Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Pedro Segarra guiding Hartford into the Donut hole
Does that sign look centered?
According to a City Hall source, no penalty fines have been paid by Robert Landino or Centerplan, the developer for Dunkin Donuts Park,  who is was on the hook for a $50,000 penalty for missing the "substantial completion" deadline last Tuesday and an additional $15,000 a day for every day they are late.

According to the Hartford Stadium Authority Chairman I. Charles Matthews at a special meeting last Friday, Matthews said that an account number had been given to Centerplan to begin wiring the money to the City's account. Apparently that has not happened at all.

According to my source " None of the late fines have been paid".

Centerplan... "SHOW US THE MONEY"


  1. Centerplan billed the city about $600k this month that appears not to have been paid yet. Wonder if the administration will hold those payments until Centerplan starts paying the fines?

  2. Maybe i will hit the print button on the jennings rd ot gang for all the world to see. How can one person get 40 hrs of ot a week when jobs are being cut ?
    The greed of the few obtuse contribute to a department failure in leadership.
    Kronos should be held accountable only by a few. All kinds of scams and comp issues will be brought to light soon enough.

    1. A squad leader if you have proof of wrong doing at Jennings then prove it. I'm sure the OT is well justified with arrest and good seizures. Stop being a hater. Worry about yourself. That's the problem everyone is hating. We have enough to worry with the city trying to take everything away. Focus that energy on fighting the city not each other. Enough of that already. Plenty of work for everyone.

  3. The dirty players who brought us this stinky stadium deal are now selling their homes.
    760 Prospect Avenue, pending sale, listed last month for $685,000.
    140 Terry Road for sale, listed earlier this month for $520,000, now asking $510,000.

  4. For those not familiar, 760 Prospect is the residence of Pedro Segarra, 140 Terry Road is Saundra Kee-Borges/Terry Waller love shack. They both probably feel that they have fleeced the people of Hartford as much as possible so it is time to move on and find fresh marks to fleece

  5. As of today, Centerplan/DoNo LLC owes the city of Hartford $155,000. For every week that goes by, add another $105,000.

  6. How many ACO's could we hire back with $155.000 (both of them with quite a bit left over). The second week's payment of $105,000 would be enough to save the mounted patrol and feed the horses for a year. I don't think we will see that stadium done much before August or quite possibly at all for this season. Since this stadium mess got us , in large part, into this financial predicament, wouldn't it be ironic if the fines covered enough to hire back all the people laid off. Mayor Bronin, don't let Centerplan take advantage of us once again. enforce the agreement

  7. I admit I'm not an avid watcher of City Hall, so I may have missed it, but has Luke Bronin issued any kind of statement this week as to what he intends to do about this mess? Is he going to enforce the agreement or not?

    Saw in the paper Sunday that he's asking the rest of the State or at least Greater Hartford suburbs to pitch in to help with Hartford's finances, but why in the world would anyone help us with our finances if we can't help ourselves? It's embarrassing.

  8. 9:48pm

    I think your assessment is very accurate. How can we convince our suburban neighbors to help us when we do crazy, reckless things like almost $70,000 on the Miami trip and $200,000 just on two parades. We as a city need to get our own house in order if we are to be taken seriously, so far I don't see us doing that. Wait until the Stadium Authority meeting tomorrow if you think we look like a joke now, just see what happens tomorrow

  9. It seems that much more confusion and dysfunctionalism is going on behind the scenes. I suspect that the performance bond will now be called and the stadium will not be finished this year. In fact, by the time it is finished, there will be no team to play there. Bald-headed Josh Solomon will fly the coop. More lawsuits will take hold. Lawyers will have a field day. Segarra will rethink about staying in Hartford and will move to gay Miami where he will live happily ever after with hubby. When the stadium is finished, state resident from Wilton, Keith Richards will convince The Rolling Stones to be the first group to play the then vacant Dunkin Donuts Stadium.

    What time is the Stadium Authority convening? I need some comic relief.

  10. Kevin about posting a the date that the stadium will open. I also think the team name should change from the Hartford Yardgoats to the Hartford. predators.

  11. A special Stadium Authority meeting is set for 1PM in council cambers. Is public comment allowed?

  12. Order Pedro Segarra to appear and testify before an investigative committee to tell us how on earth did he believe the stadium was supposed to be completed in April and on budget.
    After Pedro Segarra finalizes his testimony, order Thomas Deller to do the same.
    After Thomas Deller finalizes his testimony, order Shawn Wooden to do the same.
    After Shawn Wooden finalizes his testimony, order Saundra Kee-Borges to do the same.

    After they all testify, maybe we'll start getting the entire picture of the corruption and incompetence going on in Hartford.

    1. 8:59 AM
      That's only the DD Stadium. Let's see what the Dillon Stadium investigation will discover. It's not over yet.

  13. Both DoNo and Centerplan wish is that the work on the stadium will stop entirely today since the construction will NOT be completed by July. They prefer a stop order and to deal with the insurance co. from now on.

  14. 9:13

    Git yer popcorn here. Git yer popcorn. Do you supersize like the bloated heads of the former administration.

    Look, whete ever Pedro comes from, let' close the door and lock it up.

