Friday, May 13, 2016


thank you to "Overheard In Downtown" group on Facebook for posting the picture
 I think is a problem we all have at times,  but it seems that one Councilperson is afflicted with it more than others.
The filter that is supposed to control what comes off the lips doesn't always work.
Councilwoman rJo Winch made a comment earlier this week that it was hard finding a Police Officer doing something good. She must have forgotten about this picture. It sure looks like this officer is doing something good.
rJo,  please get the filter fixed, or maybe at least try  to keep the lips closed a little more and take a few seconds to let the brain catch up first.
Thank you


  1. Kevin, RJo is simply a low functioning person. That is apparent. I have talked with the officer cited for good things. He is a good man and we all recognize this. But why hasn't he demanded that Rjoke take the comment down. It is an affront to his fellow officers.

  2. 5:31PM

    It is a great country, and every one has the right to make a fool of themselves publicly, Some seem to do it more so than others, unfortunately

  3. @5:34

    Yes Kevin, but here I am talking about the officer in question. We all know that RJoke is a low bred.

  4. Ms. Winch's Facebook remark regarding Officer Jim Barrett's commendation seemed to be a passive aggressive way to belittle the police force. Does Winch have a filter problem or is she a cop hater? Kevin, I realize that this is a loaded question but likely has crossed the minds of many people.

  5. look at her previous record on the Council and I think you will answer your own question. As much as things change, they stay the same

  6. Why hasn't officer Barrett asked for the comment to be removed since it insults his fellow officers?

  7. Don't you all know by now that what comes out of rJoke Witch' mouth is nothing but trash.

  8. But still the powers that be in this city run her for city council and the people vote her to office. We really have to go up against this democratic party machine that puts such people on their ticket. Its a shame as we got rid of her once and lets hope folks
    will do it again.

  9. Why are any of you surprised? Let's take a look at the towns that surround the city of Hartford. Ask yourself "how many times have I heard about another town having all of these problems?" The answer is never, why you ask? because educated people run these other functioning towns and cities. You have smart people that elect other smart people to run their beloved town. Hartford has Rjo Witch. She is a low functioning cave man type woman. Her and the rest of these jackasses that are steering the ship of Hartford straight into Davey Jones locker are the type of people you get in office when you have a poverty stricken, drug infested, litter strewn , pants around my thighs, graffiti covered city that is inhabited by thug people that don't want to improve their lives. I just get tickled pink at the thought of trump winning so we can cut all handouts to these enabled cities and watch them devour themselves like the cancer they have become. Rjo can spit in the wind, she is a no one, that means nothing, will have nothing and who's name will be forgotten 5 minutes after she is gone.

  10. Just remember I coined that term, "RJoke." But you may use it as needed. Hahahahaha. I own the copyright.

  11. Man, I give you credit, RJoke is a good one since she IS a joke. Bad joke.

  12. rJoke Witch sounds even better. And it fits the person.

  13. So we combine your copyright and my copyright and make one grand statement. collaboration is good.

  14. @6:40

    It doesn't quite have a rhythmic ring to it. I'm pulling my copyright. My lawyers will send you a cease and desist order next week. Hahahahahahaha

  15. Mayor Bronin this woman personifies why neighboring towns want nothing to do with regionalism if it involves hartford. An ignorant fool with no impulse control like this couldnt get elected as hall monitor in a nearby town. They actually appreciate public safety personnel as a matter of course.

  16. Leave rJo alone. What do you expect from an idiot

  17. All Luke Bronin needs now is for RJo to piss off the Fire Dept. before contract negotiations.

  18. Mayor Bronin had no clue when he cut a deal to have RJO on his Democratic slate.

  19. 11:19

    Exacto. When you listen to her speak, she sounds so incredibly ignorant. Why the town committee nominated her to be the democratic candidate is anyone's guess. They mustn't be to bright either. And this is the problem with Hartford. So many dumb dimwits who nominate more dumb dimwits who then monkey things up for everyone. Not everyone is in that class. Fact is, she is in a class by herself.

  20. Messy mess as usual for the City of Hartford The Rising Sun! Go Hartford! Hartford is a crying political shame.

  21. Kevin, how exactly do you want the lips to keep pace with the brain when there's no brain?

  22. I'm sure if a police officer or a fire fighter made a comment like that towards her. Both departments would be apologizing publicly and the officer or fire fighter would be getting reprimanded. So why isn't rjo apologizing for such a comment? Made towards the very people that come to work and put their lives on the line everyday. It is discusting that these politicians continue to get away with this type of behavior. I think they to should be held to a higher standard. In this case it seems the city of Hartford has no standard as far as the politicians go. Moreover why isn't the police union saying anything about this? This is a clear attack on his union body. Where is he? Or where is the union? Or the Chiefs for that matter. Let me guess it was addressed behind closed doors. Good way to show the rank and file they have their backs. Its sad how police and fire continue day in and day out to risk their lives to be trampled by the politicians. Why isn't the HPD stepping up to the plate?

    1. rJoke apologize? Is this a 'Joke' or what? She's proud that she "started a conversation."
      You dirty, nasty WiTch.

  23. Union? We can't hear youMay 17, 2016 at 7:35 AM

    The chief has been very outspoken on this. Didn't you see the news stuff, He publicy ripped her. Even Council President Clark took a stand and publicly ripped RJo. The union hasn't done or said anything yet, which is a little concerning. Maybe a letter, a statement to Council or to the rank and file would be a good idea.

  24. @12:02

    Totally agree. Maybe the remark doesn't rise to the level of recall, but I would like to see the charter reopened to include a clause to recall a political leader through petition. I think we all should begin to ask this question at public comments in council chambers. The right to recall is fundamental in a democratic republic such as we have now. Why should we be deprived of this right since council is selected by insider decisions. Then, we are stuck with the possibility of 4 years worth of a mistake.

    Let's have the recall option.

  25. @ 11:43 AM- No one wants to have a conversation with RJo so she must be talking to herself. You can't fix stupid.

  26. Go along to get along soooooooo saddddd
