Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Word from sources is that the Trump Campaign is tentatively planning a campaign stop this Friday in Hartford.

Trump is expected to make a campaign stop at the Connecticut Convention Center on Friday in preparation for the upcoming Republican Presidential Primary.

More details as they are released.


  1. Go Trump Go Trump Go Trump

    Paid for your Democrats for Hillary

  2. Donald Trump dose not represent the USA. The GOP has let his cruel manner dominant the 2016 Primary Presidental Election. Trump is an USA night mare.

  3. 6:50PM

    And what is your version of a Democratic process? Should we only allow candidates that you approve of run for Office? Or should we actually let the people decide?

  4. The attempted massacre of the Trump candidacy by the political elites of both parties should be the greatest wake up call of the last 50 years. Our votes mean nothing to these political elites in both parties since they all work for the same Zionist masters who ultimately decide the race. I fear our country is too dumbed down and dependent to recognize that these Zionist and globalist forces intend to over run this once great land with millions of muslim invaders from the Middle East and Africa. Just look at the hell hole that Europe has become.... that will be our fate.

  5. To 8:06 p.m.: Anti-semitic much?

  6. Here is how it ends. Paul Ryan runs in 2020 because Trump spoils it for republicans in 2016. He commands his disaffected followers to not vote after he fails to win the nomination. Clinton wins for at least 1 term but long enough to appoint liberal justices and this brings the Supreme Court back to sanity.

  7. Not if me and my brothers in arms have anything to say about it!!!!!!!!

  8. Not anti semitic at all---just awake..Are you anti white? Look at those who you are not allowed to criticize...they are your rulers.

  9. I find it amazing when anyone speaks out against Zionist Jews they are labeled Anti Semitic there are different classes of Jews an for the record even the average Jewish person has no love for the zionists Rocafellas Rothchilds Warburgs Vanderbilts etc etc I challenge anyone to prove that the federal reserve is actually controlled an created by the US government the main reason JFK was assassinated is because he went up against the zionists an the international banking clans

  10. Why is Trump charging money to attend his ralley? What about the common man who works a 9-5 that might not be able to afford it?

  11. 10:42am

    As far as I know there is no charge, You do need to register on line and obtain tickets though and I would imagine that is only fr security reasons. There are apparently 8,000 tickets, so be sure to register early if you plan on attending

  12. Kevin, which web site to register for the Don.

  13. Kevin, I respect your political view as well as others. But discussing candidates so easily degenerates into sarcasm. I will try and circumvent it.

    In my opinion, Donald Trump is a shyster (TrumpUniversity, several bankruptcies...), a pitch man, self absorbed, most importantly, not originally interested in being president. He views every every moment in front of the cameras as a method to further his brand. And none of these abilities have anything to do with political leadership.

    Trump has been able to tap those wholly or partially disenchanted with DC politics. I recall another such individual in 1992 by the name of Ross Perot. Perot tapped deeply into the psychic of the disallusioned and just as he found himself leading in a three-way contest with Bill Clinto and George Bush, he dropped out on a very lame excuse that the FBI were harassing his daughter. And this from a man who put together a clandestine team to rescue Americans abroad. Perot only wanted to spoil Bush's chances. He hated the Bush family and he achieved his goal. Of course he reentered the race but lost momentum. He achieved his goal.

    I believe that Trump is a Ross Perot wannabe. His aim is to destroy any chance for a republican victory in 2016. Paul Ryan understands this and wants no part of 2016.

    I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I really have no party to represent my beliefs. But I am uncompromising with a desire to witness a Supreme Court shift away from neocon representation of the corporate citizen. Corporations are not people. Women have a right to decide on life's choices. As such, I support Donald Trump's run for office because I know that he will destroy any chance of a republican president. If he doesn't get the nod, he will continue to accuse the party of corruption. He will take his desperate followers with him. He will in effect, allow for Hillary Clinton to be the next president. She is no wise seer. No one has good leadership potential for 2016 except John Ku and he has no chance.

    I will be in the audience cheering Trump tomorrow evening but for different reasons.


  15. Chris Lyons retired HPDApril 14, 2016 at 9:03 PM

    This is truly an interesting Presidential Election cycle because we have four major candidates that are reason not to vote. The fifth, John Kasich may be the best out there but is not getting enough traction in primaries and may get in on the Republican side if no one gets enough delegates in the primaries.

    Voters are sick and tired of career politicians because they never so anything for the most of the people they purport to assist.

    On the Democratic side there is Senator Sanders who promises free everything. He is actually being supported by people who are okay with his plans to take 80% of our pay to pay for all of the free stuff he is promising. Secretary of State Clinton who has told so many whoppers that it is hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth and the regular person on the street is left with no alternative.

    We all should vote. It's our civic duty and if you don't vote then don't complain.

    To vote Democratic is to keep the status quo, the disaster of the last eight years. To Vote on the other side we have the bombastic Donald Trump and the rigid Senator Cruz, no better than the two Dem leaders.

    So why don't we give Governor Kasich a look. He actually has a record that a politician can be proud of.
