Monday, June 12, 2017


This past week on the blog and on Facebook has been very active and a lot has been said about HPD and claims made against specific officers, some good and some bad.

Specifically, people have made comments regarding on retired officer in particular, Sergeant Sean Spell.

One comment said that Spell had 15 citizen complaints made against him. The local media has also made the same claims, but apparently no one went any further to actually look  at the complaints or God forbid, actually explain them.  I guess explanations don't make headlines and sell papers.

You never hear anyone saying that if a Police Officer doesn't have citizen complaints, they probably aren't doing their job very well. Well, let me say it. Any Police Officer that doesn't occasionally have a complaint filed against them isn't doing their job.

Let's put this into perspective. Typically most  contact we have with a police officer doesn't usually evolve into a warm and fuzzy encounter. It may be after an accident, and I don't know anyone that is in a great mood after an accident (especially if you had to wait a couple hours for an Officer to be dispatched. Not their fault, but they get the blame) Or maybe you got a traffic ticket or a parking ticket. Now we all know how we drive, and of course we could never be wrong, the Cop must be overreaching or trying to fill some nonexistent quota.

You hardly ever get pulled over by a cop wanting to give you a coupon to Starbucks for exceptional driving. I think you get my point, it does happen, but most people don't have raving reviews of their Police interaction, so citizen complaints are part of the job. Every complaint is entertained and investigated, no matter how serious or ridiculous, they get the same response.

 So I decided to ask the questions and see how serious those 15 complaints were. So here you go; I am not putting the complainants names though

#1- HPD IAD #200-44 Profane language used by Officer Spell on Barbour Street

#2- HPD IAD #2006-101- alleged excessive force used at Substation
                           NOT SUSTAINED AFTER INVESTIGATION

#3- HPD IAD #2007-050 Bondsman loitering at HPD, verbal for procedure, no Field Interview Card submitted

#4- HPD IAD #2007-050 Wrecker driver claimed discourteous attitude

#5-HPD IAD #2007-118 Off Duty Altercation
  Complaint Sustained-
                             30 Day Suspension for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

#6- HPD IAD #2007-139- Harassment complaint
                            EXONERATED AFTER INVESTIGATION

#7-HPD IAD #2008-026 Complaint made by Wethersfield resident who saw Spell leave his personal car idleing in a parking lot while off duty
                                         NO ACTION TAKEN BY HPD

#8-HPD IAD# 2008-048 Complaint against Spell and another Officer after a prisoner attempted to escape from a substation  after a firearms arrest.
                            COMPLAINT NOT SUSTAINED- EXONERATED

#9- HPD IAD #2008-069- Complaint made against numerous officers at 23 Martin Street after incident.
       NO SPECIFIC COMPLAINT IMPLICATING SPELL, BUT  STILL PLACED IN                                                   HIS   FILE

#10- HPD IAD 2008-103  Spell was the supervisor, complaint made against an officer he was supervising

#11  HPD IAD# 2008-161- Citizen approached Spell to report her purse lost, while Spell and other officers were breaking up a melee at Club 960 on Main Street on Christmas then a vehicle being pursued crashed in the same are and complainant felt she wasn't getting proper service during the chaos

#12-  HPD IAD#  2012-073- Stolen car recovered, complainant apparently claimed money was missing from the center console when the vehicle was recovered. Since she knew the thief that took the car, she complained that it had to be Spell and the Chief Inspector from the States Attorney's Office who were responsible.

#13-  HPD IAD#2012-083- Complaint made against 2 Officer's Spell was supervising

#14- HPD IAD #2014-006- Force complaint made after arrest of subject high on PCP
                                     NOT SUSTAINED

#15- HPD IAD #2014-100- Complaint made claiming Spell interfered with a civilian photographer at a Homicide scene on Park Street
#16-  HPD IAD #2015-074 Complaint made against  Spell and CSP Trooper after arrest of individual who kicked an HPD vehicle during West Indian event

So there is the list, and it is actually 16, not 15. Only one incident concerns me, and Sgt. Spell paid for that error with a 30 day suspension.

