the media tells us, and shame on those that critique and judge a man who will be justly punished and have to pay a price for what he did regardless of what you may think. Isn't this all about "justice"; let justice be served and move on with your lives people! But that may be too hard for some of you.

  10. Too many people downtown worried about their salaries

    Mayor Luke asking Wareing to resign
    As far as I know the members of the Board are not paid. This is one of my complaints about the State system; it pits unpaid volunteers against professional institutionalized union representatives and bureaucrats. Say what you want about particular members, but they truly are public servants. That having been said, members of the Board do have legal and ethical obligations.
    The Mayor has nothing to say about the Board or the District. They tell him how much money they want, and he extracts it from the completely unrepresented City property taxpayers.

  11. There's plenty of blame in this sad and disgusting saga. And it looks like it's not as black and white as previously presented. After reading the Hartford Courant story about how the investigation is continuing, is anyone else scratching their head and asking what is wrong with the 13 year old's mother? First she tells her daughter NOT to block this perv's # from her cell phone but now she's upset that her child had to be exposed to this sick behavior??? Then she doesn't even report the stuff to police even though she thought it was inappropriate? If that's not bad enough she reports it not to the school district where the creep works even though she knows he works there because that's how they met but reports it to some non profit. And for icing on the cake she's worked in education for more than 20 years and just graduated law school!!!! Mandated reporter! Not mother of the year material and I hope child advocate authorities are investigating her.

  12. Kevin Brookman:

    Perhaps this might have been an oversight in your part, but how is posting this man’s address here is relevant to this case or any investigation related to it. I believe this shows poor judgment on your part. As a previous poster mentioned, this man has a family that is innocent and in no way, shape, or form should be linked to anything this man has done. However, by posting his address here you might be putting them at risk. My humble request, please take that info out of the blog. It is not relevant and unnecessary; let’s stick to facts and relevant information.

  13. Kevin Brookman: Perhaps this might have been an oversight in your part, but how is posting this man’s address here is relevant to this case or any investigation related to it. I believe this shows poor judgment on your part. As a previous poster mentioned, this man has a family that is innocent and in no way, shape, or form should be linked to anything this man has done. However, by posting his address here you might be putting them at risk. My humble request, please take that info out of the blog. It is not relevant and unnecessary; let’s stick to facts and relevant information.

    1. The perp was a public official and his address is public knowledge. He should have thought about his family and his reputation beforehand.

  14. 11:57pm, 10:48am, 11:07am, 11:11am

    I am addressing all four of your comments as one, because I am pretty confident that they all came from the same person, maybe you might identify yourself as a friend or relative of Eduardo Genao so we can understand how you could even possibly try to defend him or his actions. And not it was not an oversight on my part to post the HPD arrest log. It is called public information for a reason. Genao is not entitled to any secrecy or ability to hide his actions, especially when preying on children.

    Maybe if someone had exposed his alleged actions in NYC when he was apparently caught there , instead of allowing him to shuffle off to Hartford, we would not be talking about more victims now. As far as sympathy for his family, maybe he should have thought about that much earlier and tried to get help for his "sickness" before it drew his family in. And can you honestly tell me his wife had no inclination at all as to what was going on for years?

    And the information is very relevant, his neighbors , especially with children, have the right to know who is living in their neighborhood. That is why the sex offender registry was created and has very strict reporting and notification requirements. I will gladly volunteer to hand out flyers through his neighborhood once he is placed on the registry.

    Until then , public information is available to anyone that searches for Eduardo Genao , whether that is the HPD arrest logs, the Judicial website with all of his arrest and court activity, or even the media stories about him. And posting his information on the blog is no different than the media camping out on his front lawn attempting to get a comment from him.

    I do feel sorry for his family for having to deal with this, but I also feel even worse for his victims. Justice will prevail in the end

  15. I'm the 10:48 poster. Dont know the perv or his family, anyone in the school district, the victim or Dr. Lewis. Can't speak for the other 3 but I have no problem posting his home address. I'm pretty sure you could Google it on your own even if it wasn't posted. My post was making the observation that this guy was solely responsible for his own actions and somehow only the school district is being criticized. If my 13 year old kid was getting inappropriate texts from adults, I'd take that phone, block the #, and hightail right down to my local police department with the phone I'm hand. All the other stuff comes later but I wouldn't waste time taking such a circuitous route to the authorities. If you think as a parent that such a delay is a better choice, I suppose you're entitled to your opinion, but that just leaves more time that this pedophile could be on the streets.

  16. Kevin, I'm the 11:07/11:11am poster, and I'm not related to any of the other poster, the accused, or Hartford for that matter. My point, was that at this point I would prefer to stick to the fact of the ongoing investigation and an address at this point, in my view, didn't add anything to the issue at hand. It is obvious that Mr. Genao didn't think about his family, otherwise he would not have been in this situation. This event, however, is bringing to light and pointing to several factors that people should be equally concern about. Factors that are destroying the entire socio-economic structure of city's like Hartford and the entire state for that matter; poor management, corruption, entitlements, educational reforms, real growth strategies, etc... are just a few of the ones highlighted by this case. I do appreciate the job that your are doing in keeping facts in front of people, hopefully people will start to wake up and look where we're heading.

  17. Don't hold your breathe waiting for Mayor Bronin to ask Wearing to resign...they are friends.

  18. The City is loaded with perverts operating in the political and educational systems.....Genao,Angel Morales,Father Lou,Pedro Segarra....and many felons.....both of which types supported Mayor Bronin and Pedro. It is so bad that I emailed Mr Solomon to change the ball team name to The Hartford Perverts.

  19. @1:50

    How about, "The Hartford Big Butts."

  20. I am the 4/14 @11:57 individual... all I have to say is that if we subject his family to this even if it is on a blog... quite frankly... we are just as bad as him, so much disregard for his family and their safety. Do they all deserve to be ridiculed because that's the word... ridiculed... for his actions... Justice will prevail and he will serve his time and be released in which during all that time a family will be left in shambles... HIS FAULT?!? OF COURSE!! But we must not ridicule the innocent. We must not capitalize on others failures, let the system do what it must do with Eduardo. But everyone else should leave his family be...

  21. 8:52PM

    and what about his victims? who is looking out for their interests? What about the disregard for them and their safety and their families?

  22. Kevin,
    You say... "What about the victims?" and their interests?
    In this case, if you put it that way; BOTH families are victims! Each family should be advocated for because they both need a voice. Do you believe one family has been victimized more than the other? Because both families are paying for something that neither one did.

  23. He deserve all he gets. $50,000 bond. Really? Please it should have been way more then that. We are not doing the students any justice. The hell with his family. Think about it a thousands times. I wish I could swear on this blog!
