Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Last night at a community meeting organized by Council President TJ Clarke, I witnessed one of the lowest moves by a politician in Hartford that I can recall, and I have witnessed several gutter politicians over the years. Unfortunately it was Mayor Luke Bronin who went to the gutter level and his actions were directed at me.

Now I know if I dish it out I have to be able to take it back, but I don't deal in lies, and I wouldn't expect our Mayor to also. But what Luke did last night was pure and simple, the actions of a liar. He was trying to call me out because I called him out with facts.

Now I was ready to hit the keyboard last night and inject my venom into mayor Bronin's lies, but the better part of me told me to calm down and relax and wait a day. The facts will still be the same.
It started at the meeting when parent after parent were talking about City pools being shut down due to budget cuts. The parents described the pools as the safe zone for some of their children and asa place to keep their children off the streets and keep these kids alive.

Then Councilwoman rJo Winch got up and said the layoffs were necessary to close a budget gap of $60,000 dollars in the Parks budget. I understand the need to balance a budget, but where are our priorities? I had just been informed by someone knowledgeable at City Hall that Mayor Bronin had just hired a new Communications Director at a salary of $69,000 dollars.

At least he is getting more reasonable, the first two that quit and left the City were closer top $100,000 a year. But a Communications person over Lifeguards? Priorities Luke ...priorities.

I finished my remarks and then I sat down. Imagine my surprise when Luke stood up to begin his attack on me. Luke stood up and said that I needed to be honest with the people in the room and that the reason I was upset by the new Communications Director is because I applied for the position and Bronin wouldn't hire me.

Totally untrue Luke and you know it. Let me go back to that Mark Twain quote I frequently use. "if you always tell the truth, you never have to remember your lies"

And here is the truth. Shortly after my July 5, 2015 Stroke, I was going through Rehab at Mt. Sinai Hospital. On a Sunday afternoon, candidate Luke Bronin showed up in my hospital room for a "visit"
Luke and I were never friends so I was a little surprised during a campaign he would take the time to visit me, but I wasn't suspicious. During our conversation Luke brought up the subject of my support of Bob Killian and wanted to know if I would consider shifting my support to him.

Now I didn't think I had that much pull and that my support would matter, But Luke seemed sincere that my support was important to him, and even after my stroke and lying in a hospital bed, I still felt Bob Killian was the best choice Luke and I talked a little more and before he left, Luke said that if I decided to support him and he got elected that "there will be a spot for you in my Administration".

A few weeks later, Bob dropped out of the race and I did support Luke Bronin because I could not see the benefit or re-electing Pedro Segarra. I still wonder what could have been if Bob Killian stayed in the race and where we would be headed as a City under a Killian Administration. The man still amazes me with his knowledge of Hartford history, his vision and his skill for coming up with a reasonable solution for just about any thing I ask him about. And when Bob Killian tells you something, you know it is the truth. I can't say the same thing about Luke Bronin

And integrity matters to him, and his wife Candy and his daughters all reflect that and we have become close friends.

Like I said in the title, my sympathy is with Luke.  Really, it is. I can almost guarantee that the Mayor's job is not what Luke expected at all when he ran. Some days he must feel like a the Captain on the Titanic waiting for the end, because you know it isn't going to get better.  It was a big leap to go from writing policy under the dome of the Capitol to now being the Chief Executive Officer of Connecticut's Capitol city as it sits on the verge of bankruptcy and that is only the beginning of the problems.

A city with a baseball Stadium that mired him down for almost all of his first year in Office and has proven to be a huge embarrassment to efforts to prove we are legitimate to our suburban neighbors. A city that is  probably running close to Chicago with the most  per capita in our homicide rate. A city that can't find qualified police applicants to boost our dwindling Police Department, which is  on the verge of a crisis .

A City where the successes at City Hall are few and far between and hopes of greater political aspirations have been dashed in probably less than a year and a half. Dashed for Luke at least, others like TJ Clarke would be smart to build their image on the back of Luke Bronin and his failed policies and lack of vision, and organizing last nights meeting shows that he is more than capable.

It might also be time for Mayor Bronin to start demanding results from his inner circle. Another quote I  like is "the number one rule of management, is that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with"

Who allowed the Superintendent of Schools process to get so out of control to become such an embarrassment? The Mayor appoints the Majority to the Board of Education. So a smooth process should have been a slam dunk. Unless of course you are playing Harlem GlobeTrotters ball, where everything is a joke or comedy act.  And the Bronin Administration has become a joke quickly

So Luke tell the truth. If you want to attack me personally, I can take it, it comes with the territory. But if you don't know by now , I detest liars,  just ask a couple of your predecessors.