Sean Spell is one of many officers that earned every penny they made keeping our City safe and our officers are human beings, and yes occasionally human beings make mistakes. But not everything is as it appears to be made out to be.

The research might take a while to complete, but it is part of being fair.




  1. So realistically one legit complaint in 20 years, and he was off duty? Put this through or not kevin, but I've known Sean for 20 years. I've seen him on numerous scenes, he was always level headed and fair to both cops and suspects. The 15 or 16 complaints just didn't make sense to me. I also know about his personal life (because I am his friend) and how he adopted a Hispanic male at age 2 and continues to raise and live with the young man who is now 21. This is a good guy who always has done good. Hopefully you post this.

    1. Yes the one complaint filed by a white guy from the suburbs was the only one substantied interesting

  2. The personnel vehicle left running in wethersfield is may favorite. I got a written complaint at elizabeth park during winter because i would not allow little princess to park her vehicle blocking the street so she could go sleeding. Of note. There was 2 feet of snow on each curb side and then she demanded to know why i would not immediately tow the other 10 vehicle parked.
    There needs to be a better protocol in place.

  3. Cicero is Foley's Lap DogJune 13, 2017 at 11:58 AM

    The department has even entertained complaints from patients at the Institute of Living. Seriously?!? Rovella is lucky his cops even come to work. The place is an absolute joke. I don't blame anyone from leaving this city or even this state.

    1. I'd have to agree with you on that one that PD has a long history of injustice and Bull $hit sad story indeed im waiting for it to implode

  4. 12:22pm

    Regardless of the race of the person reporting, facts are facts. Could it be that was the only one to be found to be legit. The investigations are all public record if you want to take the time to read them, or is it just easier and less time consuming to put a racial spin on it?

  5. 11:58am

    Your comment aside, I am not sure what the issue is with Lt Cicero. Lt Cicero is and has always been a gentleman and probably one of the most professional commanders at HPD. Cicero is a product of the City and shows it everyday in his love and compassion for Hartford

    1. I took being Foley's lap dog as a compliment!

  6. You Mr. Brookman, report what others don't. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. If you charged .99 for an app or even allowed ads, you'd be a millionaire.

  7. The one about leaving his personal car idling in wethersfields was hilarious. Spell was a good cop and a great colleague but he could of picked a better time to do what he did. Just sayin.

  8. 6:12PM

    Never a good time to do what he did, but it doesn't erase all of the positive things he did during his time at HPD

  9. 6:06pm

    Thank you. It is not real difficult to get to the truth with a little bit of legwork and a bigger desire to be fair But I guess the truth really doesn't really sell headlines. It is much easier to continue to sensationalize with the $130,000 dollar pensions and the terrible 15 citizen complaints, even if 14 of them were bogus. Continue reading, it may not always be what you want to hear, but at least you know it isn't more fake news

  10. Ok. I get it. Spell is old news. Any more details on the Lt Mertes investigation ? What about the ford tapes ?

    Foley is a good man. U cant make chicken saled out of dog poop ....

  11. sounds like the guy was a saint. we need more of them and their $130,000 pensions to drive the city into bankruptcy

    1. Try again. City pensions didn't put the city in the red. Reckless democratic spending, ridiculous programs and letting every property be tax exempt broke the city. City workers contributed high percentage of pay into pension plan and the fund is vibrant and well funded.

  12. It is not police officers and firefighters driving the City into bankruptcy, it is the reckless City Administrations that have been voting on and approving these contracts for the last few decades without any regard as how to sustain them. Now the bill is finally coming due and it is time to pay the piper.

  13. 8:50PM

    Stand by for more on the Academy LT (at least the former Academy LT), can it be long before the first lawsuit is filed by a recruit who fails because "they felt stressed by her behavior". Some indications are that the kettle of rotten fish may be boiling over very soon on a certain Deputy Chief. I don't know if there actually is a video, but I hear that enough "other" activity has been well documented. I have spoken with people involved or witnesses to the "other" behavior, and their versions are legit an I am more than wiling to listen to anyone else who wishes to contact me in confidence. Stay tuned

  14. I passed by at my NRZ tonight with the intention of offering an idea to HPD, I'm sure it has been discussed. It was too hot and I was to sick so I turned around and went home.

