Wednesday, May 31, 2017


The exodus continues from the beleaguered Bronin Administration. The latest to jump ship is the Director of the Emergency Services Telecommunications Department, Clayton Northgraves. Northgraves has apparently informed Mayor Luke Bronin that he will be leaving.

Northgraves took over the troubled agency in November 2014 and restored management to a City Department  that was frequently criticized for its inefficiency under its previous Director, retired HPD Sergeant Andrew Jaffee.

Northgraves is only the latest in Hartford Department heads that have parted ways with the Bronin Administration in the 18 months the Mayor has been in office.

Northgraves was previously with the Town of Enfield and the City of New Have in 2014n before coming to Hartford.

In addition to Northgraves there have also been numerous departures from the Police and Fire Departments in the last several days adding to the leadership void in City Departments. Much of this is being caused by the indecisiveness of the Administration and the concern over the course of Hartford's future and the lack of any structural change to put Hartford back on a solid foundation.


  1. What about Aetna leaving ? Lol. How much lost city tax revenue will be lost. Lol. Good job bronin . At this rate u will surely get re elected by the minorities of the city. Especially the city residents at public works that you want to take pay away from. Good luck.

  2. Several more HPD rank in file saying so long on fri .... how many more before july 1 ? Im bettin at least a six pack. Im sure some new recruits can replace the experience being lost because of the mayor and his crappy job thus far.
    Any word why the media has not jumped on the lack of police resources to provide security to the yard goats games? If the public only knew how slim the resources really are. It will be sad when little jimmy from simsbury gets robbed in the safe laz lots.

  3. Start taxing all properties. Audit the properties claiming to be churches. How many are simply puting a cross up and calling it a church. Several hundreds i suspect. I drive by several and have not seen any activity in years. Some properties are just boarded up. No system in place to properly vet this larceny. Bronin does not have the guts to fix this problem. How much lost revenue / property tax is lost ? When aetna leaves, word on the street is that several other large companies are following. Good job bronin, way to pour more salt in the 82-83 wound.

  4. Aetna is smart, they bailed. Hartford is dead.

    1. Great job Gov. Malloy, 1st giant GE left CT after more than 100 yrs. in the state. Now giant AETNA is getting ready to leave after more than 150 yrs. in the state.
      WHO IS NEXT?

  5. HPD personnel is overwhelmed with requests regarding retirement / termination of service requests.

  6. Its not just the retirees but also the other folks with 2-12yrs on that'll jump overboard when benefits maybe even pay raises get either cut or severely watered down. There is a massive crisis brewing at HPD in terms of staffing. Sad.

  7. Staffing wise , July and aug will be interesting .....

  8. 3:10pm

    Please forgive me for correcting you, the crisis is not brewing, the crisis is already here at HPD and HFD

  9. Kev, Please don't worry too much about public safety ,mayor Bronin said now that the city has issued ID cards to illegal immigrants it will make Hartford stronger and safer. I guess Aetna officials saw them all "come out of the shadows" in the Asylum neighborhood and questioned why they stay and pay taxes for all this freeloading. I see a volunteer fire department and auxiliary police department in Hartford's future. Any takers?

  10. 9:29pm
    I am starting to think that is Bronin's goal

  11. The City Risk Manager is leaving Friday. He cannot work with the CFO.

  12. the crisis is already here at HPD and HFD
    Please disregard if I've already posted, Kevin.

    I just want to say that the City and the State are acting negligently if they are allowing their fiscal situations to impact the provision of fundamental government services. Our pols (because of ideological blindness) have trouble accepting the fact that decades of neo-socialist public policies have busted the bank(s). A bankruptcy proceeding would be a wake-up call from a pleasant slumber Malloy and Bronin hope(d) can be prolonged by hook or crook. I say bankruptcy might restore order and predictability, especially to the cops and fire guys, and may establish some prioritizing of the municipal spending.

  13. When I was growing up, my father and grandmother always talked about "the Aetna" and how they never laid anyone off in the depression. Let them go and good riddance. They are no better than any other greedy corporation - all for themselves and their officers and stockholders. Let's tear down all the dilapidated schools in Hartford, and educate the kids at 151 Farmington. We can use the building for something anyway.

    1. Maybe a methadone clinic or special safe housing area for anyone possssing an illegal immigrant card?

  14. Northgraves destroyed what was left of the good in the HPD dispatch center. Good riddance Sir

    1. There was any good when Jaffe was there???

  15. 11:34AM

    I am not sure I can agree with you on that. From the outside looking in, I haven't seen or heard of anywhere near the number problems that came up under Jaffee
