Friday, January 20, 2017


Friday, January 20, 2017

Hartford Attorney Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Charges Stemming from Stock "Pump and Dump" Scheme

Deirdre M. Daly, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that COREY BRINSON, 36, of Hartford, waived his right to indictment and pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer in New Haven to a money laundering charge stemming from his involvement in a securities fraud scheme.
According to court documents and statements made in court, between approximately October 2010 and July 2016, BRINSON, a licensed attorney, served as the nominal “securities counsel” for several companies whose securities were marketed and sold to the investing public by Christian Meissenn and Meissenn’s business associates in a stock “pump and dump” scheme. Meissenn and his associates induced investors to purchase securities by making false and misleading representations about the securities and the issuing companies, thereby causing the price of those securities to become falsely inflated. After selling their own shares at a profit, the scheme’s participants allowed the price of the securities to fall, leaving investors with worthless and unsalable stock. As a result, victim investors lost millions of dollars.
As part of the scheme, BRINSON, who did not have any experience with securities and securities markets, signed, or permitted others to affix his signature to, false and misleading attorney opinion letters that were designed to provide assurances to securities transfer agents and prospective investors. Among other things, the opinion letters falsely certified that BRINSON, as an attorney, had adequately reviewed corporate records and filings and was satisfied with the adequacy of the companies’ public disclosures. The opinion letters were then provided to securities transfer agents and prospective investors. BRINSON also received deposits of millions of dollars in proceeds of securities transactions into his Interest on Lawyer Trust Account (“IOLTA”). Rather than use the proceeds to purchase securities and fund operations at the underlying companies, Meissenn and others directed BRINSON to distribute nearly all the money to what proved to be relatives, associates and shell companies associated with Meissenn and his associates.
BRINSON knew that approximately $3 million that passed through his IOLTA were the proceeds of this illegal securities scheme. In exchange for providing his services, BRINSON received approximately five percent of the proceeds that passed through his IOLTA. In addition, BRINSON also received payment for preparing the false opinion letters. As a result of these activities, BRINSON’s personal gain was a total of approximately $200,000.
BRINSON pleaded guilty to one count of engaging in a monetary transaction in property derived from specified unlawful activity, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years. Judge Meyer scheduled sentencing for April 14, 2017.
BRINSON surrendered his law license in November 2016.
On November 8, 2016, Meissenn pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one count of tax evasion. He awaits sentencing.
This ongoing investigation is being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation Division and U.S. Postal Inspection Service, with assistance from the Connecticut Department of Banking and the Hartford and Stamford Police Departments. The matter is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Avi M. Perry and Peter S. Jongbloed.


  1. Hang in there Corey we the people of the north end of hartford still support you

    1. Of course the north end supports the criminal element. Cory victimized hundreds and caused innocence people to lose millions of dollars.

    2. With this mega fraud case Corey will be qualified to become a future mayor of Hartford

  2. So this has been going on since 2010!!! Only took the federal government 6-7 years to bring Cory to justice while he boasted his flamboyant lifestyle. In reading back over your previous posts, in which you broke this story Mr. Brookman, the comments and conspiracy theories are actually comical. Where are all his know it all supporters now? I still do however feel this is a very sad story, Cory let many people down.

  3. Does anyone know when and where the federal auction will be for what was Cory's mansion, high end cars and flashy jewelry will be? I could use some "bling bling"! Cory had style!

  4. 1;31PM

    Why would you support him? Do you condone criminal behavior?

    These are not just allegations, he admitted his guilt and is not fighting the charges,he is willingly going to Federal prison for his actions. That spells GUILTY.

    And don't forget his victims, many of them most likely from that Northend community you claim support him. Hardworking people that he scammed out of their hard earned dollars to the tune of almost 4 million dollars. While Brinson was living the high life, many of his victims are living in borderline poverty or worse.