    On the issue of the trikes and trail bikes plowing through Hartford with almost impunity, I had an idea that as soon as a call comes in where the groups are gathering, probably already known by HPD. Have a half dozen bikes ready to go with undercover officers drive into the group and at a prearranged signal, each officer could grab at least one rider and bike as uniforms rush in.

    It could be done. It should be done. I happen to disagree with the policy of not giving chase. That only makes a bad situation worst. At least with plainclothes dudes pulling up on bikes you would catch them by surprise.

    1. You may disagree with the no chase policy. So when one does crash while being chased and dies or is seriously injured, who will back the cop? Spineless Bronin won't. Hartford Politicians such as Minnie Gonzalez and Angel Arce will be the first to push for the cops termination. BLM and moral Monday will come out in force. Not happening in this liberal cop hating state, sorry bud. Better off waiving while they flip you off and continue to Dunkin Donuts.

  15. 9:48 pm , Correct me if I'm wrong but is the "award winning" brownstone overlooking Bushnell park that Luke (Malloy's liar mini me ) and Sara (the overpayed state employee) Bronin own is nearly tax exempt? Luke goes into neighboring towns saying Hartford lacks in collection of property tax ,,,,I wonder why ? I heard that brownstone is assessed a lot lower than it's worth.

  16. 9:48 pm , Correct me if I'm wrong but is the "award winning" brownstone overlooking Bushnell park that Luke (Malloy's liar mini me ) and Sara (the overpayed state employee) Bronin own is nearly tax exempt? Luke goes into neighboring towns saying Hartford lacks in collection of property tax ,,,,I wonder why ? I heard that brownstone is assessed a lot lower than it's worth.

  17. The Ford video does existJune 14, 2017 at 12:34 PM

    The Ford video is very very real and exists. Sooner than later it will end up in the media. My popcorn is ready!

    1. Love and Hip Hop HartfordJune 14, 2017 at 4:57 PM

      I don't believe it. If it did indeed exist, you little cheese eaters would've expedited it to the media. Nice try.

  18. I dont buy it either. This rumor is about two years old. If it did exist, it would have been leaked. You little haters will try anything to take a cheap after bell punch at the flat liner.

    1. They're all tough guys anonymously behind the keyboard. But put them face to face with Ford in a ring and he'll put a quick Knock Out on any of these little cheese eaters.

    2. Go Grab Your ShineboxJune 14, 2017 at 9:34 PM

      True. Mike Tyson was one hell of a fighter but the guy probably couldn't even balance a check book. Hell he could barely talk proper English. Becoming a D/C isn't what you know or what you have done; it's who you know and are you the right color of the day. #facts

    3. Just like that guy in booking before he got promoted to SGT? Where's the IA on that?

    4. Ohhhhh. Good ole Jimbo Rautkawski, numerous domestic arrests. Where the heck is Sam the Clam?

  19. @5:01

    Ok, then what happens when one of these bikes strikes someone like one did recently on Paek St, but kills him. Then what. If the law is changed, then the chase has a legal impetus. Do we need a referendum on it. I'll bet that most resident would want the police to give chase.

  20. Nice to see Florida Governor Rick Scott is coming to Connecticut next week to recruit businesses to come to business friendly FL. Shouldn't be that hard of a sell, especially for Hartford businesses.

  21. Florida is the place to be. Retired traffic sgt got a mansion the size of city hall. No state tax. No motor vehicle tax. Cost of living is about 70 of what u pay up here in this socialist state. Hartford has a minor league ball team. The busnell got a new coat of paint. Hartford is the worst. Im glad governor malloy will show him how to run a state into the red by 5 billion dollars.
    Brookman. Time to pack your lunch bag. Hartford is game over.