  1. Hey Kev,In order ,I believe in God ,Karma,Fate and Luck. I also believe that our decisions in life reflect on what end of those we find ourselves,,,,good or bad

  2. What a shame Kevin. You have always been completely truthful. If you haven't learned by now, Luke Bronin is no different than any other crooked lying politician. He only looks out for his own circle, at the demise of the city. All his campaign promises proved to be lies. He vowed to get illegal guns off the street and hire more cops. He's done neither, and he does not want to hire more cops, that's all lies that he can't find competent candidates. Funny how prior to the election, Pedro and Luke showed up to all homicide scenes. I haven't seen Luke at one homicide scene since he was elected. Maybe fitting all these homicides into his schedule is a little much for him. Luke and Sara seem to have plenty of time on their hands to tweet demeaning and inappropriate comments about the POTUS. Luke and Sara need to go. Sorry this #fakemayor put you through this Kevin.

  3. OH, I get the pleasure of being the first to mare this thread. So I say "Ooch" in response. I think I believe you, Kevin. I say "think" because Luke should know better to go for a low blow. But maybe he doesn't. The most negative I have ever said about him is that he plays super defensive. And that is a sure way to lose. I appreciate his creating the youth Corp so let's give him some credit here.

    I am loath to jump on the bully band wagon as so many do. I think the unions especially are an unforgiving bunch. And frankly, their pensions and health care coverage is not commensurate with the private actor and should be. Enough generous give aways. We can't afford to do business as usual, to quote Bronin during his election cycle. I don't think his department heads ever learned English well enough to understand the meaning of Bronin was only mouthing off for a sound bite.

    But it seems that the political season has begun in Hartford anyways. TJ decided to have a community meeting and Bronin shows up. If TJ didn't invite Bronin, then it was a hombre a hombre thang. Let's the publicity fights begin. I don't know much about TJ and his capacity to lead. Hartford is still going bankrupt.

  4. Here's the thing: When you're a public figure, such as a mayor, you have to accept that a certain amount of public criticism regarding policies and actions can be expected, and goes with the turf. But when you respond to such (fact-based) criticism from a constituent in a juvenile manner, in front of a crowd of people, and with what amounts to a lie, you're bound to lose some of that public's respect for yourself and your office.

  5. Fake mayor has more acting positions than the the Hartford stage. Fill the positions with leaders and you WILl get results. Fakemayor can't lead but maybe hire sone true leadership and stuff can get done..... #pipedream

  6. 8:53PM

    assuming he has the public's respect in the first place and Mr Dirty Street, we are learning quickly about Luke's ability to lead, or at least get the job done, and he is failing in that category. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt here, he did inherit a mess, but he has compounded that mess instead of mitigating it. It has been amateur hour in the Bronin Administration on everything from the way he has handled the unions to the stadium and even his corporate relationships I know for a fact he doesn't communicate with corporate leaders the way he should and that was told to me by one of those corporate leader, despite what his statements may say

  7. Brolin and TJ are nothing but a showoff. Don't expect much from them.

  8. Bill Oreilly meet Bill CosbyApril 5, 2017 at 10:01 PM

    So kevin are you saying the city of hartford will not ve able to produce a job application with your name and signature on it

  9. Bill

    you are correct , there is no application submitted by me to Bronin or even the City HR Department. Good question though, maybe you should ask Mayor Bronin to release the application he claims I submitted.

  10. Good for you Mr. Brookman. In a way I feel sorry for Bronin, he is in way over his head. The man has zero charisma and no sense of humor. When he was on the Tucker Carlson show he was pathetic. Carlson is a bully but all I could think of while looking at Bronin was that he reminded me of Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police Headquarters on November 22, 1963. The only difference was that Bronin had a nice suit on and not Oswald's Tee Shirt.

  11. Kevin, again we told you early on Bronin was no better than the rest but you took the high road wanting to give Bronin a chance or benefit of the doubt. Now, is there any doubt? If a politicians lips are moving he's lying, when you pull your hand back from that hand shake , count your fingers!

  12. Luke represents everything that's wrong in America. This is White Privilege at its finest Greenwich could come to Poor black and brown Hustle the people and become mayor. Never did one single thing for the city of Hartford. I guarantee you this if I went to Greenwich with all of my facilities experience I would not be able to be a regular custodian in the School District. She's the closest thing to trump I know.