    It is sad though that people like Brinson and Earl O'Garro, who could have been tremendous role models for Hartford youth, instead are highlighting the pathway to prison, simply because of their greed and immorality

    Keep supporting criminals, maybe you can start a Go Fund Me page for Brinson for anyone else that wants to feel sympathetic to a crook

    1. The same way white citizens supported the mayor of Bridgeport after he was tried and convicted for federal crimes then got re elected as mayor y'all support y'all Ef Ups right wrong good bad or indifferent well we supporting ours and let's not get on the attrocities our new POTUS has been involved in

    2. We had 8 years of the worst presidency in history and we dealt with it, now it's time to MAGA.
      So suck it up and keep it moving. We're happy you support Cory.

  5. Kevin,

    This is not a comment on Mr. Brinson, however I must agree with you that all of us that knew of his antics are not surprised at this outcome. I am writing to you to tell you to look at what is going on in the Hartford Public Schools. As the district is without a perm super and the board is short handed, we need to be extra vigilant with what the kingdom in the central office will attempt. Your ability to seek out the truth and unabashed methods of delivering the information that many would like to keep under wraps is refreshing and keep those in power responsible to those they represent.

    As the HBOE looks for massive cuts and school consolidations, please ask for how much is going to be cut in the central office. These are the highest paid employees in the city who are as far away form the education and well being of our students as you are. (No offense but you don't work for the schools)

    As the central office and the big salaries cut the educators and services that directly serve the students, they will protect their friends and political buddies while cutting those who educated and care for our children.

    Ask for the salaries of the bloated Portfolio teams, the intervention specialists, and the biggest and most bloated payroll of HPS the Office of Talent Management. You watched as the central office tried to cover up for Eddie as he abused that child, how are any of the folks in HR that knew directly of the incident and others sill drawing six-figure salaries from the City of Hartford?

    As you know those in power at central office are vindictive and spiteful. They will try to eliminate anybody who crosses them. For the well-being of the students of Hartford, we need your voice. I am confident that those in the know will give you other information when they can do so with a reduced risk of retribution.

    Clean out central office and the schools will perform better. Look at how much of the school budget is spent on ineffective, overpaid, and failures of administration. Compare with the amount spent directly in the classroom. Talk with the finance chair on the board and help the board make the current failure of central office responsible to the families of Hartford.

  6. 5:46pm

    hopefully, when Corey gets out in 5 or 10 years he will be afforded the same "second chance" as Mayor Ganim was.

  7. And when the cities march around to the suburbs with tin cups asking for bailouts in the form of "regionalization," the suburbs will remember that the folks in the cities would rather support clowns like Corey Brinson and Joe Ganim than act like grownups.

    Too many people in the cities would rather "stick it to the man" then insist on honesty from their purported role models. That's all well and good, but don't expect the suburbs to pay a penny to support this insanity.

    The dopey baseball stadium in Hartford will forever be a monument to the consequences of loyalty to a clown. It should be renamed Segarra Field and stand as a warning to anyone who would even think about sharing financial responsibility for anything with the City of Hartford.

  8. 11:44am

    And don't forget that criminals like Joe Ganim , Corey Brinson and many others were the same people that were driving our cities off the cliff for years as elected officials. Nothing will change until we smarten up and force change with our votes

  9. The only reason the frauds, cheats, and thieves feel that they can do what they do, is the system and structure that protects them. They have been part of it, they know the players in it and they are emboldened to take what they want without fear of consequences. Mr. Brinson was caught because those who know him the best dropped a dime. He was crapping where he lived as he put others down while he extolled his achievements and acquisitions. His ego got the best of his judgement and greed pushed him over the edge.

    Too bad, because as an aty he was effective, and he could have been a good role model.

  10. Brinson's profit out of 3 million was $200,000. I'm sure Cory could have made that amount in honest work in probably 6-8 months. It's sad to see he was persuaded into such a scam for what was in the scheme of things a small amount. This Meissen character was obviously the brains behind the scam and used Cory. I just can't believe Cory would put himself in the position he did.

