Saturday, May 20, 2017


"Country before party". That is a quote from Senator Richard Blumenthal last week on CNN referring to Congressional action toward President Donald Trump.

After hearing that , I had to think "what a great idea, if our politicians actually started thinking about us and our Country first".

The more I thought about it though , I had to ask myself, "When does this Country before party thing begin Senator?"

Now I realize  that Donald Trump is a lightning rod, and no matter what I write or post is probably not going to be popular with at least half of the people. But a sense of fairness should be the same, whether viewed by a Democrat or a Republican or an unaffiliated person.

I don't think anyone, except maybe the blindest of staunch Hillary supporters, can deny that we had a couple of very flawed candidates to vote for last November. Only time will tell if voters made the right choice. History will be the referee of that, butI hope they did, and even I have my doubts some days, but those doubts would be much stronger if the Clinton's regained control of the White House. I think one thing no one can deny is that we know what we got with President Trump, warts and all.

I think with the Clinton's, we would never know. I often wonder what the outcome would have been if Democrats realized Hillary Clinton did not have ownership or some God given right to the Oval Office. A decent candidate probably would have been a landslide against Trump.  A Biden /Trump race may have quite possibly been a much different outcome today. No scientific polls, just my gut feeling. Especially since we now know how wrong those polls were right up until the last hour the voting booths were open.

So back to Connecticut's renowned Senator and Vietnam veteran  Richard Blumenthal. When does that Country before Party thing begin?

Where was it after the Benghazi operation that resulted in the deaths of American patriots? Or was it in the words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?"

Where was "Country before Party" in the Clinton's private server? Trump was the focus of attention this past week after a meeting with Russian Officials and he allegedly divulged "classified" information. How much classified information was divulged in emails possibly hacked from Hillary's private, unauthorized server? I guess we may never know .

What was the deal with the Clinton Foundation and how much political influence was purchased through "donation's" to the Clinton's toy chest?

And finally, I have to ask why Russia only became an issue after Hillary Clinton lost. I guess if Hillary won the election she could have used her Benghazi quote again if questions arose regarding Russia  "What difference does it make?". If she was in the White House, who would even care about Russian influence?


  1. Im not a political or government guru by any means but I always wondered how it is OK for the country to be in debt 20 trillion and counting and they have no solution for that. But at the state and city level all hell breaks lose trying to balance the budget. If the people running our country don't care about debt, why is it such a bid deal at the municipal level. This country is screwed.

  2. Brookman.... you misunderstood the ((( senator))). When a member of the chosen tribe speaks about country they are referring to Israel.

    1. Heil,dude! Let me guess: you're late 20's to mid 30's. White (obviously), married, but with at least one ex, love to hunt, and think Oakleys are the best sunglasses ever.

  3. You are flattering yourself, Kevin. Trump has under 40% support now probably reaching 30%. Don't keep throwing Clinton in our faces. I agree that both candidates had major flaws. But Trump goes way beyond the the caliber of worms in office. We have had some bad president's but I can't think of anyone worse. He campaigned on being the candidate of the forgotten people - white people, that is. He canpaigned for being a spokesperson for the working class but all of his legislation or proposals are to cut taxes for the super rich at the expense of the marginal.

    Trump is the worst person on earth to be president. I don't want him to leave or be impeached at least until his last year. We need an inspired and new thinking Congress of democrats. Soon, we will.

  4. 10:22am

    Nothing will change until the voters and both political parties smarten up and start making better decisions and term limits need to be part of it to end the entitlement of our politicians

  5. Trump utterly betrayed all his voters. I know he was crook from the beginning and i saw through his bs. Not that I'm saying Clinton was any better, but America needs a potus that actually represents all of us and not just one race or an income bracket.

  6. Mr. Brookman, I'd like to point out that Trump is doing what he was elected to do.
    I don't know if you allow links, I believe this is worth a read.

    I'm cautiously optimistic about Trump. Is he perfect? No.
    But I believe he's taking our Country in the right direction.
    (No pun intended).

