Wednesday, June 22, 2016


From Monday Nights agenda for the Hartford City Council; 

MAYOR BRONIN, with accompanying resolution concerning the appointment of Darrell V.
Hill as the City of Hartford's Chief Financial Officer and Director of Finance, effective July 5, 2016

I don't normally use profanity, but a few choice words come to mind when reading this. Darryl Hill should be nowhere near Hartford's finances when you consider the mess he has already created. Dillon Stadium quickly comes to mind, and the Hartford Stadium Authority is a close second.

What is Luke, (or whoever is making these decisions) thinking?

And where in Hartford's City Charter does it say anything about a Chief Financial Officer? As a broke City, what are we going to pay for this newly created position? And how can we possibly go to the region and try to explain we are being fiscally responsible and ask for their help  while doing things like this.

The Hartford City Council needs to step up with a loud and clear "NO" 


  1. Darrell Hill: He's worn many hats. Chief Operating Officer (which means he also has a seat on the Stadium Authority), Acting Director of Development Services, and soon-to-be Chief Financial Officer. Can anyone tell me why he's held these high-profile, high-salaried positions? What are his qualifications? What accomplishments can he point to?From the two years I've been observing him "in action", all I've seen is an arrogant, preening, smirking, rude, blatant liar. The best thing I can say about him is that he wears a suit well. Why, Mayor Bronin, why? Does Hill have some hidden talents that only you have been able to detect? What on earth could have possibly caused you to create a new position for this man? He's a Segarra legacy, and should have been part of your January housecleaning; put out at the curb with the rest of the trash.


  2. Bronin has lost our confidence very quickly. His actions suggest he is beholden to special interests that are not working for our interests. Who would have guessed a colleague of Malloy would be quite useless? (snort)

  3. Hill doesn't know what he is doing (or doesn't care)anyone who saw the misleading presentation he gave to the council about how the Yard Goats stadium would pay for itself in fees and tax revenue so council would vote for $6million more in bonding, would know he can't/won't tell the truth about this project.

    AS for Malley, wonderful person with corporate experience, but at the center of the Phoenix's failure to file SEC reports which continued to cause investors to flee the company, leading it to being bought for at a fire sale. Might have a tough time with government.

  4. Yes it is such a mystery why the Mayor continues to keep people in office who have done nothing or really hurt us (like Glenn Geathers in Development ) I have seen Mr. Hill at Council meetings acting bored - looking at his computer while he should be paying attention. We are a laughingstock to the corporations, the citizens and the suburbs. Please be a leader Mayor Bronin and lead us by hiring qualified people - and who ever is your advisor maybe they should go too . If you insist on keeping these people could you have the decency of letting us know why you think they are so qualified? It is great to have community meetings but can we talk about the real stuff ? We are desperate for integrity in our leadership.

  5. Are you freaking KIDDING ME? With all the talent in this City, we're going to appoint Mr. Hill??????????????????????

    I'd love to see Bronin go to the Council meeting and explain with a straight face why Hill is is the best person for the job, and to tell us all about the other applicants / people that were interviewed for the position and why Hill stood out as the best.

    I'd also love to see him take questions from those in attendance about this appointment. Wait, I forgot, Bronin doesn't talk to his subjects - this will be just another edict from on high that we're supposed to accept because Saraluke, and Saraluke alone, knows what's best for our City.

  6. Isn't this the same Mr Hill that sat on the stadium authority that didn't bother to watch or catch the 10m cost overrun? Isn't this the same Mr Hill that helped former Mayor Segarra submit what they called "balanced budgets" that have us now on the brink of bankruptcy? And not only is Bronin proposing him to take over the director of finance but to enhance it to Chief Financial Officer role? No doubt for an increase in salary for Mr Hill. And Bronin wants the unions to bend? Ya ok! Talk about insanity!!

  7. @6:23

    What's your bone?

    Sounds like you lead a frustrated life.

  8. Poland, you are so one note and boring. I actually don't need to read anything you write passed the title because it's all the same.

  9. Can anyone tell me why he's held these high-profile, high-salaried positions? What are his qualifications?
    April 03, 2014|By VANESSA DE LA TORRE,, The Hartford Courant
    HARTFORD — Darrell V. Hill, a former assistant city manager in Norfolk, Va., is expected to begin his new job as Hartford's chief operating officer in about two weeks, according to the mayor's office.

    The city council on Wednesday night approved the appointment of Hill, who will receive a $170,000 salary and be the first permanent COO in city hall since David Panagore in 2012.
    Mayor Pedro Segarra named Hill as his choice on March 19, noting the Virginia native's background in public finance and economic development, including past positions as Norfolk's director of finance and business services and as former executive director of the Virginia Resources Authority.

  10. Kevin.....please do the next poll on the Mayor's job performance.

    Folks....start a webpage to request the resignation of SaraLuke and petitions for his removal.

  11. The Bronins are loading city hall with unnecessary, highly paid chiefs.

  12. Could someone do the math, how many city of Hartford employees bringing home over $150k a year

    1. 2:08pm There are many Hartford employees making this kind of money and more. Too many.

  13. Mr. Hill is highly qualified for the position. in fact, he has been the one consistent City employee who has shown that he is competent and dedicated to the City of Hartford despite all the problems the City is facing. Have any of you asked why Bonnie has not taken the position of COO? Have any of you asked why the Mayor has kept him on while removing just about all the other department heads. Perhaps it's because he came to Hartford about two years ago and has been able to keep the City afloat despite all that has gone on before him. He has no political history in Hartford. He has done the best he can for the City, but none of you can seem to appreciate that fact.