    1. What's the weather like down there JB? Horrible here like usual. Hope your enjoying it!

  22. Hartford yardgoats is zero comparison to a red sox game. Fenway is the ford and all you little mice are the yard goats.

    1. at 4:34 AM
      I agree with you. How about calling the team the YARD RATS

  23. FL Governor has a lot to offer, including no income tax and low property taxes.
    CT Governor has also a lot to offer, including lots of taxes, all kind of taxes, and more new taxes coming up.

    1. Florida politicians back blue.

  24. Congratulations Mayor Bronin and Governor Malloy. Hartford just ranked #8 in top 50 worst states in the country to live in.

    8. Hartford, Connecticut
    > Population: 124,014
    > Median home value: $159,200
    > Poverty rate: 28.3%
    > Pct. with at least a bachelor’s degree: 16.9%

    Hartford is one of many cities in New England where the population is shrinking as more residents move south in favor of a low cost of living and good job market. With goods and services costing 17 cents more on the dollar in Hartford than they do nationwide, the city is one of the most expensive in the country. Hartford is also tied with Flint, Michigan and Compton, California as the city with the seventh highest unemployment rate. An estimated 10.4% of the Hartford labor force was unemployed in 2015, nearly double the 5.3% national figure. While the U.S. population grew 3.9% in the last five years, Hartford’s population declined by 0.7%.

    Hartford’s economic decline has led to widespread crime and poverty. Some 28.3% of Hartford residents live below the poverty line, far more than the 14.7% national poverty rate. There were 1,141 violent crimes per 100,000 residents in Hartford in 2015, one of the worst violent crime rates of any city.

    1. Add a possible bankruptcy to the equation, rest assured the #8 ranking will go to a #1 ranking. Being the capitol city, that will be the end of CT and Hartford. Malloy and Bronin had better come up with something.

  25. Kev,Here's where the average person makes a mistake,they think politicians have some sort of consequence for incompetent,corrupt and/or stupid behavior while they are in office. What was the consequence for Lowell (create an income tax) Weicker,Jodi (retire in another state)Rell,JOE ( get out of jail and become mayor again)GANIM,John (come out of prison and get a talk show on WTIC) Rowland,Pedro(facilitate the biggest mistake in investing in a baseball stadium)Segarra,Eddie(make a weasel contractor rich and get a "free" kitchen remodel) Perez ,,,,,DO I NEED TO GO ON????? Malloy and a Bronin will not suffer one bit of hardship or embarrassment for their stupidity.

  26. I don't have a horse in this race, just calling it based on what I read. When the city is going underwater, and cops are retiring on hugely excessive $129,977 pensions, by gaming the rules with massive overtime, and $80K unused sick time payoff, the sympathy factor for Hartford finances hits ZERO. Removing overtime from pension calculation is a complete no brainer, and sick time should not accumulate like it's a 401K plan. Outrageous.

    Maybe then Hartford / Bronin will get a better response on their next begging tour.

  27. How is dusty rendock doing with the mertes 90310 scandal from the academy ?
    Rendock needs to get on that grayhound bus to retirement. Its time ......

  28. Kev, Have you seen the Hartford firefighters recently? OT season is just starting and they already look like the sleepy bloodhound in the Warner Bros cartoon from months of unlimited OT. I'm sure the money is awesome but I can assure you they are taking time off their lives. Hope the reward vs risk is worth it . On a side note we should all pray for the safety of the members of HFD, lack of sleep is just a small piece of a puzzle that leads to injury or death , the piece that will do you in every time is ,promoting individuals who have no business leading others into burning buildings. After you count your money go look in the mirror at your tired ass face and ask yourself if your capable of accepting the responsibility of keeping others safe AND alive. The desperate decisions being made Hartfords politicians and dept heads will ultimately lead to people getting hurt.

  29. Profane language used by Officer Spell on Barbour Street
    Thanks, Kevin. The reporting of numbers of complaints is by itself often (always?) misleading. Your more complete description of the complaints with outcomes is a public service. And, certainly, as you suggest, to the extent cops have an incentive to avoid ass-aches there is an incentive to do their job with less enthusiastic alacrity. I say we should be grateful to have cops that will even go to bleeping Barbour Street, and especially grateful
    if they actually do the job.

