Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Last night I posted about an informational meeting to be held Thursday by Mayor Bronin to discuss concerns over the Police Department's ongoing negotiations. Chief Rovella's informational e-mail was met with an e-mail from the HPD Union President encouraging Officers to put in for overtime or compensatory time if they attended.. I posted that I felt it was wrong for anyone to consider putting in to be paid for attending the meeting.

Here is a link to that  posting

This morning, Chief Rovella clarified in an email to all HPD personnel  that "by no means will the Police Department  pay overtime or credit Compensatory hours for attendance"

I haven't heard from anyone today that was upset or planning to put in for overtime for attending. In fact most were encouraged by Bronin's attempt to clarify information, or misinformation, regarding HPD's ongoing negotiations.

From: "Rovella, James" >
Date: May 24, 2017 at 9:26:02 AM EDT
To: Police Dept - Sworn >, Police Dept - Civilian >
Subject: RE: Conversation with the Mayor


For clarification purposes only, the conversation with the Mayor is not mandatory attendance, it is in fact optional. The Mayor is making himself available to employees of different departments, including the Police Department, to respond directly to your questions and address your concerns. I  picked one of the earlier blocks of time available.

By no means will the Police Department pay Overtime or credit Compensatory hours for attendance.

I hope to see as many people that can attend tomorrow at Quirk beginning at 4:00 pm.

As always, best regards.


  1. Kevin, Why no comment from you on HFD spending approximately $30,000 on OT and fees last week on a training class that was attended on a voluntary basis? This class was not mandated by the state or fedeal level. Do you not have a problem with it ? Only about 40% took the offer . If it was so important why not make it mandatory? Please don't reply anything about a requirement for officers to have when privates are still assuming acting officer positions.

  2. I am not aware of it, I will try to find out more

  3. I was at the class, the majority of those in attendence stated they got nothing out of it, and if werent being paid would of not attended. The speaker had a PhD and supposedly he was a chief in the fire service but he never stated where or talked about any past fire history, or tactical issues. Hmmmm sounds like some other chief who "rose" the ranks so quickly without any experience doing the job. Paper chiefs is what we call them.

    Furthermore Freeman sent out an email a week ago complaining of our response times and logistical numbers. Guys are overworked, now being forced to work OT, our contract is terrible and he thinks we are still going to get to all of these calls in 3 minutes or less. The fact is, unless there's a fire or someone dying, guys could care less. Everyones upset and moral is down, but we are expected to continue to be in top form. After this next wave of retirements this year, things will get so much worse. If freemans so worried about numbers we can go enroute in the watch room and go on scene after a minute on the road, who would know? And dispatch would then have timestamps that appease his logistics.

  4. Kevin,

    This is not a post but a suggestion. You might want to follow the money on the Casino expansion. Who is getting campaign money from MGM and who is getting money from the tribes. The results of your search will be fruitful in a quest for Governmental Transparency.

    Follow the money and you will find the motivations.

    Thank you for your support of the Hartford Police and Fire Departments as they deserve our thanks and respect for the service they provide.

  5. Who will be protecting minnie mayor Bronin tonight?

  6. The amount of ot and comp time theft currently available is more then enough then to claim a mere 3 hr callback to listen to bronin lie to everyone. The fact is that the mayor and the chief will be gone within 2 years anyways.
    Everyone has a scam round these parts. I get mine. I put zero thought into others tales of magical shake downs of the city. Everyone does it. From the top down. Everyone has a plan and a scam.

    1-Work my two js a week
    2- sit in a lot until sent
    3- make six figures

    1. Very smart. But Bronin is on a mission to do permanent damage to all.

  7. Rovella on OT optics? Why has his budget gone from $2 million in OT in 2015 to $6 milliun in OT for 2018?

  8. Probably has to do with the lack of hiring. Positions still need to be filled and as resources dwindle it is going to take more overtime to meet mandatory staffing

  9. Bronin confirmed a few things this evening. One is for current HPD employees to seek employment with other agencies. Foley was completely wrong when he said all agencies are under fiscal distress. None like Hartford, that's for sure. New Haven is hiring, so is Glastonbury. Two, with what Bronin wants, cops will be eligible for food stamps. Three, anyone that even considers employment with HPD should automatically fail the psychological. Other than Hartford, not many other, if any, municipalities are on the verge of bankruptcy. It's all about your future, pensions, benefits and healthcare. The grass would be greener anywhere else DC Foley. Respectfully, stop the false narratives please. The pension fund is funded over $1 billion, the city is not broke on the backs of city employees.

    1. Nelson spoke truthfully and accurately. I wonder how many people will leave HPD in the next 1-2 years. Hopefully they have plenty of "qualified city residents".

  10. Kev, Did you get a chance to look into first comment about HFD training related to Freeman ,that on his own ,mandatied a requirement that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars? Something doesn't smell right. I wonder if he knew this speaker "well" before he got hired? That old saying is always is in fashion, FOLLOW THE MONEY!

  11. Hey foley ,
    Other depts are knocking the doors down for hpd experienced guys. You are out of the loop. Wethersfield has 2. Glastonbury is begging for guys. Branford pd just got a 14yr vet from us. My guess is that 30-40 guys will leave. Make 86k in newington to start. Branford starts at 88k per year and there is a mutual pj contract down there with 6 towns. So plenty of pjs paid at overtime rate.
    And you can bet there are plenty more just thinking about it. Get your facts straight. A retired hpd guy in Berlin told me he had one item A in a year on mids. Plus top 80ks to start. Pj work everyday. At least do a little work and click on the police hire web site. You dont look the brightest lately on the tube. ......

    1. Foley has drunk the cool aide and is no different than the mainstream media, he quite often reports fake news.

  12. 2:08pm , Isn't it ironic that the narrative is that there are no meaningful jobs available in the inner city but they can't muster up any "qualified " candidates for a solid job with pay, benefits and pension! What a joke ! I wish I was born with a vagina so I could make "more" money with each fatherless kid I produce.

    1. .....for a solid job that HAD pay, benefits and pension. That's all gone with Luke bro. When you see guys like the traffic LT bailing, the end is very near.

  13. Kev, Your typically locked in on HPD OR HFD ANTICS ,,,,why no comment on chief Freeman spending close to $30,000 of taxpayers money for "non mandated" training. I think it's a big deal,,,DOES ANYBODY ELSE!!!!

    1. Obviously not little fire mouse.

  14. June 2nd- Several more HPD senior command staff leaving before the titanic fills with water ..

    1. It's Armageddon. You have no future stability if you stay. That is why everyone is bailing now. When you see guys with 15 years jumping over board, there's serious and immediate danger.

    2. Just wait till July 1!!!!

  15. Aetna is going, going, gone. The downward spiral of Hartford and CT continues like a runaway train. Great job Governor Malloy / Mayor Bronin, you are complete failures.

  16. Nonsense nonsense nonsense, wolf wolf wolf. No one who is within five to 10 years of retirement is leaving before their fat pensions are mature and ripe. The money is too easy.

    1. Really? Bobby Ioavanna wasn't within five to ten years of retirement? Sorry to break the news to you, but fat pensions are a thing of the past. Keep dreaming and drinking the same coolaid as Foley.

  17. Iovanba had 12.5 yrs on not 14. So that's at least 12.5 at age 61 to retire. He received a $12k increase in pay with 1/10th of the crime. Smart man to have made that move.
