Monday, May 15, 2017



  1. John, you did a great job, very well spoken, truthful, and dressed as a Union President should (not a sweat suit). John would be 1000x better on his worst day than Holton on his best day. We're fortunate to have you, thank you.

  2. I don't know him, but he sounds very intelligent, looks very professional like a union president should. Would he possibly be interested in replacing the fire union president? Ours looks like a slob and sounds like a pothead.

  3. Very informative piece Kevin. Lots of things about police pensions I did not know. Bronin is just plain bad, bad, bad. The Hartford Courant really is FAKE NEWS for not reporting accurate information on pensions and always making it look like all pensions and accrued time payouts are so high. It's amazing the failing Courant is still in business. I wouldn't use that paper to let my dog sh@& on. They've really portrayed HPD to be the reason the city is in financial distress like we're the enemy, which is the furthest from the truth. The Courant is not our friend.

  4. John, time for a big add with facts in the newspaper. Unfortunately, the only shitty newspaper is the courant. Put some facts out there regarding pensions and payouts since Jenna Carleso and Vinny Vella report FAKE news constantly.

  5. Luke Bronin comes from wealth wealthy elites do not pay taxes in CT poor and working class do what part of that are you people not getting John is no dummy he know a this but he cannot go up against the JP Morgan's and Rockagellas of CT alone if the PD and other city employees dont back him I wish him and the police and firemen all the best they deserve to get paid for the high stress and dangerous job they do this civil war in CT is going to be very interesting

  6. Does he want to rep the HFD too? We can use someone like that. Presents himself very well. Vinny and his no say having cronies have to go!

  7. 8:32pm

    you guys are the only ones who can make the change

  8. The "Golden 40" on the HFD facebook page?? They haven't even been hired yet, they haven't even come on the line yet, they haven't proved themselves. The training academy's hands are tied, no yelling, no hurting feelings, and no punishing. The line cant even haze in good fun anymore because of the whiners.... We are already babying the future of this job and putting them on a pedestal before they even get started. Great plan.... The golden 40?....yeah right

    1. That my friend is the future of HPD. Good luck and good bye, bailing by July 1, 2017.

    2. They ain't getting babied at the range!!!

  9. Kevin,

    Never give out staffing numbers, like you said during an accident,that becomes a officer safety issue.

  10. First off, those numbers are all pubic information. Second it is a much larger "officer safety issue" for the Mayor and City Hall to continue to pretend we are properly staffing our Police Department. The only way to fix a problem is to admit you have a problem

  11. The 5-2, 5-3 schedule...It was indicated that the officers attend in-service training on the third day off without getting paid? How can than be, they are required by state statute to attend training, if they are not getting paid, then they are considered off the books. What happens if someone get's injured during training and they are not getting paid? Are they not covered?

  12. I agree that HPD officers may get more experience in a year than their neighboring town's. Let's not forget CSP going in during the summer months years ago to assist their HPD brothers, and they did it well. So in some circumstances, others can assist and with HPD and do it well, while not working there everyday.

  13. 1:51PM

    a correction- "with their HPD brothers", brothers and sisters please , we also have female officers here, most of them who do a great job day in and day out. And while CSP may do a good job and supplement the uniformed presence, they don't know Hartford like the officers that have spent their careers here learning the City, learning the variety of cultures represented here and learning the players, good and bad.

    Also, by HPD contract, any CSP Trooper specifically sent into Hartford must be paired with a HPD officer on overtime. The extra bodies are great, but the additional expense isn't.

    CSP may be helpful, but it should not be an excuse for not hiring to the necessary levels Hartford needs

  14. 1:46pm

    Maybe someone familiar with the contract can clarify that, but it is not every third day, the "give back" days , I think, are only 4 times a year , not every time they rotate. You never know in Hartford, but hopefully the insurance details are contained somewhere in the fine print to protect the City from any additional liability

  15. To clarify the 5-2, 5-3 schedule and give back days, The HPD patrol division(and detention) work the 5-2, 5-3 work schedule. They get paid 40 hours a week even for the weeks they work 32 hours. The are required to work up to 7 give back days a year for training. The usual number is 6 a year. They are considered working it is not an unpaid day and their are no workman's comp issues. The give back days are scheduled so they do not effect the weekends. They are usually scheduled for a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. All the 5-2, 5-3 employee's are scheduled for 6 Give back days a year. This schedule was enacted at a time the City negotiated a contract with no pay raises. Officers missing a Give back day are required to make up the training given during the day they missed. In previous times Officers were scheduled for training a full week usually away from the pd. every 3 years. Then there was only a 40 hour requirement to train every 3 years. Not it is double that with other various mandatory training requirements mandated by the state and Cintron V Vaughn.

  16. Thanks Dan, and enjoy your retirement
