Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Here is some more raw video of Dunkin Donuta Park after the City of Hartford terminated the developer , DONO LLC and Centerplan and attempted to secure the facility .Once again the video shows why the City of Hartford had no business being in the construction business.

At 1:40 is the Dunkin Donuts coffee cup that is supposed to spout steam after a Yardgoats homerun, I don't think we will be seeing steam anytime soon,

At 1:30, the policies are posted but no one will be allowed in anytime soon to obey the policies

At 2;10, these two doors are on the south side of the Stadium. who measured for these openings and where did they learn how to use a tape measure.  I guess maybe cardboard and some duct tape can fill the openings

At 2;10, someone's bright idea to secure door openings. These brand new doors couldn't cost much more than a thousand dollars or so each, so why bother getting the lock cores to properly lock the door with a key. It is much easier to drill holes through the brand new doors, shove a wire through and wrap it around a 2x 4 on the other side. Never mind that it doesn't meet life safety  codes for emergency exit. And forget that anyone with wire cutters can snip the wire and walk in.

It just seems insane that the door lock hardware was already installed, but someone made the decision to drill through the doors in a half assed attempt to secure a 63million dollar building. Did no one in the City Hall brain trust contemplate Monday's inevitable actions? Maybe a call to a locksmith on Thursday or Friday last week to plan on putting in the lock cores Monday to secure the building? I think DPW might actually have a locksmith on staff. But a hacker with a drill and some wire and a 2 x 4 was easier I guess

I am getting dizzy from shaking my head over the way this project has been handled ( or mishandled)


  1. Get Pedro Segarra and Thomas Deller immediately to answer some questions, the first question would be how and why did they choose Centerplan/NoDo in the first place.

  2. Why are Charlie Mathews and Solomon still at he center of this deal? I know this is Bronin's first time in charge of anything big, but really? Sometimes you throw aside the legal niceties and call it like it is. Cancel the lease.

  3. Let's not be preoccupied with "when" it will be finish d. Let's just hope and prey to our individual gods, that this project goes deep into suit and counter suit and and as it takes that long, that the snake Josh takes his goats and piss off some place else. We don't want you here. Go now.

  4. Get Smart - Cone of Silence (from episode 1) https://youtu.be/g1eUIK9CihA
    It is truly sad that the Bronin administration is using the same level of communication when it comes to making critical decisions that effect the citizens of Hartford as the one they were elected to replaced. Same bus lost and driving in circles, just a new driver.

  5. http://www.journalinquirer.com/opinion/chris_powell/hartford-stadium-disaster-invites-state-government-takeover-of-city/article_e076b92c-2cb3-11e6-886d-6fa66932af50.html

    "Hartford stadium disaster invites state government takeover of city"

    "For Hartford, overwhelmed by poverty and a government class that merely coddles it, is no longer capable of self-government, which requires a dominant, engaged, private-sector middle class the city hasn't had for decades. Nineteen years ago state government began to notice this and supplanted the city's school board with a state-appointed one. But after several years control reverted to the city and state government more or less gave up and resumed merely shoveling money into Hartford without making even the most obvious and necessary judgments."

  6. I usually agree with everything you have to say, but unfortunately I can't agree with much of what you say in this post.

    #1: the rough openings of the doors are the same size, the actual metal doors are two different sizes. My guess is a mistake was made when ordering the doors or the wrong door was delivered.

    #2: the holes in the doors were not drilled, they come like that to mount the decorative push bar/handle. It's common to use wire or something similar until it's safe (from getting ruined during construction) to install the chrome or brushed or polished handles.

    #3: the locks are always installed on exterior doors as soon as they are hung. It's no less secure than when the project is completed.

    1. What is amazing is the builder, after obviously seeing the frames were too short for the rough opening, installed the frames and doors anyway! Amazingly bad. This is low bid at it's best... I hope all that money they saved by going with the lowest bid is helpful now that they have to buy NEW doors and New frames. Hinges are wasted too as those continuous Hinges are not cut to the wrong size.

    2. What is amazing is the builder, after obviously seeing the frames were too short for the rough opening, installed the frames and doors anyway! Amazingly bad. This is low bid at it's best... I hope all that money they saved by going with the lowest bid is helpful now that they have to buy NEW doors and New frames. Hinges are wasted too as those continuous Hinges are not cut to the wrong size.

    3. The whole entire project is pretty ridiculous.
      Also, Hartford hasn't demanded perfection in anything for the last 2 generations, this project isn't going to be any different.
      With that said, and this not being the tax mahal, you can expect to see stuff like the door height discrepancy. Someone made an executive decision to install it and eventually fill the top in, with the possibility that the door can always be removed and replaced. It's hardly even a big deal...there are much larger issues here.
      Don't waste your time nit picking on things that don't actually matter.

  7. The lawsuits will start flying around very soon. Hartford must file a lawsuit against Centerplan, DoNo AND personally against their 2 clowns: Landino & Rudnick.
    Make sure you put a lien on the homes of these liars.

  8. @Stan

    Not true. Bronin is several cuts above the previous one. You are on record of supporting this monstrosity. This is why you are fussing with someone who is not imperfect.


    1. 11:01pm Jason got to be nervous cause the city started saving all his interviews /statements /promises and tons of baloney. He knows he lied all the way.

  10. Why is I Charles playing cheerleader for Yardgoats from day one. Why have every change order or non baseball request from josh honored. Was this planned by owner and chairman from day one. Is the chair a hire gun from the start? What a mess

  11. The stadium debacle is the final straw. It's now the right time - for the city to declare bankruptcy. The state can't afford to keep bailing out Hartford, nor should they even if they were flush with cash, and the rot is too far gone. Tear up all existing contracts and pensions and health benefits, and start fresh at an affordable baseline and massively reduce the mill rate. Bring in leaders who won't tolerate bad behavior in schools, won't tolerate gun crime, won't tolerate drug gangs, and will do whatever it takes to move forwards.

    Or, keep electing democrats.

  12. The City will file bankruptcy either next year or the year after when certain legacy payments for pensions become due. Bronin will try again to get the legislature to give him Czar authority to take over the City, but I doubt that will happen. Although they've been complicit in Malloy's ruinous policies, they probably won't agree to this one, especially if it has any state dollars associated with it. On another not, if I were advising Centerplan, I would recommend bankruptcy at this point. It cleans the slate and puts this behind them. There is no chance they're doing the greater development project at this point, so shut it down and walk away. Let Arch deal with the City contract and the subcontracts flowing from it. They can pick and choose what's viable and toss the rest into the unsecured category. This has been a disaster since the start.

  13. @7:44

    Hey.., you may have something there. Ah shucks, Jethro. Musilini died in the 1940s. He made the trains run on time. Imagine what he could do with Hartford.

  14. I am just wondering what Dunkin Donuts has to say about all this. Its their name on the stadium. Will they step-up and be the savior of the Yard Goats and their name?

    1. Doubt it, I'm sure it's in their contract that they can back out as an investor. They'll take their money where it will be spent more wisely before they dump any extra into this project

  15. Billy

    I really don't think it is "nit picking", if they couldn't even get something as simple as a door measurement correct, what other major deficiencies are there? When should we expect the first "major" failure that might be deadly?
