Thursday, May 19, 2016


Has someone forgotten about the Affleck  Street Police Substation lawn?

I know things are tough but this sets a terrible example for the neighborhood, the grass is over a foot high and loaded with weeds.  While taking the picture , DPW crews were half a block away mowing the Zion Hill Cemnetary. I know thjey have specific functions , but what would it take, 2 minutes to mow this little patch of grass?

And as a sidenote, I am told that all the debris I posted about last night from the Stadium has been cleaned up this morning. Someone does read "We the People" I guess. Maybe Affleck Street will be mowed before the weekend.


  1. What, you don't own a lawnmower? Since these "posts" you write appear to take a few minutes each, I'm sure that you have time to give back to your community.

  2. I might say right back at you also. I don't get paid to mow the lawns, many other people do. Maybe I should have just gone and picked up the steel at the stadium, and maybe I can go maintain the fish tank at Noah Webster School. And since your idea makes so much sense, I will be working overnight tonight driving a fire truck and I will be driving car 13 for HPD tomorrow during the day

  3. Bronin should mow it, or Sarah's friends the married couple who got big paying jobs one in DPW for 100,000, while the 35,000 a year DPW Hartford minority young men were laid off.

  4. Money is going to host the PR parade. 100k down the drain.

  5. 2:25PM

    Pl;ease try to get your facts correct. Just Kidding. It is estimated $130,000 for the Puerto Rican Day Parade and approximately $80,000 for the West Indian Day Parade. here is my posting on that


  6. 1:22 I hope you're joking, otherwise you are an idiot!

  7. As I have said before, everyone should pitch in. If you live close to a city-owned green, go out and mow it yourself. And weed it. Be civic- minded instead of complaining.

  8. Bill,

    I have done my share of weeding flower beds and traffic islands. I was happy to help out for years, but the City continued to spend recklessly. I have tried to get the City to start an"Adopt A Spot" program for years but my requests have fallen on deaf ears

  9. Kevin,

    That is shameful. Probably because of union contracts. Or just intransigence of city government and the inability of those employed to really embrace doing business in a new and innovative way. Probably distracts from the security of their positions. I am not directing at you. Just suggesting. And BTW, screw the city. My comment is to take control of our local turf. Don't wait for Knox to fix in exchange for payment. We can and should take the moment and do it ourselves.

  10. Bill,

    that is exactly what I did. I got tired of getting off the highway at Pulaski Circle several years ago and seeing 5'high weeds in the "welcome to Hartford" planter After weeks of trying to get permission, I finally went and did it one weekend, I left the pile of weeds there and DPW did pick them up, I started doing Barry Square and Goodwin Park traffic Island also. Former Councilwoman Marilyn Rossetti and her husband helped me on Barry Square. It got to the point where I was buying and planting day lillies and the City would deliver mulch when I needed it. It worked out well while it lasted and definitely made a difference in appearance.

  11. I remember when the original 330 used to cut the sub station lawn and trim the bushes himself and pay some struggling neighborhood folks to help. How people forget.
