Saturday, April 23, 2016


Monday, April 25 Doors open at 7 a.m.  A Future to Believe in Hartford Rally featuring Jim Dean, Mortensen Riverfront Plaza, Riverfront Amphitheater, 300 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT
 This is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Admission is first come, first served. For security reasons, please do not bring bags and limit what you bring to small, personal items like keys and cell phones. Weapons, sharp objects, chairs, and signs or banners on sticks will not be allowed through security. Limited street parking available. Carpooling or public transportation is strongly encouraged. 

Program starts at
 10 a.m. 


  1. Do you think he will get the same treatment as Trump did from HPD in Waterbury on Saturday?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

  2. A couple of Luke's senior staff who by Charter/Ordinance are mandated to live in Hartford do not and are breaking the law.

  3. Re: Charlie

    Also add nepotism. Lets not forget the "New his and her" high level job positions.

  4. Corporation Counsel, Chief of Staff, Library Director--any more?

  5. Van Halen says: "jump"April 25, 2016 at 3:44 PM

    Foley just walks around the venues with no hat. He does zero compared to the other 50 or so dedicated hartford police. LT Allen, LTManson, and LT Cachioli run a seamless operation. Every crack or obtuse possibility was taken into account. The Secret Service praised the hartford police for their attention to detail.
    Not to dance around, but its time these guys get the attention, not Lt Foley. I know he is your pal Brookman....

  6. Re: 3:31PM

    Development Services Deputy Director,Public Works appointed staff and who knows who else? All friends of B&S.

  7. Deputy Directors aren't required to be Hartford residents. would be nice, but not required by charter

    1. Actually it is, read it again Sir!

  8. The Strong Mayor form of government needs to be reviewed. Since the inception of the Strong Mayor form of government in 2002, we have had 3 mayors. The first was a crook. The second was incompetent. And the third has so far shown himself to be a rank amateur,who is politically immature.A Charter Revision Commission can correct this evident mistake.

  9. @11:59

    Wasn't that guy forced out of office because of corruption?

  10. The Strong Mayor form of government needs to be reviewed.
    The City would be best off getting rid of both the Strong Mayor and the Strong Council. The deck is stacked against the cities by the State, which treats them as ghettos to be managed with voters to be exploited. There is no possibility of true urban self-government with the State mandates heaped upon its impoverished zones.
    “The city of Bridgeport needs an independent financial control board,” Republican David Walker, a city resident, ex-U.S. Comptroller General and former candidate for lieutenant governor, told Malloy.
    In 1988 the state legislature approved a financial review board to oversee Bridgeport’s fiscal state of affairs and make sure the budget was balanced. That entity remained in place into the mid-1990s, the early years of Ganim’s first, 12 year term.
