Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Double Homicide
Location of Incident -100 Cowles Street Hartford, Connecticut
Date and time of Incident -May 16, 2016 : 2226 hours
Case # 16-14029
Victim -Cortez, Joshua, Date of Birth-03/04/1994
Victim -Ocasio, Alysha, Date of Birth-05/02/1993

On Monday, May 16, 2016, at 10:26 P.M., Hartford Police Department Patrol Officers responded to the area of 100 Cowles Street in response to a Shot Spotter activation.  Several citizens also called 911. reporting shots fired and  person on the ground. 

Upon Officers arrival, two victims were located at the intersection of Cowles Street and Campfield Avenue.  The first victim, identified as Joshua Cortez, Date of Birth-03/04/1994, was located lying in the street. Cortez sustained what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the head and was pronounced deceased on scene. The second victim, identified as Alysha Ocasio, Date of Birth-05/02/1993, was located inside of a vehicle parked at the same intersection.  Ocasio sustained several apparent gunshot wounds to her torso.  Ocasio was transported to Hartford Hospital where she was pronounced deceased. 

HPD Major Crimes Division and Crime Scene Division Personnel responded and assumed the investigation.  Several spent shell casings as well as one live round were located in close proximity to both victims.  A car tire was located one block north of the scene. This tire was suspected to belong to a vehicle involved in this incident. The suspected vehicle missing a tire was located a short time later parked across from 141 Freeman Street, unoccupied. Witnesses in the area reported that the occupants of the suspect vehicle exited the car and got into a second suspect vehicle and drove away. This second suspect vehicle was located by HPD Patrol Officers a short time later. This vehicle contained five occupants who were believed to be involved in this incident.

Interviews of the five occupants were conducted by HPD Major Crimes Detectives. The interviews led to the arrest of one of the vehicle occupants- Joseph Silva, Date of Birth-09/22/1995.  Silva currently resides at 25 Montrose Street in Hartford, Connecticut.  A search of Silva’s residence was performed by HPD Detectives and a K-9. During this search a firearm was located in the yard. This firearm is believed to be the one used in both homicides. 

The investigation revealed that the suspect was an acquaintance of both victims and the shooting was related to emotional circumstances. 

Silva was charged with violating Connecticut General Statutes; 2 counts of Murder, 53a-54a, Unlawful Discharge, 53-203 and Altering or Removing Identification Marks on a Firearm, 29-36.  

Silva has one previous HPD arrest. His bond was set at $3,000,000. His arraignment is today. 

The Major Crimes Division is continuing to investigate this homicide. If you have any information to assist in this investigation please call Sgt Reginald Early at 860-757-4248. 


  1. Expecting a facebook post from rjo?

  2. Christopher Lyons retired HPDMay 18, 2016 at 12:43 PM

    Excellent work by the Hartford Police Department in the quick arrest of the suspect in this double murder. The timely apprehension of this suspected double murderer calms the neighborhood down and removed a violent person from the street. Every time a violent offender is taken down and removed from Hartford Streets the entire city is safer.

    This arrest was done by a combination of divisions in the police department and underscores the need for adequate and professional staffing at HPD. With the proper staffing, experience and dedication to get the job done these quick arrests are the result.

    Public Safety must never be compromised because of budget issues.

    This incident could have caused hysteria but with the quick work and the arrest of Silva that did not happen. The community should rest easy. HPD is on the job.

  3. Arresting people is our job, that's what we do. Kissing babies and playing baseball with kids is great but that's extra. Don't forget the reason why we are here, to keep the peace, apprehend criminals, protect & serve. We would love to be the answer to everyones problem but that's just not going to happen folks. Thank you all and stay safe!!

    -Citycop 24/7

  4. It's becoming a regular occurrence that I wake up, hear someone was killed, worry all morning that it was someone I know or someone I know's kid then hearing the person identified. Despite my relief that it's usually not someone I have a connection to, it's still heartbreaking knowing that someone won't have their loved one anymore. I still feel safe in Hartford though, for the record.

  5. Citycop,

    and you all also deserve credit when you do that job and do it well. The instincts involved by the officer that observed the vehicle circling the crime scene and following through with his instincts is what protecting our City is about. I am sure the suspects family as well as Council people who may not have those interests at heart need to get out more and feel the relief from the families who saw quick closure to a tragic act. It is easy to follow the national trends and bash cops, but we really do have it pretty good here.

    Keep up the good work, myself and the majority of good people in our City appreciate your efforts, and for those that don't, there is probably a reason

  6. @3:51

    I am the first to criticize you guys when necessary. But I am also the first to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the good deeds you all do on a daily bases. And thank you for the great work in apprehending this suspect.

  7. I live in the Southend neighborhood. The first thing Ch 30 Gerry Brooks reported on the 11:00 pm news was the double homicide on Cowles and Campfield. I was shocked. However, Hartford's Finast did an outstanding job. Great work HPD!

  8. I am personally thankful and grateful that the HPD did a great job. My cousin Alysha was taken away from her family and her daughter who she adored.. as a family we stay united but staying strong has not been easy. We hope the justice system does our family justice. As a community we need to take back our streets. As a mother I'm even afraid to let my son to even go play sports or my daughter to play in the yard. I wish we as a community can help police with taking our streets back they are doing a great job but they need help. So again thank u HPD

  9. Thank u to HPD.. my cousin Alysha was was taken from us her family in a brutal manner. She was taken from her previous child who she adored. We as a community habe to lend a hand to our police department as they are doing as well as they can but if we don't stand up worth them we will never get our streets back. As a mom I'm terrified when my son wants to go play sports or my daughter wants to play outside. We can't be prisoners in our community.. may justice come to the suspect we will never be satisfied no matter of he got the death penalty which Ct. Doesn't have because that wouldn't bring my cousin back but honestly may he rot in HELL. Lord please forgive me for that and help my family find peace we won't forget thou
