Thursday, June 9, 2016


In the short time that  I have begun looking at , and getting calls and e-mails about the Hartford Schools, I have to say I am troubled. If even one-tenth of the allegations are true, we have a real problem.

It all started with Eduardo Genao and his subsequent arrest on child endangerment charges, but I think that incident is potentially the tip of the iceberg. I have received numerous information about other individuals and incidents , many of them naming names and very specific details. Unfortunately many of my sources refer to the mindset at the Superintendents Office , and I don't use or repeat  the term lightly, as "Gestapo tactics".

People are in fear of reporting such incidents because they fear the reprisals and potential loss of their own jobs if they do report bad behavior.

Many times out of a terrible situation , like the Genao arrest, good things can potentially flourish. To all those that have contacted me in confidence and trusting me to protect your identities, I offer my heartfelt thanks and my promise that I will do everything to protect your identities But the next step in your protection is about to take place.

A Federal Class Action lawsuit is being filed to address the issues and the cover ups that potentially harm our students. A Class action suit, as it has been explained to me,  allows people to come forward and make their claims identified as Jane or John Doe and not have to risk revealing their identities to do the right thing..

Whether it is information about a "behavior coach" and inappropriate behavior involving young girls in his care or the Principal that has covered for the inappropriate behavior or Special Education funds being diverted for use other than special needs students, that and any other improper behavior can be reported to the attorney handling the case.

The number one point of the Class action suit is the protection of the "whistle blowers" who want to do the right thing without fear and intimidation. Free of the tactics of Jill Cutler-Hodgman or Paula Altieri or even Attorney Melinda Kauffman . Apparently Kauffman has been shown the exit door from the Board Offices but is still hired on a as "consultant" (what budget crisis?)

For the time being, anyone who is interested in being part of the Class Action suit, I can put you in touch with the attorney, once the suit is actually filed, most likely sometime this week, I will post all of the contact information.

In the meantime, keep doing what you have been doing. The only way to expose the truth is by having good people who care coming forward to expose this filth, and again my heartfelt thanks to those of you who have come forward and also to those who will see fit to come forward under the protection of the Class Action lawsuit


  1. If a teacher stated she was just too busy to report a child molester would they still have their job
    There is a double standard for the 100 Club

  2. "Protection for the whistleblowers from intimidation and fear". Coming from you Kevin that's pretty amusing. Look in the mirror much?

  3. 6:05PM

    You clearly don;'t know me or know what I do. I am not sure what you a re referring, but if nothing else that is one thing I do very well is to protect my sources so that no one is able to identify them or intimidate them. Try again.

    1. You're the best Kevin!! Keep reporting!!!

    2. Kevin you are changing the world for the good- keep reporting!

  4. 6:05

    Ants eventually come out of the woodwork when the ant sprays are applied. What rotted woodwork have you eaten on? The Superintendent's office?

  5. Kevin, are you telling us that the witnesses to acts against children have remained silent for fear of losing their JOB? If that is the case, For all those that continue to use that excuse I say GET REAL! Remaining silent means YOU are choosing yourself over the children and families you serve! A job can be replaced and there is no job more important than the safety and wellbeing of our children or each other. Gestapo tactics? Not culturally sensitive wording but are you saying witnesses are getting whipped, Beaten, tortured and killed now? I suspect the answer is NO! See something SAY something. And if that means you lose your job, sorry for that, but feel proud you lost your job in order to save a life!

  6. @11:04AM
    Obviously, it seems that you never looking for job before. When you are applying for a position, they always call your previous employer for reference.

  7. Hartford has many cover ups. i work at a public school in Hartford. As this story was breaking, we were just about to begin a meeting. The administrator in the meeting stated, "We have known for years that he has been doing this. That's why he was moved to adult education, then to the district office. Besides doing these things, he's really a nice guy. Who knows, one day I might be reported, but I am a good person." We all found this comment disturbing, stated so in the meeting and the administrator changed the subject. A letter was written to the head of the school and the superintendent, asking for this person to be interviewed having knowledge of Genao's activities, as well as the admins disturbing statement. There has been no follow up.