  7. This is what Clinton said: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information." What exactly is wrong with that? Is she unqualified to be president of the greatest country in the world? Absolutely. Does The Donald use a private email server. He admits it. That's why he didn't fulfill his PROMISE to go after Clinton. And, Mr. Brookman, I grew up during the Cold War. I would find it unacceptable and a completely impeachable offense for ANY president to collude with a sworn enemy of freedom and human rights, as every TRUE American should

  8. President Trumpwas not a government official trusted with classified e mails when he used a private server and when I see verified prof of a Russian connection, I might look at it differently, but I don't think anyone has seen it yet, it and s all just gossip and rumors at this point. I try to make my decisions based on facts, not gossip. And while we're at it, the United States interferes with foreign governments on a pretty regular basis and when it is done back to us , it is a terrible offense. Ask Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel what was done to him by the Obama Administration to try to sway an election. No investigation on that one was there?

  9. That's true about Netanyahu and Obama. I don't, however, recall Obama firing anyone with inside knowledge about the issue, or possibly being dishonest that it didn't happen. I'm a news junkie, Kevin. I surf CNN, Fox, Breitbart, Wall St Journal, The WP, and various news blogs of conservative and liberal bents everyday.Then I think about what I've read and come to as logical and objective conclusion as possible. I love your views on local politics, but I get the feeling you get your national news from only one or two sources that share the same politics. I may be mistaken and if so, I apologize for the assumption. But to defend Trump, who's cabinet includes Kusher, about to be investigated, and included Flynn, about whom Obama personally told Trump had Russian ties and could be compromised, as in "he might be a spy", well, that sounds like blind puppy love on your part. Again, I apologize if I'm mistaken, but I've read little here to prove me wrong.

  10. Trump singlehandedly destroyed the Clinton and Bush dynasties. For that we must be grateful. Now if only we can get a Kennedy to run in 2020 and get rid of those too. After the DNC boosted Hillary and destroyed Bernie, I don't have any sympathy for their loss. Even less sympathy after reading the Podesta emails and how they bought and paid for CNN, etc.

    Trump is obviously flawed, but doesn't deserve the 24/7/365 mainstream media wrecking ball. His election also creates the possibility that future President's don't have to be career politician leeches and will encourage others to run.

    As for Russia, the only thing in plain view is that Hillary sold our uranium futures for a contribution to her retirement foundation. No rush to investigate that?

  11. 9:39pm

    So where are all the calls for special prosecutors? or do we just find it wrong when preceded by the name Trump. Lets start calling for fairness and treat every incident equally and fairly whether committed by a D or an R or even worse by a Trump

  12. You just lost a reader. I have no interest in anybody still stupid enough to be pro-Trump after so the revelations of the last couple weeks.

  13. People keep forgetting that Brookman is, and has always been, a conservative. Why is anyone surprised?

  14. Bye bye 9:12 am.

    From your local city cop!

  15. Simply put
    Trump 2020

  16. 9:39 here. Simply put, Kevin, Bronin is bad for our fair city. He has accomplished little through his own doing, just like Trump. But you take Bronin to task every day, and rightfully so. Should we not hold our president to an even higher standard than our local politicians? You have Luke under the microscope, as you should. He's a horrible leader. Trump needs to be held responsible, just like Bronin. I've never seen hypocrisy from you. I don't think I'm seeing it now. But I do think that hope Trump will prove to be an honest, honorable leader is clouding your judgement when the evidence is already proving you wrong.

  17. 10:16am

    You say that like it is a bad thing. At least no one is accusing me of being a left wing liberal

  18. I don't know about your last post Brookman ,ONLY "left wing liberals" refer to "DICK" Blumenthal as a "Vietnam veteran" You need to look up STOLEN VALOR, that liar never spent one day in Vietnam. Please make correction.

  19. Do you understand sarcasm ? I am well aware of the Senator "misspeaking"

  20. Sorry Kev , Of all people, "I" have been the victim of being misunderstood MANY times on this blog. Keep up the good work

  21. You cannot possibly compare Clinton to a Trump. Trump is the scum of the earth and always has been scum. Clinton is no shining example of Harry Truman in drag. As for the jerk worm that quoted Clinton's Bengazi sub committee cross examination in which, after hours of questioning, finally broke her in a moment of extreme frustration. Anybody would have broke. Don't use that to augment your position that Clinton is no good. Unless you are stupid enough to fall for it. Oh, you are.

    Clinton is no Girl Scout leader. But she is way way beyond and above the ability to lead the country than Trump. better to leave Trump metaphorically twisting in the wind because there is a far worse monster waiting right behind him. Let a tidal wave of resistance build against him and thr neocon republicans and they will be erased from the landscape.

  22. I forgot to add that I am also conservative (and liberal) but I don't support jerk worms for president.

  23. It doesn't really matter who gets "supported" , It matters who actually gets elected
