Sunday, May 15, 2016


The question is once again rising to the surface, like raw sewage from a broken MDC pipe.

Where does William DiBella call home? It is a key issue because Dibella, as Chairman of the MDC, is required to reside in a member town. Old Saybrook, Connecticut is not an MDC member town. The Fed's listed Dibella's address in a federal investigation several years ago as "William A. Dibella, a resident of Old Saybrook, Connecticut". Yet Dibella still claims Hartford residency.

 Dibella also claims to be a Hartford resident since he pays Hartford taxes on a 2012 Hyundai. I thought Dibella drove a Jag, but I could be wrong, For some reason I don't see Bill DiBella as a Hyundai type guy.

I guess some people might be willing to believe that Dibella sleeps on a futon in the living room of the Condo of his son Marc and Marc's  wife instead of at his $3 million dollar plus home on Connecticut'\s shoreline in Old Saybrook. It is kind of like Santa Claus, we all want to believe, but eventually we accept reality and admit it was all a myth.

In this day of technology, this should be pretty simple to track down. People all the time are using their cell phone "pings " to prove an alibi, and police also use those same "pings" to track a criminal's whereabouts.

 A release from William Dibella to access his phone records should be able to prove where his phone is "pinging" at night and the location of the cell tower it is hitting most nights. Is it a tower in Hartford or a tower in Old Saybrook. Lets go back a few months and see who is telling the truth.

If Dibella comes forth with the records, I think it might show he is telling the truth, If he refuses, I think that is all the answer  you need as to who is trustworthy.

I went before the MDC Commission several years ago and testified regarding Dibella's residency issues ,  That fell on deaf ears before the Democratically controlled Board, but several of the Republican's in attendance also told me that they knew I was right and Dibella was not a Hartford resident.

 A Hartford City Councilman also admitted that the majority of the Hartford City Council knew Dibella lived in Old Saybrook, but they ignored it and reappointed him because they didn't want to lose his "clout" politically. That same Councilman last year introduced the resolution to reappoint Dibella to the MDC, knowing full well that Dibella was not a Hartford resident.

How much has that "clout" served Hartford's residents? I think the answer would be very little, unless of course you are a politician , and that is where Dibella's "clout" really lies, in the political favors he delivers.

This matter is now before the Hartford City Council to look into Dibella's claims, in the form of a resolution brought forward by Councilman Larry Deutsch. Duetsch is a Working Families Party member not beholding to Dibella (except maybe for the water that flows into his home, but I think he would be entitled to that even as a Republican) but the Majority of the Council are,beholding to Dibella and his son Marc, who is  also the chairman of Hartford's Democratic Town Committee.
(more on how that is even allowed is a story for another day)

Many of Hartford's politicians owe  their positions to the DiBella-esque style politics that have had a stranglehold on Hartford's Democratic party for years.

If Hartford is ever going to move forward, this Council needs to make a statement that integrity matters , they need to push that handle down and flush this matter once and for all, unless of course they enjoy the stink.

You can read more on the Dibella issue in Jon Lender's recent article in the Courant


  1. Kevin,

    This reminds of the pay controversy at the MDC.
    MDC Pay.

    This ridiculous pay combined with his residency issue should be enough to oust him.

    Who select MDC board members? Governor? Mayors?

  2. I don't think the Courant mentioned it in this article, bit didn't they run a similar article years ago, when then Senator Dibella had an address on, if I remember correctly, Fairfield Ave, but paid all his car taxes in Old Saybrook?

    That must be where he learned to register a clunker in Hartford and to live in Fenwick...

  3. Well-written piece, Kevin, plus the "pinging" idea is just brilliant. Thanks also for calling out Council -- they DO have to act on this. I appreciate that Larry took the initiative here, for not having accurate information when he previously voted. Same with rJo, she must seek corrective action also. Hartford will NEVER be accepted as any kind of regional partner until we clean up our politics.

    Gotta love the admissions that Jon Lender was able to elicit from Billy DiBella -- HE "decides" where he resides?? I'm sure that was the same response given to attorneys from the State Elections Enforcement Commission before they arrested State Representative Ayala on 19 counts. That worked out well for her.

