Tuesday, November 1, 2016


On August 22,2016 I posted about former Hartford City Councilman and Hartford Attorney Corey Brinson apparently running afoul of Federal Authorities who had searched his home and office.You can read that posting here http://wethepeoplehartford.blogspot.com/2016/08/it-must-run-in-family.html

Now it seems that Brinson has more issues in the form of the State of Connecticut's Chief Disciplinary Counsel's move to suspend Brinson's law license. The details are below.

More on this as details from the suspension hearing are released


  1. Upon reflection, I am amazed that Mr Brinson wouldn't simply write a check to make a bad business deal go away. He should know that there are serious repercussions in taking clients money or any money. If that had been me, I would have paid the agrived party and realize that we sometimes make a bad business decision and we must pay for it. Mr Brinson appears to be a very ignorant man.

  2. Don't get it - endangering a law career and reputation for $2,500.

  3. As someone who actually knows Corey, I can attest that the facts around his suspension are not being accurately depicted. Corey ran a very successful practice that was not founded nor supported by taking meager funds ($2500 from clients).

  4. Are you saying the states actions are untrue?

  5. Once again you scooped the Courant. That waste of a reporter's salary Jenna Carlesso has shown once again she is a regular reader of your blog to steal stories. Come on Jenna, less than 24 hours after Kevin posts about Corey Brinson, you post it as breaking news, really? Do you or the Courant have any pride or integrity when a blogger can beat you regularly?

  6. Wow def a smear campaign AN witch hunt Corey will beat this why would he risk his career for 2500$???

  7. He's no Earl O'Garro, probably just another victim of the State

    1. Yeah but they were legit buddies until the ish hit the fan for Earl then Corey ran from him...

  8. Jenna Carlesso is the absolute epitomey of a reporter. She is a liar and twists and turns stories to her own egenda. Nobody should believe a word she says / writes. Absolute garbage.

    1. Remember: Jenna Carlesdo was a strong supporter of Pedro Maria Caviar Segarra (Remember him?).
      I still believe Segarra was the #1 or #2 most corrupt mayor in Hartford's history.

  9. @10:55

    Oh boy, I wonder what she did to YOU.

    ALSO, SRed, well you made a statement. Now show the argument and proof. Ok, I guess you are defending a friend. I understand this. But let's hear it. don't just say it. I did a little business with him awhile back. He paid me but then again, no one gets anything from me without paying upon the transaction.

  10. Anonymous I am not being cryptic, there are details of the overall investigation that I would not divulge out of respect for a friends confidence. That said, Corey was not in the business of stiffing clients for $2500... His present troubles arise from a long term Client who proved to be less than above board in regards to his business dealings. Corey would not trade a license that he spent years earning and netted him high profile cases and large amounts of money for $2500. That is pocket money

    1. He's taken 12,500 from clients and didn't out that much effort in defending. He's about as lazy as when he worked at the public library downtown

  11. Brinson doesn't have a reputation for being the sharpest tool in the shed.

    1. So if he's not the sharpest tool in the shed but he banged to defeat a lot of prosecutors in criminal cases what does that say about them ?

    2. Corey is proud cocky flashy an unapologetic when it comes to his success we knew sooner or later the powers that be would come after him on any BS they could find the state wants to suspend or revoke Corey license for this alleged shady deal yet the state did nothing when Crabtree rode off into the sunset with all that money an ammunition godbless America for having the best justice system in the galaxy smh

  12. 11:55am I think that there are plenty of other attorney's that are a thorn in the side of the courts and prosecutors, much more than Brinson. Why aren't they being singled out also? I think Brinson's mess has been a creation of his own doing an no one else.

  13. SRed -- Is this related to someone with whom Corey "celebrated success"?

  14. Kev, dont you find it interesting how the state is going after him while Brinson is representing a client who was stomped on by a HPD Sergeant on camera?

  15. Much more about Brinson will soon come out. The Brinson investigation was well underway long before June of this year. The states silly suspension over $2,500 is obviously just the tip of the iceberg to the federal felony charges he's facing. Brinson and only Brinson put himself in this position. He knows this.

  16. Something smells fishy here. So a civil suit for $2,500 is grounds to lose your license? Who is the character that is filing the complaint? I googled him and nothing comes up...interesting. And it seems to be great timing for him to possibly lose his license considering the Brinson is filing huge lawsuit against the Hartford Police. Sounds like a scare tactic by the HPD or the city to get off the case. Brinson drives around town in a Bentley and has a huge mansion, $2,500 sounds like a drop in the bucket to him. Well I guess well have to see what the board decides to do. I personally hope they drop the suit and let the man keep his license, he has many clients who are depending on him.

    1. Look him up on Google, and how he was rated as a lawyer

  17. Disbarment is the least of his problems. And do you really think the lawsuit will go away just because Brunson does? A trustee would be appointed if Brinson is removed to deal with his sleazy practice

  18. @Kevin I would think losing his license to practice would be his biggest concern. lol Since you seem to have your ear to the streets, what are his problems? Please do tell... I am interested to know?

