Monday, June 27, 2016



I think it might be time for a new marketing slogan for Hartford. "HARTFORD HAS IT"seems to be meaning less and less everyday. We had the Winterfest skating rink. The rink was very popular for the last several years. The rink was something positive that we could draw people into Hartford with,  to show that we really are a good place to enjoy. Gone under Mayor Bronin's budget cuts (there is an effort underway now to privately fund Winterfest, you can donate at Hartford had it

Hartford used to have a Mounted Police Patrol Unit that was always very popular at the Winterfest Rink and other events throughout the City. Gone under the Bronin budget cuts. Hartford had it. 

Riverfest, the JULY 4th Independence Day celebration, which highlighted Hartford's years of cleaning up a dirty river through Riverfront Recapture and the MDC. An event that drew thousands of people into the City to celebrate so much of what Hartford has to offer. An event that had a huge economic impact on Hartford, filling restaurants and other venues for the night. An event that drew people far and beyond just the river. 

Spectators were enjoying Hartford from the lawn of the Capitol to the roofs of many parking garages throughout downtown , to the spacious lawns of Samuel and Elizabeth Colts back yard, now known as Colts Park, and just about every street and parking lot from Downtown Hartford to the riverfront. Once again, gone under Bronin's budget cuts. Hartford had it.

The Old State House...gone due to budget cuts.What is next ? Closing Elizabeth Park 's Rose gardens. Let's get rid of all of our positive attractions.

It just seems inconceivable to me that a mayoral candidate that could raise over a million dollars for his own campaign couldn't pick up the phone and raise $100,000 to save an event as beneficial to Hartford as Riverfest.

I don't know if it is all part of the effort to make it look like Hartford has finally hit rock bottom or that we are beyond hope without being able to bust our labor Unions. It just doesn't make sense to me


  1. First Night Hartford is also in jeopardy, according to the Courant.

  2. Hartford is Done -
    Sara y Bronin's Titanic in the house.

    Sálvese Quien Pueda !!!!!

  3. Bronin raised 1 million dollars for his campaign. But gave Pedro 100k to not run in the General election. Why isn't the City Council looking into this? Or at least SOS or Election Enforcement. Bronin hasn't been elected a year and has already done worse than the past 2 mayor's.

  4. All I have to say is this: Elections have consequences! This is "Carpet Bagging 101" Strap yourselves in because you haven't seen anything yet! I and others tried to warn people about this before the election.

  5. Bronin has also canceled CHRISTMAS !

  6. But Stan, let's be honest, your candidate brought us to this point Luke is just making it worse

  7. I totally agree with the sentiments expressed in the article and on this theme of "Bronin as Pedro version 2.0" that has developed over the past few weeks. Daryl Hill as CFO? Another fake position? Two police offers with benefits and some O.T. could be hired for that salary. One thing I want to point out is -- while other Hartford institutions may be in danger -- I would not worry about the Rose Garden. Elizabeth Park has a solid non-profit, chock full of loyal volunteers and corporate support, that steps in to cover what the city can't. The Rose Garden will weather storm. However, I don't know if Bronin can. It seems like he will have to find a miracle soon or resign within the first year.

  8. Let it all burn let it self destruct we the Royal Delegstes of the Latino community will rise again from the shadows an the ashes of Hartford an reclaim the city! This is not over

  9. Stone Cold Steve Austin for mayor he can fix this baby WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

  10. If you think the Rich kid from Greenwich is done you haven't seen nothing yet! Kiss stealing wheeling and dealing Rolex wearing jet flying limousine driving son of a gun Woooooooohhhh!!! Alligator shoe wearing blonde bombshell pimping slick talking booty smacking Prada suit wearing mayor of the century baby WOOOOOOOHHHHH

  11. Kevin, you hit the nail on the head when you said maybe he's trying to make it look like hartford hit rock bottom. I'm sure that's exactly what he's trying to do. Its such a shame hartford can not get real management to run it. All of City hall should be fired. How can they sleep at night? Maybe you should run next election!!

