Thursday, October 6, 2016


The video has finally been released of the alleged HPD brutality incident from June 4, 2016.  No one, not even the worse of criminals roaming our streets should be subjected to any type of physical abuse at the hands of a police officer, never. Once the handcuffs go on, everything else stops and the Justice system should take over from their for punishment.

With that being said, some arrests aren't pretty, especially when the defendants are high on drugs and combative. Should a police officer have to put up with someone spitting blood at them and on them because it may  look bad on video, or can they react like any of us private citizens would do and protect ourselves by stopping the person from spitting?

And if we are going to maintain the trust in our Police Departments, shouldn't we as residents and citizens be confident that the ensuing  investigations are thorough , complete and unbiased?

The investigation should be as fair to the Police Officers involved as well as the criminals.

I have my doubts about this investigation of the June 4th incident.

According to sources , a Hartford Police officer, Officer Barone, prepared an affidavit for  for a search warrant to obtain a blood sample for the driver of the vehicle after he was taken to Hartford Hospital after the accident. The analysis of a blood sample is standard procedure after a DUI allegation and accident when the driver is hospitalized and can't be subjected to a breathalyzer.

According to sources, Officer Barone attempted to "walk the warrant through" the court. This is also normal procedure and happens routinely on such incidents. Walking a warrant though means that the officer physically goes to the Court on Lafayette Street and "walks it through" the process, getting the signatures required on a timely basis.

Apparently when Officer Barone went to get the signatures, according to sources, Hartford County States Attorney Gail Hardy refused to sign the search warrant saying she wanted "no part of it".

Even though this is a normal process to determine the level of intoxication of the operator, Hardy refused to do her part. Again, according to sources, the blood sample was eventually destroyed by Hartford Hospital as part of their normal procedures. Hardy's actions resulted in a critical piece of evidence in the case being destroyed and unable to assist either the police officer or the defendant in obtaining eventual justice.

It is unclear at this point if the Connecticut State Police or Litchfield County States Attorney's Investigators also attempted to obtain, or did obtain, the sample as part of their parallel investigation.

Justice would seem to say that a police officer has just as much of a right to a fair and impartial investigation as a criminal defendant. In this case I  am not sure


  1. Mr Brookman let's just say for the sake of argument what you say in this headline is true does that in any way justify a police officer Beating up a defendant while he is handcuffed ?? You can try an spin this any way you want to given the current climate of police relations in this country these officers used very poor judgment

  2. Please re-read the first paragraph. And since the report is not even in yet, how do you know what judgement was used? Were you there? Or more likely forming your opinion without all of the facts

  3. Mr Brookman I just watched the video on the news released from the west Hartford police cruiser dash cam its no secret the sergeant in question is a personal close friend of yours you better remain fair an impartial on this incident because it might determine the future integrity of this blog!!!

  4. The Hartford Courant did their homework AN research on this one Rovella an Foley said they want no parts of this fiasco lol sorry Spell they threw you to the wolves on this good luck

  5. 2:21pm

    I disagree with your analysis. There is much more to come out on this and Sgt . Spell my be the least of the offenders

  6. This is not good for the city of Hartford far outweighs anything that lazy guy Adam Demane did hey Kevin why didn't you make a headline about this when it happened ?

  7. Spell may get results but at the cost of Civil Liberties. This won't mark the first time HPD or even Sergeant Spell is in the wrong side of Civil Rights. His recorded and repeated violations of civil rights may easily cost Hartford millions. This isn't the Wild West, I get wanting to give the police the benefit of the doubt but no one is above the law and badges don't grant extra rights.

  8. Having just watched the video, Spell should've been arrested by the West Hartford Police on the scene and taken away in handcuffs. Would it be reasonable if one of us mere "citizens" curb stomped somebody in the presence of police to get to walk away without charges. Enough with the justifications about police work or being spit on with blood. Sgt. Spell should get his day in court to argue his extenuating circumstances. It's more than he gave the suspect.

  9. Hey cmon guys according to this headline the only person at fault is Gayle Hardy

  10. Since when you do patrol men walk take warrants to prosecutors I thought only detectives and bosses did that

  11. I thought Corey Brinson was representing some of the guys who got beaten up. He's usually good for a quote and has been awfully quiet. What's up?

  12. If Corey Brinson is reppin any of these guys the city an Spell are gonna pay dearly he better hope a jury doesn't convict him congratulations HPD you made the BLM website

  13. Isn't Corey Brinson under Federal Investigation for money laundering. Is Brinson planning on representing these criminals via Skype from a federal prison?

