Thursday, May 19, 2016


I don't think I.Charles Matthews, Chairman of the Hartford Stadium Authority, has made an accurate statement in months, except maybe when he claims "meeting adjourned". I am not sure I. Charles has the capacity  needed to understand what it takes to complete a construction project or to be able to recognize the scope of a project mas large as the Stadium.

All comments regarding completion, home game dates and anything else related to the Stadium should be coming from the Mayor's Office who might actually have a better grasp of the situation than Matthews.

 Hasn't this project already been enough of an embarassment for the people  of Hartford without Matthews compounding the ignorance by reckless claims and completion dates with no basis in reality? Maybe because Matthews bailed on Hartford years ago when he moved out,he doesn't feel the same commitment as residents that actually live here.

Matthews should have been removed months ago as Chairman, especially when the costs were allowed to run over by $10 million dollars  (and most likely more when all is said and done)

Enough is enough, Mayor, please put the muzzle  on  your Stadium Authority Chairman and release some real information. Information that we the public can actually trust that what is being said is true and see there are some realistic goals for completion.


  1. I. Charles Mathews, when the truth comes out you'll have the right to check yourself in to jail. Until then, I do suggest that you remain silent.

  2. Buck stops with him; he has to go as you said

  3. Walk by the stadium, and ask yourself who oversaw this project. No one. If he had any sense of personal honor, he would recognize his shortcomings as Stadium Authority Chair and step down for the good of the community. But, we should not expect such self examination from the idiots who led us into this quagmire.

  4. He is full of propaganda.

  5. He looks and is clueless.

  6. 7:57PM

    I have a different term for what he is full of, but I will keep it clean

  7. How did Mathews become Chairman of The Sports Authority? I mean The Stadium Authority, but there's not much difference, both are bankrupt.

  8. Mathews is only concerned with himself and his son, who benefits from his continued association in Hartford politics. All this incompetence from a man who doesn't even reside in the City of Hartford anymore. Charlie is a resident of West Hartford - check the Hartford Courant article he wrote re: the baseball stadium about a year ago.
    Bronin should have gotten rid of all of Segarra's appointees to this Stadium Authority, which was created to avoid a referendum by the people. Mayor Bronin: you don't to war with another man's generals! It would have been smart to appoint someone who has actually overseen a construction project and folks who have great knowledge about the City, so that things would not have gone off the rails like this project has.

  9. Wooden lobbied to get Mathews appointed and they both lobbied to make Mathews Chairman. Both Wooden and Mathews supported Luke over Pedro in the primary.....Mathews helped sponsor a large fundraiser at Wooden's house for Luke.

    There is a relationship there which Luke is unwilling to break,so expect Mathews to be Chairman as long as he wants.

  10. Wooden lobbied to get Mathews appointed and they both lobbied to make Mathews Chairman. Both Wooden and Mathews supported Luke over Pedro in the primary.....Mathews helped sponsor a large fundraiser at Wooden's house for Luke.

    There is a relationship there which Luke is unwilling to break,so expect Mathews to be Chairman as long as he wants.


  12. Luke owes him, so he. Will. Be staying! Luke same corrupt buisness as always. Watch and learn about Bronin, one plan, one scheme and it' does not include the Hartford Residents and the issues facing them.

    How you like him now????

  13. If this is the case, as anonymous at 11:52 PM claims, Bronin supporting bubblehead Wooden and clueless Mathews and we continue paying millions of $$$, then we'll have to teach him a lesson coming next election and show him the way out, the same way we showed Pedro the exit door.

  14. This guy is clearly an idiot to continue lobbing false prophecies of completion at the media and I completely agree he and other members of this board should be removed.

    But to use rhetoric like "you have a right to remain silent" and "put a muzzle on him" in an era when we are all fully aware of prejudicial, disproportionate mass incarceration, profiling, and physical violence perpetrated against black and brown men in this country is a problem.

    I. Charles Matthews should go, but let's be clear that he should go not due to racial prejudice; and let's not feed the racial prejudice of so many white people who live outside the City of Hartford who view our city through the white frame and tend to see all black and brown politicians as symptoms of urban decay and malfeasance.

  15. It took longer than I thought, but u knew someone would turn it into a racial issue. The entire authority needs to go, black, white , Hispanic, gay, straight, transgendered and anything else I might have missed.

  16. Reread my comment Kevin. I agree with you that this commission needs to go. Just trying to point out the rhetoric is inherently racist and distracts from your argument and point. Your comment board is often a cesspool of resentful, white fragility I see, so I'm not surprised my incredibly reasonable comment seems out of place.

  17. You are correct Kevin. This is not a black, white, latino or oriental issue. This is 100% incompetence, failure to understand what's going on and that Hartford residents will have to pay millions more than the millions already spent. That's it.
    If someone wants to call it a racial issue, so be it.
    At this time the entire stadium authority should be out, starting with the head, I. Charles.

  18. 2:44PM

    Get the chip off your shoulder, every American arrested or possibly facing arrest hears those same words as part of their Miranda rights, whether Black or White... everyone I guess by your reasoning, anyone that muzzles their pet for safety is conducting a racist act? I. Charles Matthews is quite simply incompetent and ignorant and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. I think you are the one that wants to see race brought into a pretty clear cut incident where it has nothing to do about race

  19. I'm black and he needs to GO!

  20. Until Bronin is willing to remove ALL the incompetent and overpaid people milking the City of Hartford, this City is going to be stuck in the same quagmire we're already in. He seems afraid to ruffle any political feathers so it's same old, same old.

    When, if ever, will this City start appointing people of competence instead of people that know someone who's already in power? How did I. Charles Matthews, a non-resident, get appointed? He knew "someone" and/or someone owed him a favor. He certainly didn't get chosen for his qualifications. Why don't the City residents demand someone who knows something about building stadiums? Apathy.

    Same story with DiBella - how does a resident of Old Saybrook become chairman of the MDC? He's responsible for raising our rates & selling our water, and yet we do nothing year after year. Apathy.

    And "voting them out" is a joke since most elected positions are virtually unopposed. The majority of the city residents do as instructed and vote "Row A" without regard to who is the better candidate. This 1 party system is killing this City but the residents seem perfectly content to let it continue. Apathy.

    Until the residents actively demand and insist upon change, the people living outside the City, milking Hartford for all they can get for themselves, will continue to do so.

    Thank you to Kevin for raising important issues - let's all take it one step further and demand an end to continued incompetence and greed. Write to Luke - demand he get rid of Mathews, DiBella, and everyone else that can't or won't do what's best for Hartford.

  21. Did clueless I. Charles Mathews ever visit the construction site on a weekend/s to see for himself how work on the stadium is NOT done?