  12. Yes my friend Kevin, let's be honest, the Judge did not need to grow on me, he had me sold the first time I heard him at Tom Pope's house and I told him so then. Pedro wasn't my candidate, he was the better choice over the "carpetbagger" (and I mean carpetbagger in the true sense of the word) candidate that would not come clean on his plan for the city. The City's power brokers are having a very hard time controlling Luke. If he had told the people of Hartford that he was going to do what he is doing now he would never have been elected Mayor.

    He knew what he was getting into long before he got there. You get the Hartford as is, "Cash and Carry no Money Back" and you don't have the luxury or get to blame the administrations before you. His intel was a lot better than people may think it was. "De-investing" in Hartford was his fix from the jump. That is why at the Mayoral Debates I kept hammering him to tell us his plan but he would not do so. In one instance I got into a very heated public exchange with his staffer DeVaughn Ward about Luke's unwillingness to come clean on his plan for the city. I didn't vote for Pedro in the first time, remember I ran against him and lost. The fact is the very same people that voted for Luke voted for Pedro in 2011. Once again, Elections have consequences! I remember warning people about Pedro.

    I was never a Pedro fan. That said Perdo really LOVES the city of Hartford and its people, and in the last year before the election thing were starting to turn around. Give this thing 4 more months and people will be saying "I wish Pedro was back!" At the end of the day, WE The People are the Government. It is up to us to demand accountability and the delivery of substance over reckless action and rhetoric. We should have to presence on mind and the political courage to call it for what it is, before it is to late to pull Hartford out of this nosedive. Crash landings do not have to kill everyone on-board. In my never to humble opinion, there are much better ways to handle this situation.

  13. The last 3 Mayors have been disgraceful....which includes SaraLuke.....drastically under pro forming Rhodes scholars.

    Someone please start a webpage and petitions to recall SaraLuke.

    He purposely is driving Hartford into Bankruptcy.

  14. Hartford has no money so stop the bickering. For those who want what we in Hartford can't afford, fess up 100 grand and pay for it. I applaude the mayor's efforts to rein in spending. Even with all of these efforts, my feeling is that Hartford's finance will still be under state control within a year.

    As for the fireworks wonders, I hope you are aware that firework explosions frequently scare the hell out of wildlife. Birds have been found dead as the dropped from the sky from heart attacks. Personally, I rescued two cats who were found in 2010 on an Elliot St parcel of woodland close to the river. Every 4th, these two cats become fearful of the fire crackers and fire works that explode n my neighborhood. Try having a little kindness in your hearts for the animal world.

  15. Reminder to you all:

  16. Hartford has money to pay outside lawyers on retainer for the Stadium shut down but it has no money to promote this great city? Why will anyone from the burbs ever want to step foot in our City again? Pathetic.

    1. 7:37am
      To your question "why will anyone from the suburbs ever want to step foot in our city again?"
      Answer: cause it's the only place to get all kind of drugs, anywhere and anytime in our city.

  17. Did those cats personally tell you they were fearful of the fire crackers and fire works before you rescued them. and you say "every 4th", how many years did you leave them there before it finally occurred to you to rescue them? Maybe you should start some group therapy sessions for the other members of the animal world that are terrified by motor vehicle traffic, police and fire sirens or in Hartford by gunfire.

  18. Hartford can afford what will eventually be a $100M baseball stadium for millionaire owners to stab New Britain in the back, but can't promote the well attended Riverfest to celebrate the most patriotic day of the year, Independence Day? Despicable.

    I wish the voters had the sense to vote them ALL out.

  19. let me get this the people who actually pay taxes won't be able to see fireworks this year but the people who don't pay taxes get to have their parades?