    As to the contest to guess when the stadium opens; God told me that he hasn't creating dates that far in the future to bet on a date when the stadium will open.

  15. # Twenty Eight Patrol FailureMay 26, 2016 at 5:06 PM

    Great job A squad leader, your the A squad failure. Everywhere you have gone you've been a failure James. You really think your smarter than everyone. Well hopefully the entire PD thanks you for shutting down all comp time earned for everyone with your big mouth. And your information as usual was inaccurate, it wasn't the "gang" at 50mjennings as you stated. It was the gang at 253 High St, a PATROL supervisor and officer who took advantage of the system. Great job James......Keep up the good work.

  16. James enough is enough already we are all sick of hearing your constant complaining. The problem within the police department is not overtime, or who is working what private job, the problem is supervisors like you. You feel it is appropriate to express your negative opinions about the department and the Chief publically during your working hours. How about trying to lead by example and improving the morale amongst the officers under your supervision, that is what true leadership is about. If you are that unhappy about your own professional path then do what is needed to correct it because your current method is an embarrassment to each and everyone of us that takes pride in the badge on our chest. This job may only be a pay check to you but plenty of us consider this a calling for public service, based on tradition, and pride, and frankly your behavior is a disgrace. You continuously direct your negative comments towards a specific Sergeant on a public forum for all to see. He is by far the text book example of what every police supervisor should strive to become. Instead of expressing your inadequacy as a Sergeant in this form maybe try to model your own career after the example he sets. In time then maybe you can begin to learn what being a true leader entails and do something positive for this department. Lastly, considering your personal and professional record, if any one should be concerned about the slip of a finger onto the print button, it is you.

  17. A squad leader, James, or whatever name is appropriate

    Please start acting like a man and properly handle your hatred before it gets you in more trouble. I would imagine after the domestic issues you have been forced to deal with conflict resolution or anger management issues. I too have had my differences with the Sergeant you are trying to take down anonymously, most of them philosophical differences, we didn't allow them to fester to a dangerous level. We did what adult men do, we worked them out. I also am not ashamed to say that the Sergeant you are trashing is probably one of the finest Police Officers the Hartford Police Department has seen. There are many great officers, maybe one day you will one of them once you learn to deal with your hatred and abuse issues. You seem to have an issue with the amount of overtime Sergeant Sean Spell earns. As a taxpayer in this City, I could only pray that we could get the same return on our investment from every overtime dollar spent as we do from Sgt. Spell's hours. Our streets are much safer because of Spell and his and his officers efforts trough the Shooting Task Force, and it isn't done behind one inch thick glass in Teleserve.(No disrepect to anyone assigned to Teleserve) If I were a Hartford Officer, Sgt.Sean Spell is exactly the type of officer I would have no problem entrusting my life to in almost any situation. Can your subordinates and fellow officers say the same about your "leadership".I know the impact Sgt. Spell has had on reducing crime and gun violence in our City and if there was a way to get him on our streets 100 more hours a week, it would be money well spent.

  18. Command me first sgt !!!!!May 26, 2016 at 9:56 PM

    Every penny captain reathis earns is exactly why i choose to not pay my taxes. Now life will be much easier with a deputy chief by his side to should even more so called work from chili.
    200 k a year and a take home suv full of 84 octane from city yard. Life is good for some these days i guess. I bet spell does more work in a day then certain reathis esk command staff do in a week !! Place the bet. I bet on spell.

  19. So is james gonna do some time for stealing my pj ? Do i need to call the union ?
    How can we prevent further actions by this maniac?

  20. James, are you the cop that placed his gun on the seat of his car and found it stolen the next morning, in order to run upstairs into an apartment to get laid? You sound like him.

  21. My print button finger is geting itchy. Lets have the public see the amount of greed and vile actions that few choose to do in this organization. Fairness and true integrity will always prevail over greed and lothing .....

  22. Sgt. James R. #28, the predator who had an innocent female (with a large chest) perform James' version of DWI field sobriety tests consisting of jumping jacks no less. He could be fired for that stunt. Please, if the woman he victimized reads this blog, please come forward to IAD and make your complaint. We are unable to identify who you are at this time.

  23. 1115pm

    "A squad leader"

    put up or shut up, I could have those documents tomorrow if I thought there was any purpose. Maybe I might be interested in some of your hours from what I am told, especially maybe start looking at a snow tow detail. This could get nasty. Maybe a truce before the battle starts might be in order

  24. @11:32 and 11:16

    I smell a cat fight brewing. Hey Squat Leadet, you heard the man. Put up or shut up.

    Waddia say about dat?

  25. Iron man is tougher than Capn AmericaMay 27, 2016 at 8:14 AM

    I wish we could post memes on this blog this the Michael Jackson eating his popcorn would be perfect for this post so it's James vs Spell an Rovella ? Interesting to see how this plays out cmon fellas this white on white crime has to stop!!

  26. Will someone please just complete the EAP referral on James' already......we all know he's completely 44. A 44 can not be reasoned with.

  27. To my readers:

    A little translation, "44" is HPD radio code for a 10-44, a mentally ill person, and EAP is the "employee assistance program" which is meant to deal with problem employees before they totally go off the rails, sometimes it is just too late
