Wednesday, March 1, 2017


HPD has opened the Police Officer application process for two weeks! This process is for two weeks and just for city of Hartford residents.
Please help us make a difference in our city- Share this information and encourage residents to apply to HPD. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

Please see the HPD Recruitment page for details:  (Here you will find complete information and answers to many questions within the many links)

The Hartford Police Department is hiring! The application process will be open from March 1st, 2017 through March 15th, 2017. This application process is for HARTFORD RESIDENTS ONLY!
Interested applicants can apply online here:

Please email any application or hiring questions to


  1. So why is this an intelligent idea? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Kevin, didn't the city learn from the last class of city residents? some no showed and they did not have to cut their hair?

  3. CLEAN UP IN THE KITCHENMarch 1, 2017 at 7:19 PM

    Hartford residents, don't be afraid to apply, if LT West can pass the polygraph and background, anyone can

    1. Any cop in the PD that voted for the current idiot in chief in the white house and Richie Holton for a union pres has no room to talk about Paul

  4. Where is Papa Smurfs powder blue Polo shirt? he looks more like the Stay Puff Marshmallow man in that it white shirt

  5. Who is that foxy officer next to the Lt. Mmmmmmmm

  6. West beat the system. Fact. Others have failed. West took his lumps and scored in the top 5 on every promotional exam he took. Others have done ten times worse then him at hpd. He has his own freakin office. Soon he will move into the complex and take care of business. Even roberts and mccoy will be shamed by west in the complex.
    Run your game paul. Run it !

  7. Rocky L is my pal. We go to calls together .

    - A

  8. Beautiful pic some heavy hitters in this pic right here go blue

  9. West def has the brains and enough diet on that department to make it to the chief complex

  10. This is the same mayor and PD that is publicly crying that they can't get enough police candidates. This idiot right wing liberal Hartford Courant editorial chief Carolyn Lumsden writes a ridiculous fake news article about HPD recruitment and how other departments are recruiting across the county and Puerto Rico, and Hartford really thinks they will get a pool of candidates from Hartford only? What happened to getting the best of the best in a nationwide search? Sure, give Hartford residents preference, but to limit to hartford only? In a few month the city will again be crying they have no pool of candidates. This is why city continues to spiral into the gutter.

  11. The picture is good but we need to get rocky off the milk crate in the background.Chris and Rocky both good choices for recruiting. Chris reminds me of Montel Williams and Lou Gossett jr. Chris I think yoga might be making you shorter. Good luck and keep up the good work

  12. White is a good cop. He is a great person also. Yut. .......Class of 03-1.

  13. So someone please help me out with my calculation,,,,it takes 9 officers in a special unit to recruit 3 candidates from Hartford? And if these 3 were already in the cadet program can I count them??? I figure you'll need 180 officers in the recruitment unit to produce 60 candidates. Start hitting those bodega's,shelters,YMCA,YWCA,park benches etc. ladies and gentlemen ,,you have a tough job ahead of you . And whatever you do ,don't ask about citizen status!

  14. I would be surprised if this got posted.
    So when is it professional for a deputy chief to threaten to demote a female minority crime scene detective in front of a sgt and detective from major crimes .....
    I guess power has a way to beef up the ego these days.
    The facts are clear as day and that deputy chief should be very careful as to who witnessed this incident and what is caught on tape. It all revolves around a 1045 / main @ mahl.
    Motor vehicle manslaughter investigations usually take weeks and monthes to complete. This is not matlock and that deputy chief just showed the several witnesses that he has little to zero knowledge concerning crime scene processing ...
    More to come. Stay tuned.
    Sorry kevin, i know he is your pal, but he has no right to threaten to demote a minority detective who actually does a pretty good job.

  15. I have no idea what you are talking about and without any documentation, it is just gossip. I don't think a Deputy Chief has authority to demote anyone, especially a position gained though a promotion process and after they have completed a period of probation. he might be able to move someone, but I doubt any Deputy Chief can demote someone. If you have a complaint or anything in writing, I would be glad to look at it.

    1. I hope it wasn't Deputy Chief Ford

    2. Detective positions are still by appointment, right on the order it still says "POOSA", which is police officer on special assignment. Like DKR would always say, as quick as you can be appointed, you can be disappointed. There is no official testing process for a detective. It is by the chiefs appointment, nothing more, nothing less.

  16. Irish Need Not Apply

  17. 10:31PM

    read the original comment again.They said it was a "pal" of mine. I think that might rule out Ford

    1. Ohh I thought Ford was everyone's "pal"

  18. I am all for hiring city residents
    . I am just afraid that hiring standards will be lowered to achieve this. That makes a dangerous environment for the rest of men and women in blue.

  19. The standards were lowered nationwide when Mr Fake News got in office cry me a river

    1. You make no sense with your Fake Comments. So on January 20, 2017, the standards for police were lowered. Or do you mean standards for everything were lowered because you don't approve of our President Donald Trump? Trump has done more good for the nation in his first 30 days than obama did in 8 years.

  20. 10:11am
    Can you give me an example of lowering police standards to go along with your statement?