  19. 4:51pm
    Read the previous post about the search warrants and the Federal Investigation. Read between the lines and keep in mind that the Feds don't play to lose, we will see some movement I believe in the very near future, probably within a couple weeks

  20. @4:03 PM......
    Cory HAD a mansion and another property and some nice cars, now seized and owned by the federal government. Are all of you that clueless to not figure out what's happening and why it's so quiet. Why do you think Cory is now (for the time being) living in an apartment in Hartford until he transitions to his new federally subsidized residency? Stay tuned..............

  21. I personally know Cory and know exactly what's happened. It's actually very sad to see a young African American like Cory do so well and come up, going to law school and becoming an attorney, setting an example for inner city youth and others. I would've liked to see Cory excel and do well for years. It's so sad to me that he flushed it all down the drain. Hang in there my brother.

  22. Cory used to be pretty flamboyant on facebook and social media. Why did he take everything down?

  23. That flamboyant behavior is most likely what drew the Feds attention in part. Corey won't need social media for a couple years where he is going. As a good Republican, remember to say hello to John Rowland when you arrive.

  24. 7:41pm
    It is called greed and arrogance, and probably a touch of Khama thrown in

    1. Like you said greed over ppl rights come for you when u think it's all over sad to some but true.

  25. Maybe Brinson's YouTube rap video star appearance with known gang members operating a criminal enterprise wasn't the best idea for an attorney? Anyone think that drew a lot of attention from the alphabet boys as well as other law enforcement officials. I'm surprised (his indictment) took this long.

  26. Oh please, don't play the race card with respect to Brinson. If he has co-mingled and outright taken client monies, the dude will need to get acustom to spreading his bubba cheeks for Vito on the top bunk.

    As for the slim bucket of a client he has who deserves to have bit the bullet, that law suit doesn't go away just because Corey doesn't stop at on Boardwalk and his directly to jail. As much as his client deserves six feet of dirt ver his boots, the police who stepped on his fave deserves to join him since it will cost Hartford dearly for this transgression. This is why we need better screening of police cadets.

    What a cluster F__K.

  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vmjewHRuAg

    Fast forward to 1:48 to see Brinson.

    The guys in this video were recently on trial for multiple Hartford shootings. Look up Team Grease to see more videos.

  28. In terms of corruption, it would appear highly unlikely that the grievance counsel for the state of Connecticut could be influenced by HPD to pursue an investigation. To earn a presentment like Attorney Brinson now faces, the complaint must survive a rigorous review and vetting process in front of the bar committee to determine probable cause.


    If the bar counsel is chasing someone, it's generally because cause exists.

  29. I guess only certain truths can get posted in here hey Kevin ??

  30. @ 12:38PM..........

    Your a very intelligent man / woman. All these others with conspiracy theories are complete fools........especially November 3, 2016 at 4:03 PM and November 3, 2016 at 12:50 PM.

  31. Wow, I just hope his office co-habitat is not part of this dilemma...

  32. Ole Blue Eyes,

    you are correct, you need to look for a different location to post your racist , inflammatory comments

  33. Exactly what Cory has to his ear in the video is what has him in trouble 😉😉😉

  34. Why do Hartford residents get to register to vote the day of the election... and can only vote for the presidential candidate....only

  35. 9:27PM

    I don't think that is just for Hartford, it is everywhere

  36. Agree that if the law grievance committee is accusing, there is hard evidence. Lawyers do not censor each other lightly. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

    And I agree, they should give Mr Aponte a little look. I think you will find something of interest. But we shouldn't engage in innuendo should we.

  37. With Brinson in a time out, I wonder if home invasion suspect Cory Lewis will be "referred" to "Attorney Mo" for a lawsuit. When will this madness stop?

  38. So the voting polls in New Britain aren't allowing Spanish people to vote ? That's hilarious once again our small state of CT making national news for stupidity AN racism look into that Kevin

  39. 1:03PM where is your information coming from? doesn't sound too legit

  40. Corey is going to do federal time because he is the unnamed lawyer in this story.

  41. Great info 8:04 AM!!!

    So you mean this illegal activity was occurring LONG before Brinson representing convicted Felon Diaz from June? Such a shocker. Shame on Cory for still taking on clients all the while knowing he was under federal investigation, really says a lot about his moral character. Also explains why the State filed to suspend his license to practice law. Cory deserves every bit of punishment he receives.

  42. @Nov 3 10:34 AM....

    Cory's "present troubles arise from a long term Client who proved to be less than above board in regards to his business dealings????

    That has got to be one of the most comical posts here. I'm sure innocent ole Cory had nooooooo idea regarding all these money scams. I'm sure your next post will be that poor Cory is probably an innocent victim here. GTF outta here!!!!
    Remember......the Fed's play to win. Ya boy is hit!!

  43. See Brinson latest..........your spot on again Kevin!


  44. I just googled "Corey Brinson" and it shows that his office is permanently closed. Pretty good indication that he knows he's in deep trouble!