  14. Spell was a" pet". Of former Mayor Pedro Peter Maria Segarra. Maybe Attorney Maria Uaga Segarra will represent Spell if he gets arrested.

  15. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost now me being a country boy myself chickens coming home to roost have never made me mad in fact it's only made me glad ��

  16. I just want to take a minute to talk about phencyclidine - or angel dust as it is commonly called. Rumor has it the men who were arrested were on it and were dealing it. What's egregiously wrong here is that A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE USING IT NOWADAYS. Especially in the south end, and especially young people. Apparently it dulls the pain for them somehow. Every time you read about some crazy, insane crime, you can almost guarantee that dust is behind it. Cocaine and heroin users are bad, but dust users are INSANE and do INSANE things and lose all feelings, even for a long time if they stop. I wish HPD or the feds could get to the source of it and end it's poisoning of our children. Children of these young users are being born with behavior disorders, learning deficits and birth defects that you and I are going to have to take care of with our tax dollars. It's the worst drug epidemic to hit our city in 50 years. Worse than cocaine, heroin and marijuana put together.

    1. Rumor huh? Your making an assumption on rumors where's your proof AN so what that doesn't excuse what these officers did

    2. I have mixed feelings about this on one hand I applaud Chief James Rovella for transparency on the other Spell AN Crabtree being able to retire while under investigation leaves much to be desired!!!!

  17. Kev how come you are not mentioning or even enraged that Spell was allowed to retire WHILE under investigation.

  18. Adam demane seems to have picked up his work a bit lately. Its amazing but actually a reality.


    1. I , agree with you but nothing will happen to crabtree. That incident involves too many people that are still working in the department. So it will go away. And as you can see nothing has or will happen. Let it go. Same as Paul West releasing an assault suspect on scene on main Street. Never was investigated. And supposedly there was video of him doing that. Instead he gets promoted. So we have to let both of these go because there will be no investigation.

    2. But the public is supposed to trust the police yea ok

  20. There is a pending mess on Election Day. Maybe the issues will be straightened out. But the history suggests that it won't.

  21. @8:44

    Look, ther are a lot of good cops on the force. But there are enough dishonest ones to bring me to realize that although I am very hard-working, law-abiding, I would trust a cop further than I could throw him. My biggest issues with cops is this; the department won't get rid of the bad ones. They all stick up for each other when things go wrong. When one cop oversteps his/her boundaries. Which means that I must ultimately view cops with the greatest suspicion and, I'll stop here. You get the message. My interactions with them or you all, are always warm, smiling, cordial. I can play the game better than most.

  22. Koba was tougher than CeasarOctober 8, 2016 at 4:52 PM

    I'm all set with law enforcement like the state trooper that stole from the dead body at the car crash wasn't allowed to retire he was arrested an pension taken away but Spell gets to ride off into the sunset on the tax payers dime


  23. Aprox 8 years ago Sean Spell was suspended for
    30 days for assaulting a man in downtown Hartford off duty.
    Cyndy Dryffe did the investigation.Cyndy Dryfe was
    known as a loud mouth on the job.
    Cyndy was protected by her husband Neil Dryfe
    fondly known as Hermie the Elf, who
    stole 2 I A D files before he left.

  24. Kevin, the "Welcome Back to the Good Guys" gang wants you to repent your sins of support of TRUMP and return to sanity. Do you accept the offer. Come back, brother Brookman.

  25. Funny how Spell has 14 citizens complaints but the only one that get substantiated is the beat down of his high school buddy. I guess the Hartford residents don't count😰🙄🙄

  26. In regards to Sean Spell's retirement, I do not believe that the city has a mechanism in place to prevent anyone from retiring at any time. The video is telling. It is clear that the suspect was restrained and down when Spell stomped him. I suspect that Spell will eventually be arrested since Hardy has no issue with arresting cops. Spell has bigger issues than getting arrested. The city may not have to indemnify or defend him on the civil side of this case. This could cost him some serious cash in the end.
    In regards to the warrant discussion earlier, since when do the police bring in a warrant to get signed be the head state's atty? That warrant should have been either approved or rejected at the GA level.

  27. The only way this police conduct will change is if they personally have to pay the victims rather than tax payers when they do this crap


  28. Good Morning ,

    WHY should Hartford suffer for SEAN SPELL
    Illegal Assault. Let Sean Spell pay for the civil suit and not the citizens of Hartford.

  29. Family members are off limits so stop wasteing your time trying to post who someone is dating or in a relationship with. I would think after you have tried to post the comment more than ten times and I have not allowed it to go through that you would get the message

  30. @11:03

    Kevin, if you threaten to post his name he will never bug you again. And I am glad you are enforcing this policy because you didn't always in the past.
