Saturday, June 18, 2016


The Mouth for Hartford Baseball, I. Charles Matthews

At the top of the blog, you will see a poll about the Hartford Stadium Authority, please take a moment to cast your vote.

The poll is by no means scientific, but I think it is a pretty good gauge of what people are thinking. As of the time that I am writing this, approximately 55 votes have been cast against continuing with the current members, and only 2 votes are supportive.  I think that could be called an overwhelming lack of confidence in I. Charles Matthews and the Hartford Stadium Authority.

I am not sure why Mayor Bronin has continued to support the leadership (or  lack of leadership) of I. Charles Matthews and the other members who appear to have been a complete failure. I am told by some insiders that it may involve election promises made to deliver votes during the recent mayoral  election. I don't think Mattherw has been correct on any of his public comments so far on completions or schedules. Matthews is a loose cannon, made worse by the presence of television cameras or microphones.

 In case Mayor Bronin doesn't realize it, this stadium mess has the potential to derail any future political aspirations, and continuing on the current path does not bring confidence to Bronin's management style or decision making skills. If he "stays the course", the last thing he will have to worry about will be any future votes or any greater political aspirations.

I think probably the only thing that could have eroded public confidence in the Hartford Stadium Authority more is if Bronin appointed Pedro Segarra to a vacancy on the Authority.


  1. Make newell/logan detectives now !!!!!June 18, 2016 at 1:14 PM

    The recipe for patrol on midnights to get multiple, yes, multiple firearms out of the hands of criminals.

    1 motivated officer newell
    1 bag of bacon flavored jerkey
    2 sugar free monster drinks
    1 lunch pail containing salads and oatmeal
    1 motivated officer logan

    Mix all of these together and you have a highspeed unit geting more firearms then the 50 J crew hanging under a pink waterfall.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Agree. I don't want to go on a race witch hunt. But when Bro-nin decided to run and opened his headquarters in the North End, he was clearly appealing to the North End vote.mcertainly not the Latin vote. So you are correct that he may not want to step on too many toes especially in light of his first major fiasco with the unions.

    Bronin is now in a weakened position. His first gigantic mist sept was to not sit down first with the unions. I originally thought he had some grand strategy hidden away but no, it was inexperience that gave him his first problem. Now, he has become more defensive lately instead of feasting up to promises made during the damaging. And he is being defensive at the wrong time. He should be more up front instead of the style of his predecessor, Sweet-talking, Pedeo the Tax Pisser.

  3. Bring the thunder !June 18, 2016 at 3:48 PM

    North c squad patrol is turning out to be mike tyson while its pretty obvious what unit looks like glass joe !!!!!
    Even with stacks of pink cards blocking the way, them patrol guys handle the business!!!!

    Give ' em hell newell/ logan
    And with handsome salkeld on board, its gonna be a hot summer. Better stock up on 83 property boxes at 10-2

  4. Kevin, you cannot see the poll with a smart phone.

  5. I know, it seems to only work on a computer

  6. At some point, Bronin is going to have to make a decision. Continue to honor the promises made (and supposedly there were many) to "leaders" in the North End that supposedly delivered him the votes he needed to get elected, OR honor the promises he made to all of the voters in this City -- the primary one of which was to do a better job than the administrations before him. It's quite clear he can't do both.

    Rumor has it that many of his decisions to date have been influenced heavily by promises made to those who got him votes, which is why I. Charles and others are in the positions they're in.

    Let's hope (!) he changes course sooner or later and starts honoring the promises he made to the voters. We deserve better than we've seen over the last 6 months. He's a capable guy and I'm sure under a lot of pressure from outside influences but, in the end, the City as a whole needs to come before the self interest of the few.

  7. 4:42pm

    If he doesn't begin changing to represent everyone in Hartford, it is going to be long 3 1/2 years to finish his term but most likely a very short political career. These things tend to have a way of working themselves out eventually.

  8. 4:42
    If "He's a capable guy" as you say, he must show us and act like "He's a capable guy."

  9. Mr Charles is a successful business prominent Black man ?? Awww no wonder he's receiving so much hate on this blog

  10. Sure, throw race into it, he sure can't prove his success by the way he has mismanaged the Stadiium project

  11. Kevin,sometimes your on the mark and the rest of the time you scare me. The state that the stadium deal could end Bonin's climb up the political ladder???! Really ???? In the same state of CT where Joe Ganim got re-elected to mayor after serving time in jail? Where a$@hole disgraced Gov Rowland lands a solid radio gig after serving time in jail only to go back again? This state is full of idiot sheep,whether it's the rich surbanites who support a criminal like Rowland or poor inner city folk on social services who support a criminal like Joe Ganin proves there is no such thing as political suicide . Just see what happens to the worst governor CT has ever had if Clinton should win.

