Monday, April 18, 2016



  1. Now that the rainy day fund is exhausted, maybe the unions will realize that $12,000,000.00 is a drop in the bucket. And if they don't then more layoffs will be forthcoming. I am in favor of forming community garden teams to clean, pick up liter, plant flowers and otherwise take care of local parks and streetscapes. We don't need to call public works to clean and dig and fix. We can do this ourselves. I already engage in spring preparations in my neighborhood. I won't express which one because Mr Union might object to me interfering with union chores.

    Oh ya, right on.

  2. The Mayor cut his office by about $17,000. Or about 3 per cent while almost all other departments took a much bigger cut......where is the shared sacrifice?.....With Bronin it is " do as I say,not as I do".

  3. Best to give Bronin no givebacks and deal with either an oversight board or the Trustee In Bankruptcy.

  4. Not enough spending cuts, not enough layoffs. Needs to cut more, much more. How many city employees in this budget make over $100,000 a year? How many of them make over $150,000 a year?

    1. How many of his and Sarah's friends were cut? NONE! How many Malloy leftovers, working on two, three pensions were cut? NONE! Yeah look at his West Hartford Corp Counsel, Malloy, State Treasurer left over.

      Segarra, I mean Bronin is a corrupt established political status quo Do as I say, not as I do, same oh same oh.
      Good luck Hartford, how you like him now, North End????


  6. Interested to see what your thoughts are on this Kevin

  7. -
    Best to give Bronin no givebacks and deal with either an oversight board or the Trustee In Bankruptcy.
    Speaking as a taxpayer I could use a few givebacks, but I give Bronin credit. Unlike his former boss, he is openly acknowledging that we are out of money, and acknowledging that the problem is not a one-off; i.e., it's "structural." He further acknowledges that his present proposal only gets him through the 2017 fiscal season. After that we still have a large ongoing shortfall. I like the idea of an oversight board. I would give serious consideration to eliminating the Council and putting an oversight board in the Charter. Self-government in Hartford is not that meaningful, especially for the unrepresented property taxpayers.

  8. Leave it to liberal democrats to run cities, states, and the country (if allowed) to the ground. CT will continue its downward spiral fall as long as it remains under liberal leadership.

  9. For someone who claims he's doing realistic budgeting, why would Bronin use the governor's REVISED state aid revenue that even the governor's own party said is DOA? I see alot of kicking the can down the road in this document (like the flood control system and deficit funding of internal service funds). I would have liked to see some more shared sacrifices on the part of the Mayor and Council offices, that would have gone a long way to swallow the difficult medicine that the Mayor is proposing. Seriously, does the City really need 2 people in the Mayor's office for "Community Engagement"? Does the Council need to each have their own full time assistant, how about employing the "sharing" notion there first. Overall, budget not a bad attempt for a rookie.

  10. If the city went into the heroin business, and set up kiosks all over town, we would have a surplus of funds in no time and even be able to buy back the city garages that were sold under Mayor Maria del Vadorez Segarra.

  11. 1:15pm

    Do you really think that comment is helpful or even probable?

    1. It's a joke, just like this budget and this Mayor. Wait, you will see....

    2. It's a joke, just like this budget and this Mayor. Wait, you will see....

  12. sell the portion of the park in Farmington which is owned by Hartford to the Town of Farmington. they will save it as a park and pay Hartford lots of bucks for its share.

  13. No need to publish this. But by all means spin it... the many other staff with marketable skill set have already started to post resumes. .. Hartford is in more trouble than you think

  14. @4:48

    Kevin, social commentary is not always sugar sweet. I wouldn't make a good chair leader with Pom Poms thrashing in the air. I hope you know an abundance of car accidents are caused by drivers nodding in a heroin stupor at the wheel. Two such accidents just occurred on my street with in two weeks and one, yesterday morning.

  15. social commentary is not always sugar sweet
    No question about it, Hartford suffers from social disintegration directly related to decades of failed liberal social engineering. The matter before us right now, and the only one the Muni govt. can really fix, is the City budget.

  16. Re: 'We don't need Public works to clean and dig and fix". I have lived in a number of different communities over the past 60 or so years and Hartford has to be the one which is the most filthy when it comes to pedestrian litter! I am fortunate to be able to travel around our great country quite a bit and find that almost everywhere I go the 'pedestrian litter' is bairly noticeable - except Hartford!

    A drive down Park street any morning of the week is greeted by litter having been thrown down by those who walk along it during the previous day and evening. Sure leaves an impression on any one driving through the community.

    The way we leave our community at the end of the day is a measure of our our values - it's time reset our values when it comes to littering and realize that because it reflects on all of us we are all responsible for putting it in its place (the garbage can) not the sidewalk or our streets!

  17. Mr Brush, it is not really fixable.

    Oops; "cheer" not "chair"

  18. I know there is a lot of dislike for this budget; esp since Mayor Bronin is using the rainy day fund completely.

    But is this not what the rainy day fund is for? It's a rainy day in Hartford.

    It may be rainier next year, but the point is to use it when you need to. Right now Hartford needs it.

  19. But when it is gone, it's gone. It puts us in a very compromised position, especially while we see a baseball stadium and an unneeded high school under construction. Thank you again Pedro Segarra

  20. Both could have been stopped by Bronin. He wants to use the rainy day fund and waste as much as possible so that he can declare bankruptcy and not fund the pension fund. That's been his plan all along.