  13. @11:15 WRONG. The last election was more about picking the lesser evil (although at that point, the only questionable thing Bronin had was the tons of money he had been given and I need to question just how much payback was needed to satisfy those donations). Don't forget we had Mr Segarra to contend with so anyone was better including my aunt Tilly.

    @10:38 May I remind you that "charisma has no importance with the content of a person. Agree, he really has no sense of humor but that won't sink or float a political career. Look at John Fanfara for example. He doesn't even no how to smile and he became an effective state senator.

    @Levey: Stop with the foolish horse crap about "White privledge." Stop hiding behind it while trying to squeeze the last drops of blood from a very tired old rag. I have seen more Black success stories in my field. Maybe your a child of one of those mommies who was a teen and didn't quite manage your learning growth very well. (Hey Kevin, I expect you to delete this but I am just telling it like it is. No racism. Just solid opinion based on years of observation.) and btw Levey, you write with very poor sentence structure. May I suggest some remedial courses to improve your ability to express yourself?

  14. Bill Oreilly meet Bill CosbyApril 6, 2017 at 8:36 AM

    Woah hold up levey kardulis kevin said on another post White Privilege does not exist and other commemtators accused said that black person was being racist when he brought it up

  15. Levey,
    I have always liked your spunk, listened intently to your speeches given at BOE meetings, and admired you for running for Council. Your very public challenges to former BOE Chairman Wareing were worthy of ticket sales LOL.

    However, I will NOT let you resort to some phony claim of "White Privilege". Yes, Luke Bronin BOUGHT the Office of the Mayor for $1.3 million in campaign funds. But FIRST, he needed to BUY the Democratic endorsement which almost guarantees the office unless you're Mike Peters. It is a FACT that Bronin did not have the Town Committee votes sufficient to obtain endorsement two weeks before the convention. There is no "White Privilege" in Doug McCrory selling approximately 11 votes he controlled in the 7th District that were previously pledged to Bob Killian. Doug sold those votes to Democratic Chair and Lobbyist Marc DiBella on behalf of Bronin. In exchange, DiBella sold him the votes necessary for McCrory's wife to BUY the Probate Judgeship. That's not "White Privilege" -- that's a "Brown-Black" Legislator and a "White Lobbyist" illegally selling votes to one another. Both the Bronin household and the McCrory household personally benefitted with two NEW salaries. It's disgusting Hartford politics at its finest.

    Let's also remember that NO ONE knew the "White Guy" until "Brown-Black" Steve Harris in the 5th District and "Brown-Black" Ellen Nurse in the 4th District began publicly supporting Bronin so early on. "White" Bronin would NEVER have advanced so far amongst "Brown-Black" people on the Hartford Town Committee without those critical voices of minority support. Here's the news article from January 2015 and accompanying Bronin press release as a reminder:

    So very respectfully, please stop any further racial argument here. There is plenty of blame to go around for all -- White/Black/Brown. Thanks.

    1. 100% on the money. White Privilege did not put Bronin in office, Black and Brown people did this and there will come a day of reckoning for Hartford once Bronin's real plan is fully implemented.

      I love when people have the courage to use their real names. Alyssa you are a political Rock Star to the end!

  16. Gotta love Alyssa. I know Bronin reads your blog, Kev. I wonder if the cat has got his tongue.

  17. Woah Alyssa im shocked Kevin let you post that comment i had no idea about any of those things time to put the resesrch investigative team on that i actually go to the same gym with Doug Mcory i didnt know citizens could purchase jobs

  18. Funny that Levey milks the city dry with his "workers comp injuries" and wants to comment on privilege.

    Please go to Greenwich Levey. You won't be missed

  19. Kevin,

    Thank you for your reporting on the news in Hartford.

    I've said it before here, and I'll say it again; both Bronin and Malloy assumed they were on their way to DC with a Clinton Administration, but now are "stuck" in their respective positions. Maybe Bronin wanted something nice on his resume? Maybe Malloy wanted "his guy" in charge of Hartford during their impending bankruptcy?

    Unfortunately, Bronin's lack of experience is showing through, at the worst possible time for the city.

  20. Alyssa, thanks for exposing, once again, the underbelly of this City. White folks did not put Bronin on the throne; there aren't enough white people in the City to make that happen. Your research showed how it happened. The Bronins needed a platform from which to launch their political careers and they chose Hartford for the launch. And it's blowing up in their faces.

