Monday, January 9, 2017


"On January 08, 2017, at 2245 hours, patrol units responded to the area of 72-74 Stonington Street for a shotspotter activation of one round. While en route, officers were advised by dispatch that a male suffering from a gunshot wound was transported to Hartford Hospital via private vehicle. The victim succumbed to his injuries (a single GSW in the head) and was pronounced deceased at 11pm. A crime scene was established in the rear parking lot of 50-52 Lisbon Street. The Major Crimes and Crime Scene divisions responded and assumed the ongoing investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Hartford Police Department 860-757-4316 and anonymous tips can be left at the HPD website “Submit A Tip”

According to sources, the disagreement may have started over a parking space


  1. Off to a good start. Take as many benefits away from the police as possible to motivate them Luke. Should work out just fine.

  2. It's obvious the police can't be everywhere to "prevent" homicides. The last one and this one proves that. The problem is much deeper than police. Family break down and lack therof, no consequences, no compassion for a fellow human being, no punishment for carrying an illegal gun and time and time over again seeing convicted felons with violent criminal histories longer than a book, roaming our streets. Enough is enough.

  3. Anonymous @ January 9, 2017 at 5:23 PM

    No legislators are harmed by their soft on crime policies, they have their gated communities to live in and an armed workplace. Unless the murder victims are wealthy white people, like Dr. Petit's family, then it comes a bit close to home. But even then, they big up the death penalty for those murderers, all the while knowing they will eliminate it retroactively. Sleazebags.

  4. Murder #2 in less than 2 weeks since New Year. Hartford could easily break homicide record if continues this way.
    When will HPD start dealing with real crime and stop with the nonsense.

    1. It appears to me from the outside looking in that HPD does deal with "real" crime. This year already I've seen several gun arrests, search warrants with drug and multiple gun seizures, an on site murder arrest where shots were fired. This is not "real" crime? Maybe you can enlighten us as to what you think "real" crime is?

  5. 8:04am

    What is your suggestion and what should they be doing differently? Do you think being short almost 150 officers might make a difference. Maybe City Hall and Mayor Bronin should "stop with the nonsense " as you suggest.

    How do you propose stopping animals that have no problem taking another persons life by putting a bullet in their head?

  6. Zachary Alexander, suspect who was carrying an illegal gun, who shot and killed a man during a drug deal gone bad on Griswold Street, sentenced today to 5 years in prison. With good time and a second chance from Malloy, he should be out in a year with the time he's already served. This is an absolute joke, until our courts and liberal CT politicians get tough on gun violence and start handing out some harsh sentences, there will be no deterrent to violent crime. The prosecutor should be fired and once again the Hartford judicial district continues to be an absolute joke.

    1. Judge Dewey handed down the extremely light sentence. She seems delusional lately to say the least.

    2. And also today, a stafford man is sentenced in Rockville superior court to 6 1/2 years, for growing marijuana in his basement. The CT judicial system is seriously broken and needs a complete overhaul.

    3. I just read the news article on that case Walter Hussey should win defense attorney of the year on this one WOW I'm Flabbergasted by this CT is truly turning into the wild Wild West kill a man in a drug deal gone bad and only get 5 years???

    4. On today's episode of worlds dumbest criminals to drug addicts purchase a BB gun from Walmart in attempts to rob a drug dealer who just so happened to have a real gun in which he busted a cap in their a$$e$ and left one dead give this man an award for getting over on the CT justice system he will serve less time than Mayor Perez and Attorney Corey Brinson

  7. Friday today: Hartford murder No. 3.
    So far this year: a murder a week. Obviouly HPD doesn't do the job it's supposed to do.

  8. How is it HPD's fault for animals roaming the streets that think nothing of taking someone else's life with a gun? We could put a cop on every street corner and not stop homcides as long as our society keeps decaying and there is no respect for life. Maybe you should be directing your questions at Mayor Bronin and ask where the 70 replacement officers he promised to hire are. Or was it just one of those empty promises politicians use to get elected. And while you are at it, ask him where the 45 firefighters that he promised are. Another empty promise also? We can play games with Public Safety all day, but we shouldn't be placing the blame on HPD no more than we would blame HFD for not being able to put out every house fire immediately without firefighters being hired.

  9. HPD officers know exactly where the ground zero for weapons and drugs are in Hartford but they don't do much about it. Recently they tried to pretend solving cold cases. How about investigating carefully and professionally crimes immediately after they occur.

  10. 10:17pm
    Do you have any idea what HPD's clearance rate is for homicide investigations?

  11. Hartford residents know what the HOMICIDE RATE in Hartford is and it's horrifying.

  12. Hartford police definitely doesn't do its job right. For example: Howard King was finally arrested after they found yesterday handgun and drugs in his car, but could have arrested him long ago for all the serious crimes he committed. Howard was trouble for a long time, he was wanted for assault, strangulation, larceny, narcotics, the police knew where to get him but never did what they had to do. Believe it or not, there are many more Howard Kings in Hartford.

  13. 8:42am

    How many times did you call the Police to let them know where a wanted fugitive was hiding, if your claims are true. The Police can't do it on their own without the community helping.

    And if he was"trouble for a long time" as you claim where is your comment holding the Courts accountable?