  12. The same 2 people voted [yes, no problems so far with the stadium authority]. No kidding. I'd love to meet these two guys, hear what they have to say.

  13. I really have to wonder that the Bronins were thinking when Luke threw his hat in to be mayor. By even the most pedestrian standard the next Mayor had a lot of bad news to deal with. It might have been poetic justice to keep Segarra around to let him be the one to drive the bus off the cliff, but here we are.

    Had Bronin stuck to whatever he was doing before being mayor, there is no doubt in my mind he would be some top guy at Clinton's CT campaign and probably on his way to a job in DC. Now he is going to be the mayor to oversee a municipal bankruptcy with his Governor mentor quickly becoming radioactive at the national level.

    Side note, I spent some time this week with the Downtown crowd. All of the. Don't seem to care what it takes or how much the stadium costs; that crowd seems more interested in another thing to do instead of the latest trendy bar.

  14. It was probably I Charles and his City employee son who voted yes.

  15. 8:27PM

    sorry to scare you, I guess sometimes I may go too far and actually apply logic, the scary part is that you probably are correct in your analysis

  16. Pat-- You have a great point. Little Pedro would have been sinking in his own no, our quicksand. No, he did enough damage. Bronin now 50/50 chance he makes it out and up. I wouldn't bet on him. On the other hand, voters have a very short attention span and if a politican hasn't been caught with major ethics violations, we forgive and vote them back in. Look to Bridgeport. They voted back a dirty lying ex con. Two more years, maybe Judge Bobby will still have it in him and most of the shit will be attached to Segarra and Bronin.

    To your remark about the downtown crowd, out of Towners care less. Because they don't have to worry about footing the bills. They just want to stroll over to Dunkin on a warm night, fill their gullets with barbecue ribs and a beer. And who cares that it cost 100 million. Big shit. Excuse my Italian.

    Signed; Rumplestilskin

  17. Luke Bronin - cares only about Luke Bronin and Luke Bronin's career. He does not care about Hartford or it's people. Holding my breathe and hoping Luke gets what he wants another higher political position. I just hope by then the damage he caused isn't too much for Hartford to overcome. Luke please leave Hartford to someone who cares about Hartford.

  18. Pedro Maria SegarraJune 18, 2016 at 10:14 PM

    the 2 that voted yes were Luke and Sarah

  19. it is 4 year terms for Hartford's Mayor and Council

  20. I. Charles' son working for the city of Hartford? Where exactly?

  21. 10:14pm
    If the 2 votes are Luke and Sarah's, what will be Pedro and Charlie votes?
    Not sure about Luke and Sarah, but everybody know that Pedro and Charlie read this blog.

  22. Memo to city hall employees; Do your legal business with Attorney Howard Rifkin before 2:00 PM. He was DUI a few years ago and smashed into a parked car while drunk. If you smell booze on his breathe at city hall he will tell you it was from eating rum cake.

  23. The Butterfly HunterJune 19, 2016 at 8:13 AM

    Well, I think Saraluke ( they are both Mayor, one elected, the other making decisions) are thinking that in political terms this a win. By doing all the hard work int the first two years the other two, closer to election, if he want to run, would be better and he will be seen like the mayor that cleaned Hartford finances. 50% of all new hires around the mayor were somehow connected to Sarah, her students, her classmates and so on. Repeating the same political behavior we see in Gov, people that you can trusted would take care of your back, no people that can do the job of our City and what our residents deserve. At odds with Council, early divorce, and the community at large this Mayor is isolated inside that building, not engagement out there. Our prior mayor liked the cameras light too much, the current afraid of. Behave like a little mouse. The is a total lack of strategy and everything is driven by ego and Napoleonic Complex (little man against the world) Pedro at the end lost because he stop engaging the community, latinos and blacks, surrounded himself with incompetent cronies. Saraluke has not learn from the past and is making the same mistakes right at the beginning. Mayor, you still have time to take control of this mess and other. Shake off any campaign promises,forget about Pedro stop blaming on the trio administration, have a real conversation with the unions, do not use punishment as a negotiation tool. Have an strategy to hire competent people that will tell you the truth, that would be not afraid of you. The resident, the work force and the people that work for you are very unhappy, disappointed and without a leader they can respect and follow. This is not because you have make hard choices or difficult decisions or because you inherited a mess or because we hat no revenue. It is because you, so far, are not the leader we were hopping for and sadly I don't think you are capable of being.