    1. Thank you for supporting blue sir.

  30. What's the homicide ticker at Kevin?

  31. Wow hfd strikes again another cover up. Want a good conversation look into the hfd matenence garage. Honestly if the DOT ever inspected the fire trucks over half the fleet would be dead lined no joke. The same guy who was in charge of the breathing apparatus and failed is now the supervisor of the fleet of junk fire trucks. Great story won't take much digging fuel tanks falling off trucks while going down the road total electrical system failures ladder trucks that the airials break weekly. There's multiple engines (10,11,14,15, and the new engine that won't stay if it sits more than 4 hours)that are less than 4 years old that have had $100,000 of parts and labor put into each of them.

  32. Wow hfd strikes again another cover up. Want a good conversation look into the hfd matenence garage. Honestly if the DOT ever inspected the fire trucks over half the fleet would be dead lined no joke. The same guy who was in charge of the breathing apparatus and failed is now the supervisor of the fleet of junk fire trucks. Great story won't take much digging fuel tanks falling off trucks while going down the road total electrical system failures ladder trucks that the airials break weekly. There's multiple engines (10,11,14,15, and the new engine that won't stay if it sits more than 4 hours)that are less than 4 years old that have had $100,000 of parts and labor put into each of them.

  33. Cowboys or crime fighters actually making a difference dealing with the hardest felons the city has to offer? Shermane Rose, today's homicide victim.

  34. I wonder if there will be any public statement from Mayor Bronin on the release of the Bell toxicology report.

    1. What could Bronin possibly say? Seems like state police tried to cover it up, maybe they should make a statement. But it was no surprise regarding the drinking and drugs.

    2. There's a leak at HPDJune 23, 2017 at 1:37 PM

      More importantly, who's the leak at HPD. Does Special Reporter Brian Foley think he can abuse that so called teflon badge. Foley's disciples should be worrying because I'm sure only a few hands had that report. It's not hard to figure out who's most likely involved. Hmmmm......?

  35. Yea I wonder what the Mayor will say about the Bell report full by no report ever came out what really caused the Sgt Arace motor vehicle accident seems it's only a slander campaign when the fighter fighter or police officer is of a certain Hue!!!

    1. Pretty low. Big difference cosby. Arace was off duty, really doesn't matter. A firefighter doing drugs and drink while on duty, like most of you fire mice, is a HUGE deal. Like I really was a fire truck full of drunk and high firefighters coming to my house for an emergency. Your ridiculous comparing the two.

  36. Cosby,

    your theory is full of holes.I don't recall the Arace accident being an on duty accident, much different than an on-duty firefighter knowingly risking his own life and that of other fire fighters by going into a burning building with alcohol and drugs in his system.The "certain hue" allegation probably worked in favor of the compromised firefighter, most likely to avoid embarrassment to his survivors and his legacy. The truth, while known for months, was covered up by the City. That should be the issue, what has been done to identify other potential drug use and what is being done to make sure this doesn't happen again. Does no one else feel that it was odd for a quick settlement of a couple hundred thousand dollars for a line of duty death? If the City was actually at fault and everything was on the up and up, attorneys would have fought for a much larger settlement. And why no application for the substantial Federal Death Benefit for Police Officers and Firefighters killed in the line of duty. Maybe because a toxicology report had to accompany the application?

    1. Kevin you do realize marijuana can stay in your sytmem up to and over a month and alcohol 24-48 hours now unless Bell has a med card from a doctor I don't condone the weed smoking but there are plenty officers and fire fighters that will go out drinking and report to work the next day the Hartford Courant painted a picture that he was drinking and smoking on that particular day then ran into a burning building is hate to think or believe he wouod be able to hide that from his co-workers they couod habe easily reported him turned him in or told him hes sitting this one out till he sobers and cleans himself up if he was drunk and high on that day

    2. Fake News Hartford CourantJune 23, 2017 at 8:09 PM

      Cosby, where have you been? Don't you know the failing Courant always distorts facts and paints a picture to fit their agenda. The Courant is a prime example of fake news and exactly why people are sick of media outlets such as the courant. The failing Hartford Courant is FAKE news, exactly why we're here on the blog for honest fair reporting of facts.