  14. Mayor Luke Bronin is clueless. I learned a long time ago that you never win with a politician. And it did not take long to see Bronins true character. He dose whatever he wants and never has to explain a thing. I bet he has a very low rating now that city taxpayers see what he is all about. A million dollars to be the Mayor of Hartford. Bronin you should have taken the million dollars and feed the needy on the streets of Hartford. Mayor Luke Bronin YOU are a disappointment.

  15. Bronin is a sham just like his buddy Malloy.

  16. Bronin sold his soul to the North End Power Brokers to get elected. Now Hartford is stuck with the usual trash.

  17. As a broke City, what are we going to pay for this newly created position? And how can we possibly go to the region and try to explain we are being fiscally responsible and ask for their help while doing things like this.
    It's a further manifestation of our utter lack of self-government. Get rid of the pretense. The phony self-government is borrowing money to build baseball stadiums and to provide cushy jobs for empty suits. The "region" is happy to maintain the municipality the way it is; they get to assuage their white guilt even as they exclude their wards (i.e., inner city people) from their schools and neighborhoods. Get rid of the charter and its pathetic local pols.

  18. Bonnie Malley will be arriving soon to be the new COO, as Hill oozes into his new position. Malley earned well over a half-million a year, plus benefits, during her tenure at Phoenix. How much is she going to be paid at 550 Main Street? Will she be taking the salary crown from Schiavino-Narvaez who--at $257,000/year--is reportedly the highest-paid city employee?

    Kevin, please find this out ASAP and let you readers know.

  19. @4:01 I take it this post was written by Hill himself. Well guess what we don't buy it. Please tell us what you have done nothing to keep this city afloat? The city is staring down bankruptcy with the stadium fiasco which you helped Shepard, both of them. The rating agencies have downgraded Hartford multiple times. Taxes are the highest in Hartford. The rainy day funds are to be depleted, most city assets sold over the last 2 years, we have too much debt, And this latest budget is still NOT balanced and carries a 15-20m hole. I can go on but you get it. Now fool, please tell us what magic you brought to this city that you deserve a promotion, in lieu of a PINK SLIP? Until Bronin decides to bring on competent staff, the city will continue on a downward spiral and us taxpayers will continue to get hosed.

  20. You all now why Hill. His job was protected by the " Fake Black leaders, who lead the sheep to the slaughter house. Steve Harris " you gotta keep the bkack man and we want a bkack Fire Chief". This is a factual accounting of the other "Done Deal". Luke's Let's Make A Deal; I'll see your two black men and raise you one Puerti Rican Mayor's Debt!!

  21. @5:46

    And I'll raise you 10,000 maniac white men since 1639.

    Racist POS. And I'm white.

  22. Bronin made a recent statement in the Courant about the Dillion stadium "The city failed under the LAST ADMINISTRATION to do even BASIC DUE DILIGENCE before entering into a costly arrangement with criminals". Yes that is correct Mayor Bronin but guess what, your boy Hill was the COO and was responsible for this management and oversight as the COO. So by your own admission, he failed to do even his BASIC responsibilities. So instead of getting fired, he is getting promoted. We hoped for better by electing you and are now finding out you are part of the same old problem in Hartford. Get your head out of your a** and give Hill the boot he earned and give the City and us taxpayers better. That's what we elected you to do. Be better than this and withdraw Hill as a candidate and out of city hall!

  23. Bronin made a recent statement in the Courant about the Dillion stadium "The city failed under the LAST ADMINISTRATION to do even BASIC DUE DILIGENCE before entering into a costly arrangement with criminals". Yes that is correct Mayor Bronin but guess what, your boy Hill was the COO and was responsible for this management and oversight as the COO. So by your own admission, he failed to do even his BASIC responsibilities. So instead of getting fired, he is getting promoted. We hoped for better by electing you and are now finding out you are part of the same old problem in Hartford. Get your head out of your a** and give Hill the boot he earned and give the City and us taxpayers better. That's what we elected you to do. Be better than this and withdraw Hill as a candidate and out of city hall!

  24. 10,000 maniac white men since 1639
    Racist POS.
    On September 8, 2015, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced that the city had reached a $6.4 million settlement with Gray's family. Rawlings-Blake said the settlement “should not be interpreted as a judgment on the guilt or innocence of the officers facing trial", but had been negotiated to avoid "costly and protracted litigation that would only make it more difficult for our city to heal".
    In December 2015, a Baltimore judge declared a mistrial in the trial of Officer Porter after the jury was unable to reach a verdict.[66]

    In May 2016, a Baltimore judge declared Officer Nero not guilty by means of a bench trial. [67]

    On June 23, 2016, Officer Caesar Goodson was acquitted of all charges by Circuit Judge Barry Williams.[18]

  25. What's your point, Peter? Sometimes, it is quite nice to write clearly and to the point. The case you cite is about police brutality. It is not a racial incident although the victim happened to be African American which is all too often the case.

  26. Hartford is Done:

    Sar(ita) y Bronin can raise a mill plus to elect hubby, finance the oppositions debt, hire friends, primos and classmates @ a 100K plus, but can not finance 50-60K to celebrate our nation Independence.

    Fitz...-So much for economic development and the enhancements for the young residents of Downtown.

    Oops perhaps West and East may have a better venue for this demographics.