  24. If I. Charles' son works for the city Development Service can we say something about that job, the hiring, the qualification, about the father/stadium autho. chairman

  25. The question is if I. Charles became the chairman because of his son, or his son got his job because of his dad.

  26. Employment at City Hall is incestuous. Everyone employs their own. Oftentimes, those hired under the patronage system are extremely incompetent but the only quality control is the person who hired them and they are often inferior to their own position. This is madness and disgusting. I folded my tent here in Hartford a while ago because of all the inferior job performances, increasing crime, ignorance it goes on endlessly. The human infrastructure is clearly similar to mafia organizations. Hey Gumba, you have been shaken down. Now go away. You hear me?

  27. Thank you, Butterfly Hunter. Well said. I am a little more generous with my hope that Bronin will be a different kind of leader. I keep wanting to wait for innovative ideas and with him dispensing with his defensive pose. But like you though with less certainty, I am beginning to question his capacity, truthfulness and integrity. If he is doing things behind the curtain, at some point, he must share it with those who put him in office. Remaining quiet about the BOE is certainly not any way to show leadership -- from perverts to authoritarian administration. Let's see how he walks and talks.

  28. Under the strong mayor form of government we have had 3 mayors. All 3 were terrible. The first was a crook....the second was an incompetent pervert....and the present mayor is a rank amateur who behaves in a petulant manner and whose wife wears the pants in the family. Perhaps we should revisit the strong mayor form and change it to something else.

  29. @Signed Rumplestilskin,
    You're kidding, right, about out-of-towners not having to foot the bill. Let me see, 36 million in general bond money for XL renovations, a venue owned by the city, not the state. Over $40 million in funds from CRDA for housing projects, all from bond money. Who do you think pays that money back with interest? That's correct, all state tax payers. Hey no problem. If you don't want my money or me to support the Hartford businesses I will either stay in my suburb where there are great little family-owned restaurants and actual retail shopping or go to New Haven, Stamford, Danbury or Mystic. I don't mind venturing out beyond my town borders, but I certainly don't have to go some place where out-of-towers are not welcomed.

  30. @3:53

    Keep your mangy butt out of Hartford. I don't think you have much a a grasp on bonding. That money you mention from the sale of bonds is or has a profit motive. Residents of Hartford are the ones servicing the debt. Where did you go to school, The Hog River School of Economics?

    Signed; Rumplestiltskin

    PS: Keep your butt out keep your butt out.

    I Capisco?

  31. @ Rumplestilskin
    You exemplify the Hartford mentality. You must be one of the Hartford Public School failures. There aren't many, but a few such as yourself slip through the sewers. You are hysterical and quite the simpleton! Alas, you will never get the chance to see my butt, but I'm sure you are an expert on mange. You are also very, very ignorant, but I give you credit for not being ashamed to show it and not try to pretend you are anything more than what you have shown yourself to be...LOL!!!!

  32. Mayor Luke Bronin inherited the new stadium and the entire mess that came along with it's building process. Bronin has been an unsuccessful leader. He has an outstanding resumes yet lacks decision making. At this point Bronin should get rid of the Stadium Authority Chair and its members. Yet, is there anyone that is qualified to make tough choices? I don't think so. Former Mayor Pedro Segarra and company wanted this baseball stadium yet the Hartford taxpayers said no. There are no winners in this new stadium project.

  33. Money talks everyone else walks. Mayor Luke Bronin raised over a million dollars to run for Hartford Mayor. Bronin won with a very poor voter turn out. I feel his days are numbered. It did not take long to see Bronin's true character. Former Mayor Pedro Segarra ran this city to the ground. Segarra lied with his sarcastic facial expression. Politics is a dangerous road. One has to be crazy to think it is a sane path to walk.

  34. Don't think Mayor Bronin isn't above some backdoor dealing himself. The process is in place to dismiss Centerplan from the DoNo project so another "deal" can be struck. Declaring the stadium as not ready was the first step, dismissing Landino from the DoNo development is the next. Birds of a feather, the rich support the rich and Solomon will have a bigger role in this situation than people realize.

  35. LukeSara sold their souls for this???? ROUND ONE - At least they were able to get all their lawyer friends good high paying gigs in the City. Luke absolutely sold his soul to the North End, ROUND TWO - now they all are coming to collect on promises made by Luke. It is so obvious, but trust me the best of his appointments (repayments) are yet to come. I can't wait to see what you (Kevin) say about your golden boy after these next appointments. I know some of the promises made and can't wait to see them happen. People in the North End are getting anxious waiting on their promises to come to fruition.

  36. Someone please give Luke Bronin a bus ticket to way.

  37. @12:44

    And who would you like to replace him with, may I ask?