  21. Alyssa, you made my mouth go dry. Holy Toledo. Now I understand what you were hinting at. And thank you for your courage to speak the truth that others are unable to speak. Thank you very much.

  22. Alyssa for Mayor!!! BTW - Levy Kardulis I know for fact that he had over 30 workmen comp claims in 20 years. He actually bragged about it. Within the first month of working in Hartford he was on WC and when he so call retired he was on WC. I think he and Jill Cutler must have had a romantic relationship because she never would fire him and she had plenty of opportunities. Levy was out on WC as much time he was actually working. The only and I mean only good thing I can say about Levy is he was right about Wareing. Wareing is another one that needs to go.

  23. Syrian Superman save our childrenApril 7, 2017 at 6:38 AM

    White folks didnt put Bronin on the throne? Black and Brown people put Bronin in office you people need to make up your minds first you say Bronin spent over a million dollars to buy the throne i know he aint get that money from people of color lol first he was the White Knight in shining armor loved by everyone here to save hartford from Eddie and Pedro cops and citizens praised him now all of a sudden you all hate him i find it rather hilarious white folks pointing the fingers at the citizens of hartford for everything thats wrong with the city heres an idea move to hartford and make the necessary changes instead of crying on the internet

  24. During the election in the north end, people said Luke Brown, he's one of us, and would point to the skin color on the hands. Black-Brown enthroned Bronin as much as anyone else in this City. Bronin put his campaign HQ on Albany Ave for a reason. He needed the $1.3 million to buy the space and the support.

  25. Can we get through the weekend without another homicide? I highly doubt it. Bronin seems pretty concerned as he tweets out Dunkin Donuts chicken ka bobs!!!!

  26. @1:24
    true, Bronin placed his headquarters on Albany Avenue. Where else? Good strategy that paid off.would he had placed in on Park St? No. A white enclave? No. His strategy was to court the black vote and he did. I just didn't figure that he would have bought the town council votes. Leave it to Alyssa to astutely understand this.

  27. Unqualified candidates please there are a number of people that I know got deemed unqualified base off their address. I went though the process with 3 of my of former Army buddies. We all have secret security clearance though the military served in multiple tours overseas and they were told they were unqualified. What makes it even worst one of battle buddies is a black disabled vet and he was told to reapply with a Hartford address to strenghten his chances. The current class that is in now has 2 people with arrest records and a number of them have failed there initial pt test. All you need is a Hartford address and you have a gun and badge . The whole process was one big horse and pony show. Hartford has not change since I left 10 years ago

  28. Hey 6:38 am ,The "white" people pointing the finger "USED" TO LIVE IN HARTFORD UNTIL YOU F#%CKED IT UP AND FORCED US TO LEAVE!!!!! YOU need to make the necessary changes ,NOT US!!!!!

    1. Blacks forced whites to leave Hartford didnt know we had that kind of power well trumps in office so come on back pay taxes take control of the city buddy

  29. Kevin, take control of your blog. It is degenerating into very stupid comments. I may stop commenting and reading if you don't show some guidance and standard. This is not a free speech platform where everything is permitted. You own it. It is up to you to mamage it.

  30. Hey bill katz ,
    In the words of geno , dont read it then. No one is holding a gun to your head. Everyone will understand that you are too sensative for such imoral and honest comments. Find another constructive hobby such as darts or eating paste.

    - a city employee

  31. Bill,

    it is called Freedom of Speech. I have never censored your comments even though I often disagree with you. What are you complaining about? If something' offensive was missed and made it through, I can remove it

  32. 8:51 pm,,,your ignorance and uninformed comment is amusing! You obviously don't know this but HALF OF THE CITY'S BUDGET IS UNDERWRITTEN BY "WE THE PEOPLE" WHO LEFT THE CITY! Here,in words I hope you understand ,,,,we pay your bills and don't live on your street,neighborhood or even in your city. The State Of Connecticut is forced to fund your lazy corrupt,mismanaged city. WE used to have control until the liberal democratics feed YOU "free s#%t FOR VOTES!!! So the ball is in your court ,you people have the power and either don't know it or don't know how to use it effectively .I'm embarrassed by the moral decay of Hartford and very close to saying I was born and raised somewhere else. I don't even think God could help you!