  4. Alyssa,

    you deserve a lot of the credit for moving this along and for your perseverance. It is not easy to fight City Hall but you are living proof that it is possible, and hopefully we will see that the City Council does have a conscience, and doesn't bow to the political pressures as they always have, in the face of facts and truth.

    We will see who has the best interests of Hartford in their hearts and minds and who is in it for political preservation. "Mr Clerk, call the roll."

  5. What difference does it make? Let's fight the real fights. What the hell are you all so flustered with whether Billy Boy lives in Hartford or Old Saybrook or Timbuck Two.. Let's address the real issues. Animal rights. Getting Sherry her job back. That dumb Dunkin Donuts stadium.

    I am not worried whether Dibella lives anywhere. I just don't give a F....

    Get the bugs out of your butts and address the real issues.

  6. 8:36PM

    You must not know too much about Hartford's politics then. Go back a little and see why we are such a mess and you will find the Dibella fingerprints all over the messes, does the name Fonfara mean anything, start with that one and do the research and you will see why it matters.You also need to ask yourself why someone would fight so hard to keep an unpaid job? What are the "hidden " benefits we must not be aware of ? I might suggest you re-assess your priorities, animal rights over corrupt activity ? I love animals also, but I worry about the damage done to humans first.

  7. Thanks Kevin - yes keep at it - this makes a big difference to us in hartford since 1) he and his son marc continue to buy loyalty by giving people MDC jobs - and god knows what else 2) i believe it speaks to his integrity since if he doesn't live here and says he does that is not good for a chair person that controls millions! That is a great idea about the ping - he should be ok with that - i am good with 183 plus nights like the state residency rule 3) This whole residency question once again makes the 7 other member towns think Hartford is a joke - we want to come together with our greater hartford towns but how can they trust us if they feel our Democrats have more loyalty to the Dibellas then they do to the citizens of the city; it is so obvious that we have once again lost respect when this council got elected on transparency - what a joke that is . Thank goodness for the working party - thanks Larry ! And of course a lot of thanks to Alyssa who does her homework . By the way Mrs. Dibella's house in Old Saybrook is on the market (was it $3.8 million?) - oh maybe they are planning to sell and move to Hartford ??

  8. Are the Dibellas - Bill and Marc - members of House of Lords? They act like they are.

  9. OMG, I hope we don't lose Dibella's generous contribution to the city of Hartford for his 2012 Hyundai, registered to the unit on the 27th floor.

  10. 9:@@PM
    ... rather House of Cards.

    1. It's more like a mafia with William and Marc DiBella.

  11. Until Hartford local politicians have the will and backbone to stand for what is right, we as a City will continue to be taken for a ride by both of the Dibellas. How Marc, a lobbyist, can run a political committee which includes several state representatives is baffling in its willful ignorance of the conflict of interest. How Bill, a political bully, can be allowed to run the MDC when everyone knows he lives in Old Saybrook is more than baffling. Can anyone wonder why the suburbs don''t want to help the City when we are so blatant about our willingness to turn a blind eye to the obvious? A futon in his son's apartment, or a $3.8 million dollar water front property with his wife? If he's not there on a daily basis, who's mens' clothes are in the closet shown in photos online at

    Enough is enough. The Niagara deal is dirty. Dibella paid a huge fine for unethical kickbacks in the past. When will the Council put 2 and 2 together and get the right number?

    And while we're at it, does Cynthia Jennings live in Hartford? Word on the street is she "uses" a Hartford address as well.

    Let's show the suburbs we can do the right thing and do what's RIGHT.

  12. Kevin, you mentioned John Fanfara as another dupe in Hartford alongside DiBella. Are you on an anti-Italian rant? I have an open mind. Give me specifics. You haven't done that. I am not representing DiBella's interests. Give me a reason to jump on board. Otherwise, I think you are being silly with your rants.

    Show me the evidence, Sargeant Slater.

    1. Is Fonfara Italian? I thought he was Wax - Americian. Dude looks rough, secret and lies does not wear well on Fonfara; come out of the dark and get some sun... oh yeah wax melts in the sun.

  13. I am not looking for anyone to"jump on board", just to get people to pay attention to what is going on

  14. The chief of staff to the Mayor and the Corporation Counsel don't live in Hartford either and are breaking the law. Bronin knows this and will look the other way...what a disappointment he has been......

