Thursday, July 7, 2016


Word is that Gislaine  Ngounou is out as the Chief of Staff to Hartford's Superintendent of Schools.

Ngounou failed miserably this year to protect a child that was being preyed upon by another high ranking Hartford Schools employee, Eduardo Genao. Genao was eventually arrested after an investigation by the Hartford Police Department 

You can read more about Genao and Ngounou here

In an email to Hartford Schools employees Thursday Ngounou stated that "Faced with a constant slew of negative attention and poisonous narratives that have done little more than seek to further divide and distract us, continue to do whatever it takes to face the truth, to listen and learn, to focus on the work at hand — even when it becomes personally and professionally painful."

Maybe if she had done the job she was paid almost $180,000 for and entrusted to do, it would have never become "negative or poisonous". Ngounou failed the children of Hartford and the Hartford Schools.


  1. Whats up with rovella not wanting to sign officers weapons permits ? That is pretty messed up

    1. I heard that is he crazy this guy is a liberal but good riddance

  2. Great reporting!!!! Love how you got the full quote in her email to fellow workers. The Hartford Courant left out the good parts. Could you go teach the Journalists at the Courant how to report?

  3. Narcissist this long email from a hack that couldn't do what a mandated reporter is expected to do
    Who gives a ...

  4. I didn't read an actual resignation did you?

  5. When will we receive Richard Wareing's resignation? He is such an ass - a whimpy white boy using Hartford Public Schools and the Superintendent of schools as his toy. He doesn't care about Hartford - he only cares about Richard Wareing. I am going to the next BOE meeting July 19 just to see if he will do the honorable thing and resign. Richard I beg of you to please just go away!!! DAMN - SMH

  6. OMG - JOSE RIVAS COLON RIVAS- Working for the BOE? Say it ain't so. With Gnounou leaving this was a good opportunity to try and turn the corner and see improvements at the BOE. With JC Rivas coming back to the BOE it is obvious that HPS will just continue to self destruct. More of the same - NO PROGRESS. Unbelievable - I am just sad for the students and staff of HPS. :-(

  7. The Courant reporters are lazy slobs who write puff pieces. Jenna and Steve wait for handouts from SaraLuke's Director of Communications and then report it as hard hitting news. It is Kevin Brookman who is the real reporter here.

  8. Gentleman, if you are a sworn law enforcement officer you do not need Chief Rovellas signiture. Any police officer above the rank of sergeant can sign your application to purchase a long gun.

  9. What I find incredulous is that the superintendent is saying she won't fill the position but Jose Colon-Rivas is already planning the move back to the BOE. Instead of bringing in ethical and competent leadership they drag old and unsuccessful leaders out of the closet. It's time for hiring people who want to serve the city and not themselves. Get them to commit to 3 year contracts. Don't be so enamored with someone with Ph.D in the name; this just means they thoroughly researched something, but not that they are experts at everything.

    Running the education services of a city as large as Hartford is hard work requiring proficient and ethical leadership. We need leaders who can act as team members, put the needs of students and teachers first, and see the big picture.

  10. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJuly 8, 2016 at 12:45 PM

    Why the anonymous smack at Chief Rovella? Unnecessary and ill timed.

    Use your name or don't write anything. Its a sign that you can't back up your commentary.

  11. It is time the do nothing Superintendent goes too. Spending is not monitored; poor school climate issues are ignored; and she surrounded herself with flawed, ineffective, overpaid people.

  12. "Negative" and "poisonous"? These words coming from the person who describes herself as, "An angry black woman". She forgot to use the word "incompetent". Time for the superintendent to go to.

  13. 5:32PM

    time for the Superintendent to go "to"... where? or did you mean "too"... as in also

  14. She has kind of an interesting looking smile, you must admit.

  15. Negative and poisonous don't begin to describe Gnonou! But you are right it is time for Supt Narvaez to follow her Harvard friend lead and just get the hell out of Hartford. Just name one - not two but one improvement in the schools since Narvaez has been steering the ship. Hartford Public Schools is in a much worse place than it ever has been. Oh and Richard Wareing don't forget Narvaez is as you said when you hire her "My Superintedent" (I think because you attended Harvard) so own her and you to can leave Hartford with her and not be missed.

  16. Wearing is the concierge for the Hotel SaraLuke. And when he isn't opening the Hotel door for SaraLuke, he is licking their boots.

  17. Running the education services of a city as large as Hartford is hard work requiring proficient and ethical leadership.
    Apparently $180,000/year for a bureaucrat doesn't get us either ethical or proficient operations. The schools have failed for decades. What benefit does anyone think we as a city derive from the fraudulent-yet-expensive State education racket. How are the kids benefiting? Why not get rid of the District, the Board, and the host of overpaid administrative hacks with educationology degrees? Give the kids vouchers. Allow middle class people to think of living in the place since their kids wouldn't be trapped in the abusive HPS.

    See the 2013 CMT & CAPT Scores at-a-glance.

  18. It would be the best thing if the HBE Superintendent goes. However, Hartford tax payers with have to pay for the rest of her 3 year contract. The Superintendant Richard Wareing has failed at everything he has ever participated in Hartford. He should resign!

  19. All of you smart people and high level educators just make me laugh. Dr. Murray and others have demonstrated for decades that this failed approach to inner city "education" would never work. Look at this mess, Murray was right. It is a failed approach which seems to benefit administrators and employees more than the kids. No more than a scam at this point.

  20. The Beat of HartfordJuly 9, 2016 at 11:37 AM


    Could you be a little grainy and make your argument instead of sitting on your lazy arse guzzling down Bud with one hand and smoking a Salem with the other?

  21. She really thinks she's all that and a bag of chips

  22. Please don't tell me she is getting a full pension with her retirement / departure

    I know she had a contract but do not know the detials

  23. Harsh all,
    She was only here two years, but in this City that could mean a full pension and paid medical for life, who knows?

  24. Richard Wareing, the BOE Chair, also failed to report the incident. Why is he still the chair? Bronin and DiBella's buddy.

  25. Anonymous July 11 at 9:05-
    I can tell you why Richard Wareing is still the Chair of the BOE. Because "White is Right, if you are Black step back or go down because you are Brown!". It is always the ones (Whites) in the real power that are never harmed. Ngnou will take the fall for Wareing and Narvaez. However, I think Jose Rivas has been around too long to let that happen to him. They all should have been fired, but nope they continue to eat at trough of the City tax payers who they don't give a damn about. Just saying.

  26. @12:32

    Regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation, if you are a criminal, you should pay the piper. Making those accusations are the last refuge of scoundrels.

  27. Disgusting all the way around

  28. Are there any professional people at this job site