  20. 8:04am

    They may pay taxes, they just don't pay their bill to the City

  21. Bill Katz, I wish they ran out of money before the Puerto Rican day parade ,,,you should witness what happens the day before ,the day of and the day after. Idiots driving lawless ,thru stop signs and lights,no seat belts ,kids hanging out windows,beeping horns ALL NIGHT. They not only scare wildlife but humans too. Your post is a joke. Thanks for the laugh. I also like how you blame fireworks for lost cats,,guess what ,THE IDIOTS DRIVING AROUND ARE THE SAME ONES WHO NEGLECT DOGS AND KITTIES,,,YOU REALLY ARE FUNNY

  22. If the City has no money, then why are the taxpayers paying for the Mayor to have a City vehicle?

  23. Time for the obligatory Star Wars reference - Pedro Segarra to Bronin "LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!".

  24. Let's get rid of the HPD marine patrol. No need for Hartford cops on the river. All they do is play out there anyway. Let's get rid of the council person assistants. Let's get rid of all parades and festivals.

  25. 10:07am

    I agree with most of your comment, except for the fact that HPD and HFD marine units do provide a valuable service when water rescues and recoveries are needed and with a body of water the size of the Connecticut running through our city, those incidents are inevitable. Most , if not all of the Marine equipment used by HPD, including the trucks that tow them were obtained through grant funding. Also we don;t need to get rid of all parades and festivals, the organizations promoting them just need to pay their bills for them. Getting rid of 2 Council Assistants would more than pay for Riverfest, getting rid of a 3rd would bring back an ACO

  26. @12:17

    You obviously don't live in the burbs and do drugs. There are a few things missing in your head but that issue is for another time.

    1. Anonymous @ 1:38 Like it or hate it, unfortunately 12:17 comment is a fact; people from the suburbs come here to get their supply of, well, you know what. This is a fact, an ugly fact.

  27. @7:44 and 8:10

    Hey you ignorant POSs, do yourselves a favor and read a little. But this would require you to grow a brain but since you don't has a stem, this will not be possible.

    So here is something to wet your whistles if you care to expand the feeble minds of those around you.

    Stupid Aholes.

  28. Why not get rid of the mayors social media advisor. Her only job is literally to work social media and she makes over $50K a year to do it.

  29. Oh dear God, don't let the state handle the Old Stare House. They can't manage property, or anything else for that matter. Look how well they screwed up the old Norwich Hospital. Left that property in shambles. Face it folks, government can't do it.

  30. Stan, I too supported Bob Killian but sometimes, we must accept that we can't always get what we want. As the presidential thing is rolling on, I am not happy at all with Hillary Clinton but there is no one else. Do I withhold my precious vote and allow a most ignorant man to assume the office because I am mad as hell? "No" is my replay. Bronin outmaneuvered Killian and he came into office with little understanding of the quagmire of local politics. So I ask you, what would Bob Killian have done differently? Hartford cannot sustain itself. No way. The neighborhoods are massively run down by hordes of lower functioning folks who don't have the ability to maintain properties or have no understanding of upkeep. Hartford fortunately has a sustainable downtown ex the stadium. No matter who rules Hartford, anyone with a fair understanding of fiscal sustainability will need state involvement. The cutbacks are only band-aid approaches. Hurtful, but necessary. I have decided to express my small contribution but encouraging residents to "take back" their neighborhoods at least in a streetscape sense. We all need to get out to paint and cover up the grafitti. Don't wait for the public works to mow city-owned parcels. Take the lawn mower and do it ourselves. Pick up the god damn litter instead of waiting for the street sweeper to come around once a week. If we begin school programs to teach children to pick up litter placed in school yards, maybe these kids will take the lesson home to teach their parents. Lastly, it is not the schools that are failing children, it's their parents. The parents need remedial education. I am tired of hearing generation after generation of pandering council candidates constant demand for more school rebuilds as if sending children to golden domes will suddenly turn these little minds into raging thinkers. No, the original sin is their parents who themselves, lack little cognitive development. But who is willing to look a voter in the eyeball and tell them they are the problem? Ah, ha, no one. Cheeses weepers.
