Thursday, June 2, 2016


Will we see baseball in Hartford this year? Who knows.

In a report requested by Josh Solomon of the Yardgoats, it looks like there is probably quite a bit more than only 5% incomplete work left to be done

Here is the report. Pictures as well at the end of the document


  1. An utter mess. Try again former Mayor Pedro Segarra and I Charles gave Hartford a million new problems..... now go fry ice.


  2. Somerset Patriots at New Britain Bees
    June 07, 2016 - 6:35 PM
    New Britain Stadium - New Britain, CT

  3. Will it cost more for the city to complete this and maintain it than it would cost to shut it down? I don't agree with "this has to work", that sounds like throwing good money after bad. I would phrase it differently. What has been spent so far is more or less irrelevant (but will be relevant in lawsuits), only the future cost/benefit is on the table now.

    Dump the Yard Goats and their ungrateful mercenary freeloader owners and find another team/sport that will pay their own way. How hard is it to find a baseball team? Hire Erin Stewart to find us one.

  4. 95% complete. 94% complete. 93% complete. 92% complete. 91% complete. 90% complete. 89% complete. You get the picture.


  5. Wow. Based on that report, I would say the project is maybe 80% complete. It looks like they still need to pour some concrete slabs and long concrete ramp. I can't believe those aren't done. When you're at 95% the contractor should be doing finish work. It's clear they have lots of finish work but still rough work as well. Seeing this confirms that Centerplan/DoNo have no idea what they're doing. But again, I go back to watchdogs on this project, the Hartford Stadium Authority. They should have been able to see weeks, if not months ago, that this would never be finished for a June opening. How sad for the City of Hartford and its taxpayers, the Authority let them down. They should all resign in shame. Here's a question I've asked at times: how many season tickets have been sold? Typically, that is a barometer of the vitality of a team, but I have yet to see any metric on that.

  6. Wow. Based on that report, I would say that Landino and Rudnick, the principles at Centerplan and DoNo, which, in my opinion, are basically the same, are both liars, big time liars.

  7. Why are ya'll so preoccupied with completion. With that mentality, when completed, you may put on your pink too toos and Pom Poms and cheer.

  8. Because we have to continue to pay the debt service in the bills whether it's complete or not

  9. Kevin, when the stadium is finished, then what will you complain about. The point here is it doesn't matter if the stadium is ever completed. It's a grand waste of resources.

  10. 1;21pm

    Ok, so what is your solution? Should we just sit back and take the screwing like a flock of mindless sheep? And if you look at the blog, you will see there is still plenty to focus on and complain about. Hartford is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to incompetence and I don't apologize for bringing the focus on that incompetence. Nothing will change if we just ignore it.

  11. @1:28

    Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant to say that complaining about the unfinished stadium instead of the idea of it being the most ill conceived investment ever sounds like you want the stadium built. I know you don't but one day, it will be finished. Then what? That was my point. I frankly, would like to see construction stop and watch this play out in court. But it won't it will be finished probably too late for this year. To reiterate, complaining about a late completion date is complaining about the wrong issue in my opinion.

  12. DoNo is gone. Too little too late. Now get rid of Centerplan. Ah, but they can't. Getting rid of DoNo now makes it look like tough talk but the reality is that it has virtually no effect on the profits of these gangsters.