  37. Sometimes i drink on pjs.

  38. Cosby,

    I think you need to talk to some of his fellow firefighters. It was the dirty little secret in that house and firefighters and officers attempted to report the illegal activities numerous times and they were actually threatened with punishment if they pushed the issue. The former Chief was well aware of the problem and turned a blind eye to it. The last several Chiefs were all aware of drug use in Firehouses and even drug dealing out of firehouses by onDuty personnel. Sadly, their lack of leadership may have resulted in HFD's first line of duty death in decades. And read the Medical Examiners original report, one of the contributing factors to the death was a cardiac condition caused by "chronic cocaine abuse". That damage didn't occur from one night of hard partying 24 hours before the Blue Hills fire. It quite possibly could have been averted if any of the previous Chiefs had the guts to do the job they were being paid to and got help for a firefighter who needed it...before he died.

  39. Even if you believe that drugs or alcohol had something to do with his death, it still can,t be explained why his Officer made it all the way back to his apparatus without knowing he was missing. This after stating in his report that he was with him and heard his alarm going off. There is more than one cover-up! Just as much was done to cover up the fact that his Officer was never with him and totally falsified his incident report.

  40. The Board of Inquiry into Bell's death as well as the Fire Chiefs Task Force collectively were nothing short of a dog and pony show. It took a very long time but I am glad that the WHOLE truth is finally out in the public domain. I sincerely doubt that Luke Bronin is going to make a public statement regarding the release of the toxicology report. How would he explain the renaming of the fire house after Bell? That is nothing but a mockery.

  41. The biggest problem wright now is the maintenance of the fire apperatus . Great mechanics really know there stuff. Due to nepotism a guy who has less tools than my kids toys r us tool bench with working drill is in "charge".

  42. Boohoo i have more patches and certification than him i should have been promoted not him im gonna go show west hoffard how to run a repair shop

  43. @8:14pm. I don't understand why you think that part was a cover-up. Didn't Bell's family name the officer you are speaking of as a defendant in their lawsuit? I believe their lawsuit was settled in December. The results of the toxicology report were only released publicly yesterday. The fatal fire occurred over two and a half years ago. The very last piece of info to come out was the toxicology report. Interesting that the toxicology report did not come out publicaly until after the family's lawsuit was settled and the firehouse was renamed after Bell.

    1. Toxicology reports are complete 2 - 4 weeks after autopsy.

  44. What a lost opportunity for the Hartford Fire Dept, Everyone but the chiefs and politicians seem to be aware of the dangerously long history of drug and alcohol abuse amongst the HFD . Instead of tackling this head on ,they swept it under the rug. This is the same dept that administered its last mandatory for all drug test 15 yrs ago. Instead of forcing these individuals to get help ,headquarters was/is forcing officers to keep their mouths shut when stuck with a problem child.I remember when a chief picked up his cousin at 16's in the chiefs black car and chauffeured him home after his officer deemed him unfit for duty ,no paperwork,no much needed treatment,nothing. Sure they offer EAP which over the years appointed firefighters to facilitate treatment,great idea ,go spill your heart out to a co-worker ,your issues will be known by others by the time you make it to your car in the parking lot. Funnier still is most appointed EAP officers needed the help more. No doubt that Chief Huertes and deputy chief Brady knew about this toxicology report,but these two felt it more important to reprimand and retrain firefighters who didn't put on a nasal cannula properly than open up honestly to all of us .So to all you politicians,chiefs (active and retired) please think about this when you lay your head on the pillow tonight,,,a lot of reputations were tarnished because of your secrecy and incompetence.