  21. The tv show cops offered Hartford police to do an episode along with some exposure and finance for their city and deputy chief Brown Foley said it would be disrespectful and undermine the citizens of Hartford according to WFSB news page but I guess riding around with a Trump sticker on A MDT wasn't no so see this city stays in dire straights

  22. I don't understand how they can afford to do this after letting go of two Animal Control Officers last year. I understand it's not the same exact job, but, c'mon. Unless I am missing the reason for this......

  23. 1:27PM

    how do your two examples have any relation to each other? Or is it just your way of getting in a negative comment using the name Trump? You undermine you arguments with off the wall comments and don't build any credibility for your "side"

    1. He's just another grieving Hillary supporter Kevin. In time he'll go away.

  24. I'm 70 years old. If I can pass the written and the physical testing, could I become a Hartford fuzz. I'll bet no one recognizes that slang word anymore. I wonder where the word "fuzz" came from.

    1. Of course you can! We encourage everyone to apply, I believe what your lacking in youth you'll make up for in life experience.

  25. Kevin,since someone brought it up ,,any chance animal control officer Sherry Degenova gets her job back ? She might have been the only employee taxpayers got more than their money's worth. Too bad all those puppies,dogs,kittens and cats she saved can't speak on her behalf. Too bad the idiots that let her go had no idea what she did on and off duty for Hartford.

  26. Great. City residents only has done wonders for HFD. Just review the archives here.

  27. Hiring residents is a failed theory. You need to hire the best PERIOD. It's a bonus when a resident scores at the top of the list. Giving residents extra points just for being a resident is considered lowering the standard.

    1. Regarding Anonymous March 8, 2017 at 11:03 AM
      You claim "giving residents extra points just for being residents is considered lowering the standards".
      Clearly City officials are addressing the need to diversify the department.
      Why is it considered lowering the standard to give City residents extra points? And whose standard are you applying?
      The job qualifications are high school diploma, driver's license and no criminal record.

    2. The standard to passing the test and scoring at the top like everybody else. It's great when residents and minorities scorecatbthe top but no way should anybody get extra points just to satisfy a criteria. So what if a person of color gets the job but are incompetent. Would you rather have a good cop of any color or someone pulling you over or coming to your house who want really the best applicant. Hire the best period.

  28. Another homicide reported in Hartford last night. Make sure HPD hire QUALIFIED people.

  29. HFD members are looking to hire a labor attorney to review their latest contract. Feelings of betrayal as they were conned into accepting it, without having any time to review with their family or take the time to deliberate. Ridiculous pension contributions, some new health care tax, no raises for four years, and a terrible HSA plan mongst other things.

    1. This is what Bronin wants from all city collective bargaining units. That's why Dannel Malloy and Bronin are attempting to pass the HB 7050. The days of being a city worker being a good place to work are done, done, done. Several HPD officers and a sergeant supported Bronin for mayor. Where are they now?

  30. Was there a report last night of Hartford homicide number nine this year?
    Was victim number nine a teenager?

  31. Kevin,why is Brian Foley doing ALL the interviews regarding the snow removal after the last storm? Typically it's the DPW head from affected town giving details to the press. What happened to fire chief Freeman taking on the task of interim director? Was he in charge during last storm or not? I always said HFD is gonna mirror DPW someday soon,,,,my nightmare is coming to life. Might as well untuck your shirts gentleman ,chill and watch "city residents only" walk into the watchroom and say " what up dog" to the first person they see. To late for prayers Hartford.

  32. Keon Huff Jr. was homicide #8 this year. May Keon rest in peace. May this is the final tragedy this year.

  33. It's time to bring stop and frisk to Hartford. It's time to give to cops a good contract for working in this dangerous city. It's time for politicians and the PD administration to start backing cops. There is zero pro-active street level policing occurring. All the above is directly contributing to the spike in violence. The criminal element knows they have carte blanche to do whatever they want. This very well may be one of the most violent years in Hartford.

  34. The tragedy of yet another young person gun down. Ther is nothing by sadness over the needless waste of life. Maybe it's the wrong time to reflect on issues leading to this loss. But eventually, issues must be discussed such as, another child from a broken home, no parents. No focus on family planning. No encouragement of educating girls to use contraceptives or abortion services when that mistake is made. Nothing. No social services to encourage this healthy alternative. Religious influences that resist such alternatives. Inner city pasters strangely silent on issues of family planning. And the end result is a young man pulled to the life of the street while, at the same time, feeling the potential of success with his sports passion. I have read these stories too frequently. I was once in high school with one of two basketball heroes. Every Monday, the principal at the time would talk about those two close friends and their antics in games. They had won all the games. One went one to play collage basketball and graduated and succeeded in the business world. The other got involved with drugs shortly after gratuation and not long after, lost his life.

    The luck of the draw. The one that died had more natural intelligence then his teammate. He just didn't seem to have the strong family nurturing element that so frequently determines success from failure, from those who live and those who die.

  35. What a real reality !,
    Sarita y Lucas are still commanding the Capitol, con todos los Rubios parte de la Hacienda de Sarita y los abusadores.
