Sunday, July 23, 2017


At first I thought this unusual occurrence report from HPD was a joke.

 I know HPD has encouraged people to use the HPD headquarters parking lot at 253 High Street as a safe location for "offerup" and "craiglist" transactions.

 Apparently two potential cocaine purchasers also thought it would be a good location to score their coke this morning.

The two approached a HPD officer finishing up his shift at 2:00am and asked the officer for the closest ATM so they could get $60.00 to buy cocaine. The officer directed them to the lobby of the Police Department where they used the ATM in the lobby, and were promptly arrested and taken into custody for conspiracy to purchase and possess narcotics
FILE_7704 by on Scribd


  1. Something tells me that their previous scores of cocaine really fried their brains. Dummies!

  2. True, that reminds me of the old commercial with the egg in the frying pan ..."This is your brain on drugs"

  3. Thanks to Governor Malloy and the Dems.....narcotics/cocaine possession is a minor misdemeanor, probably community court. No longer a felony. Pretty soon it will be an infraction.

  4. Hartford PD Really Has Adopted The "Broken Windows Theory"July 23, 2017 at 9:21 PM

    Hey Kevin, did something happen to D/C Foley's Twitter account? I didn't see the story about HPD "safely" and "peacefully" making an arrest at the Public Safety Complex. I guess SarahLuke must have told him to keep it quiet. I'm glad we have you to bring us the real news instead of that "fake news" he posts on that personal Twitter account that he uses. All those people coming from towns and cities other then Hartford to turn in guns at the Gun BuyBack then a day later we have a homicide committed by a juvenile. What a joke!!! That poor innocent man minding his own business gunned down by a juvenile. The city has no future with this current leadership.

  5. That is funny. We needed it.

  6. 9:21pm

    Foley must be laying low in preparation for the big "transition" command change coming soon, I don't think Foley or Rendock or Ford are going to fit in too well under the changes, time to update the resumes.

    I don't recall seeing anything about the handgun recovered off a couple of 17 year olds tonight after the pursuit that ended on Vine St after a carjacking in Newington. A photo of the handgun with the pink grips would have made another great "peacefully" and "safely" sugar coated Foley message

  7. What idiots !!! All they had to do to score was go to Engine 8 or Engine 1 !!! Hartford Fire and Hartford Police uniforms are similar so maybe an honest mistake and I should apologize for the "idiot" comment.

  8. 10:09PM

    a little scary that there are people that stupid in the world. Should the officers in uniform standing behind the shattered front windows wrapped in yellow caution tape have been an indication this was not a drug den? Hopefully they aren't parents, the gene pool seems a little polluted

  9. 10:18pm

    Now that is even funnier than the unusual

  10. I am deeply sadden to hear this story. America is out of control. A remedy for the USA is to have a good cop for each bad human being. It is extemely sad that violence has taken over society.

  11. My previous comment was never posted in another thread so this is unrelated to this stellar story.

    It baffles my mind that HPD is pushing 100 plus Officers short of their full strength staffing levels. I can't imagine how a Friday or Saturday night shift can be. Wait, yes I could; reactive units- respond to call, stay on the call as long as possible then sit in a parking lot waiting for the next bs call. A short time ago, I wanted to be a HPD officer more than anything (mind you That at this point I had been a Police Officer for another agency for quite some time and was looking to transfer). I wanted to work in the "big city." I decide to make some calls to friends that work for HPD and seek advice. All I got from them was; "are you stupid?" and "this place is a sinking ship." I ignored their feedback and proceed to fill out an application which I submitted promptly. Fast forward three or four months, and never received a response after submitting the application. Again, after seeking advice from HPD officers, I decide to go to the HR department and inquire the status of the process and if my application was received. The response I got from the woman behind the counter was, "we'll call you when we're ready." Whatever, I understand she works for the HR department in Hartford and probably deals with people coming in and out of the office all day asking the same thing. I continue to ignore all the signs that I was forwarned about. Finally get a letter in the mail for a date to take the written exam. Take the exam and receive a score of a 90. Now the ball is rolling and I'm ready to jump ship. Long story short, another six months pass after taking the written exam. I decide to make another trip to HR and again inquire on the status of the testing process. The woman behind the counter again kind of brushed me off like I wasn't important enough for her while she spoke in Spanish to another woman about how she's going to get her hair done after her work shift.

    I now know why HPD isn't hiring anyone or only a few at a time. It's because of the piss poor HR department who have no social skills and lack any type of common sense. I know numerous other Officers who were looking to transfer to HPD as well but experienced similar events that resulted in them never following through. I did end up transferring to another agency (a city and similar sized PD) and their whole testing process took a whopping one month to complete.

    Kudos to the Officers that remain and work in Hartford. I guess it may get better- or not.