    1. Just flush Hartford down the toilet once and for all. Bronin is far from a leader. A true leader could have probably done something. Hartford hasn't seen that in a while.

  45. Many people knew about this hidden report. Im sure the emails and word of mouth will reveal the people involved.

  46. The last few Chief's were more worried about patches, chinstraps, and collars. Busy punishing great drivers for running green traffic lights, watching the apparatus tracker to nail guys who leave a call on the edge of their first due area and go around the block into someone elses first due area. These guys were cowards to deal with real issues such as drug use, awol, racism. Same with machine shop boss (past one), disabled scene lights moving so you cant see house numbers. Disable high idle so drivers can get heat quicker. Same again with FMO, bullshit antiquated area survey using building cards from the fifties, all just to drum up their inspection numbers. And lastly, SSU, phone calls telling the officer 30 kids are coming in 10 minutes. No helmets or pamphlets to hand out. SSU's job is to educate kids, but they never come out on these tours. Nobody knows what they do, thats the secret service of cowards who cant handle line duties.
    Such a shame, if past admins had the guts and smarts to stop this behavior HFD would truly be a Class 1 department. Bell might still be alive if he got help for drug issues. Maybe his chickenshit officer would have stayed with him on the pipe. Maybe the Deputy in charge would have had actual line experience insted of hiding on the third floor doing pencil pushing then getting promoted to Deputy wih shit experience.

  47. Wow.....this is a tough one deciding what department is more dysfunctional? Hartford Fire Department or Police Department.

  48. Those chiefs are no different than the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in moving those known child molesters from church to church ( That reminds me,anyone know how HFD'S former chaplain Father Foley is doing ?). Keep moving the problem child around until you find an officer willing to make a deal for future advancement or cushy transfer. What a deal too,babysit this junky for a few months or years and we'll hook you up,,,no thanks... 2:20pm thanks for the chuckle , I had a chief tell me to trim my cool looking mustache while his driver was sporting red dreadlocks and f#%king clogs on their feet. You can't make this shit up!

  49. 5:00pm. HPD AINT GOT SHIT ON HFD

  50. The only reason the Bell toxicology report was released is because it was forced out by an FOI request. If it were up to the powers that be that report would never have seen the light of day.

  51. Kevin is always more accurate than the failing Courant. He gets the real facts from his "sources" and then weeds through Foley's spin. I trust Kevin and WTP 100 times more than Vinnie Vella And 1000 times more than Jenna Carlesso

  52. @ 11:08 PM

    FOI doesn't cover medical records; they're protected.

    Someone gave the Courant that report.

  53. @4:19 How did the medical examiners original report that Kevin Brookman referred to get released? Did someone hand that one to the Courant too?

  54. 7:39pm
    Manner and cause of death from an autopsy, for whatever reason, is public information and you can normally get that right over the phone by calling the OCME in Farmington. Toxicology and detailed info is not public information unless released by the family, and I don't see that happening if there is negative information in those reports. Since the toxicology was part of the CSP report, I am not sureCSP can claim a medical exemption since they are not "medical professionals" as outlined in the FOI exemptions. Might be one for an FOI test if it hasn't already been before theCommission

  55. Thanks for the clarification, Kevin. This is good to know.

  56. Maybe it's time to give the Courant all the names of hartford cops that have dies committed suicide due to substance abuse within the last 10 years and the one that were using while on duty since they feel the need to throw fire under the bus

  57. @6:50am- I believe Bell toxicology report was provided to the Courant by the CSP not the HPD.

  58. Hey HPD How often you "mandatory for all " drug test? HFD had one in the past 22yrs , and get this , we had a 6 month heads up when it was coming and we still had a bunch who failed! No joke, I never thought my city of birth would turn into the shithole it is. I was told as young man all good things and all bad things don't last forever ,but Hartford is going to prove that all bad things last forever

    1. HPD would lose quite a few I'd gather. HPD hasn't seen a random drug test in probably 20 years.

    2. I'd say 60% of the dept would get canned.

    3. 60% is a little high I'd say. I'd go with 6%.