  15. the unsalaried but influential MDC chairman's post
    Mr. DiBella claims that the fact that he votes here in town proves that he's a resident. It may be true for purposes of the MDC, but it raises a question for me. Should he be voting in Hartford? The guy clearly doesn't live in town, but only parks a car and gets some mail at his son's place. Councilman Deutsch may have the wrong motivation, but it's appropriate to look into the matter of sham residency. Even some of our most prominent stand-up public servants may be cutting corners.
    I'm also surprised to learn from the Courant that DiBella gets no salary from the MDC. Can some of you folks in the know explain what's in it for him? Why does he go to such lengths to keep that position? (I mean, aside from his commitment to the common good, the general welfare and especially to the children.)

  16. Kevin, 8:36 states "what difference does it mske" and he doesn't give a f### where Dibella lives. Well to him, it matters because it impacts and controls Hartford Politics, who was behind getting Bronin elected... Marc Dibella and his black mouth pieces, they discredited Judge Killingly's ability to win, even though he has worked and helped many Northend families. Thes so-called black "leaders" were rounded up by Marc Dibella and worked out deals to get behind Luke. Just look at who's family members work at the. MDC ...

    Yes it matters Billy Boy DOES NOT LIVE IN HARTFORD ; the Council knows it, the fake Community Advocstes know it,Govenor Malloy knows it and yes Mayor Bronin Knows it! Where does the Mayor stand on this? I suppose the same way he stands on the city jobs that require residency, he turns a blind eye, when it benefits him, Sarah, Marc Dibella and the so-called "Hartford Leaders".
    Hartford welcome to the Bronin team, Tower of Corruption!

  17. MDC rates, their ridiculous assessments, and the fact that MDC is out of control and out of touch, could very well be Larry Deutsch motivation.

  18. Hold the Council and the Mayor's hand to the fire. I agree with 8:58, this matters.

    Really, Daddy Dibella is sleeping on futon at Mark's, really? Hey Mark does Daddy get cookies and milk before retiring in the evening?

    It is ridiculous for the Dibella's, the council and the Mayor to keep up this erroneous deception.

    Hartford demand Justice, you deserve it. You get a bad rap, because of the Corruption you have had to endure and you have more of the same with Bronin, kick Malloy out of Hartford politics, send him and Malloy to Greenwich politics, they can weigh in on where the new Country Club should go!

  19. Ask Bronin about his visit to Bill Dibella shoreline home when he was seeking support for flim flaming Hartford to become Mayor.

  20. Fonfara doesn't pick his nose without asking DiBella first. Whoever you are, anonymous 11:14 pm, you don't know the word on the street about DiBella and Fonfara. Who was in the hearing room when Vince Fusco and others were testifying before the State Finance committee this spring about Mayor Luke Money's 464 bill? Billy DiBella. Why? Fonfara chaired the hearing, and Fonfara lives in fear of DiBella, and DiBella was there to keep him in line.

  21. I believe that everywhere Fonfare goes he looks over his shoulder to see if Billy is there. In my opinion, Fonfara sleeps at night with one eye open.

  22. Come out of the sun? Come out of the closet is more appropriate for the gay Senator. Another dirty little Hartford secret that isn't so secret.


  24. It doesn't matter that Fonfara is gay, it matters that he is a lying scumbag. He holds that Senate seat by beholding to lies and Corruption, like the DiBella's , like the Council, like Malloy and little Lukie... LIES, DECEIT, DECEPTION and CORRUPTION this is your Hartford Leadership.

    All of you who go along with this well known sham should be a shame of yourselves. Man up and kick these leeches to the curb. Start by calling for Bronin's resignation and go from there. He is like a tick, he will suck the blood out of Hartford!

  25. Politics is dirty. I can see a concern about this matter and other Hartford political issues. Over the years many unqualified people have gotten jobs because of connections in the Democratic and Republican process in Hartford. Fact: Mayor Luke Bronins Chief of Staff dose live in Hartford. Dose anyone know where Working Families Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings lives? The Councilwoman that wanted her pay salary to be $90,000 a year.