  11. 7:02pm

    But he did , and the Feds will now make sure he pays the price for his stupidity and greed

  12. Kevin, the punishment for this crime is a fine AND / OR not more than 10 years in prison. Due to Brinson cooperating and forfeiting his attorney license, it is my belief he will be either only fined with federal probation attached. If any prison sentence is imposed, it will be minimal. The court is not going to be harsh on an African American former attorney....mark my word.

    1. Would they be more harsh on a former white European American attorney???

    2. Absolutely 2:18PM

  13. I guess we will have to wait and see. My sources, who have been very accurate with their information on this so far, are telling me from 2 to 5 years

  14. Another Hartford Court FailureJanuary 24, 2017 at 4:39 PM,amp.html?client=safari

    Now this is an absolute disgrace Kevin. Hartford Superior court is a complete and utter failure. Make these witnesses talk by convening a grand jury. It's obvious why HPD had to call the Feds in to get these constant offenders some jail time. I am disgusted, this is so tragic for the victims family. With good time and Malloy second chances he'll serve 6 years maybe. Time and time again we see convicted felons getting a slap on the wrist. When does it end, when???

    1. This is the exact message you do not want sent to criminals in an urban environment. When they think street code prevails over justice, along with little to no consequences for violent crime, it creates an atmosphere of lawlessness and no fear of the law / law enforcement. Murders are more apt to occur. Victims families are left feeling helpless. A complete and total deterioration of (Hartford's) neighborhoods. Why is Mayor Bronin not screaming about this? He sure was showing his voice at the women's march!!

  15. 2;18pm

    Maybe you should ask Joe Ganim that question. He scammed far less than Brinson's amounts and he spent several years in Prison

  16. @9:10 PM -- In the words of Martin Luther King, Corey should be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.

    No-one should be punished more harshly because he is not Caucasian.

    On the other hand, no-one should expect to get any special treatment because he is not Caucasian.

    People are sick of race having any role in how we make important decisions. Hartford's longstanding obsession with race has been a disaster.

    1. Agreed 5:50PM. However, it's obvious not just Hartford's long standing obsession with race, it's more a national obsession, and a much bigger division now thanks to Obama. Regardless of MLK, Cory will receive a relatively light punishment in comparison, for the reasons stated.

  17. Obama is the cause of racial division eh? I'm glad these comments are being posted so Christopher Columbus and his conquerors weren't racist? Slavery wasn't about racism neither was Jim Crow the Civil War or segregation Kevin I'm starting to question the intelligence level of your loyal followers and even more sad is that they are cops in a predominantly city with people of color

  18. @7:33 PM We'll see. If Cory gets a break because he is person of color, then it just more of the "soft bigotry of low expectations" (Google it).

    @11:00 No-one denies the existence of racism. The question is whether the cure is more racism. Be honest and ask yourself, in the last 25 or so years, who has had an easier time getting a job with the City of Hartford or the State, a white male or an equally (or slightly less) qualified person of color, or a woman? It was not too long ago when Hartford Democrats openly discussed the assigned numbers of "black seats" or "Latino/a seats" on the City Council. Really?

    White people have not kept minorities from running Hartford for decades.

    After the Presidential election, people hiring at the federal level are going to care a lot less about the color of people's skin. If I was someone with a thin resume and few accomplishments who thought he'd waltz into a cushy $300,000 a year job merely because I could say "as a Latino" (for example) every chance I got, I'd be nervous. This is a good thing. Just as being white, or having a politically-connected parent is not an accomplishment, neither is being a member of a particular ethnic group.

    The racial hucksters are feeling the ground shifting under their feet. Bravo.

    1. Very elegantly said 12:54 PM

      By the way, the Dow surged above 20,000 for the first time ever today.....thank you President Trump!

    2. I can guarantee not even 20 % of minorities are working in state government, city government or private sector. The ratio is probably 1 minority to ever 10 positions. This race talk is getting ridiculous. Obama didn't start racism (bigotry) it was already in existence

  19. Mr Meissen was the culprit and hasn't been sentenced yet, but the minority Attorney who knows better was. Sad. Mr. Meissen should be charged with more crimes than tax evasion. He must have a good attorney. In fact that's not his birth name.