  12. Brian. I guess u can stop the show. It failed. No hpd head honcho for u. Nor in glastonbury. You did your best with all the 59s and 14s at the mayors ankles. The google search feature will always be your kryptonite. The time is geting near .........

  13. The shakeup is going to be very entertaining. I request a popcorn machine for the patrol room. Rendock can go work with the hev at trinity. Ford had the baton but dropped it years ago. He will drop Captain West like Mr T handled business in Rocky 3. Foley and his egotisical revenge personality will be his ultimate defeat. Karma is a real thing brian. Good luck to your twittle career.

  14. Were they wearing red HFD recruit t-shirts? Possibly testing the waters on where to score some drugs? They are new and probably can't find Eng#1 or Eng#8's house yet.

  15. Hartford is experiencing major budget cuts. You must recognize the fact HPD Police Chief Rovella and his dedicated wife live in Hartford. Chief has many years of experience. Please do not throw stones. Sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me. Understand!!!!

    1. Nobody can knock Rovella's dedication, I agree. Nobody can deny he does live in Hartford. However, his leadership qualities and approach on crime can be questioned. He is definitely better than many of his predecessors.

  16. Maybe they bought cocaine at hfd in the past since hpd and hfd are housed together. They probably mistook the officer for a ff kevin.

  17. 11:45PM

    I definitely enjoy the comments here as much as the next person, but some times I have to step in and say something. Yes, drugs and alcohol have been a problem at HFD and they appear as though they may still be if the information I am getting is true. The days of the bad boys (and girls) running wild has gone on for years and was totally ignored by previous Chiefs , and they were aware of of drug use in Firehouses and pretty much condoned it. Under Chief Freeman, a Chief who I respect and support his leadership, has probably done more and set a tone of accountability than has been done in the last 2 or 3 decades. More FF's have been disciplined , and yes even terminated, during Chief Freeman's tenure than I can recall in any time previous. It is no longer business as usual, but it will take a while to identify and deal with the the bad actors and I think the Union also understands that they can no longer be called on and expected to protect dirty firefighters.

    With that being said, we still have the vast majority of our firefighters willing to risk their lives for us everyday and function as the true professionals we know they are and expect them to be.

  18. D/C Foley was actually thinking he would be the head Chief. Long is my pick. Rovella did ok, at least Much better then roberts, harnett, marquis. But the dept needs troops badly. Most of the new guys are eager and wanna work and be good cops. But burnout is much higher these days with the 20-30 calls a shift. And kick some of these 30 or so comp injury con game officers. Calling out sick 20 minutes before your shift so a newer officer on about 5 hrs sleep has to work a double for you now. I would flick a pic of the role. But i hope the enforcement on these new antics are addressed. Yes. It is hpd dirty laundry. Usually actions happen when issues are exposed to media. Officer safety is the upmost pride i still have. The current transition plan i have reviewed gets a good B - rating. Could be better. Could be worse. But a bleaching on the complex is needed every 5 - 7 years.

    1. What's a transition plan you speak of? Officer safety is the upmost pride you still have? Not sure your making sense.

  19. Sorry BJ, but you will not be getting the top stop at HPD or Glastonbury. You should've finished up that degree in the twenty plus years you were here. Twitting away and a pretty face in front of the camera will not cut it out without the proper qualifications. At least you still have Cicero to spank around. Btw Kevin why is HPD promoting a certain individual to AC when the city is supposedly in dire straits. know we will go to one Chief, one AC, five DC's and one Captain. That is asinine. Talk about being top heavy! As a city resident and tax payer I believe my tax money would be better spent getting rid of two or three DC's, eliminate the AC position and spread the command staff work load to the captains and lieutenants. Makes sense don't you think Kevin?

  20. I think the impending A/C promotion is part of the transition plan, which makes sense for the good of the department. Keep in mind the AC spots have been open for a while, so that money has not been spent, Hopefully there will be some management changes as a new regime comes in, I am going to keep some of my thoughts (ok, most of my thoughts) to myself on the transition with one exception. If what I am hearing is true, the AC and eventually interim Chief will leave HPD in capable hands, I hope, until a permanent Chief is named. The future of HPD is very important to me and my neighbors and the past is the past, let's see where we go from here. Whoever succeeds Chief Rovella as the permanent Chief will have huge shoes to fill. Also, the day Chief Rovella took over I think he had close to 30 Lieutenants, today he has about 12. The management structure in place worked for a reason, and maybe top heavy , but it worked. Lack of proper supervision is part of the problem as well as being severely under staffed. It is not all about money and we usually pay more in the long run

  21. This also seems odd:

    Twenty-two years after being shot twice -- once in the head -- while aiding a fellow officer, Hippe was recognized for that bravery. In 1974, the department didn't hand out Police Crosses. Thursday, the force rectified that.

  22. Yall better leave Deputy Chief Brian Foley aka Lex Luger alone before he hits all you Jabronis with the Lex Express