    1. She does not live in Hartford. She lives in Bloomfield. And anyone who is lying about their addresses need to go also no matter who you are. Two years ago in North Hartford we became aware that a person in the 7th district did not live in Hartford and Marc Dibella was notified that she made it on DTC. He did nothing because her vote was in his corner and when I spoke to him about it he made it very clear that he wasnt going to do nothing about it. They are all corrupt abd I hate the fact that they are teaching the younger generations to sell out and learn to play the wicked games of politically corrupt leaders. I am fully and thoroughly disgusted with almost all of North Hartfords so called leaders. Very few have not been influenced to go along to get along and discredit those who know they full of it.

  26. Jennings "colleagues", Hartford residents, fake advocates, the Town of Windsor all know Cynthia Jennings does not live in Hartford. Her family home where her Brother resides is in Hartford, she fake lives in Hartford, well known fact. She registers her car in Hartford too.

    Maybe Jennings, DiBella, Bronin's Chief of Staff and the rest of the non-residents blood suckers can buy a house and move in together like the Scarborough Six and become real Hartford residents.

  27. Maybe the 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix "lives" in Hartford. However, all indications are the Cynthia Jennings DOES NOT live in Hartford.

  28. If Cynthia is not a resident of Hartford, a real resident, not a phoney one, then this is nothing less than fraud. Fraud, plain and simple.

  29. Yes, where dose Working Families Cynthia Jennings live? Dose anyone know the exact number of aides she has had in her years on the Court of Common Council. Is she one of the Councilpersons that wanted the Stadium?

  30. 1:34pm

    She has gone through several aides and yes I do believe she did vote for the Stadium

  31. She (big gladious Maximus Jennings) not only wanted the stadium, but you could see the big whites of her eyes from a distance anytime one suggested that the stadium was not a good investment. "We need jobs" she would repeat over and over. So I thought, maybe it would be better to pay a few hundred of the dependably unemployed, part time minimum wages to do nothing for twenty years. It would have saved the city a hundred million when you consider all the indirect upgrades and maintainance duties the city will engage in over 25 years.

    So if the fines are huge according to Senior Brookman, than they should be levied Tuesday at the strike of midnight.

    Party at the gate. .

  32. How do we tolerate this stuff. If the house is going to be cleaned. Oh well. Clean the whole house.
    Im for justice no matter who its for or against!

  33. The Chief of Staff lives in downtown Hartford. What about Linda Bayer? She is a Wethersfield resident and has been for some time. She earns $64,000. Among her so call work she performs for the city is being a consultant for Hartford Decides. Children making decisions for new city projects. What a joke! Let's have more Linda Bayer ideas and schemes. Hartford needs her professional wisdom.

    1. 64,000 plus her pension. Luke knowingly keeps her on, even though by doing so he is blantly violating the Charter.

      Yeah Luke's the guy who will change the Corruption of previous Mayors... he is doing much more damage, he's from the White Collar Crime school of thought.

      Bronin bamboozled you Hartford, hope the few crumbs you got was worth it, you fake community leaders that blindly listened to DiBella and rammed Bronin down the residents throat.

  34. A couple of her aides didn't reside in Hartford either, rest her soul Jean Ward was not a Hartford resident, Woody who couldn't pronounce names of the streets or know where they were didn't live in Hartford either.
    This is fraud, but by Hartford Politicians, Hartford residents and Hartford know it alls thatopenly acknowledge that she does not live in Hartford but look the other way because she is black.
    Whenever this issue comes up she spends a night or two at her childhood home.
    FOI town of Windsor records, i believe at the time she ran for Council the first time she was registered to vote in Windsor.
    Ask her to place her hamd on the bible, raise her right hand and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH.
    Actually she is a member of the Bar (don't know how her dumb a%% did that) and as such she cam be disbarred for fraud.
    Have the State's Attorney look into Political. Fraud and holding herself out there as a Hartford resident. If not the State's. Attorney, then the Troubleshootiing and news investigating team, Easy enough for an investigator to solve.
    Use the same pungs and the towers used late nights, does she have a city cellphone? As i said, she'll hide out in Hartford but she will be getting clothes from Windsor.
    Cynthia loading clothes in her trunk, wouldn't that make a great front page photo?

  35. Yes, she did vote for the Stadium. She was on television the night it passed along with the wizard former Court of Common Council President Shawn Wooden. The two of them had sensational things to say about the rewards of a Baseball Stadium in downtown Hartford. Go Hartford! The Rising Star!