  33. The State Of Connecticut is forced to fund your lazy corrupt,mismanaged city.
    Actually, Hartford is your ghetto. You impose the crumby school district upon us, and force us to pay for it. You force us to deal with public sector unions. You tell us how we have to celebrate diversity, and then zone out the poor, the morally incompetent and the criminal. Got a problem with the mismanaged and corrupt City and School District? Talk to Dan Malloy and the Democrat Party.

  34. Hey Peter Brush ,this might not be politically correct or what you want to hear. During my time in the city during the 60's,70's and 80's ,Hartford politics were run by the Italians,Irish,Germans,Jews,French etc. The city wasn't Utopia but definitely not the s#%thole it is now.Am I supposed to believe that during that era ,politicians were honest and pure as the driven snow?? That all Hartford teachers had no challenges while dealing with kids who had no parental involvement ?? That the unions were fair and reasonable?? That there weren't projects scattered throughout the city littered with drugs and criminals?? The only relative explanation for why the city is in shambles is that the above mentioned ethnicities have left city hall AND the city itself. So Peter ,shouldn't the people who are in charge now be held accountable? Or are you gonna stay with the narrative ,that it's my "white" suburbanite butt that's to blame!

    1. Bill Oreilly meet Bill CosbyApril 10, 2017 at 7:35 PM

      Hmmmmmm so basically when white people leave a neighborhood it goes to $hit?? I think native american indians wouod disagree with your statememt that euros run a society better than anyone what Hitler King LeopoldII Cecil Rhodes Mousillini Dutch shultz all mass murdering gangstdr scum that were all the ethnicities you just named every culture has scumbags see how that works???

  35. it's my "white" suburbanite butt that's to blame
    I'm not blaming you. Moving out makes plenty of sense. All I say is that the main reason people have moved out is to get away from the State of Connecticut's wretched Hartford School District. When virtually the entire middle class leaves town, and the State houses its poor, mentally ill, its morally confused in town, then that town is in a race to the bottom.

    Hartford pre-dated the State. Now it's just a ward of the State with a pretend Municipal Government half-funded, as you note, from outside. It's probably too late to change course, but the best thing for the City, and for the other Connecticut dumps of Bridgeport, Waterbury, New Haven..., if you may care, would be for the State to eliminate the School Districts; give kids vouchers.

    And, yes there was a time when "there weren't projects scattered throughout with drugs and criminals." These things weren't caused by global warming or Vladimir Putin. They are a function of State of Connecticut policy choices, some of which, zoning and school districts for example, go back decades.

  36. Not to get off topic but there are a lot of police that read this blog can a fingerprint be left on a piece of clothing when a person wears or tries on gloves are their fingerprints left inside the glove???!!!

  37. 10:39am

    Why? what are you planning? you ought to be more concerned about DNA than fingerprints

    1. Lol nah only crime i commit are stealing women's hearts i watched the OJ Simpson specials on Hulu and Netflix interesting you mention DNA kevin there was none on the glove and they never said his fingerprints were inside the glove as johnnie said if it didnt quit you must of quit

  38. I may be wrong, but I think you can only get a print from a smooth, relatively clean surface

  39. Kevin you can not lift a finger print from an article of clothing, especially a leather glove

  40. isn't that what I said? DNA is the better option. I think there is a way to get a print from inside a latex glove but I don't think it is done often because of the reliability, but DNA is done regularly, depending on the value or type of crime

  41. Bronin is poison to Hartford. Screwed the teachers, screwed the firefighters, trying to screw the cops. Luke is a lame duck just like his mentor clueless Dan Malloy. Rumor has it that Luke and Dan plan to open a law firm in Waterbury specializing in immigration cases and personal injury. Luke's wife will be their receptionist.

  42. So who's throwing the first pitch at the Yard Goat opener? Foley loves the spotlight and ass grabbing with the media, why not him? He does have a good arm.

  43. He's trying to screw DPW too. Their union that has unfortunately been most consistent with contract concessions for well over a decade and now wants to squeeze it dead. With nil as far trained contract negotiators, things don't bode well for them. Ironically ,with police and fire departments grabbing the headlines, DPW occupations are far more dangerous than safety. Underpaid and under appreciated.

  44. How ironic is it that today, the Whalers played their last game and the Yardgoats played their first game ,only to get their ass beat! WARNING TO YARDGOAT ORGANIZATION: CT sport fans only support "WINNING" teams! Just ask a "DIEHARD" UCONN basketball fan to name a player from the women's or men's team from the early 80's. No one gave 2 $hits until Calhoun and Geno put them in the spotlight.

