Friday, April 29, 2016


HPD Police Academy classroom yesterday
Unless you are really looking and paying attention, it might not always be easy to see the good things that are going on behind the scenes in our City. The Hartford Police Department is just one example.
 I truly wish that every Hartford resident could be involved more with our Police Department and get a better feeling for what goes on and the good work Chief Rovella and his officers do  everyday to build bridges with our neighborhoods.
It is not an easy job, as many days it seems that it is "open season" on our Police.
Yesterday was another day when I was able to be a part of the creativity and the trend setting philosophies of Chief Rovella. Myself and several other community people were invited to meet with our latest recruits as at the Hartford Police Academy. It was the first time it was done , and if the results were indicative of the potential, it won't be the last. It should become required instruction for every police officer being trained , and not just in Hartford.
Most of the conversation, ( and that is what it was , a conversation not a lecture)  focused on relationships and accountability. It was interesting to interact with the future officers that will probably be making up part of our Police Department for the next twenty five years.
I saw quite a bit of potential in that room yesterday. The questions asked of us were interesting. One recruit asked what we thought as to  how the budget impacted a police officers actions. We talked about the importance of their mentorship and involvement with youth in the community, whether through the PAL program or other programs.. I spoke about the need for them to be "cheerleaders" for the City and try to change the perception that many have of Hartford.
We spoke about the need for Police Officers to not just work in our City, but also willing to make the commitment to live here and be part of what Hartford has to offer.
It was a couple hours very well spent  and I have to thank Chief Rovella for making it happen. So many of Chief Rovella's initiatives have been creative, innovative, and new. I think this is just one more of those Rovella creations that will eventually continue to build a Department that every resident can trust and relate to
Best of luck to our recruits as they continue on the path of relationships and service to the City of Hartford


  1. I agree. We have a good group of po-lice. Except for those who leave their side arms on the seat of their cars to go get laid or an unnamed officer who ran off with hundreds of thousands of bullets or dollars.

    Gum... Maybe they are not unlike the Board of Education. Some good some bad.

  2. Kevin, what do you do for a living?

  3. 10:35am

    Again? Aren't you getting tired of asking? I know I am

  4. @10:35

    May I ask what you do for a living? So what DO you do for a living? And what's your name?

  5. Nope Kevin I'll keep asking. What do you do for a living??????

  6. And I will keep giving you the same answer

  7. Kevin, I know you are playing with him. Because all you need to do is delete hm. After all, you've done that to me a few times.

  8. But don't you think it is comical? Just about anyone that knows me knows what I do (or what I did before my stroke)