  36. Listen up all you little rats in the drain pipes. It should not be important whether anyone lives in Hartford or doesn't live in Hartford. The biggest problem that I can judge is that the city, through the good ole boys and girls network, ensured that Hartford residents would fill the rosters of various departments. Now, we have dysfunctionalism across departments. How is that myth of employing only Hartford folks doing for you, buddy?

    1. Name calling like an adolescent... are you a Trump supporter? I'm sorry you didn't qualify for a job in your Town but stooping to calling names is indicative of who you are and is probably known in your town, which might be why you can't get a job close to home.

      You sure came to the rats in the drain for a job.

    2. Ok you rabbit with rabies, what's wrong, your town don't you? Aren't good enough for them? You had no problem coming to the rats in the drain for a.job

  37. @5:59

    Go back to your rat hole you little piece of... work. Luke is 10 times better than before. The Knights of the Good will defend him and march on your lands.

  38. Cynthia Jennings' car is registered in Hartford. If she sleeps in her car every night could she be considered a legal Hartford resident?

  39. 2:13pm Linda Bayer lives in Wethersfield. She is the biggest _ _ _ kisser ever. Big waste of money. Dump her already.

  40. Linda Bayer used to protect Pedro in every step he made especially when he lied to us (which was most of the time). Linda "Gives Me A Headache" Bayer should have been out of city hall a minute after Pedro left city hall for good.

  41. Cynthia Jennings, together with Shawn Wooden and Pedrito, was the strongest support of that $60 million+ ballpark. Cynthia claimed all along that it was going to bring jobs. Of course, none of the good paying jobs are for Hartford residents.

    1. Her and Colon, Caviar's think tank.., great decisions Luke, caviar stinks as it is, but pungent when gone bad! Your thinking and leadership has a stench that needs to be exterminated.

    2. This comment was in response to 8:01as it relates to Luke'd chouce of keeping blood sucking, charter violating Leech Linda Bayer and the undercovered liar Colon top bobble head of the Csviar Empty Corrupt Cabinent.

      These choices demostrate Bronin's lack of concern for Hartfords people. Kevin you know ypu exposed Colon for the liar he is. After being forced to move he ironically shares common space with Bruce Rubenstein and Colon hates it. He rants and dogs Bruce daily.

      Love you Bruce, haven't heard from you lately. Keep taunting Pedrito Touch of Class's boy, Controlling Corrupt. Colon.

  42. Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings will need a job soon. The truth about where she lives is a fact. She leaves in Windsor. Maybe she can get a job selling popcorn at the Baseball Stadium. She has stated repeatedly that the Stadium would bring jobs.

    1. Cynthia the liar must be forced out of city council and she must reimburse Hartford taxpayers with about $100,000.00 she collected so far from the city.

  43. If anyone remembers the early original Star Trek series, there was a race of Aliens called The Ferenge. Billy looks like a Frenge.

  44. I am still waiting to read what Billy has done that is so misguided besides apparently not residing in Hartford. Can anyone speak to this question? Did he steal? Did he take a bribe? Are you angry at him for selling water?

    1. Anonymous at 10:35 PM:
      Billy is a pathological liar. Isn't it enough for you?

  45. 10:35pm

    Why not put that computer to good use and Google "William Dibella" and then read the documents from the Federal Investigations and look at the Penalties and fines he was forced to pay. Reputable people aren't forced to pay fines like that.

  46. Kevin, very few in city politics are reputable. Bronin and Segarra each had a sizable group of perverts,felons,crooks,incompetents, and pedophiles helping them in their primary.

  47. What a well written article. However id its so simple to establish Dibella home address, how hard can it be to link him to the VOWOC. is Dibella not their prime beneficiary? Hmmmm. VOWOC endorsed State Reps..Brandon McGhee, Matt Ritter, Doug Mc Crory, Congressmen Eric Coleman, council peraon RJo Wynch and council president T.J clark not to mention the numerous other polticians or community qctivist whose vote they currently control...They endorsed Stan McCauley and door knocked for Pedro Segarra then switxhed sides forShawn Wooden only to back Luke Bronin for Mayor. The ceo of color sits on the MDC boqrd of directors. For years Dibella has been the big whig democrat backing the nonprofit for profit community group, that currently door knocks north Hartford for votea. Im just stating the facts.

