Monday, April 3, 2017


Word is that Hartford's dethroned Mayor Pedro Segarra is still lobbying Josh Solomon to throw out the first pitch at the Hartford Yard Goat's opening game. If the word is true about Segarra's attempts to gain the pitcher's mound , we all need to have our heads examined for mental competency if we allow it . After his crazy plan to prop up his failed re-election is now estimated to plunge the City further into debt, to the tune of a couple million dollars per year, and that is just to start

Any effort by the Solomon's or the Yard goat's to allow Pedro Segarra anywhere near this field would be a huge Public relations mistake for an organization that is desperate to gain acceptance. I would hope that any appearance by Pedro Segarra ,to what will become a permanent monument to his incompetence, will; be met with loud boos and jeering fans. Not a good way to start.

And while I am on it, what's up with the Yard Goats signing with an out of town hotel to be the host hotel for the teams? What about all those hotel night stays they used in their proposal to try to show why the stadium made sense. Maybe they should have been noted as an economic boon for the Rocky Hill economy rather than Hartford.

And lastly, before I move on, why did the Yard goat's waste the time to hold auditions for singers if they were going to bring in an entertainer from out of state to sing the national anthem on opening night.

Not a good start for a team that claims to be all about our community

Maybe we could get the guys in the blue windbreakers with the big FBI letters on the back to finish their investigation and escort Pedro ,I.Charles and others out of the stadium. Now that would be a home run


  1. Pedro is definitely a catcher!

  2. Spot on, Kevin. Just one small correction: The official hotel of the Yard Goats is the Holiday Inn on the Berlin Turnpike--in Newington. That's the town that'll get the $$$ that should have gone to Hartford.

  3. @11:25

    Did you really think Soloman suddenly gives a shit about the economics of Hartford after playing that second rate Segarra for all he was worth? Did you? Soloman is a swindler and he went where the cost was lowest. He has no care for any issues related to the health of Hartford. He got what he wanted and bargained for. Segarra is the worst God-damn person to have ever become mayor of Hartford.

    Going forward, I would like to see a discussion on the relevancy of "Authorities" and how to restrict them and prevent them from being used to skirt a referendum. Clearly, this devise does not serve the will of the people.
