Friday, May 27, 2016



  1. I understand that next week a bunch of administrators are going to Colorado.....and it continues

  2. So many great teachers have been harassed, bullied, and run out of Hartford schools. The treatment of these teachers is/was so wrong. I look forward to the day when these cases get exposed. This has had major impacts on students, schools, and communities.

  3. We should FOI all travel this school year. I believe it will be well over a million dollars. Some people go to conferences as much as they go to the bathroom. In fact the sleep more in hotel beds than they do at home. FOI- Enid Rey, Jonathan Swan, Katherine Englend, Jennifer Allen, Kelvin Roldan, the 9 assistant superintendent and all the magnet principals. This latest conference wasn't the first with so many traveling to it and certainly will not be the last. For some reason, Hartford Administrators can't travel alone, they have to take their secretary with them. I also hear that ALL BOE members traveled to a 3 day conference at Harvard this year. And other members on the BOE traveled to other conferences on the City's dime. I have worked as teacher in Hartford Public Schools for 27 years and it has never ever been this bad. The lack of trust in leadership, The big salary central office staff, traveling all over the country on the back of taxpayers and our students and their families while the teachers have to beg and most times pay for our own supplies for our students. This year alone I have spent over $500 on school supplies for my classes that is not reimbursable like the travel for administrators. Teachers are afraid to speak out because of people like Jill Cutler Hodgeman who will fire you for any unsubstantiated reason. Our Teacher's Union has just given up trying to work with the Superintendent. This Superintendent and School Board Chair appear to be sleeping with each other as close as they are always joined at the hip together. Neither is respected by teachers and if Narvaez is still Superintendent the teachers will be calling for a vote of no confidence in September based on so so many mistakes and demonstrations of poor judgment. Andrea Johnson, I know you don't think we teachers are ready, but I disagree - I think we could hold a vote of no confidence before the June 21 Board of Ed Meeting. At least discuss it with some of reps at the schools. I am ready to be bold on behalf of the students and their families even though the Mayor and the BOE Chair are not. And Narvaez can take her busy friend Gislene Ngnou with her and go back to Harvard where you talk about how to make a difference but don't know how to make a difference.

  4. a vote of no confidence
    Thanks your work in the schools.
    We've had Supers come, paid them big bucks, watched them do whatever it is they do, and seen them exit stage left. It may be as you say that things have never been worse, and this present Super may be lousy, but they've never been better, either, at least not because we had much better Supers in the past. One never hears many complaints about the schools in West Hartford or Glastonbury. Do we think that if we were to bring in a Super from one of those districts the State of Connecticut could finally establish good schools in Hartford?

    Free the kids. Get Mal-loy out of the education business. Let private entities run schools in a more competitive market. Give the kids vouchers.

  5. The Hartford Board of Education and top administrators have spent money foolishly for many years. The Board of Education Chairman Richard Wearing is a loose canon. The state needs to take over the BOE. Cleaning is a must to get rid of the dead wood. And there is plenty of it.

  6. I fault the Mayor - Dick Wareing is an appointee of Bronin. I Blame the BOE for sitting on their hands while this Super do more harm to the school system than has ever been done in it's history. I blame the Super for not firing her Harvard buddy Gislenne Goonoo for being to busy to look into the predator. I blame the Super for not knowing (if that is really true) that she did not know about Genao the predator' background - Know way Narvaez. Okay then fire Jill Cutler Hodgeman for not telling the Super about Genao the predator. I blame the Super for not knowing about the budget woes earlier, meaning Paula Altieri Finance Director should be fired. I blame the teacher's union for not raising more hell on behalf of teachers and students. I blame myself for having any hope in any of the above. None of the individuals care about anything but their 6 figure salaries, all of the individuals above make 6 figures, that's way over a million dollars in incompetence that we know about. What about what we don't know about? SMH

  7. OMG just read the stupid Super is going to phase out Weaver Culinary High School that they just spent $40 million dollar on 2 years ago. Not to mention how much it will cost to move a perfectly good brand new school (JMA) to the Weaver campus. Are these people that out of touch with reality and budgetting!!! No wonder you are laying off teachers the Super is making these dumb ass decisions spending money like a drunken sailor, except we are talking real money. Someone has to stop this Super - hasn't she done enough damage? There will be absolutely nothing left if she is allowed to stay around another year. Who would ever think to do waste that kind of money. Only her because it does not touch her $260K salary. Hartford we have to stop this lady, she is truly mental.

  8. Navarez is way could get someone equally incompetent for a third of the money we pay that fool.

  9. I blame myself for having any hope in any of the above. None of the individuals care about anything but their 6 figure salaries
    No need for blame. Why do we put up with this bureaucratic abuse? Is there anything more important than raising children to be part of our tradition (i.e. not alienated from society) with at least passable mastery of the three "Rs?"
    Get Dannel Malloy, the Department of Ed, the Board of Ed, and (especially) the public sector teacher unions out of it. We have to talk to the likes of prospective Speaker, Joe Aresimowicz, about getting rid of the district system. (So perhaps your hopelessness is not misplaced.)
    Before joining the state legislature, Aresimowicz served three terms on the Berlin Town Council. Additionally Joe Aresimowicz is a union employee, a former union president and one of the biggest allies of organized labor and its offshoot. [1]

    Aresimowicz was elected to the House in 2004 to represent the 30th Assembly District of Berlin and Southington. In 2013, he was elected the Majority Leader.

    Aresimowicz has been recognized by a variety of groups including the American Legion, the Connecticut State Firefighters Association the YMCA, and the Connecticut Working Families Party, which receives a great deal of help from Unions in CT.

  10. I have foi'd the change orders for May, that should give us an indication of who is telling the truth. If the City won't release them promptly, that will tell us a lot also