  48. To Peter Brush @ 8:42 AM

    You're an attorney, or trained as one, yes?

    Quote: "I'm also surprised to learn from the Courant that DiBella gets no salary from the MDC. Can some of you folks in the know explain what's in it for him? Why does he go to such lengths to keep that position?"

    The DiBella's are about power and money. They control Hartford by getting people elected. Their lobbying clients, employees of those lobbying clients, and many MDC vendors and hired attorneys, are all a source of donations. That's how they start a candidate and then keep their coffers going. They also control the vote by controlling absentee ballots. Clorinda Soldevilla does most of that work for cash, appliances, trips to Puerto Rico or a television. They also control the Democratic town commnittees with favors, attention, and jobs, jobs, jobs.

    The MDC water project gave Billy access to so many more vendor employees and attorneys. Plus, the kickback $$$$$ over all of these years, his expenses paid for, you name it.

  49. Is John Gale related to DiBella? They look alike, i thought this picture was of John Gale, after all they are both arragant a%%es.

  50. Off topic Kevin, question? Why do we have to prove we are not robots... has your blog been invaded by robots like the robotic Hartford. Residents who in a trance followed the egotistical, fraudulent "community leaders" to the voting boots and elected Malloy's robot?

  51. They also control the vote by controlling absentee ballots. Clorinda Soldevilla does most of that work for cash, appliances, trips to Puerto Rico or a television...
    Plus, the kickback $$$$$
    Thanks for the explanation. It has long appeared as if DiBella operates more or less in the mode of the old Dem machines. It's not the kind of stuff one learns about at one of these J.D. mills, and I personally am not that street savvy. Can you do me the further favor of explaining how it is that the authorities can go after John Rowland with such enthusiasm, yet even when DiBella makes out in the Paul Silvestri operations he just gets a civil slap on the wrist?

  52. Peter, you're kidding. He can provide all those jobs? Where do I apply? Hartford or Old Saybrook. I want to be on his team. Damnnnn. I never knew Billy was so powerful. I need a job and I'll work for food too.

    Peter Peter pumpkin eater, no, you name it.

  53. 11:03 am,

    I don't think your information is correct about sharing space with Bruce Rubenstein, but I am sure Bruce will answer for himself

    1. What I mean by sharing space is they live in the sme estate nd the estate has common areas. Bruce was wearing his Touch of Class T-Shirt, rightfully so and Cry Baby Colon, Pedro's # 1 had a breakdown. Was ranting and calling Bruce gross names on the second floor of city hall, when he was Pervert Pedro's. Chief. Advisor .

      Sorry for the confusion.

  54. DiBella the father still acts like he's the royalty of the democ party. He sure is preparing DiBella the son to take over the "business" one day.

  55. Both Dibella's are CT's political mafia.

  56. Sorry dude I never heard or saw Colon do what you allege...and..I could give a shit if someone didnt like the touch of class t-shit that I was wearing.

  57. Let me get this straight. Bruce Rubenstine was wearing one of his Touch of Class t- shirts because its his first amendment right and a current employee of the city confronted him on city property? Isnt that what Human Resources is for, a chief of staff or a mayor? City staff defending prostitution. Sounds like the same HR policies used by BOE with Genao.

  58. The chief of Staff has moved from Downtown Hartford to Bloomfield.

  59. I am looking to a follow up story. That directly links; Mrs. Thirsty to Dibella. Once you connect all monetary donations paid to VOWOC you will be able to link several polticians and city leaders. The CEO OF VOWOC is currently a govenor on thw MDC board of directors( Janice Fleming Butler). The former president ( Carla Williams) has and is presently employed by MDC for well over nine years. Dibella helped the nonprofit for profit organization to capture votes in North Hartford. I used to be a community service inveatigator for the VOWOC. I Blew the whistle on the illegal and corrupt practices used to sabatoge Stan McCauleys bid for mayor. In addtuon to watching the CEO accept money from several local polticians. State rep. Doug McCory refused to pay. I look forward to hearing an update on. Mrs. Thirsty unethical business practices. In the second chance promise zone.