  8. I work in a public school in Hartford. As this story was breaking, we were just about to begin the meeting. The administrator running it said, "Oh, this isn't new news. He has done this for years. That's why he was moved to adult education, then to the district office. Besides this, he really is a nice guy. Who knows, one day I might be reported, but I'm a nice person" We were all very disturbed by what was said. An email was sent to the head administrator in the building and superintendent. Nothing was ever done.

  9. 11:37,

    If you feel comfortable, please contact me privately so we can talk more. All conversations are in strict confidence. the pieces of the puzzle are coming together bit by bit with yours and others tips.

  10. 8 graduate from Journalism. 50 graduate from Culinary. A multi-million dollar culinary arts remodel that tax dollars recently paid for is ripped out and "culinary will now be be phased out" with the latest brilliant ideas.... Really?? Where is the tax payer outrage.. Culinary arts have well known high employment rates so tax payers invested in the future for the children and this is the outcome... Finance department makes some strange choices at the expense of tax dollars yet stays intact...In any other town they all would be walked to the door.

  11. Concerned in Hartford 11:32 - That story is so true and is known by many in the district.

  12. 7:55pm

    phone 860-883-2297 or email

  13. @7:29 decisions such as school closings are made by the superintendent and leadership team. if you have been following along, the City cannot afford to keep schools open with low enrollment. I think culinary has 230 kids. that just plain common sense. I wonder why can't they incorporate a culinary class within say Hartford high or Bulkeley high school? Why does each theme need to be its own school? That's wasting taxpayer money.

    1. That's what Culinary was going to do, phase back into Weaver!!! Get the enrollment a of JMA and High School Inc. those enrollment a are lower!!! Culinary, tourism and hospitality - that's the market! They decided to close culinary because Blue Hills is backing Tim Goodwin - the guy that got fired from HPS and this is payback.

    2. Look into the enrollment at JMA and HS Inc. Look to see who works for Blue Hills - connections to Tim Goodwin- who was FIRED from HPS. Everyone is scratching each others back - but no one is looking at the kids!

  14. @10:19 you have missed the point.. already spent millions to develop a culinary academy with top chef grade kitchen which in turn was ripped out a year later... might as well drive down I-91 and throw millions of other peoples hard earned cash out the car window... additionally keeping Journalism Academy open which graduated 8 students rather than Culinary where at least students had some future employment options for their efforts is lunacy. In closing if you think the Super and the "leadership " team made these choices exclusive of finance that is very naïve. The school system is being run by finance and has been destroyed by finance. Finance has no background in education and their choices for the town are reflected back in the huge bankrupt mess they have created. No other towns in the state spend money on schools wastefully in the ineffectual manner this group has done. Furthermore no other town has layer upon layer of administration with salaries to rival corporate America where even the principals have administrators overseeing them and each layer has their own secretarial staffs and bennies to boot. It's "Leadership" alright leading everyone to bankruptcy court... Taxpayers should demand an investigative audit for all these phantom jobs and the huge waste of their funds.

  15. 11:11 has it right. The Supers cabinet is AWFUL!!! Why did Birks leave Harding High School? Why does she commute an hour to her job!??

  16. I agree with the comments about culinary. Doesn't make any sense what so ever not to continue with the plan for an academic academy. Tuesday evening the BOE will be voting on the change of culinary. Come to the meeting Tuesday and speak out during public comments against the culinary change. If enough people come out we can convince the BOE that they are making the wrong decision moving culinary out of Weaver, not to mention the amount of money that will be wasted. I have always said Paula Altiera, Finance Director is corrupt, and unfortunately really in charge of the district. She has no clue as to what she is doing and wastes millions of dollars every year. She is the master of voodoo economics.

  17. Birks was fired from Harding High School. And of course she lands in Hartford.

    1. People need to question the supers cabinet and all of hose portfolio teams that are worth at least a half a million in salaries and non of them spend a second with a child. Terrible. Central office needs to be dismantled ~ bring Admanowski back!

  18. No not Adamowski..he started the portfolio sewer of waste. They have not had decent leaders since Amato..they hire unseasoned people for big money and poor outcomes.. scores are the worst they have ever been so much for their portfolio directors with zero clues about urban education. They are taking a lot more than half a mil too @ 9:35 pm its a huge disgrace.