  45. ....and Pedro Segarra did not get to throw out the ceremonial first pitch, but he was there.

  46. I have news for ya'll and it isn't good news. As bad as Hartford is, it will get much worse as time goes on. I was talking to someone recently, a person I know and frankly, wouldn't want to live next door to. He said that he is getting his ass out of Hartford. He can't stand it. Imagine that. A ghetto dweller who can't stand his community.

    Much of the city is a GHETTO with a few pockets of stability. Downtown is thriving great. Go Stupid Yard Birds. The better parts of the West End still have those smoking Victorians. As long as the home owners put bars on all first floor Windows. And there are only a few small pockets of Southwest that remain stable. Otherwise, the south end is now GHETTO.

    Friends, countrymen, neighbors, get out while to going is good. Who cares why anymore. The flood waters are rising.

    When you have RJo, a failed retread from the past, along with Miss Jennings and a few others who don't know the difference between yea and nea, Hartford is is trouble.

    1. Did you just now figure that out???

  47. Syria Strikes BackApril 15, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    Whats a ghetto dweller?

  48. Hey Alyssa said:

    First you should be careful when you make statements that are made without facts. First whose votes did McCrory sell? Second I know his wife personally and the woman was more than qualified( two masters degrees, a law degree and on top of that a PHD) black folk have to work twice as hard !! for the position than your candidate which happen to be a white woman from the south end with many of her own legal issues. Maybe Alyssa the black community just wanted one of their own home grown qualified people in office for the first time. White people had it for over 300 years. Some may say that is "white privilege" I let you decide! since that term do not apply in America. Finally the judge dropped out the race so that the other white man can win. What do you call that ALYSSA? "white privilege" . Why did the west end [white end] support Luke ? Could it be because he was white? Alyssa why no political analysis on that section of Hartford? Oh I see never talk about your own just analyze the black and brown. Last I check brown people on the town committee voted for Luke! Maybe he was the better candidate at the time and now he is showing his true color. LOL

  49. Hi Anonymous at 10:10 --

    Please understand that I agree, Foye Smith has numerous school degrees and is a very pleasant person. But that has nothing to do with my FACTS or the blatant Hartford politics which gave us an unknown white mayor over a personally [not politically] popular Hispanic mayor. Those facts are: A black State Representative [McCrory] negotiated with a white lobbyist [DiBella] for the sale of both a judicial endorsement and a mayoral endorsement. I know dates, times, phone calls made, number of votes involved and a LOT more. If I am right, then a state agency will take action. If I am wrong, then we'll chalk it up to one more dirty Hartford political deal that financially benefitted political households.

    Hopefully, any light I am able to shed here will prevent anything this blatant from being done by an elected state representative and a registered lobbyist ever again. In the meantime . . . stay tuned for what should be the end of the very brief, Bronin era. Many news stories will be coming out that show how the ultra-critical Mayor Bronin has repeated exactly, if not worse, that which he accused former Mayor Segarra and his admininstriation of in order to get elected.

    Transparency???? Hardly. And P.S., if you're going to get personal, at least use your name coward.

  50. At April 11, 2017 at 10:39 AM,
    Sorry I am a little late to the party. Generally speaking you cannot develope a usable latent print from clothing and/or the inside of gloves that have some kind of lining. Latex gloves however are a different story. There have been cases where a print was developed from the inside of the glove after it was turned inside out. Kevin is correct, the better method would be to swab the clothing, inside lining or interior of the latex glove for touch DNA. A DNA profile can be generated from skin cells left behind on all sorts of surfaces. Technology is such today that even one skin cell can generate and be amplified millions of times to produce a DNA strand. The trick here is that the DNA database is not as large or encompassing as the latent print database which contains anyone who was ever fingerprinted for a job as well as criminals. DNA in CT is only taken from convicted felons on their way into prison. Still whatever your plan is, crime doesn't pay!!

    1. Its been paying you and hundreds of current and retired officers every week for years :)

  51. 6:17PM

    And did they not pay into the pension fund and earn their retirement benefits after their years of service to the City? So what is the issue?

  52. @3:34. A Ghetto dweller is someone who lives in a deteriorating neighborhood filled with blight, street trash, litter, graffiti. Satisfied?

  53. At April 18, 2017 at 6:17 PM
    In that sense, then yes, crime has been very, very good to me!! But, nothing comes without a price.

  54. Ghetto? Dirty, run down,crime filled and dirty dealing.
    What worse ghetto exists whithin the city then the 550 block of Main St?
